12 research outputs found

    A Parameteric Estimation Approach to for Effective Cluster Selection in WPAN

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    WPAN is the most advanced communication network that combines the capabilities of Mobile network and sensor network in a complex global area scenario. This network defines various integrated processes under communication scenario specification. Cluster Selection process is the most common requirement of any WPAN scenario because of the mobility feature for vehicle nodes. In this work, an effective soft-Cluster Selection mechanism is defined under positional and communication parameter analysis. The work is defined for global highway scenario. The obtained results from system shows the effective comm-unication rate and lesser communication loss

    Multicast Conventions to Improve Obstacle Detection and Collusion Avoidance in MANET

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    As of late, it got to be obvious that gathering focused administrations are one of the essential application classes focused by MANETs. In spite of the fact that these conventions perform well under particular versatility situations, movement loads, and system conditions, no single convention has been appeared to be ideal in all situations. The objective of this paper is to describe the execution of multicast conventions over an extensive variety of MANET situations. To this end, we assess the execution of lattice and tree-based multicast steering plans in respect to flooding and prescribe conventions most reasonable for particular MANET situations. In view of the investigation and reproduction results, we likewise propose two varieties of flooding, Perused flooding and hyper flooding, as a way to diminish overhead and expansion unwavering quality, separately. Another commitment of the paper is a recreation based relative investigation of the proposed flooding varieties against plain flooding, work, and tree-based MANET directing. In this paper we researched about various sending technique for GPSR in remote system furthermore discover the issues and their answers. The principle point of our study was to distinguish which directing strategy has better execution in very versatile environment of VANET. In MANET, this depletion of vitality will be more because of its infrastructure less nature and versatility. Because of this, the topology get shifted. This may definitely influence the execution of steering convention furthermore influence the system lifetime. To address this issue another calculation has been created which uses the system parameters identifying with element nature of hubs viz. vitality channel rate, relative versatility estimation to foresee the hub lifetime and connection lifetime. At that point execute this calculation in the DYMO convention environment. This will expand the system lifetime and adaptability. Further enhance the execution, we have actualized another calculation by incorporating course lifetime expectation calculation alongside the molecule swarm enhancement (PSO) calculation

    Developing a New Wireless Sensor Network Platform and Its Application in Precision Agriculture

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    Wireless sensor networks are gaining greater attention from the research community and industrial professionals because these small pieces of “smart dust” offer great advantages due to their small size, low power consumption, easy integration and support for “green” applications. Green applications are considered a hot topic in intelligent environments, ubiquitous and pervasive computing. This work evaluates a new wireless sensor network platform and its application in precision agriculture, including its embedded operating system and its routing algorithm. To validate the technological platform and the embedded operating system, two different routing strategies were compared: hierarchical and flat. Both of these routing algorithms were tested in a small-scale network applied to a watermelon field. However, we strongly believe that this technological platform can be also applied to precision agriculture because it incorporates a modified version of LORA-CBF, a wireless location-based routing algorithm that uses cluster-based flooding. Cluster-based flooding addresses the scalability concerns of wireless sensor networks, while the modified LORA-CBF routing algorithm includes a metric to monitor residual battery energy. Furthermore, results show that the modified version of LORA-CBF functions well with both the flat and hierarchical algorithms, although it functions better with the flat algorithm in a small-scale agricultural network

    Reliable and efficient data dissemination schemein VANET: a review

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    Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), identified as a mobile ad hoc network MANETs with several added constraints. Basically, in VANETs, the network is established on the fly based on the availability of vehicles on roads and supporting infrastructures along the roads, such as base stations. Vehicles and road-side infrastructures are required to provide communication facilities, particularly when enough vehicles are not available on the roads for effective communication. VANETs are crucial for providing a wide range of safety and non-safety applications to road users. However, the specific fundamental problem in VANET is the challenge of creating effective communication between two fast-moving vehicles. Therefore, message routing is an issue for many safety and non-safety of VANETs applications. The challenge in designing a robust but reliable message dissemination technique is primarily due to the stringent QoS requirements of the VANETs safety applications. This paper investigated various methods and conducted literature on an idea to develop a model for efficient and reliable message dissemination routing techniques in VANET

    Using Hybrid Angle/Distance Information for Distributed Topology Control in Vehicular Sensor Networks

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    In a vehicular sensor network (VSN), the key design issue is how to organize vehicles effectively, such that the local network topology can be stabilized quickly. In this work, each vehicle with on-board sensors can be considered as a local controller associated with a group of communication members. In order to balance the load among the nodes and govern the local topology change, a group formation scheme using localized criteria is implemented. The proposed distributed topology control method focuses on reducing the rate of group member change and avoiding the unnecessary information exchange. Two major phases are sequentially applied to choose the group members of each vehicle using hybrid angle/distance information. The operation of Phase I is based on the concept of the cone-based method, which can select the desired vehicles quickly. Afterwards, the proposed time-slot method is further applied to stabilize the network topology. Given the network structure in Phase I, a routing scheme is presented in Phase II. The network behaviors are explored through simulation and analysis in a variety of scenarios. The results show that the proposed mechanism is a scalable and effective control framework for VSNs

    Multi-metric Geographic Routing for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Maintaining durable connectivity during data forwarding in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks has witnessed significant attention in the past few decades with the aim of supporting most modern applications of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Various techniques for next hop vehicle selection have been suggested in the literature. Most of these techniques are based on selection of next hop vehicles from fixed forwarding region with two or three metrics including speed, distance and direction, and avoid many other parameters of urban environments. In this context, this paper proposes a Multi-metric Geographic Routing (M-GEDIR) technique for next hop selection. It selects next hop vehicles from dynamic forwarding regions, and considers major parameters of urban environments including, received signal strength, future position of vehicles, and critical area vehicles at the border of transmission range, apart from speed, distance and direction. The performance of M-GEDIR is evaluated carrying out simulations on realistic vehicular traffic environments. In the comparative performance evaluation, analysis of results highlight the benefit of the proposed geographic routing as compared to the state-of-the-art routing protocols

