2,660 research outputs found

    Context-aware information in mobile devices

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    This paper describes a novel approach for indoor location and integration of other services in a university campus using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. These BLE devices broadcast a Bluetooth signal in a limited and configured range/area, thus functioning as beacons that provide useful context-aware information to nearby devices operating with custom applications. Such applications can interpret the received signals as location and provide a range of useful services to the end user (students, events attendees), namely, indoor location and navigation or personalized complex workflows that require the interaction of the end user with multiple services within the university campus.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Nudging according to user’s preferences

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    Physical inactivity has been identified as a global pandemic, physical inactivity causes multiple health outcomes in different demographic group such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon, and breast cancer. A physical inactive person takes less than 5000 steps a day. To try to reduce physical inactivity along individual for healthy lifestyle, this thesis provides personalized digital nudge. Nudge means to guide someone to do something that is beneficial for the long-term benefit of the person being nudged and doing so using UI (user interface) in digital environment is known as digital nudging. As people are relying more on technology for their decision making, the information collected from the integration of the devices is used to provide personalized nudges. As people have access to smartphones and wearable devices, data is collected from these devices to provide tailored nudges to achieve minimum required steps to reduce inactivity. Personalized nudge is a smart nudge which predictably influence people's behaviour. It is a type of digital nudge. This kind of nudge takes user’s information into account before nudging a user. This thesis also provides recommendations (new activities) based on person’s preference. The presented system was also tested by real users, and the feedback suggested that the presented system indeed urged them to be more active

    Multi-Dimensional-Personalization in mobile contexts

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    During the dot com era the word "personalisation” was a hot buzzword. With the fall of the dot com companies the topic has lost momentum. As the killer application for UMTS or the mobile internet has yet to be identified, the concept of Multi-Dimensional-Personalisation (MDP) could be a candidate. Using this approach, a recommendation of mobile advertisement or marketing (i.e., recommendations or notifications), online content, as well as offline events, can be offered to the user based on their known interests and current location. Instead of having to request or pull this information, the new service concept would proactively provide the information and services – with the consequence that the right information or service could therefore be offered at the right place, at the right time. The growing availability of "Location-based Services“ for mobile phones is a new target for the use of personalisation. "Location-based Services“ are information, for example, about restaurants, hotels or shopping malls with offers which are in close range / short distance to the user. The lack of acceptance for such services in the past is based on the fact that early implementations required the user to pull the information from the service provider. A more promising approach is to actively push information to the user. This information must be from interest to the user and has to reach the user at the right time and at the right place. This raises new requirements on personalisation which will go far beyond present requirements. It will reach out from personalisation based only on the interest of the user. Besides the interest, the enhanced personalisation has to cover the location and movement patterns, the usage and the past, present and future schedule of the user. This new personalisation paradigm has to protect the user’s privacy so that an approach supporting anonymous recommendations through an extended "Chinese Wall“ will be described

    ProHealth eCoach: user-centered design and development of an eCoach app to promote healthy lifestyle with personalized activity recommendations

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    Background: Regular physical activity (PA), healthy habits, and an appropriate diet are recommended guidelines to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can help to avoid chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. A monitoring and automatic personalized lifestyle recommendation system (i.e., automatic electronic coach or eCoach) with considering clinical and ethical guidelines, individual health status, condition, and preferences may successfully help participants to follow recommendations to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As a prerequisite for the prototype design of such a helpful eCoach system, it is essential to involve the end-users and subject-matter experts throughout the iterative design process. Methods: We used an iterative user-centered design (UCD) approach to understend context of use and to collect qualitative data to develop a roadmap for self-management with eCoaching. We involved researchers, non-technical and technical, health professionals, subject-matter experts, and potential end-users in design process. We designed and developed the eCoach prototype in two stages, adopting diferent phases of the iterative design process. In design workshop 1, we focused on identifying end-users, understanding the user’s context, specifying user requirements, designing and developing an initial low-fdelity eCoach prototype. In design workshop 2, we focused on maturing the low-fdelity solution design and development for the visualization of continuous and discrete data, artifcial intelligence (AI)-based interval forecasting, personalized recommendations, and activity goals. Results: The iterative design process helped to develop a working prototype of eCoach system that meets end-user’s requirements and expectations towards an efective recommendation visualization, considering diversity in culture, quality of life, and human values. The design provides an early version of the solution, consisting of wearable technology, a mobile app following the “Google Material Design” guidelines, and web content for self-monitoring, goal setting, and lifestyle recommendations in an engaging manner between the eCoach app and end-users. Conclusions: The adopted iterative design process brings in a design focus on the user and their needs at each phase. Throughout the design process, users have been involved at the heart of the design to create a working.publishedVersio

    Engineering an Open Web Syndication Interchange with Discovery and Recommender Capabilities

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    Web syndication has become a popular means of delivering relevant information to people online but the complexity of standards, algorithms and applications pose considerable challenges to engineers.  This paper describes the design and development of a novel Web-based syndication intermediary called InterSynd and a simple Web client as a proof of concept. We developed format-neutral middleware that sits between content sources and the user. Additional objectives were to add feed discovery and recommendation components to the intermediary. A search-based feed discovery module helps users find relevant feed sources. Implicit collaborative recommendations of new feeds are also made to the user. The syndication software built uses open standard XML technologies and the free open source libraries. Extensibility and re-configurability were explicit goals. The experience shows that a modular architecture can combine open source modules to build state-of-the-art syndication middleware and applications. The data produced by software metrics indicate the high degree of modularity retained
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