9 research outputs found

    Penerapan Komunikasi Nirkabel LoRa pada Sistem Pencatat Kehadiran Portabel

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    Long Rang Access (LoRa) merupakan bagian dari teknologi Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) yang banyak digunakan karena memiliki karakteristik berdaya rendah dan dapat menjangkau area yang jauh secara nirkabel. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan penerapan komunikasi nirkael LoRa pada sistem pencatat kehadiran portabel yang dapat digunakan dosen dan dan karyawan serta mahasiswa dalam merekam presensi saat beraktifitas di luar ruangan. Setelah dilakukan instalasi dan konfigurasi, dilakukan pongujian baik di dalam  maupun di luar area kampus Politeknik Negeri Batam. Terdapat sembilan titik lokasi pengujian di dalam area kampus dan delapan titik lokasi pengujian di luar area kampus. Dengan menggunakan LoRa yang bekerja pada frekuensi 915 MHz, set SF=7 dan BW=125 KHz, didapatkan jangkauan terjauh hingga 456,01 meter. Keberhasilan penerimaan data dipengaruhi oleh jarak; banyak rintangan seperti beton, kaca, pepohonan dan gedung-gedung tinggi disekitar titi pengujian; frekuensi; dan bentuk antenna. Secara umum, komunikasi nirkabel LoRa dapat diterapkan pada sistem pencatat kehadiran portabel, namum masih terdapat ruang untuk pengembangan kedepannya terutama pada optimalisasi area jangkauan

    Empirical evaluation of LORA link performance for Smart City/Smart Campus environments

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    The Concept Of Smart City Become Undeniable Mission By All The Major City In The World To Improve Human lifestyle, assets and resources efficiently. Smart city concept really depends of advancement of network technology, to be specific internet of things (IoT). One of the recent innovations that enable smart city concept to be operated with low power consumption and low cost is LoRa (long range). LoRa’s advantages such as convenience, low cost, high efficiency and strong scalability might be a reliable gateway for sensors, transducers and monitoring devices to establish a seamless connection with centralized monitoring system [11]. This report aims to provide data analysis on implementation of LoRa technology as gateway for smart city. In the report, LoRa gateway link performance will be tested using RF1276 LoRa modules from Appcon Wireless for Kuala Lumpur smart city and International Islamic University Malaysia Gombak Campus for smart campus. The performance metrics to be used are the Packet Deliver Rate (PDR), Data Extraction Rate (DER), the number of dropped packet, delay, Node Energy Consumption (NEC) and Ping Statistics. The study is expected to consider the effect of foliage specifically for the smart campus environment. Furthermore, the overall channel effect, payload size and different LoRa PHY transmit configurations (different bandwidths and coding rates) will be quantified in terms of the performance metrics mentioned above. Initial tests were carried out in IIUM Gombak campus indicated severe degradation due to foliage effect, hence, the report will focus on its effect on the link performance. Several LoRA physical parameters will be studied including the bandwidth and spreading factor

    A field-measurements-based LoRa network planning tool

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    Long range (LoRa) transmission technology enables energy-constrained devices such as the tiny sensor systems used in internet-of-things applications that are distributed over wide areas while still being able to establish appropriate connectivity. This has resulted in the development of an exponentially increasing number of different solutions and services based on LoRa, be they dedicated to the long-term monitoring of distributed plants and infrastructures or to human-centred applications such as safety-oriented sensor systems for use in the workplace. In dense LoRa networks, predicting the number of supported nodes in relation to their position and the propagation environment is essential for ensuring reliable and stable communication and minimising costs. In this paper, after comparing different path loss models based on a field measurement campaign for LoRa received signal strength indicator values within a university campus, two main modifications of the LoRa simulator tool were implemented. These were aimed at improving the accuracy of the prediction of the number of sustainable nodes in relation to the target data extraction rate set. The simulations based on field measurements demonstrated that through an improved path loss evaluation and the use of three gateways, the number of nodes could be increased theoretically from around 100 to around 6,000

    Real Time Performance Testing of LoRa-LPWAN Based Environmental Monitoring UAV System

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    Aerial drones are emerging in industrial and environmental monitoring as they are effective tools that are able to reach far and isolated areas. However, the regularity communication developments have not grown as fast as the technology needs. Either due to the lack of communication coverage or power inefficiency. As a result, some other solution should be proposed such as the internet of things. Internet of Things technology has a great potential of becoming a leading industry since it makes objects able to communicate with each other. IOT/M2M (Internet of Things/Machine-to-machine) communication could be used in a wide range of applications such as environmental surveillance and monitoring systems. These systems could be fixed ends or moving ends like an Unmanned Ariel vehicle (UAV). In this case, LoRa/LPWAN (Long Range Communication) / (Low Power Wide Area Network) is selected to be the best candidate, since it provides a wide coverage area and power efficient systems. This thesis develops and tests a communication scheme prototype for environmental UAV monitoring system using LoRa-LPWAN. Also, a functional testbed for testing the prototype is proposed as well. The prototype was tested in different environmental sites such as line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight environments. The developed scheme performs successfully in harsh environments and its readings were fully documented throughout this thesis

