1,844 research outputs found

    Exploiting the conceptual space in hybrid recommender systems: a semantic-based approach

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, octubre de 200

    Personalised online sales using web usage data mining

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    Practically every major company with a retail operation has its own web site and online sales facilities. This paper describes a toolset that exploits web usage data mining techniques to identify customer Internet browsing patterns. These patterns are then used to underpin a personalised product recommendation system for online sales. Within the architecture, a Kohonen neural network or self-organizing map (SOM) has been trained for use both offline, to discover user group profiles, and in real-time to examine active user click stream data, make a match to a specific user group, and recommend a unique set of product browsing options appropriate to an individual user. Our work demonstrates that this approach can overcome the scalability problem that is common among these types of system. Our results also show that a personalised recommender system powered by the SOM predictive model is able to produce consistent recommendations

    Visual Targeted Advertisement System Based on User Profiling and Content Consumption for Mobile Broadcasting Television

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    Content personalisation is one of the main aims of the mobile media delivery business models, as a new way to improve the user’s experience. In broadcasting networks, the content is sent “one to many”, so a complete personalisation where the user may select any content is not possible. But using the mobile bidirectional return channel (e.g. UMTS connection) visual targeted advertising can be performed in a simple way: by off-line storing the advertisement for selectively replacing the normal broadcasted advertisement. In fact, these concepts provide powerful methods to increase the value of the service, mainly in mobile environments. In this article we present a novel intelligent content personalisation system for targeted advertising over mobile broadcasting networks and terminals, based on user profiling and clustering, as a new solution where the use of content personalisation represents the competitive advantage over traditional advertising

    Pemilihan kerjaya di kalangan pelajar aliran perdagangan sekolah menengah teknik : satu kajian kes

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    This research is a survey to determine the career chosen of form four student in commerce streams. The important aspect of the career chosen has been divided into three, first is information about career, type of career and factor that most influence students in choosing a career. The study was conducted at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Thirty six form four students was chosen by using non-random sampling purpose method as respondent. All information was gather by using questionnaire. Data collected has been analyzed in form of frequency, percentage and mean. Results are performed in table and graph. The finding show that information about career have been improved in students career chosen and mass media is the main factor influencing students in choosing their career

    Semantic recommender systems Provision of personalised information about tourist activities.

