849 research outputs found

    Homography-Based Positioning and Planar Motion Recovery

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    Planar motion is an important and frequently occurring situation in mobile robotics applications. This thesis concerns estimation of ego-motion and pose of a single downwards oriented camera under the assumptions of planar motion and known internal camera parameters. The so called essential matrix (or its uncalibrated counterpart, the fundamental matrix) is frequently used in computer vision applications to compute a reconstruction in 3D of the camera locations and the observed scene. However, if the observed points are expected to lie on a plane - e.g. the ground plane - this makes the determination of these matrices an ill-posed problem. Instead, methods based on homographies are better suited to this situation.One section of this thesis is concerned with the extraction of the camera pose and ego-motion from such homographies. We present both a direct SVD-based method and an iterative method, which both solve this problem. The iterative method is extended to allow simultaneous determination of the camera tilt from several homographies obeying the same planar motion model. This extension improves the robustness of the original method, and it provides consistent tilt estimates for the frames that are used for the estimation. The methods are evaluated using experiments on both real and synthetic data.Another part of the thesis deals with the problem of computing the homographies from point correspondences. By using conventional homography estimation methods for this, the resulting homography is of a too general class and is not guaranteed to be compatible with the planar motion assumption. For this reason, we enforce the planar motion model at the homography estimation stage with the help of a new homography solver using a number of polynomial constraints on the entries of the homography matrix. In addition to giving a homography of the right type, this method uses only \num{2.5} point correspondences instead of the conventional four, which is good \eg{} when used in a RANSAC framework for outlier removal

    Robust Estimation of Motion Parameters and Scene Geometry : Minimal Solvers and Convexification of Regularisers for Low-Rank Approximation

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    In the dawning age of autonomous driving, accurate and robust tracking of vehicles is a quintessential part. This is inextricably linked with the problem of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), in which one tries to determine the position of a vehicle relative to its surroundings without prior knowledge of them. The more you know about the object you wish to track—through sensors or mechanical construction—the more likely you are to get good positioning estimates. In the first part of this thesis, we explore new ways of improving positioning for vehicles travelling on a planar surface. This is done in several different ways: first, we generalise the work done for monocular vision to include two cameras, we propose ways of speeding up the estimation time with polynomial solvers, and we develop an auto-calibration method to cope with radially distorted images, without enforcing pre-calibration procedures.We continue to investigate the case of constrained motion—this time using auxiliary data from inertial measurement units (IMUs) to improve positioning of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The proposed methods improve the state-of-the-art for partially calibrated cases (with unknown focal length) for indoor navigation. Furthermore, we propose the first-ever real-time compatible minimal solver for simultaneous estimation of radial distortion profile, focal length, and motion parameters while utilising the IMU data.In the third and final part of this thesis, we develop a bilinear framework for low-rank regularisation, with global optimality guarantees under certain conditions. We also show equivalence between the linear and the bilinear framework, in the sense that the objectives are equal. This enables users of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)—or other subgradient or splitting methods—to transition to the new framework, while being able to enjoy the benefits of second order methods. Furthermore, we propose a novel regulariser fusing two popular methods. This way we are able to combine the best of two worlds by encouraging bias reduction while enforcing low-rank solutions

    Novel chemometric proposals for advanced multivariate data analysis, processing and interpretation