    Variable link performance due to weather effects in a long-range, low-power LoRa sensor network

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    When aiming for the wider deployment of low-power sensor networks, the use of sub-GHz frequency bands shows a lot of promise in terms of robustness and minimal power consumption. Yet, when deploying such sensor networks over larger areas, the link quality can be impacted by a host of factors. Therefore, this contribution demonstrates the performance of several links in a real-world, research-oriented sensor network deployed in a (sub)urban environment. Several link characteristics are presented and analysed, exposing frequent signal deterioration and, more rarely, signal strength enhancement along certain long-distance wireless links. A connection is made between received power levels and seasonal weather changes and events. The irregular link performance presented in this paper is found to be genuinely disruptive when pushing sensor-networks to their limits in terms of range and power use. This work aims to give an indication of the severity of these effects in order to enable the design of truly reliable sensor networks

    A study of the LoRa signal propagation in forest, urban, and suburban environments

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    International audienceSensing is an activity of paramount importance for smart cities. The coverage of large areas based on reduced infrastructure and low energy consumption is desirable. In this context, Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) plays an important role. In this paper, we investigate LoRa, a low-power technology offering large coverage, but low transmission rates. Radio range and data rate are tunable by using different spreading factors and coding rates, which are configuration parameters of the LoRa physical layer. LoRa can cover large areas but variations in the environment affect link quality. This work studies the propagation of LoRa signals in forest, urban, and suburban vehicular environments. Besides being environments with variable propagation conditions, we evaluate scenarios with node mobility. To characterize the communication link, we mainly use the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). As for node mobility, speeds are chosen according to prospective applications. Our results show that the link reaches up to 250 m in the forest scenario, while in the vehicular scenario it reaches up to 2 km. In contrast, in scenarios with high-density buildings and human activity, the maximum range of the link reaches up to 200 m in the urban scenario

    Desenvolvimento de aplicações para monitorização de consumos de energia em instalações elétricas

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    As redes de energia inteligentes smart grids têm por objetivo melhorar a eficiência, fiabilidade e sustentabilidade da produção e consumo de energia elétrica, através de informação recolhida sobre a atividade dos produtores e consumidores. A sua implementação irá tornar possível a integração de fontes de energia renováveis, a redução das perdas de transporte e distribuição de energia e a implementação de tarifas dinâmicas de energia. Aliado a este conceito encontra-se a tecnologia de smart metering que permite a recolha de informação em tempo real, relativa ao consumo de energia o que vai influenciar os consumidores a mudarem os seus hábitos, tornando-os mais conscientes em relação ao seu perfil de consumo atual. A recolha dos dados referentes ao consumo energético dos consumidores, será efetuada por smart meters, que têm por função medir os consumos de energia elétrica de uma instalação, enviar as leituras efetuadas para uma unidade de armazenamento e processamento de dados, permitindo ao utilizador visualizar a informação recolhida, as estatísticas mais relevantes e os eventos detetados, em plataformas desenvolvidas para o efeito. O objetivo deste projeto compreendeu o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo eletrónico com a capacidade de adquirir, registar e armazenar valores relativos à energia consumida, a partir de um contador de energia digital. O dispositivo de aquisição foi desenvolvido utilizando um microcontrolador de baixo custo para estabelecer a comunicação com o contador de energia. Os dados adquiridos são guardados numa base de dados e numa memória volátil as quais servem de base às plataformas de ICT desenvolvidas: uma em ambiente web e uma aplicação Android, as quais permitem ao consumidor consultar os dados recolhidos referentes ao seu consumo de energia

    A Tracking system applied to smart campus based on LoRa technology

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    Se presenta el desarrollo un sistema de rastreo, abordando el uso de la tecnología LoRa como una alternativa de comunicación de bajo consumo. El sistema propuesto comprende desde el diseño e implementación de los nodos para el rastreo, pasando por la transmisión de las coordenadas de los nodos a través de la tecnología LoRa a un nodo receptor, para finalmente ser enviadas a una base de datos en la nube con conexión a una página web que cuenta con una aplicación final desarrollada para mostrar la ubicación de estos objetos, donde se proponen y desarrollan herramientas adicionales para el rastreo. Adicionalmente, se presentan las pruebas llevadas a cabo con el fin de validar y evaluar el desempeño completo del sistema propuesto.The development of a tracking system is presented, addressing the use of LoRa technology as a low power consumption communication alternative. The proposed system comprises from the design and implementation of the nodes for tracking, passing through the transmission of the coordinates of the nodes through LoRa technology to a receiver node, to finally be sent to a database in the cloud with connection to a web page that has a final application developed to show the location of these objects, where additional tools for tracking are proposed and developed. Additionally, the tests performed to validate and evaluate the complete operation of the proposed system are presented.Ingeniero (a) ElectrónicoPregrad