214 research outputs found

    TrustE-VC: Trustworthy Evaluation Framework for Industrial Connected Vehicles in the Cloud

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    The integration between cloud computing and vehicular ad hoc networks, namely, vehicular clouds (VCs), has become a significant research area. This integration was proposed to accelerate the adoption of intelligent transportation systems. The trustworthiness in VCs is expected to carry more computing capabilities that manage large-scale collected data. This trend requires a security evaluation framework that ensures data privacy protection, integrity of information, and availability of resources. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that proposes a robust trustworthiness evaluation of vehicular cloud for security criteria evaluation and selection. This article proposes three-level security features in order to develop effectiveness and trustworthiness in VCs. To assess and evaluate these security features, our evaluation framework consists of three main interconnected components: 1) an aggregation of the security evaluation values of the security criteria for each level; 2) a fuzzy multicriteria decision-making algorithm; and 3) a simple additive weight associated with the importance-performance analysis and performance rate to visualize the framework findings. The evaluation results of the security criteria based on the average performance rate and global weight suggest that data residency, data privacy, and data ownership are the most pressing challenges in assessing data protection in a VC environment. Overall, this article paves the way for a secure VC using an evaluation of effective security features and underscores directions and challenges facing the VC community. This article sheds light on the importance of security by design, emphasizing multiple layers of security when implementing industrial VCsThis work was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport, Government of Spain under Grant TIN2016-76373-P, in part by the Xunta de Galicia Accreditation 2016–2019 under Grant ED431G/08 and Grant ED431C 2018/2019, and in part by the European Union under the European Regional Development FundS

    Sustainable cloud service provider development by a Z-number-based DNMA method with Gini-coefficient-based weight determination

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    The sustainable development of cloud service providers (CSPs) is a significant multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem, involving the intrinsic relations among multiple alternatives, (quantitative and qualitative) decision criteria and decision-experts for the selection of trustworthy CSPs. Most existing MCDM methods for CSP selection incorporated only one normalization technique in benefit and cost criteria, which would mislead the decision results and limit the applications of these methods. In addition, these methods did not consider the reliability of information given by decision-makers. Given these research gaps, this study introduces a Z-number-based double normalization-based multiple aggregation (DNMA) method to tackle quantitative and qualitative criteria in forms of benefit, cost, and target types for sustainable CSP development. We extend the original DNMA method to the Z-number environment to handle the uncertain and unreliability information of decision-makers. To make trade-offs between normalized criteria values, we develop a Gini-coefficient based weighting method to replace the mean-square-based weighting method used in the original DNMA method to enhance the applicability and isotonicity of the DNMA method. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, comparative analysis and sensitivity analysis are implemented to test the stability and applicability of the proposed method.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Decision-making model for designing telecom products/services based on customer preferences and non-preferences

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    The design of the packages of products/services to be offered by a telecom company to its clients is a complex decision-making process that must consider different criteria to achieve both customer satisfaction and optimization of the company’s resources. In this process, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFSs) can be used to manage uncertainty and better represent both preferences and non-preferences expressed by people who value each proposed alternative. We present a novel approach to design/develop new products/services that combines the Lean Six Sigma methodology with IFSs. Its main contribution comes from considering both preferences and nonpreferences expressed by real clients, whereas existing proposals only consider their preferences. By also considering their non-preferences, it provides an additional capacity to manage the high uncertainty in the selection of the commercial plan that best suits each client’s needs. Thus, client satisfaction is increased while improving the company’s corporate image, which will lead to customer loyalty and increased revenue. To validate the presented proposal, it has been applied to a real case study of the telecom sector, in which 2135 users have participated. The results obtained have been analysed and compared with those obtained with a model that does not consider the non-preferences expressed by users.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (State Research Agency)Junta de Andalucia PID2019-103880RB-I00 PID2019-109644RB-I00 PY20_0067

    Sec-HOTE-Fit Framework for Assessing Key Security Determinants in Cloud Computing Adoption

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    The use of Cloud computing has been growing steadily due to its support to businesses and individuals in cost saving and service improvements. Despite the benefits, there are concerns such as security and privacy during its adoption. The purpose of this proposed research is to examine the security determinants by focusing on the influence of technological factors in security, organisational security view and security related environmental factors. To accomplish this goal, the T echnological-Organisational-Environmental (TOE) and the Human-Organisation-Technology (HOT-fit) frameworks are adopted into the main research framework. This research will be conducted using a Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method approach. The online survey questionnaires will be used to collect data. Then, the result of this first quantitative process will be further explored and complemented with semi-structured interviews. Results generated from both phases will then be triangulated and a cross-study synthesis will be conducted to form the final result and discussion


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    The execution of the scientific applications on the Cloud comes with great flexibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and substantial computing power. Market-leading Cloud service providers such as Amazon Web service (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offer various general purposes, memory-intensive, and compute-intensive Cloud instances for the execution of scientific applications. The scientific community, especially small research institutions and undergraduate universities, face many hurdles while conducting high-performance computing research in the absence of large dedicated clusters. The Cloud provides a lucrative alternative to dedicated clusters, however a wide range of Cloud computing choices makes the instance selection for the end-users. This thesis aims to simplify Cloud instance selection for end-users by proposing a probabilistic machine learning framework to allow to users select a suitable Cloud instance for their scientific applications. This research builds on the previously proposed A2Cloud-RF framework that recommends high-performing Cloud instances by profiling the application and the selected Cloud instances. The framework produces a set of objective scores called the A2Cloud scores, which denote the compatibility level between the application and the selected Cloud instances. When used alone, the A2Cloud scores become increasingly unwieldy with an increasing number of tested Cloud instances. Additionally, the framework only examines the raw application performance and does not consider the execution cost to guide resource selection. To improve the usability of the framework and assist with economical instance selection, this research adds two Naïve Bayes (NB) classifiers that consider both the application’s performance and execution cost. These NB classifiers include: 1) NB with a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) and 2) a standalone NB module. Naïve Bayes with a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) augments the A2Cloud-RF framework\u27s final instance ratings with the execution cost metric. In the training phase, the classifier builds the frequency and probability tables. The classifier recommends a Cloud instance based on the highest posterior probability for the selected application. The standalone NB classifier uses the generated A2Cloud score (an intermediate result from the A2Cloud-RF framework) and execution cost metric to construct an NB classifier. The NB classifier forms a frequency table and probability (prior and likelihood) tables. For recommending a Cloud instance for a test application, the classifier calculates the highest posterior probability for all of the Cloud instances. The classifier recommends a Cloud instance with the highest posterior probability. This study performs the execution of eight real-world applications on 20 Cloud instances from AWS, Azure, GCP, and Linode. We train the NB classifiers using 80% of this dataset and employ the remaining 20% for testing. The testing yields more than 90% recommendation accuracy for the chosen applications and Cloud instances. Because of the imbalanced nature of the dataset and multi-class nature of classification, we consider the confusion matrix (true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative) and F1 score with above 0.9 scores to describe the model performance. The final goal of this research is to make Cloud computing an accessible resource for conducting high-performance scientific executions by enabling users to select an effective Cloud instance from across multiple providers


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    Aircraft’s training is crucial for a flight training organization (FTO). Therefore, an important decision that these organizations should wisely consider the choice of aircraft to be bought among many alternatives. The criteria for evaluating the optimal training aircraft for FTOs are collected based on the survey approach. Single valued neutrosophic sets (SVNS) have the degree of truth, indeterminacy, and falsity membership functions and, as a special case, neutrosophic sets (NS) deal with inconsistent environments. In this regard, this study has extended a single-valued neutrosophic analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis plus a full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) to rank the training aircraft as the alternatives. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the stability of the developed method. Finally, a comparison between the results of the developed approach and the existing approaches for validating the developed approach is discussed. This analysis shows that the proposed approach is efficient and with the other methods

    A framework to manage uncertainties in cloud manufacturing environment

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    This research project aims to develop a framework to manage uncertainty in cloud manufacturing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The framework includes a cloud manufacturing taxonomy; guidance to deal with uncertainty in cloud manufacturing, by providing a process to identify uncertainties; a detailed step-by-step approach to managing the uncertainties; a list of uncertainties; and response strategies to security and privacy uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Additionally, an online assessment tool has been developed to implement the uncertainty management framework into a real life context. To fulfil the aim and objectives of the research, a comprehensive literature review was performed in order to understand the research aspects. Next, an uncertainty management technique was applied to identify, assess, and control uncertainties in cloud manufacturing. Two well-known approaches were used in the evaluation of the uncertainties in this research: Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) to prioritise uncertainties; and a fuzzy rule-based system to quantify security and privacy uncertainties. Finally, the framework was embedded into an online assessment tool and validated through expert opinion and case studies. Results from this research are useful for both academia and industry in understanding aspects of cloud manufacturing. The main contribution is a framework that offers new insights for decisions makers on how to deal with uncertainty at adoption and implementation stages of cloud manufacturing. The research also introduced a novel cloud manufacturing taxonomy, a list of uncertainty factors, an assessment process to prioritise uncertainties and quantify security and privacy related uncertainties, and a knowledge base for providing recommendations and solutions

    Automatic Service Agreement Negotiators in Open Commerce Environments

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    There is a steady shift in e‑commerce from goods to services that must be provisioned according to service agreements. This study focuses on software frameworks to develop automated negotiators in open commerce environments. Analysis of the litera‑ ture on automated negotiation and typical case studies led to a catalog of 16 objective requirements and a conceptual model that was used to compare 11 state-of-the-art software frameworks. None of them was well suited for negotiating service agreements in open commerce environments. This motivated work on a reference architecture that provides the foundations to develop negotiation systems that address the previous requirements. A software framework was devised to validate the proposal by means of case studies. The study contributes to the fields of requirements engineering and software design, and is expected to support future efforts of practitioners and researchers because its findings bridge the gap among the existing automated negotiation techniques and lay the founda‑ tions for developing new software frameworksMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006–00472Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–07366Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-2533 (Isabel)Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007–64119Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02602Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-4100Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008–04718-