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    The present Ph.D. thesis, primarily conceived to support and reinforce the relation between academic and industrial worlds, was developed in collaboration with Shell Global Solutions (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) in the endeavour of applying and possibly extending well-established latent variable-based approaches (i.e. Principal Component Analysis - PCA - Partial Least Squares regression - PLS - or Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis - PLSDA) for complex problem solving not only in the fields of manufacturing troubleshooting and optimisation, but also in the wider environment of multivariate data analysis. To this end, novel efficient algorithmic solutions are proposed throughout all chapters to address very disparate tasks, from calibration transfer in spectroscopy to real-time modelling of streaming flows of data. The manuscript is divided into the following six parts, focused on various topics of interest: Part I - Preface, where an overview of this research work, its main aims and justification is given together with a brief introduction on PCA, PLS and PLSDA; Part II - On kernel-based extensions of PCA, PLS and PLSDA, where the potential of kernel techniques, possibly coupled to specific variants of the recently rediscovered pseudo-sample projection, formulated by the English statistician John C. Gower, is explored and their performance compared to that of more classical methodologies in four different applications scenarios: segmentation of Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images, discrimination of on-/off-specification batch runs, monitoring of batch processes and analysis of mixture designs of experiments; Part III - On the selection of the number of factors in PCA by permutation testing, where an extensive guideline on how to accomplish the selection of PCA components by permutation testing is provided through the comprehensive illustration of an original algorithmic procedure implemented for such a purpose; Part IV - On modelling common and distinctive sources of variability in multi-set data analysis, where several practical aspects of two-block common and distinctive component analysis (carried out by methods like Simultaneous Component Analysis - SCA - DIStinctive and COmmon Simultaneous Component Analysis - DISCO-SCA - Adapted Generalised Singular Value Decomposition - Adapted GSVD - ECO-POWER, Canonical Correlation Analysis - CCA - and 2-block Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures - O2PLS) are discussed, a new computational strategy for determining the number of common factors underlying two data matrices sharing the same row- or column-dimension is described, and two innovative approaches for calibration transfer between near-infrared spectrometers are presented; Part V - On the on-the-fly processing and modelling of continuous high-dimensional data streams, where a novel software system for rational handling of multi-channel measurements recorded in real time, the On-The-Fly Processing (OTFP) tool, is designed; Part VI - Epilogue, where final conclusions are drawn, future perspectives are delineated, and annexes are included.La presente tesis doctoral, concebida principalmente para apoyar y reforzar la relación entre la academia y la industria, se desarrolló en colaboración con Shell Global Solutions (Amsterdam, Países Bajos) en el esfuerzo de aplicar y posiblemente extender los enfoques ya consolidados basados en variables latentes (es decir, Análisis de Componentes Principales - PCA - Regresión en Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales - PLS - o PLS discriminante - PLSDA) para la resolución de problemas complejos no sólo en los campos de mejora y optimización de procesos, sino también en el entorno más amplio del análisis de datos multivariados. Con este fin, en todos los capítulos proponemos nuevas soluciones algorítmicas eficientes para abordar tareas dispares, desde la transferencia de calibración en espectroscopia hasta el modelado en tiempo real de flujos de datos. El manuscrito se divide en las seis partes siguientes, centradas en diversos temas de interés: Parte I - Prefacio, donde presentamos un resumen de este trabajo de investigación, damos sus principales objetivos y justificaciones junto con una breve introducción sobre PCA, PLS y PLSDA; Parte II - Sobre las extensiones basadas en kernels de PCA, PLS y PLSDA, donde presentamos el potencial de las técnicas de kernel, eventualmente acopladas a variantes específicas de la recién redescubierta proyección de pseudo-muestras, formulada por el estadista inglés John C. Gower, y comparamos su rendimiento respecto a metodologías más clásicas en cuatro aplicaciones a escenarios diferentes: segmentación de imágenes Rojo-Verde-Azul (RGB), discriminación y monitorización de procesos por lotes y análisis de diseños de experimentos de