9,948 research outputs found

    Persistent Buffer Management with Optimistic Consistency

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    Finding the best way to leverage non-volatile memory (NVM) on modern database systems is still an open problem. The answer is far from trivial since the clear boundary between memory and storage present in most systems seems to be incompatible with the intrinsic memory-storage duality of NVM. Rather than treating NVM either solely as memory or solely as storage, in this work we propose how NVM can be simultaneously used as both in the context of modern database systems. We design a persistent buffer pool on NVM, enabling pages to be directly read/written by the CPU (like memory) while recovering corrupted pages after a failure (like storage). The main benefits of our approach are an easy integration in the existing database architectures, reduced costs (by replacing DRAM with NVM), and faster peak-performance recovery

    Leveraging Non-Volatile Memory in Modern Storage Management Architectures

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    Non-volatile memory technologies (NVM) introduce a novel class of devices that combine characteristics of both storage and main memory. Like storage, NVM is not only persistent, but also denser and cheaper than DRAM. Like DRAM, NVM is byte-addressable and has lower access latency. In recent years, NVM has gained a lot of attention both in academia and in the data management industry, with views ranging from skepticism to over excitement. Some critics claim that NVM is not cheap enough to replace flash-based SSDs nor is it fast enough to replace DRAM, while others see it simply as a storage device. Supporters of NVM have observed that its low latency and byte-addressability requires radical changes and a complete rewrite of storage management architectures. This thesis takes a moderate stance between these two views. We consider that, while NVM might not replace flash-based SSD or DRAM in the near future, it has the potential to reduce the gap between them. Furthermore, treating NVM as a regular storage media does not fully leverage its byte-addressability and low latency. On the other hand, completely redesigning systems to be NVM-centric is impractical. Proposals that attempt to leverage NVM to simplify storage management result in completely new architectures that face the same challenges that are already well-understood and addressed by the traditional architectures. Therefore, we take three common storage management architectures as a starting point, and propose incremental changes to enable them to better leverage NVM. First, in the context of log-structured merge-trees, we investigate the impact of storing data in NVM, and devise methods to enable small granularity accesses and NVM-aware caching policies. Second, in the context of B+Trees, we propose to extend the buffer pool and describe a technique based on the concept of optimistic consistency to handle corrupted pages in NVM. Third, we employ NVM to enable larger capacity and reduced costs in a index+log key-value store, and combine it with other techniques to build a system that achieves low tail latency. This thesis aims to describe and evaluate these techniques in order to enable storage management architectures to leverage NVM and achieve increased performance and lower costs, without major architectural changes.:1 Introduction 1.1 Non-Volatile Memory 1.2 Challenges 1.3 Non-Volatile Memory & Database Systems 1.4 Contributions and Outline 2 Background 2.1 Non-Volatile Memory 2.1.1 Types of NVM 2.1.2 Access Modes 2.1.3 Byte-addressability and Persistency 2.1.4 Performance 2.2 Related Work 2.3 Case Study: Persistent Tree Structures 2.3.1 Persistent Trees 2.3.2 Evaluation 3 Log-Structured Merge-Trees 3.1 LSM and NVM 3.2 LSM Architecture 3.2.1 LevelDB 3.3 Persistent Memory Environment 3.4 2Q Cache Policy for NVM 3.5 Evaluation 3.5.1 Write Performance 3.5.2 Read Performance 3.5.3 Mixed Workloads 3.6 Additional Case Study: RocksDB 3.6.1 Evaluation 4 B+Trees 4.1 B+Tree and NVM 4.1.1 Category #1: Buffer Extension 4.1.2 Category #2: DRAM Buffered Access 4.1.3 Category #3: Persistent Trees 4.2 Persistent Buffer Pool with Optimistic Consistency 4.2.1 Architecture and Assumptions 4.2.2 Embracing Corruption 4.3 Detecting Corruption 4.3.1 Embracing Corruption 4.4 Repairing Corruptions 4.5 Performance Evaluation and Expectations 4.5.1 Checksums Overhead 4.5.2 Runtime and Recovery 4.6 Discussion 5 Index+Log Key-Value Stores 5.1 The Case for Tail Latency 5.2 Goals and Overview 5.3 Execution Model 5.3.1 Reactive Systems and Actor Model 5.3.2 Message-Passing Communication 5.3.3 Cooperative Multitasking 5.4 Log-Structured Storage 5.5 Networking 5.6 Implementation Details 5.6.1 NVM Allocation on RStore 5.6.2 Log-Structured Storage and Indexing 5.6.3 Garbage Collection 5.6.4 Logging and Recovery 5.7 Systems Operations 5.8 Evaluation 5.8.1 Methodology 5.8.2 Environment 5.8.3 Other Systems 5.8.4 Throughput Scalability 5.8.5 Tail Latency 5.8.6 Scans 5.8.7 Memory Consumption 5.9 Related Work 6 Conclusion Bibliography A PiBenc

    Assise: Performance and Availability via NVM Colocation in a Distributed File System

