9 research outputs found

    Spatial features of reverberant speech: estimation and application to recognition and diarization

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    Distant talking scenarios, such as hands-free calling or teleconference meetings, are essential for natural and comfortable human-machine interaction and they are being increasingly used in multiple contexts. The acquired speech signal in such scenarios is reverberant and affected by additive noise. This signal distortion degrades the performance of speech recognition and diarization systems creating troublesome human-machine interactions.This thesis proposes a method to non-intrusively estimate room acoustic parameters, paying special attention to a room acoustic parameter highly correlated with speech recognition degradation: clarity index. In addition, a method to provide information regarding the estimation accuracy is proposed. An analysis of the phoneme recognition performance for multiple reverberant environments is presented, from which a confusability metric for each phoneme is derived. This confusability metric is then employed to improve reverberant speech recognition performance. Additionally, room acoustic parameters can as well be used in speech recognition to provide robustness against reverberation. A method to exploit clarity index estimates in order to perform reverberant speech recognition is introduced. Finally, room acoustic parameters can also be used to diarize reverberant speech. A room acoustic parameter is proposed to be used as an additional source of information for single-channel diarization purposes in reverberant environments. In multi-channel environments, the time delay of arrival is a feature commonly used to diarize the input speech, however the computation of this feature is affected by reverberation. A method is presented to model the time delay of arrival in a robust manner so that speaker diarization is more accurately performed.Open Acces