mezclas; Parte III - Sobre la selección del número de factores en el PCA por pruebas de permutación, donde aportamos una guía extensa sobre cómo conseguir la selección de componentes de PCA mediante pruebas de permutación y una ilustración completa de un procedimiento algorítmico original implementado para tal fin; Parte IV - Sobre la modelización de fuentes de variabilidad común y distintiva en el análisis de datos multi-conjunto, donde discutimos varios aspectos prácticos del análisis de componentes comunes y distintivos de dos bloques de datos (realizado por métodos como el Análisis Simultáneo de Componentes - SCA - Análisis Simultáneo de Componentes Distintivos y Comunes - DISCO-SCA - Descomposición Adaptada Generalizada de Valores Singulares - Adapted GSVD - ECO-POWER, Análisis de Correlaciones Canónicas - CCA - y Proyecciones Ortogonales de 2 conjuntos a Estructuras Latentes - O2PLS). Presentamos a su vez una nueva estrategia computacional para determinar el número de factores comunes subyacentes a dos matrices de datos que comparten la misma dimensión de fila o columna y dos planteamientos novedosos para la transferencia de calibración entre espectrómetros de infrarrojo cercano; Parte V - Sobre el procesamiento y la modelización en tiempo real de flujos de datos de alta dimensión, donde diseñamos la herramienta de Procesamiento en Tiempo Real (OTFP), un nuevo sistema de manejo racional de mediciones multi-canal registradas en tiempo real; Parte VI - Epílogo, donde presentamos las conclusiones finales, delimitamos las perspectivas futuras, e incluimos los anexos.La present tesi doctoral, concebuda principalment per a recolzar i reforçar la relació entre l'acadèmia i la indústria, es va desenvolupar en col·laboració amb Shell Global Solutions (Amsterdam, Països Baixos) amb l'esforç d'aplicar i possiblement estendre els enfocaments ja consolidats basats en variables latents (és a dir, Anàlisi de Components Principals - PCA - Regressió en Mínims Quadrats Parcials - PLS - o PLS discriminant - PLSDA) per a la resolució de problemes complexos no solament en els camps de la millora i optimització de processos, sinó també en l'entorn més ampli de l'anàlisi de dades multivariades. A aquest efecte, en tots els capítols proposem noves solucions algorítmiques eficients per a abordar tasques dispars, des de la transferència de calibratge en espectroscopia fins al modelatge en temps real de fluxos de dades. El manuscrit es divideix en les sis parts següents, centrades en diversos temes d'interès: Part I - Prefaci, on presentem un resum d'aquest treball de recerca, es donen els seus principals objectius i justificacions juntament amb una breu introducció sobre PCA, PLS i PLSDA; Part II - Sobre les extensions basades en kernels de PCA, PLS i PLSDA, on presentem el potencial de les tècniques de kernel, eventualment acoblades a variants específiques de la recentment redescoberta projecció de pseudo-mostres, formulada per l'estadista anglés John C. Gower, i comparem el seu rendiment respecte a metodologies més clàssiques en quatre aplicacions a escenaris diferents: segmentació d'imatges Roig-Verd-Blau (RGB), discriminació i monitorització de processos per lots i anàlisi de dissenys d'experiments de mescles; Part III - Sobre la selecció del nombre de factors en el PCA per proves de permutació, on aportem una guia extensa sobre com aconseguir la selecció de components de PCA a través de proves de permutació i una il·lustració completa d'un procediment algorítmic original implementat per a la finalitat esmentada; Part IV - Sobre la modelització de fonts de variabilitat comuna i distintiva en l'anàlisi de dades multi-conjunt, on discutim diversos aspectes pràctics de l'anàlisis de components comuns i distintius de dos blocs de dades (realitzat per mètodes com l'Anàlisi Simultània de Components - SCA - Anàlisi Simultània de Components Distintius i Comuns - DISCO-SCA - Descomposició Adaptada Generalitzada en Valors Singulars - Adapted GSVD - ECO-POWER, Anàlisi de Correlacions Canòniques - CCA - i Projeccions Ortogonals de 2 blocs a Estructures Latents - O2PLS). Presentem al mateix temps una nova estratègia computacional per a determinar el nombre de factors comuns subjacents a dues matrius de dades que comparteixen la mateixa dimensió de fila o columna, i dos plantejaments nous per a la transferència de calibratge entre espectròmetres d'infraroig proper; Part V - Sobre el processament i la modelització en temps real de fluxos de dades d'alta dimensió, on dissenyem l'eina de Processament en Temps Real (OTFP), un nou sistema de tractament racional de mesures multi-canal registrades en temps real; Part VI - Epíleg, on presentem les conclusions finals, delimitem les perspectives futures, i incloem annexos.Vitale, R. (2017). Novel chemometric proposals for advanced multivariate data analysis, processing and interpretation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90442TESI


