158 research outputs found

    A framework for fast handoff schemes in wireless ATM networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.In this research, we focus on providing a framework that extends the fixed ATM standard to support user mobility in future WATM networks. The WATM architecture allows for the migration of fixed ATM networks without major modifications. Thus most of the mobility functions are implemented on the wireless access network. The most important component supporting mobility in a cluster is the Mobility Enhanced Switch (MES). We propose using direct links between adjacent MESs to support Permanent Virtual Channels (PVCs) in order to facilitate fast inter-cluster handoffwith minimum handofflatency. This research addresses a framework on handoff mobility by proposing three fast handoff re-routing schemes based on the support of PVCs

    Quality aspects of Internet telephony

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    Internet telephony has had a tremendous impact on how people communicate. Many now maintain contact using some form of Internet telephony. Therefore the motivation for this work has been to address the quality aspects of real-world Internet telephony for both fixed and wireless telecommunication. The focus has been on the quality aspects of voice communication, since poor quality leads often to user dissatisfaction. The scope of the work has been broad in order to address the main factors within IP-based voice communication. The first four chapters of this dissertation constitute the background material. The first chapter outlines where Internet telephony is deployed today. It also motivates the topics and techniques used in this research. The second chapter provides the background on Internet telephony including signalling, speech coding and voice Internetworking. The third chapter focuses solely on quality measures for packetised voice systems and finally the fourth chapter is devoted to the history of voice research. The appendix of this dissertation constitutes the research contributions. It includes an examination of the access network, focusing on how calls are multiplexed in wired and wireless systems. Subsequently in the wireless case, we consider how to handover calls from 802.11 networks to the cellular infrastructure. We then consider the Internet backbone where most of our work is devoted to measurements specifically for Internet telephony. The applications of these measurements have been estimating telephony arrival processes, measuring call quality, and quantifying the trend in Internet telephony quality over several years. We also consider the end systems, since they are responsible for reconstructing a voice stream given loss and delay constraints. Finally we estimate voice quality using the ITU proposal PESQ and the packet loss process. The main contribution of this work is a systematic examination of Internet telephony. We describe several methods to enable adaptable solutions for maintaining consistent voice quality. We have also found that relatively small technical changes can lead to substantial user quality improvements. A second contribution of this work is a suite of software tools designed to ascertain voice quality in IP networks. Some of these tools are in use within commercial systems today

    An intelligent-agent approach for managing congestion in W-CDMA networks

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    PhDResource Management is a crucial aspect in the next generation cellular networks since the use of W-CDMA technology gives an inherent flexibility in managing the system capacity. The concept of a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) also plays a very important role as it is the means to guarantee the quality of service provided to the customers in response to the level of service to which they have subscribed. Hence there is a need to introduce effective SLA-based policies as part of the radio resource management. This work proposes the application of intelligent agents in SLA-based control in resource management, especially when congestion occurs. The work demonstrates the ability of intelligent agents in improving and maintaining the quality of service to meet the required SLA as the congestion occurs. A particularly novel aspect of this work is the use of learning (here Case Based Reasoning) to predict the control strategies to be imposed. As the system environment changes, the most suitable policy will be implemented. When congestion occurs, the system either proposes the solution by recalling from experience (if the event is similar to what has been previously solved) or recalculates the solution from its knowledge (if the event is new). With this approach, the system performance will be monitored at all times and a suitable policy can be immediately applied as the system environment changes, resulting in maintaining the system quality of service

    Prediction assisted fast handovers for seamless IP mobility

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    Word processed copy.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-98).This research investigates the techniques used to improve the standard Mobile IP handover process and provide proactivity in network mobility management. Numerous fast handover proposals in the literature have recently adopted a cross-layer approach to enhance movement detection functionality and make terminal mobility more seamless. Such fast handover protocols are dependent on an anticipated link-layer trigger or pre-trigger to perform pre-handover service establishment operations. This research identifies the practical difficulties involved in implementing this type of trigger and proposes an alternative solution that integrates the concept of mobility prediction into a reactive fast handover scheme

    A network mobility management architecture for a heteregeneous network environment