    Performance Evaluation of Location-Based Geocast Routing Using Directed Flooding Rectangular Forwarding Zone in City VANET

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    Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an application of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) where vehicular nodes are integrated with GPS and other controlling devices to communicate among each other. Because of predefined structure of roads as well as very high moving speed of vehicles, routing becomes an extremely challenging issue in VANET. In literature, authors in research papers related to vehicular communication evaluate mostly the performance of topology or position-based routing protocols. This article implements a geocast approach called directed flooding rectangular forwarding zone in distance-effect routing algorithm for mobility (DREAM), location aided routing (LAR) and zone routing protocol (ZRP) for city vehicular environment. Packet delivery ratio normalized routing load, delay, throughput, dropped packet ratio and bandwidth wastage parameters are evaluated using NS-2.33 integrated with IEEE802.11p and IDM_IM based VanetMobiSim. The impact of mobility on these parameters is also analyzed

    Vehicular ad hoc routing protocol with link expiration time (VARP-LET) information

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    This thesis presents a vehicular ad hoc routing protocol that uses link expiration time (LET) information in selection of routes. The proposed protocol is named as VARP-LET, which uses LET information to increase reliability and stability of the routes. LET information is used selectively in the route discovery mechanism to reduce the routing control overhead. In addition to LET a Route Break Indicator (RBI) message is introduced. RBI is generated when a link breakage is about to occur. A source node on receiving the RBI signal preemptively stops sending data packets through a route before it breaks. This provision decreases the packet loss. The effectiveness of LET and RBI is tested via network simulations with NS-2. These simulations show that VARP-LET protocol increases packet delivery ratio by 20.7% in street section mobility model and by 30% in highway mobility scenario compared to regular AODV protocol. It is also shown that the protocol significantly reduces frequent route failure and routing overhead

    Studi Kinerja AODV-PNT dengan Weight Factor Dinamis pada Lingkungan VANET

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dari jaringan ad-hoc lainnya. Karakteristik tersebut antara lain adalah tingkat kecepatan serta percepatan sebuah node, variasi jalan dan bangunan yang membatasi mobilitas, dan perbedaan lokasi geografis. Topologi VANET juga dapat berubah secara drastis. VANET membutuhkan protokol routing yang reaktif untuk menangani karakteristik tersebut. AODV-PNT (AODV-Predicting Node Trend) adalah modifikasi dari protokol routing AODV pada Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan karakteristik VANET. AODV-PNT memodifikasi AODV dengan perhitungan bobot dan prediksi stabilitas node untuk pemilihan rute. Perhitungan bobot dilakukan pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam pemilihan rute. Faktor-faktor tersebut adalah kecepatan node, percepatan, arah, serta kualitas komunikasi antar node. Pada penelitian ini, penulis mengusulkan empat cara untuk meningkatkan performa AODV-PNT. Pertama adalah penambahan faktor jarak antara next-hop node dengan node tujuan sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan rute. Kedua adalah menetapkan konstanta bobot tiap-tiap faktor melalui pengujian berdasarkan variasi tingkat mobilitas dan kepadatan node. Ketiga adalah menentukan nilai ambang batas untuk perubahan nilai masing-masing faktor dalam prediksi stabilitas node, bukan untuk perubahan nilai total semua faktor seperti pada AODV-PNT. Keempat adalah membedakan pembobotan faktor arah dengan cara menentukan apakah dua buah node bergerak saling mendekat atau menjauh. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan menghasilkan packet delivery ratio (PDR), average delay, dan routing overhead (RO) yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan AODV-PNT. PDR yang dihasilkan lebih tinggi 9.4% untuk skenario grid dan 5.6% untuk skenario riil. Delay yang dihasilkan lebih rendah 0.52 dan 0.08 detik. RO yang dihasilkan lebih rendah 349 dan 133 paket. Metode yang diusulkan menghasilkan PDR, delay, dan RO yang lebih baik karena memiih rute yang lebih stabil berdasarkan modifikasi-modifikasi yang telah dilakukan. ==================================================================== Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) possess different characteristics from other ad-hoc networks. Those characteristics including speed and acceleration level of node, road and building variation that limit mobility, and geographic location differences. VANET topology also may changes drastically. VANET needs a reactive routing protocol to handle those characteristics. AODV-PNT(AODV-Predicting Node Trend) is a modification of AODV routing protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) to adapt with characteristics of VANET. AODV-PNT modify AODV by calculating weight and node stability prediction for route selecting. Weight calculation performed on factors that affect in route selection. Those factors are speed of node, acceleration, direction, and communication quality between nodes. In this research, we propose four ways to improve performances of AODV-PNT. First modification is adding distance between next-hop node and destination node as affecting factor for route selection. Second is setting constant weight for each factors through experiment based on varies node mobility and density. Third is setting threshold value for delta value of each factor in predicting node stability, not total delta value for all factor like in AODV-PNT. Fourth is differ weight of direction factor by determining whether two nodes moving closer or apart each other. Experiment results shows that the proposed method produces better packet delivery ratio (PDR), average delay, and routing overhead (RO) than AODV-PNT. PDR value produced by the proposed method is higher, 9.4% for grid scenario and 5.6% for real scenario. Delay value is lesser, 0.52 and 0.08 second. RO generated is lesser, 349 and 133 packet. The proposed method generates better PDR, delay and RO because it selects more stable node based on modifications that have been done