477 research outputs found

    The Effects of Cognitive Jamming on Wireless Sensor Networks used for Geolocation

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    The increased use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for geolocation has led to an increased reliance on this technology. Jamming, protecting jamming, and detecting jamming in a WSN are areas of study that have greatly increased in interest. This research uses simulations and data collected from hardware experiments to test the effects of jamming on a WSN. Hardware jamming was tested using a Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) Version 2 to assess the effects of jamming on a cooperative network of Java Sun SPOTs. The research combines simulations and data collected from the hardware experiments to see the effects of jamming on cooperative and noncooperative geolocation

    Software-only TDOA/RTF positioning for 3G WCDMA wireless network

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    A hybrid location finding technique based oil time difference of arrival (TDOA) with round-trip time (RTT) measurements is proposed for a wideband code division Multiple access (WCDMA) network. In this technique, a mobile station measures timing from at least three base stations using user equipment receive-transmit (UE Rx-Tx) time difference and at least three base stations measure timing from the mobile station using RTT. The timing measurements of mobile and base stations are then combined to solve for both the location of the mobile and the synchronization offset between base stations. A software-only geolocation system based on the above mobile/base stations timing measurements is implemented in Matlab platform and the performance of the system is investigated using large-scale propagation models

    A Single Geostationary Satellite for Mobile Terrestrial Transmitter Tracking

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    This paper will describe the Energetics Satellite Locating Service (ESLS) which is a unique, patented, proprietary satellite based geolocation system. This system called SAT/TRAC for Satellite Tracking, Ranging and Communications may be used to quickly determine the present location within 50 feet of any person, vehicle or object that is equipped with a ESLS low power transmitter. This technology represents a novel approach to radio tracking. The single point location system uses a single satellite with a 165 foot inflatable antenna

    System Development for Geolocation in Harsh Environments

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of a set of distributed devices equipped with multiple sensors, which can be employed in different environments of varying characteristics. Nowadays, node localization has become one of their most basic and important requirements. Due to the nature of certain environments, typical positioning systems, such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), cannot be employed. Therefore, in recent years several alternative positioning mechanisms have risen. ROMOVI is a project which has as its main goal the development of low cost autonomous robots capable of monitoring and perform logistic tasks on the steep slopes of the Douro river vineyards. Integrated in this project, this dissertation proposes the development of a full-custom wireless communication system for geolocation purposes in harsh environments. Using a Symmetric Double Sided Two Way Ranging (SDS-TWR) algorithm, it is possible to achieve ranging measures between nodes, thus providing accurate relative positioning. This work focuses mainly on the study of the SDS-TWR algorithm and its major error sources, such as those due to digital clock drift, among others. A preamble based on Frank-Zadoff-Chu sequence was developed and, due to its good periodic autocorrelation properties, a system employing the transmission and reception of this preamble was implemented in hardware, through a field programmable gate array (FPGA). By employing an embedded logic processor, the Altera Nios II, control over the complete procedure of the aforementioned algorithm is possible, to perform and analyze the main advantages of the SDS-TWR algorithm. Finally, a medium access control (MAC) layer frame format was defined, in order to enable future development of communication among multiple nodes, to enhance the original algorithm and, as such, provide the capability of trilateration

    The relationship between choice of spectrum sensing device and secondary-user intrusion in database-driven cognitive radio systems

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    As radios in future wireless systems become more flexible and reconfigurable whilst available radio spectrum becomes scarce, the possibility of using TV White Space devices (WSD) as secondary users in the TV Broadcast Bands (without causing harmful interference to licensed incumbents) becomes ever more attractive. Cognitive Radio encompasses a number of technologies which enable adaptive self-programming of systems at different levels to provide more effective use of the increasingly congested radio spectrum. Cognitive Radio has the potential to use spectrum allocated to TV services, which is not actually being used by these services, without causing disruptive interference to licensed users by using channel selection aided by use of appropriate propagation modelling in TV White Spaces.The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the potential of the Cognitive Radio concept to provide additional bandwidth and improved efficiency to help accelerate the development and acceptance of Cognitive Radio technology. Specifically, firstly: three main classes of spectrum sensing techniques (Energy Detection, Matched Filtering and Cyclostationary Feature Detection) have compare in terms of time and spectrum resources consumed, required prior knowledge and complexity, ranking the three classes according to accuracy and performance. Secondly, investigate spectrum occupancy of the UHF TV band in the frequency range from 470 to 862 MHz by undertaking spectrum occupancy measurements in different locations around the Hull area in the UK, using two different receiver devices; a low cost Software-Defined Radio device and a laboratory-quality spectrum analyser. Thirdly, investigate the best propagation model among three propagation models (Extended-Hata, Davidson-Hata and Egli) for use in the TV band, whilst also finding the optimum terrain data resolution to use (1000, 100 or 30 m). it compares modelled results with the previously-mentioned practical measurements and then describe how such models can be integrated into a database-driven tool for Cognitive Radio channel selection within the TV White Space environment. Fourthly, create a flexible simulation system for creating a TV White Space database by using different propagation models. Finally, design a flexible system which uses a combination of Geolocation Database and Spectrum Sensing in the TV band, comparing the performance of two spectrum analysers (Agilent E4407B and Agilent EXA N9010A) with that of a low cost Software-Defined Radio in the real radio environment. The results shows that white space devices can be designed using SDRs based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip (RTL-SDR), combined with a geolocation database for identifying the primary user in the specific location in a cost-effective manner. Furthermore it is shown that improving the sensitivity of RTL-SDR will affect the accuracy and performance of the WSD

    inTrack: High Precision Tracking of Mobile Sensor Nodes

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    Radio-interferometric ranging is a novel technique that allows for fine-grained node localization in networks of inexpensive COTS nodes. In this paper, we show that the approach can also be applied to precision tracking of mobile sensor nodes. We introduce inTrack, a cooperative tracking system based on radio-interferometry that features high accuracy, long range and low-power operation. The system utilizes a set of nodes placed at known locations to track a mobile sensor. We analyze how target speed and measurement errors affect the accuracy of the computed locations. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we describe our prototype implementation using Berkeley motes. We evaluate the system using data from both simulations and field tests

    Object Tracking Using Ambient Backscatter Technology

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    Ambient backscatter is a new technology that uses ambient signals to enable communication. The system utilizes existing ambient RF radiations as the source of power and also utilizes the same as wireless medium for communication between devices. It leverages the ambient RF signals that are already around us, it does not require a dedicated power infrastructure as in RFID. The basic thought here is that there is a ton of energy in our environment specifically in the form of high-amplitude RF waves from broadcasts, and we should be able to use that energy to do work. With the help of this ambient backscatter technology, we keep in track of the objects/things which we wish to safe guard by keeping them as a transmitter. There is exchange of pulses (RF signals) that takes place between the transmitter and the receiver. When the receiver to which the object is connected is taken away (to some particular distance), the backscattering stops and hence we may use the micro-controller to intimate the user with the help of a message using GSM and track the location of the object using GPRS
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