18 research outputs found

    A multi-viewpoint feature-based re-identification system driven by skeleton keypoints

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    Thanks to the increasing popularity of 3D sensors, robotic vision has experienced huge improvements in a wide range of applications and systems in the last years. Besides the many benefits, this migration caused some incompatibilities with those systems that cannot be based on range sensors, like intelligent video surveillance systems, since the two kinds of sensor data lead to different representations of people and objects. This work goes in the direction of bridging the gap, and presents a novel re-identification system that takes advantage of multiple video flows in order to enhance the performance of a skeletal tracking algorithm, which is in turn exploited for driving the re-identification. A new, geometry-based method for joining together the detections provided by the skeletal tracker from multiple video flows is introduced, which is capable of dealing with many people in the scene, coping with the errors introduced in each view by the skeletal tracker. Such method has a high degree of generality, and can be applied to any kind of body pose estimation algorithm. The system was tested on a public dataset for video surveillance applications, demonstrating the improvements achieved by the multi-viewpoint approach in the accuracy of both body pose estimation and re-identification. The proposed approach was also compared with a skeletal tracking system working on 3D data: the comparison assessed the good performance level of the multi-viewpoint approach. This means that the lack of the rich information provided by 3D sensors can be compensated by the availability of more than one viewpoint


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    The Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox application and software frameworks provide an interactive tool for freshwater and watershed education. This is done by projecting the real-time topography of the sandbox surface and simulating waterflow. This tool has the potential to assist in analyzing excavation tools that will be used on lunar or Martian surfaces. This project extended the software to include a volume tool capable of calculating the change in volume of the sandbox after manipulation. This report details the setup and calibration of the sandbox as well as the development of the volume calculation tool. It outlines the methods used to calculate the volume changed based on two depth image collections. This is followed by exploring the results of multiple volume calculations against their expected values and investigating the amount of error that occurs

    Utilization of depth camera to ease posture-risk assessment of related sitting work

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    Sitting work posture is often used in office work. Work position failures when sitting can cause Musculoskeletal Disorders. Therefore, ergonomists are necessary for the workplace to assist workers' posture. However, these needs cannot be met due to the limited number of ergonomists and costs. So a practical and inexpensive semi-automatic application is needed. One method for assessing upper body work posture is RULA. This study aims to develop a posture assessment application for sitting work and suggest improvement. In addition, the effect of changes in room brightness, the variability of chair height, and types of office-work tasks were explored in this study to determine the accuracy level of the depth camera to measure the worker's posture. Research design uses empirical research with independent variables: room illuminance, chair height, and four types of office-work tasks. The two levels of room illuminance are 32 lux and 60 lux; the seat height consists of three levels, i.e., 40, 45, and 50cm, while four types of tasks include writing, typing, writing with a cheat sheet, and typing with a cheat sheet beside the Subject. The experiment tests the difference between the application's RULA estimation results and the ergonomist's RULA value. The experiment results showed that the proposed application successfully assessed RULA with the same results as the calculations by the ergonomist. This study makes posture assessment easier for sitting work and provides suggestions for posture improvement. In addition, automation of posture assessment using a depth camera helps provide evaluations and recommendations for improving posture while working sitting

    Reconstrucción 3D para el desarrollo de prótesis de miembro inferior

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    The research aim was to propose a new process for obtaining lower limb sockets based on virtual technologies and additive manufacturing use. Previously, the low-cost scanners and his technical feasibility to use it in the development process of a socket from 3D reconstruction was identified. A case study with a participant with transfemoral amputation and quadrilateral socket was conducted. A comparative evaluation of the traditional process and the process based on digital manufacturing technologies was carried out. A technology integration model (Reverse Engineering, CAD and 3D printing) was proposed, setting one point of reference for new medical applications. Likewise, the model utility for technology’s portability, the changes management, and the raw materials and waste reduction, in comparison with the traditional technique was verified.El propósito de esta investigación es proponer el desarrollo de un nuevo proceso para la obtención de sockets de miembro inferior basado en el uso de tecnologías de adquisición de datos, modelado 3D y manufactura aditiva. Previamente, se identificó la viabilidad en la técnica del uso de escáneres de bajo costo en el desarrollo de un socket a partir de la reconstrucción 3D; mediante el caso de estudio de un participante con amputación transfemoral y socket cuadrilateral, donde se valoró el proceso por técnica tradicional comparado con el proceso basado en tecnologías de manufactura digital. Planteando así un modelo de integración de tecnologías (Ingeniería Inversa, CAD e impresión 3D) y estableciendo una base para estudios en diferentes aplicaciones médicas. Igualmente, se observó la utilidad del modelo frente a la portabilidad de las tecnologías, la gestión de cambios y la reducción de materias primas y desechos; comparándolo con la técnica tradicional

    Interaction for creative applications with the Kinect v2 device

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    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field of research that designs, evaluates and implements interactive ways of communication between computer systems and people. The evolution of different technologies in the last decades has contributed to the expansion of HCI into other fields of study as computer vision, cognitive science, psychology, industrial design, and also into interactive art. The present document contains a case of HCI in the context of interactive art. In a first step we analyse what kind of interaction can be achieved with the available equipment: a range imaging camera, a computer and a video projector. Then, three range imaging techniques capable of fulfilling our objective are studied and some devices available for purchasing and based on these techniques are compared. Thereafter, we study and compare the two acquired range imaging devices: the Kinect for Windows v1 and the Kinect for Windows v2. In a later step we build our interaction system with the Kinect for Windows v2 and we test it. We use Processing as a programming environment in order to apply creative coding and to try the different types of interaction that this device allows. Finally, with the experience gained in the previous studies and in these test, we present three final interactive programs

    Development of a methodology for the human-robot interaction based on vision systems for collaborative robotics

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    Obstacle detection using an image-based 3D scanner

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá implementaci softwaru pro systém detekci překážek pomoci kamerového 3D skeneru Kinect V2. V rešeršní části jsou detailně popsány existující druhy kamerových 3D skenerů, jsou analyzovány existujiící řešení, a algoritmy v oblasti detekci překážek a je uvedena potřebná teorie. Praktická část se skládá ze tři části: popis použité robotické platformy, rozbor implementaci softwaru pro detekci překáźek, a diskuzní část s analýzou výsledků experimentů. Na závěr vyvínutý systém je zhodnocen, jsou navrženy možnosti jeho aplikace a dalšího vývoje.This bachelor thesis is focused on the implementation of software for obstacle detection system based on image-based 3D scanner Kinect V2. The research part deals with the thorough description of existing types of image-based 3D scanners, the analysis of related solutions and algorithms, and the necessary theory is provided here. The practical part consists of three sections: the description of the chosen robotic platform, the examination of a software implementation, and the discussion with the analysis of conducted experiments’ results. To conclude the developed system is evaluated, possibilities of application and further development are proposed.