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    Network mobility management enables mobility of personal area networks and vehicular networks across heterogeneous access networks using a Mobile Router. This dissertation presents a network mobility management architecture for minimizing the impact of handoffs on the communications of nodes in the mobile network. The architecture addresses mobility in legacy networks without infrastructure support, but can also exploit infrastructure support for improved handoff performance. Further, the proposed architecture increases the efficiency of communications of nodes in the mobile network with counter parts in the fixed network through the use of caching and route optimization. The performance and costs of the proposed architecture are evaluated through empirical and numerical analysis. The analysis shows the feasibility of the architecture in the networks of today and in those of the near future.Verkkojen liikkuuvudenhallinta mahdollistaa henkilökohtaisten ja ajoneuvoihin asennettujen verkkojen liikkuvuuden heterogeenisessä verkkoympäristössä käyttäen liikkuvaa reititintä. Tämä väitöskirja esittää uuden arkkitehtuurin verkkojen liikkuvuudenhallintaan, joka minimoi verkonvaihdon vaikutuksen päätelaitteiden yhteyksiin. Vanhoissa verkoissa, joiden infrastruktuuri ei tue verkkojen liikkuvuutta, verkonvaihdos täytyy hallita liikkuvassa reitittimessa. Standardoitu verkkojen liikkuvuudenhallintaprotokolla NEMO mahdollistaa tämän käyttäen ankkurisolmua kiinteässä verkossa pakettien toimittamiseen päätelaitteiden kommunikaatiokumppaneilta liikkuvalle reitittimelle. NEMO:ssa verkonvaihdos aiheuttaa käynnissä olevien yhteyksien keskeytymisen yli sekunnin mittaiseksi ajaksi, aiheuttaen merkittävää häiriötä viestintäsovelluksille. Esitetyssä arkkitehtuurissa verkonvaihdon vaikutus minimoidaan varustamalla liikkuva reititin kahdella radiolla. Käyttäen kahta radiota liikkuva reititin pystyy suorittamaan verkonvaihdon keskeyttämättä päätelaitteiden yhteyksiä, mikäli verkonvaihtoon on riittävästi aikaa. Käytettävissa oleva aika riippuu liikkuvan reitittimen nopeudesta ja radioverkon rakenteesta. Arkkitehtuuri osaa myös hyödyntää infrastruktuurin tukea saumattomaan verkonvaihtoon. Verkkoinfrastruktuurin tuki nopeuttaa verkonvaihdosprosessia, kasvattaenmaksimaalista verkonvaihdos tahtia. Tällöin liikkuva reitin voi käyttää lyhyen kantaman radioverkkoja, joiden solun säde on yli 80m, ajonopeuksilla 90m/s asti ilman, että verkonvaihdos keskeyttää päätelaitteiden yhteyksiä. Lisäksi ehdotettu arkkitehtuuri tehostaa kommunikaatiota käyttäen cache-palvelimia liikkuvassa ja kiinteässä verkossa ja optimoitua reititystä liikkuvien päätelaitteiden ja kiinteässä verkossa olevien kommunikaatiosolmujen välillä. Cache-palvelinarkkitehtuuri hyödyntää vapaita radioresursseja liikkuvan verkon cache-palvelimen välimuistin päivittämiseen. Heterogeenisessä verkkoympäristossä cache-palvelimen päivitys suoritetaan lyhyen kantaman laajakaistaisia radioverkkoja käyttäen. Liikkuvan reitittimen siirtyessä laajakaistaisen radioverkon peitealueen ulkopuolelle päätelaitteille palvellaan sisältöä, kuten www sivuja tai videota cache-palvelimelta, säästäen laajemman kantaman radioverkon rajoitetumpia resursseja. Arkkitehtuurissa käytetään optimoitua reititystä päätelaitteiden ja niiden kommunikaatiokumppaneiden välillä. Optimoitu reititysmekanismi vähentää liikkuvuudenhallintaan käytettyjen protokollien langattoman verkon resurssien kulutusta. Lisäksi optimoitu reititysmekanismi tehostaa pakettien reititystä käyttäen suorinta reittiä kommunikaatiosolmujen välillä. Esitetyn arkkitehtuurin suorituskyky arvioidaan empiirisen ja numeerisen analyysin avulla. Analyysi arvioi arkkitehtuurin suorituskykyä ja vertaa sitä aikaisemmin ehdotettuihin ratkaisuihin ja osoittaa arkkitehtuurin soveltuvan nykyisiin ja lähitulevaisuuden langattomiin verkkoihin.reviewe

    A Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Model and Guidelines for Establishing Admissible Digital Evidence