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    1997/1998Questa tesi, intitolata Visione Tridimensionale per la stima di Struttura e Moto, tratta di tecniche di Visione Artificiale per la stima delle proprietà geometriche del mondo tridimensionale a partire da immagini numeriche. Queste proprietà sono essenziali per il riconoscimento e la classificazione di oggetti, la navigazione di veicoli mobili autonomi, il reverse engineering e la sintesi di ambienti virtuali. In particolare, saranno descritti i moduli coinvolti nel calcolo della struttura della scena a partire dalle immagini, e verranno presentati contributi originali nei seguenti campi. Rettificazione di immagini steroscopiche. Viene presentato un nuovo algoritmo per la rettificazione, il quale trasforma una coppia di immagini stereoscopiche in maniera che punti corrispondenti giacciano su linee orizzontali con lo stesso indice. Prove sperimentali dimostrano il corretto comportamento del metodo, come pure la trascurabile perdita di accuratezza nella ricostruzione tridimensionale quando questa sia ottenuta direttamente dalle immagini rettificate. Calcolo delle corrispondenze in immagini stereoscopiche. Viene analizzato il problema della stereovisione e viene presentato un un nuovo ed efficiente algoritmo per l'identificazione di coppie di punti corrispondenti, capace di calcolare in modo robusto la disparità stereoscopica anche in presenza di occlusioni. L'algoritmo, chiamato SMW, usa uno schema multi-finestra adattativo assieme al controllo di coerenza destra-sinistra per calcolare la disparità e l'incertezza associata. Gli esperimenti condotti con immagini sintetiche e reali mostrano che SMW sortisce un miglioramento in accuratezza ed efficienza rispetto a metodi simili Inseguimento di punti salienti. L'inseguitore di punti salienti di Shi-Tomasi- Kanade viene migliorato introducendo uno schema automatico per lo scarto di punti spuri basato sulla diagnostica robusta dei campioni periferici ( outliers ). Gli esperimenti con immagini sintetiche e reali confermano il miglioramento rispetto al metodo originale, sia qualitativamente che quantitativamente. Ricostruzione non calibrata. Viene presentata una rassegna ragionata dei metodi per la ricostruzione di un modello tridimensionale della scena, a partire da una telecamera che si muove liberamente e di cui non sono noti i parametri interni. Il contributo consiste nel fornire una visione critica e unificata delle più recenti tecniche. Una tale rassegna non esiste ancora in letterarura. Moto tridimensionale. Viene proposto un algoritmo robusto per registrate e calcolare le corrispondenze in due insiemi di punti tridimensionali nei quali vi sia un numero significativo di elementi mancanti. Il metodo, chiamato RICP, sfrutta la stima robusta con la Minima Mediana dei Quadrati per eliminare l'effetto dei campioni periferici. Il confronto sperimentale con una tecnica simile, ICP, mostra la superiore robustezza e affidabilità di RICP.This thesis addresses computer vision techniques estimating geometrie properties of the 3-D world /rom digital images. Such properties are essential for object recognition and classification, mobile robots navigation, reverse engineering and synthesis of virtual environments. In particular, this thesis describes the modules involved in the computation of the structure of a scene given some images, and offers original contributions in the following fields. Stereo pairs rectification. A novel rectification algorithm is presented, which transform a stereo pair in such a way that corresponding points in the two images lie on horizontal lines with the same index. Experimental tests prove the correct behavior of the method, as well as the negligible decrease oLthe accuracy of 3-D reconstruction if performed from the rectified images directly. Stereo matching. The problem of computational stereopsis is analyzed, and a new, efficient stereo matching algorithm addressing robust disparity estimation in the presence of occlusions is presented. The algorithm, called SMW, is an adaptive, multi-window scheme using left-right consistency to compute disparity and its associated uncertainty. Experiments with both synthetic and real stereo pairs show how SMW improves on closely related techniques for both accuracy and efficiency. Features tracking. The Shi-Tomasi-Kanade feature tracker is improved by introducing an automatic scheme for rejecting spurious features, based on robust outlier diagnostics. Experiments with real and synthetic images confirm the improvement over the original tracker, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 111 Uncalibrated vision. A review on techniques for computing a three-dimensional model of a scene from a single moving camera, with unconstrained motion and unknown parameters is presented. The contribution is to give a critical, unified view of some of the most promising techniques. Such review does not yet exist in the literature. 3-D motion. A robust algorithm for registering and finding correspondences in two sets of 3-D points with significant percentages of missing data is proposed. The method, called RICP, exploits LMedS robust estimation to withstand the effect of outliers. Experimental comparison with a closely related technique, ICP, shows RICP's superior robustness and reliability.XI Ciclo1968Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    Omnidirectional Stereo Vision for Autonomous Vehicles