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    The adoption of very low latency persistent memory modules (PMMs) upends the long-established model of disaggregated file system access. Instead, by colocating computation and PMM storage, we can provide applications much higher I/O performance, sub-second application failover, and strong consistency. To demonstrate this, we built the Assise distributed file system, based on a persistent, replicated coherence protocol for managing a set of server-colocated PMMs as a fast, crash-recoverable cache between applications and slower disaggregated storage, such as SSDs. Unlike disaggregated file systems, Assise maximizes locality for all file IO by carrying out IO on colocated PMM whenever possible and minimizes coherence overhead by maintaining consistency at IO operation granularity, rather than at fixed block sizes. We compare Assise to Ceph/Bluestore, NFS, and Octopus on a cluster with Intel Optane DC PMMs and SSDs for common cloud applications and benchmarks, such as LevelDB, Postfix, and FileBench. We find that Assise improves write latency up to 22x, throughput up to 56x, fail-over time up to 103x, and scales up to 6x better than its counterparts, while providing stronger consistency semantics. Assise promises to beat the MinuteSort world record by 1.5x

    Designing a commutative replicated data type

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    Commuting operations greatly simplify consistency in distributed systems. This paper focuses on designing for commutativity, a topic neglected previously. We show that the replicas of \emph{any} data type for which concurrent operations commute converges to a correct value, under some simple and standard assumptions. We also show that such a data type supports transactions with very low cost. We identify a number of approaches and techniques to ensure commutativity. We re-use some existing ideas (non-destructive updates coupled with invariant identification), but propose a much more efficient implementation. Furthermore, we propose a new technique, background consensus. We illustrate these ideas with a shared edit buffer data type

    Improving the Performance and Endurance of Persistent Memory with Loose-Ordering Consistency

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    Persistent memory provides high-performance data persistence at main memory. Memory writes need to be performed in strict order to satisfy storage consistency requirements and enable correct recovery from system crashes. Unfortunately, adhering to such a strict order significantly degrades system performance and persistent memory endurance. This paper introduces a new mechanism, Loose-Ordering Consistency (LOC), that satisfies the ordering requirements at significantly lower performance and endurance loss. LOC consists of two key techniques. First, Eager Commit eliminates the need to perform a persistent commit record write within a transaction. We do so by ensuring that we can determine the status of all committed transactions during recovery by storing necessary metadata information statically with blocks of data written to memory. Second, Speculative Persistence relaxes the write ordering between transactions by allowing writes to be speculatively written to persistent memory. A speculative write is made visible to software only after its associated transaction commits. To enable this, our mechanism supports the tracking of committed transaction ID and multi-versioning in the CPU cache. Our evaluations show that LOC reduces the average performance overhead of memory persistence from 66.9% to 34.9% and the memory write traffic overhead from 17.1% to 3.4% on a variety of workloads.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System

    LogBase: A Scalable Log-structured Database System in the Cloud

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    Numerous applications such as financial transactions (e.g., stock trading) are write-heavy in nature. The shift from reads to writes in web applications has also been accelerating in recent years. Write-ahead-logging is a common approach for providing recovery capability while improving performance in most storage systems. However, the separation of log and application data incurs write overheads observed in write-heavy environments and hence adversely affects the write throughput and recovery time in the system. In this paper, we introduce LogBase - a scalable log-structured database system that adopts log-only storage for removing the write bottleneck and supporting fast system recovery. LogBase is designed to be dynamically deployed on commodity clusters to take advantage of elastic scaling property of cloud environments. LogBase provides in-memory multiversion indexes for supporting efficient access to data maintained in the log. LogBase also supports transactions that bundle read and write operations spanning across multiple records. We implemented the proposed system and compared it with HBase and a disk-based log-structured record-oriented system modeled after RAMCloud. The experimental results show that LogBase is able to provide sustained write throughput, efficient data access out of the cache, and effective system recovery.Comment: VLDB201

    An Architecture for Multi-User Software Development Environments

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    We present an architecture for multi-user software development environments, covering general, process-centered and rule-based MUSDEs. Our architecture is founded on componentization, with particular concern for the capability to replace the synchronization component - to allow experimentation with novel concurrency control mechanisms - with minimal effects on other components while still supporting integration. The architecture has been implemented in the MARVEL SD

    Research issues in real-time database systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Today's real-time systems are characterized by managing large volumes of data. Efficient database management algorithms for accessing and manipulating data are required to satisfy timing constraints of supported applications. Real-time database systems involve a new research area investigating possible ways of applying database systems technology to real-time systems. Management of real-time information through a database system requires the integration of concepts from both real-time systems and database systems. Some new criteria need to be developed to involve timing constraints of real-time applications in many database systems design issues, such as transaction/query processing, data buffering, CPU, and IO scheduling. In this paper, a basic understanding of the issues in real-time database systems is provided and the research efforts in this area are introduced. Different approaches to various problems of real-time database systems are briefly described, and possible future research directions are discussed