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    Information technology systems are attacked by offenders using digital devices and networks to facilitate their crimes and hide their identities, creating new challenges for digital investigators. Malicious programs that exploit vulnerabilities also serve as threats to digital investigators. Since digital devices such as computers and networks are used by organisations and digital investigators, malicious programs and risky practices that may contaminate the integrity of digital evidence can lead to loss of evidence. For some reasons, digital investigators face a major challenge in preserving the integrity of digital evidence. Not only is there no definitive comprehensive model of digital forensic investigation for ensuring the reliability of digital evidence, but there has to date been no intensive research into methods of doing so. To address the issue of preserving the integrity of digital evidence, this research improves upon other digital forensic investigation model by creating a Comprehensive Digital Forensic Investigation Model (CDFIM), a model that results in an improvement in the investigation process, as well as security mechanism and guidelines during investigation. The improvement is also effected by implementing Proxy Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (PMIPv6) with improved buffering based on Open Air Interface PIMIPv6 (OAI PMIPv6) implementation to provide reliable services during handover in Mobile Node (MN) and improve performance measures to minimize loss of data which this research identified as a factor affecting the integrity of digital evidence. The advantage of this is to present that the integrity of digital evidence can be preserved if loss of data is prevented. This research supports the integration of security mechanism and intelligent software in digital forensic investigation which assist in preserving the integrity of digital evidence by conducting experiments which carried out two different attack experiment to test CDFIM. It found that when CDFIM used security mechanism and guidelines with the investigation process, it was able to identify the attack and also ensured that the integrity of the digital evidence was preserved. It was also found that the security mechanism and guidelines incorporated in the digital investigative process are useless when the security guidelines are ignored by digital investigators, thus posing a threat to the integrity of digital evidence

    Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures

    Design and performance evaluation of Wireless Multi-Protocol Label Switching (WMPLS)

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    Scope and Method of Study: The research presented in this document focuses on the design of a new protocol for high-speed wireless data communications. The primary goal of this new design is to overcome the limitations of its predecessors, while minimizing the needed resources and maximizing throughput and efficiency in its operations. Another important goal of the study is to provide a homogeneous protocol for wired and wireless networks in order to provide complete interoperability for overlay models and other protocols that can be designed on the basis of this work. The performance evaluation part of this document shows the areas in which improvement has been achieved over previous protocol implementations, and it also shows the areas in which further research is needed in order to improve the performance at least to the levels set by previous protocols.Findings and Conclusions: This study shows that a native wireless design and implementation of the Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol provides improvements in the field of wireless data communications, providing a homogeneous platform for voice and data communication networks. The research is open for further improvements and modifications for services not contemplated in this document, and continuous developments should be conducted in order to obtain a working prototype of this proposal

    Mobile Networks

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    The growth in the use of mobile networks has come mainly with the third generation systems and voice traffic. With the current third generation and the arrival of the 4G, the number of mobile users in the world will exceed the number of landlines users. Audio and video streaming have had a significant increase, parallel to the requirements of bandwidth and quality of service demanded by those applications. Mobile networks require that the applications and protocols that have worked successfully in fixed networks can be used with the same level of quality in mobile scenarios. Until the third generation of mobile networks, the need to ensure reliable handovers was still an important issue. On the eve of a new generation of access networks (4G) and increased connectivity between networks of different characteristics commonly called hybrid (satellite, ad-hoc, sensors, wired, WIMAX, LAN, etc.), it is necessary to transfer mechanisms of mobility to future generations of networks. In order to achieve this, it is essential to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of current protocols and the diverse topologies to suit the new mobility conditions

    Seamless Multimedia Delivery Within a Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Environment: Are We There Yet?

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    The increasing popularity of live video streaming from mobile devices, such as Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Snapchat, etc. pressurizes the network operators to increase the capacity of their networks. However, a simple increase in system capacity will not be enough without considering the provisioning of quality of experience (QoE) as the basis for network control, customer loyalty, and retention rate and thus increase in network operators revenue. As QoE is gaining strong momentum especially with increasing users' quality expectations, the focus is now on proposing innovative solutions to enable QoE when delivering video content over heterogeneous wireless networks. In this context, this paper presents an overview of multimedia delivery solutions, identifies the problems and provides a comprehensive classification of related state-of-the-art approaches following three key directions: 1) adaptation; 2) energy efficiency; and 3) multipath content delivery. Discussions, challenges, and open issues on the seamless multimedia provisioning faced by the current and next generation of wireless networks are also provided
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