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    Aquesta tesi estudia com millorar els sistemes de recomanació utilitzant informació semàntica sobre un determinat domini (en el cas d’aquest treball, Turisme). Les ontologies defineixen un conjunt de conceptes relacionats amb un determinat domini, així com les relacions entre ells. Aquestes estructures de coneixement poden ser utilitzades no només per representar d'una manera més precisa i refinada els objectes del domini i les preferències dels usuaris, sinó també per millorar els procediments de comparació entre els objectes i usuaris (i també entre els mateixos usuaris) amb l'ajuda de mesures de similitud semàntica. Les millores al nivell de la representació del coneixement i al nivell de raonament condueixen a recomanacions més precises i a una millora del rendiment dels sistemes de recomanació, generant nous sistemes de recomanació semàntics intel•ligents. Les dues tècniques bàsiques de recomanació, basades en contingut i en filtratge col•laboratiu, es beneficien de la introducció de coneixement explícit del domini. En aquesta tesi també hem dissenyat i desenvolupat un sistema de recomanació que aplica els mètodes que hem proposat. Aquest recomanador està dissenyat per proporcionar recomanacions personalitzades sobre activitats turístiques a la regió de Tarragona. Les activitats estan degudament classificades i etiquetades d'acord amb una ontologia específica, que guia el procés de raonament. El recomanador té en compte molts tipus diferents de dades: informació demogràfica, les motivacions de viatge, les accions de l'usuari en el sistema, les qualificacions proporcionades per l'usuari, les opinions dels usuaris amb característiques demogràfiques similars o gustos similars, etc. Un procés de diversificació que calcula similituds entre objectes s'aplica per augmentar la varietat de les recomanacions i per tant augmentar la satisfacció de l'usuari. Aquest sistema pot tenir un impacte positiu a la regió en millorar l'experiència dels seus visitants.Esta tesis estudia cómo mejorar los sistemas de recomendación utilizando información semántica sobre un determinado dominio, en el caso de este trabajo el Turismo. Las ontologías definen un conjunto de conceptos relacionados con un determinado dominio, así como las relaciones entre ellos. East estructuras de conocimiento pueden ser utilizadas no sólo para representar de una manera más precisa y refinada los objetos del dominio y las preferencias de los usuarios, sino también para aplicar mejor los procedimientos de comparación entre los objetos y usuarios (y también entre los propios usuarios) con la ayuda de medidas de similitud semántica. Las mejoras al nivel de la representación del conocimiento y al nivel de razonamiento conducen a recomendaciones más precisas y a una mejora del rendimiento de los sistemas de recomendación, generando nuevos sistemas de recomendación semánticos inteligentes. Las dos técnicas de recomendación básicas, basadas en contenido y en filtrado colaborativo, se benefician de la introducción de conocimiento explícito del dominio. En esta tesis también hemos diseñado y desarrollado un sistema de recomendación que aplica los métodos que hemos propuesto. Este recomendador está diseñado para proporcionar recomendaciones personalizadas sobre las actividades turísticas en la región de Tarragona. Las actividades están debidamente clasificadas y etiquetadas de acuerdo con una ontología específica, que guía el proceso de razonamiento. El recomendador tiene en cuenta diferentes tipos de datos: información demográfica, las motivaciones de viaje, las acciones del usuario en el sistema, las calificaciones proporcionadas por el usuario, las opiniones de los usuarios con características demográficas similares o gustos similares, etc. Un proceso de diversificación que calcula similitudes entre objetos se aplica para generar variedad en las recomendaciones y por tanto aumentar la satisfacción del usuario. Este sistema puede tener un impacto positivo en la región al mejorar la experiencia de sus visitantes.This dissertation studies how new improvements can be made on recommender systems by using ontological information about a certain domain (in the case of this work, Tourism). Ontologies define a set of concepts related to a certain domain as well as the relationships among them. These knowledge structures may be used not only to represent in a more precise and refined way the domain objects and the user preferences, but also to apply better matching procedures between objects and users (or between users themselves) with the help of semantic similarity measures. The improvements at the knowledge representation level and at the reasoning level lead to more accurate recommendations and to an improvement of the performance of recommender systems, paving the way towards a new generation of smart semantic recommender systems. Both content-based recommendation techniques and collaborative filtering ones certainly benefit from the introduction of explicit domain knowledge. In this thesis we have also designed and developed a recommender system that applies the methods we have proposed. This recommender is designed to provide personalized recommendations of touristic activities in the region of Tarragona. The activities are properly classified and labelled according to a specific ontology, which guides the reasoning process. The recommender takes into account many different kinds of data: demographic information, travel motivations, the actions of the user on the system, the ratings provided by the user, the opinions of users with similar demographic characteristics or similar tastes, etc. A diversification process that computes similarities between objects is applied to produce diverse recommendations and hence increase user satisfaction. This system can have a beneficial impact on the region by improving the experience of its visitors

    Towards Personalized and Human-in-the-Loop Document Summarization

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    The ubiquitous availability of computing devices and the widespread use of the internet have generated a large amount of data continuously. Therefore, the amount of available information on any given topic is far beyond humans' processing capacity to properly process, causing what is known as information overload. To efficiently cope with large amounts of information and generate content with significant value to users, we require identifying, merging and summarising information. Data summaries can help gather related information and collect it into a shorter format that enables answering complicated questions, gaining new insight and discovering conceptual boundaries. This thesis focuses on three main challenges to alleviate information overload using novel summarisation techniques. It further intends to facilitate the analysis of documents to support personalised information extraction. This thesis separates the research issues into four areas, covering (i) feature engineering in document summarisation, (ii) traditional static and inflexible summaries, (iii) traditional generic summarisation approaches, and (iv) the need for reference summaries. We propose novel approaches to tackle these challenges, by: i)enabling automatic intelligent feature engineering, ii) enabling flexible and interactive summarisation, iii) utilising intelligent and personalised summarisation approaches. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approaches compared to other state-of-the-art models. We further propose solutions to the information overload problem in different domains through summarisation, covering network traffic data, health data and business process data.Comment: PhD thesi

    Semantic modelling of user interests based on cross-folksonomy analysis

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    The continued increase in Web usage, in particular participation in folksonomies, reveals a trend towards a more dynamic and interactive Web where individuals can organise and share resources. Tagging has emerged as the de-facto standard for the organisation of such resources, providing a versatile and reactive knowledge management mechanism that users find easy to use and understand. It is common nowadays for users to have multiple profiles in various folksonomies, thus distributing their tagging activities. In this paper, we present a method for the automatic consolidation of user profiles across two popular social networking sites, and subsequent semantic modelling of their interests utilising Wikipedia as a multi-domain model. We evaluate how much can be learned from such sites, and in which domains the knowledge acquired is focussed. Results show that far richer interest profiles can be generated for users when multiple tag-clouds are combine

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges