1,274 research outputs found

    Computational structure‐based drug design: Predicting target flexibility

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    The role of molecular modeling in drug design has experienced a significant revamp in the last decade. The increase in computational resources and molecular models, along with software developments, is finally introducing a competitive advantage in early phases of drug discovery. Medium and small companies with strong focus on computational chemistry are being created, some of them having introduced important leads in drug design pipelines. An important source for this success is the extraordinary development of faster and more efficient techniques for describing flexibility in three‐dimensional structural molecular modeling. At different levels, from docking techniques to atomistic molecular dynamics, conformational sampling between receptor and drug results in improved predictions, such as screening enrichment, discovery of transient cavities, etc. In this review article we perform an extensive analysis of these modeling techniques, dividing them into high and low throughput, and emphasizing in their application to drug design studies. We finalize the review with a section describing our Monte Carlo method, PELE, recently highlighted as an outstanding advance in an international blind competition and industrial benchmarks.We acknowledge the BSC-CRG-IRB Joint Research Program in Computational Biology. This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Government CTQ2016-79138-R.J.I. acknowledges support from SVP-2014-068797, awarded by the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    QCSPScore: a new scoring function for driving protein-ligand docking with quantitative chemical shifts perturbations

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    Through the use of information about the biological target structure, the optimization of potential drugs can be improved. In this work I have developed a procedure that uses the quantitative change in the chemical perturbations (CSP) in the protein from NMR experiments for driving protein-ligand docking. The approach is based on a hybrid scoring function (QCSPScore) which combines traditional DrugScore potentials, which describe the interaction between protein and ligand, with Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient, which evaluates docking poses in terms of their agreement with experimental CSP. Prediction of the CSP for a specific ligand pose is done efficiently with an empirical model, taking into account only ring current effects. QCSPScore has been implemented in the AutoDock software package. Compared to previous methods, this approach shows that the use of rank correlation coefficient is robust to outliers. In addition, the prediction of native-like complex geometries improved because the CSP are already being used during the docking process, and not only in a post-filtering setting for generated docking poses. Since the experimental information is guaranteed to be quantitatively used, CSP effectively contribute to align the ligand in the binding pocket. The first step in the development of QCSPScore was the analysis of 70 protein-ligand complexes for which reference CSP were computed. The success rate in the docking increased from 71% without involvement of CSP to 100% if CSP were considered at the highest weighting scheme. In a second step QCSPScore was used in re-docking three test cases, for which reference experimental CSP data was available. Without CSP, i.e. in the use of conventional DrugScore potentials, none of the three test cases could be successfully re-docked. The integration of CSP with the same weighting factor as described above resulted in all three cases successfully re-docked. For two of the three complexes, native-like solutions were only produced if CSP were considered.Conformational changes in the binding pockets of up to 2 Å RMSD did not affect the success of the docking. QCSPScore will be particularly interesting in difficult protein-ligand complexes. They are in particular those cases in which the shape of the binding pocket does not provide sufficient steric restraints such as in flat protein-protein interfaces and in the virtual screening of small chemical fragments.Durch die Verwendung von Information ĂŒber die biologische Zielstruktur kann die Optimierung potentieller Wirkstoffe verbessert werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit habe ich ein Verfahren entwickelt, das quantitativ die VerĂ€nderung der Chemischen Verschieben (CSP) im Protein aus NMR-Experimenten fĂŒr das Protein-Ligand-Docking verwendet. Der Ansatz basiert auf einer Hybridbewertungsfunktion (QCSPScore) und kombiniert herkömmliche DrugScore-Potentiale, welche die Wechselwirkung zwischen Protein und Ligand beschreiben, mit dem Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten nach Kendall, der die Dockingposen hinsichtlich ihrer Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen CSP. Die Vorhersage der CSP fĂŒr einen bestimmten Liganden geschieht effizient mit einem empirischen Modell, wobei nur Ringstromeffekte berĂŒcksichtigt werden. QCSPScore wurde in das AutoDock Softwarepaket implementiert. Im Vergleich zu frĂŒheren Verfahren zeigt dieser Ansatz, dass die Verwendung des Rangkorrelationskoeffizienten robuster ist gegenĂŒber Ausreißern in den vorhergesagten CSP. Außerdem ist die Vorhersage nativ-Ă€hnlicher Komplexgeometrien verbessert, da die CSP bereits wĂ€hrend des Docking-Prozesses eingesetzt werden, und nicht erst in einem nachtrĂ€glichen Filter fĂŒr generierte Dockingposen. Da die experimentelle Informationen quantitativ benutzt werden wird sichergestellt, dass die CSP effektiv dazu beitragen, den Liganden in der Bindetasche auszurichten. Der erste Schritt bei der Entwicklung des QCSPScore war die Analyse von 70 Protein-Ligand-Komplexen, fĂŒr die als Referenz CSP vorhergesagt wurden. Die Erfolgsrate im Docking erhöhte sich von 71 %, ohne Einbeziehung von CSP, auf 100 %, wenn CSP mit höchster Gewichtung mit einbezogen wurden. Die globale Optimierung auf der kombinierten Docking-EnergiehyperflĂ€che ist also erfolgreich. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde QCSPScore zum Docking dreier TestfĂ€lle verwendet, fĂŒr die als Referenz experimentelle CSP zur VerfĂŒgung standen. Ohne CSP, d.h. bei der Verwendung von herkömmlichen DrugScore-Potentialen, konnte keiner der drei TestfĂ€lle erfolgreich gedockt werden. Die Einbeziehung von CSP mit dem selben hohen Gewichtungsfaktor wie oben fĂŒhrte in allen drei FĂ€llen zu erfolgreichen Docking-Ergebnissen. FĂŒr zwei der drei Komplexe wurden zudem nur bei Einbeziehung der experimentellen Information nativ-Ă€hnliche Geometrien vorhergesagt. Konformationelle Änderungen der Bindetasche bis zu 2 Å RMSD beeintrĂ€chtigen den Erfolg des Dockings nicht. Ich bin davon ĂŒberzeugt, dass mein Verfahren besonders fĂŒr Protein-Ligand-Komplexe interessant sein wird, fĂŒr die die Vorhersage nativ-Ă€hnlicher Komplexe bislang schwierig war. Das sind insbesondere solche FĂ€lle, in denen die Form der Bindetasche zur Vorhersage des Komplexes nicht ausreichend, wie das bei flachen Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungsregionen oder beim virtuellen Screening kleiner Fragmente der Fall ist

    Targeting SxIP-EB1 interaction: An integrated approach to the discovery of small molecule modulators of dynamic binding sites

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    End binding protein 1 (EB1) is a key element in the complex network of protein-protein interactions at microtubule (MT) growing ends, which has a fundamental role in MT polymerisation. EB1 is an important protein target as it is involved in regulating MT dynamic behaviour, and has been associated with several disease states, such as cancer and neuronal diseases. Diverse EB1 binding partners are recognised through a conserved four amino acid motif, (serine-X-isoleucine-proline) which exists within an intrinsically disordered region. Here we report the use of a multidisciplinary computational and experimental approach for the discovery of the first small molecule scaffold which targets the EB1 recruiting domain. This approach includes virtual screening (structure- and ligand-based design) and multiparameter compound selection. Subsequent studies on the selected compounds enabled the elucidation of the NMR structures of the C-terminal domain of EB1 in the free form and complexed with a small molecule. These structures show that the binding site is not preformed in solution, and ligand binding is fundamental for the binding site formation. This work is a successful demonstration of the combination of modelling and experimental methods to enable the discovery of compounds which bind to these challenging systems

    New Monte Carlo Based Technique To Study DNA–Ligand Interactions

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    We present a new all-atom Monte Carlo technique capable of performing quick and accurate DNA–ligand conformational sampling. In particular, and using the PELE software as a frame, we have introduced an additional force field, an implicit solvent, and an anisotropic network model to effectively map the DNA energy landscape. With these additions, we successfully generated DNA conformations for a test set composed of six DNA fragments of A-DNA and B-DNA. Moreover, trajectories generated for cisplatin and its hydrolysis products identified the best interacting compound and binding site, producing analogous results to microsecond molecular dynamics simulations. Furthermore, a combination of the Monte Carlo trajectories with Markov State Models produced noncovalent binding free energies in good agreement with the published molecular dynamics results, at a significantly lower computational cost. Overall our approach will allow a quick but accurate sampling of DNA–ligand interactions.The authors thank the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for computational resources. This work was supported by grants from the European Research Council—2009-Adg25027-PELE European project and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness CTQ2013-48287 and “Juan de la Cierva” to F.L.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    NMR and Computational Characterization of Protein Structure and Ligand Binding

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques combined with computational methods such as docking and cheminformatics were used to characterize protein structure and ligand binding. The thioredoxin system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis consists of a thioredoxin reductase and at least three thioredoxins. This system is responsible for maintaining the cellular protein thiol redox state in normal state. This maintenance is important as the bacterium is engulfed by the human macrophage. Here it is bombarded by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in an attempt to disrupt normal cellular function in part by perturbing the protein thiols. To this end, the solution structures of the three thioredoxins, A, B, and C, in the oxidized state were solved by NMR. Additionally, the reduced form of thioredoxin C was solved as well. Docking and NMR chemical shit pertubation experiments show promise for the inhibition of the thioredoxin C-thioredoxin reductase catalytic turnover. Automated docking is the process of computationally predicting how tightly a ligand binds to a protein and the correct orientation. The docking of an in-house collection of 10,590 chemicals into a protein called dual specificity phosphatase 5 identified potential ligands. These compounds were characterized as inhibitors in a phosphatase assay and as ligands in NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments. Based on a promising lead compound, additional chemicals were identified using cheminformatics and subjected to the same experimental verification

    Advances in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Drug Discovery

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    Background—Drug discovery is a complex and unpredictable endeavor with a high failure rate. Current trends in the pharmaceutical industry have exasperated these challenges and are contributing to the dramatic decline in productivity observed over the last decade. The industrialization of science by forcing the drug discovery process to adhere to assembly-line protocols is imposing unnecessary restrictions, such as short project time-lines. Recent advances in nuclear magnetic resonance are responding to these self-imposed limitations and are providing opportunities to increase the success rate of drug discovery. Objective/Method—A review of recent advancements in NMR technology that have the potential of significantly impacting and benefiting the drug discovery process will be presented. These include fast NMR data collection protocols and high-throughput protein structure determination, rapid protein-ligand co-structure determination, lead discovery using fragment-based NMR affinity screens, NMR metabolomics to monitor in vivo efficacy and toxicity for lead compounds, and the identification of new therapeutic targets through the functional annotation of proteins by FASTNMR. Conclusion—NMR is a critical component of the drug discovery process, where the versatility of the technique enables it to continually expand and evolve its role. NMR is expected to maintain this growth over the next decade with advancements in automation, speed of structure calculation, incell imaging techniques, and the expansion of NMR amenable targets

    Bioactive Recombinant Human Oncostatin M for NMR-Based Screening in Drug Discovery

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    Oncostatin M (OSM) is a pleiotropic, interleukin-6 family inflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in inflammatory diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer progression and metastasis. Recently, elevated OSM levels have been found in the serum of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units. Multiple anti-OSM therapeutics have been investigated, but to date no OSM small molecule inhibitors are clinically available. To pursue a high-throughput screening and structure-based drug discovery strategy to design a small molecule inhibitor of OSM, milligram quantities of highly pure, bioactive OSM are required. Here, we developed a reliable protocol to produce highly pure unlabeled and isotope enriched OSM from E. coli for biochemical and NMR studies. High yields (ca. 10 mg/L culture) were obtained in rich and minimal defined media cultures. Purified OSM was characterized by mass spectrometry and circular dichroism. The bioactivity was confirmed by induction of OSM/OSM receptor signaling through STAT3 phosphorylation in human breast cancer cells. Optimized buffer conditions yielded 1H, 15N HSQC NMR spectra with intense, well-dispersed peaks. Titration of 15N OSM with a small molecule inhibitor showed chemical shift perturbations for several key residues with a binding affinity of 12.2 ± 3.9 ΌM. These results demonstrate the value of bioactive recombinant human OSM for NMR-based small molecule screening

    Theoretical-experimental study on protein-ligand interactions based on thermodynamics methods, molecular docking and perturbation models

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    The current doctoral thesis focuses on understanding the thermodynamic events of protein-ligand interactions which have been of paramount importance from traditional Medicinal Chemistry to Nanobiotechnology. Particular attention has been made on the application of state-of-the-art methodologies to address thermodynamic studies of the protein-ligand interactions by integrating structure-based molecular docking techniques, classical fractal approaches to solve protein-ligand complementarity problems, perturbation models to study allosteric signal propagation, predictive nano-quantitative structure-toxicity relationship models coupled with powerful experimental validation techniques. The contributions provided by this work could open an unlimited horizon to the fields of Drug-Discovery, Materials Sciences, Molecular Diagnosis, and Environmental Health Sciences