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    Environment perception with cameras is an important requirement for many applications for autonomous vehicles and robots. This work presents a stereoscopic omnidirectional camera system for autonomous vehicles which resolves the problem of a limited field of view and provides a 360° panoramic view of the environment. We present a new projection model for these cameras and show that the camera setup overcomes major drawbacks of traditional perspective cameras in many applications

    Intraoperative Endoscopic Augmented Reality in Third Ventriculostomy

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    In neurosurgery, as a result of the brain-shift, the preoperative patient models used as a intraoperative reference change. A meaningful use of the preoperative virtual models during the operation requires for a model update. The NEAR project, Neuroendoscopy towards Augmented Reality, describes a new camera calibration model for high distorted lenses and introduces the concept of active endoscopes endowed with with navigation, camera calibration, augmented reality and triangulation modules

    Pose Invariant Gait Analysis And Reconstruction

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    One of the unique advantages of human gait is that it can be perceived from a distance. A varied range of research has been undertaken within the field of gait recognition. However, in almost all circumstances subjects have been constrained to walk fronto-parallel to the camera with a single walking speed. In this thesis we show that gait has sufficient properties that allows us to exploit the structure of articulated leg motion within single view sequences, in order to remove the unknown subject pose and reconstruct the underlying gait signature, with no prior knowledge of the camera calibration. Articulated leg motion is approximately planar, since almost all of the perceived motion is contained within a single limb swing plane. The variation of motion out of this plane is subtle and negligible in comparison to this major plane of motion. Subsequently, we can model human motion by employing a cardboard person assumption. A subject's body and leg segments may be represented by repeating spatio-temporal motion patterns within a set of bilaterally symmetric limb planes. The static features of gait are defined as quantities that remain invariant over the full range of walking motions. In total, we have identified nine static features of articulated leg motion, corresponding to the fronto-parallel view of gait, that remain invariant to the differences in the mode of subject motion. These features are hypothetically unique to each individual, thus can be used as suitable parameters for biometric identification. We develop a stratified approach to linear trajectory gait reconstruction that uses the rigid bone lengths of planar articulated leg motion in order to reconstruct the fronto-parallel view of gait. Furthermore, subject motion commonly occurs within a fixed ground plane and is imaged by a static camera. In general, people tend to walk in straight lines with constant velocity. Imaged gait can then be split piecewise into natural segments of linear motion. If two or more sufficiently different imaged trajectories are available then the calibration of the camera can be determined. Subsequently, the total pattern of gait motion can be globally parameterised for all subjects within an image sequence. We present the details of a sparse method that computes the maximum likelihood estimate of this set of parameters, then conclude with a reconstruction error analysis corresponding to an example image sequence of subject motion