    Channel selection and reverberation-robust automatic speech recognition

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    If speech is acquired by a close-talking microphone in a controlled and noise-free environment, current state-of-the-art recognition systems often show an acceptable error rate. The use of close-talking microphones, however, may be too restrictive in many applications. Alternatively, distant-talking microphones, often placed several meters far from the speaker, may be used. Such setup is less intrusive, since the speaker does not have to wear any microphone, but the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) performance is strongly affected by noise and reverberation. The thesis is focused on ASR applications in a room environment, where reverberation is the dominant source of distortion, and considers both single- and multi-microphone setups. If speech is recorded in parallel by several microphones arbitrarily located in the room, the degree of distortion may vary from one channel to another. The difference among the signal quality of each recording may be even more evident if those microphones have different characteristics: some are hanging on the walls, others standing on the table, or others build in the personal communication devices of the people present in the room. In a scenario like that, the ASR system may benefit strongly if the signal with the highest quality is used for recognition. To find such signal, what is commonly referred as Channel Selection (CS), several techniques have been proposed, which are discussed in detail in this thesis. In fact, CS aims to rank the signals according to their quality from the ASR perspective. To create such ranking, a measure that either estimates the intrinsic quality of a given signal, or how well it fits the acoustic models of the recognition system is needed. In this thesis we provide an overview of the CS measures presented in the literature so far, and compare them experimentally. Several new techniques are introduced, that surpass the former techniques in terms of recognition accuracy and/or computational efficiency. A combination of different CS measures is also proposed to further increase the recognition accuracy, or to reduce the computational load without any significant performance loss. Besides, we show that CS may be used together with other robust ASR techniques, and that the recognition improvements are cumulative up to some extent. An online real-time version of the channel selection method based on the variance of the speech sub-band envelopes, which was developed in this thesis, was designed and implemented in a smart room environment. When evaluated in experiments with real distant-talking microphone recordings and with moving speakers, a significant recognition performance improvement was observed. Another contribution of this thesis, that does not require multiple microphones, was developed in cooperation with the colleagues from the chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. It deals with the problem of feature extraction within REMOS (REverberation MOdeling for Speech recognition), which is a generic framework for robust distant-talking speech recognition. In this framework, the use of conventional methods to obtain decorrelated feature vector coefficients, like the discrete cosine transform, is constrained by the inner optimization problem of REMOS, which may become unsolvable in a reasonable time. A new feature extraction method based on frequency filtering was proposed to avoid this problem.Los actuales sistemas de reconocimiento del habla muestran a menudo una tasa de error aceptable si la voz es registrada por micr ofonos próximos a la boca del hablante, en un entorno controlado y libre de ruido. Sin embargo, el uso de estos micr ofonos puede ser demasiado restrictivo en muchas aplicaciones. Alternativamente, se pueden emplear micr ofonos distantes, los cuales a menudo se ubican a varios metros del hablante. Esta con guraci on es menos intrusiva ya que el hablante no tiene que llevar encima ning un micr ofono, pero el rendimiento del reconocimiento autom atico del habla (ASR, del ingl es Automatic Speech Recognition) en dicho caso se ve fuertemente afectado por el ruido y la reverberaci on. Esta tesis se enfoca a aplicaciones ASR en el entorno de una sala, donde la reverberaci on es la causa predominante de distorsi on y se considera tanto el caso de un solo micr ofono como el de m ultiples micr ofonos. Si el habla es grabada en paralelo por varios micr ofonos distribuidos arbitrariamente en la sala, el grado de distorsi on puede variar de un canal a otro. Las diferencias de calidad entre las señales grabadas pueden ser m as acentuadas si dichos micr ofonos muestran diferentes características y colocaciones: unos en las paredes, otros sobre la mesa, u otros integrados en los dispositivos de comunicaci on de las personas presentes en la sala. En dicho escenario el sistema ASR se puede bene ciar enormemente de la utilizaci on de la señal con mayor calidad para el reconocimiento. Para hallar dicha señal se han propuesto diversas t ecnicas, denominadas CS (del ingl es Channel Selection), las cuales se discuten detalladament en esta tesis. De hecho, la selecci on de canal busca ranquear las señales conforme a su calidad desde la perspectiva ASR. Para crear tal ranquin se necesita una medida que tanto estime la calidad intr nseca de una selal, como lo bien que esta se ajusta a los modelos ac usticos del sistema de reconocimiento. En esta tesis proporcionamos un resumen de las medidas CS hasta ahora presentadas en la literatura, compar andolas experimentalmente. Diversas nuevas t ecnicas son presentadas que superan las t ecnicas iniciales en cuanto a exactitud de reconocimiento y/o e ciencia computacional. Tambi en se propone una combinaci on de diferentes medidas CS para incrementar la exactitud de reconocimiento, o para reducir la carga computacional sin ninguna p erdida signi cativa de rendimiento. Adem as mostramos que la CS puede ser empleada junto con otras t ecnicas robustas de ASR, tales como matched condition training o la normalizaci on de la varianza y la media, y que las mejoras de reconocimiento de ambas aproximaciones son hasta cierto punto acumulativas. Una versi on online en tiempo real del m etodo de selecci on de canal basado en la varianza del speech sub-band envelopes, que fue desarrolladas en esta tesis, fue diseñada e implementada en una sala inteligente. Reportamos una mejora signi cativa en el rendimiento del reconocimiento al evaluar experimentalmente grabaciones reales de micr ofonos no pr oximos a la boca con hablantes en movimiento. La otra contribuci on de esta tesis, que no requiere m ultiples micr ofonos, fue desarrollada en colaboraci on con los colegas del departamento de Comunicaciones Multimedia y Procesamiento de Señales de la Universidad de Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Alemania. Trata sobre el problema de extracci on de caracter sticas en REMOS (del ingl es REverberation MOdeling for Speech recognition). REMOS es un marco conceptual gen erico para el reconocimiento robusto del habla con micr ofonos lejanos. El uso de los m etodos convencionales para obtener los elementos decorrelados del vector de caracter sticas, como la transformada coseno discreta, est a limitado por el problema de optimizaci on inherente a REMOS, lo que har a que, utilizando las herramientas convencionales, se volviese un problema irresoluble en un tiempo razonable. Para resolver este problema hemos desarrollado un nuevo m etodo de extracci on de caracter sticas basado en fi ltrado frecuencialEls sistemes actuals de reconeixement de la parla mostren sovint una taxa d'error acceptable si la veu es registrada amb micr ofons pr oxims a la boca del parlant, en un entorn controlat i lliure de soroll. No obstant, l' us d'aquests micr ofons pot ser massa restrictiu en moltes aplicacions. Alternativament, es poden utilitzar micr ofons distants, els quals sovint s on ubicats a diversos metres del parlant. Aquesta con guraci o es menys intrusiva, ja que el parlant no ha de portar a sobre cap micr ofon, per o el rendiment del reconeixement autom atic de la parla (ASR, de l'angl es Automatic Speech Recognition) en aquest cas es veu fortament afectat pel soroll i la reverberaci o. Aquesta tesi s'enfoca a aplicacions ASR en un ambient de sala, on la reverberaci o es la causa predominant de distorsi o i es considera tant el cas d'un sol micr ofon com el de m ultiples micr ofons. Si la parla es gravada en paral lel per diversos micr ofons distribuï ts arbitràriament a la sala, el grau de distorsi o pot variar d'un canal a l'altre. Les difer encies en qualitat entre els senyals enregistrats poden ser m es accentuades si els micr ofons tenen diferents caracter stiques i col locacions: uns a les parets, altres sobre la taula, o b e altres integrats en els aparells de comunicaci o de les persones presents a la sala. En un escenari com aquest, el sistema ASR es pot bene ciar enormement de l'utilitzaci o del senyal de m es qualitat per al reconeixement. Per a trobar aquest senyal s'han proposat diverses t ecniques, anomenades CS (de l'angl es Channel Selection), les quals es discuteixen detalladament en aquesta tesi. De fet, la selecci o de canal busca ordenar els senyals conforme a la seva qualitat des de la perspectiva ASR. Per crear tal r anquing es necessita una mesura que estimi la qualitat intr nseca d'un senyal, o b e una que valori com de b e aquest s'ajusta als models ac ustics del sistema de reconeixement. En aquesta tesi proporcionem un resum de les mesures CS ns ara presentades en la literatura, comparant-les experimentalment. A m es, es presenten diverses noves t ecniques que superen les anteriors en termes d'exactitud de reconeixement i / o e ci encia computacional. Tamb e es proposa una combinaci o de diferents mesures CS amb l'objectiu d'incrementar l'exactitud del reconeixement, o per reduir la c arrega computacional sense cap p erdua signi cativa de rendiment. A m es mostrem que la CS pot ser utilitzada juntament amb altres t ecniques robustes d'ASR, com ara matched condition training o la normalitzaci o de la varian ca i la mitjana, i que les millores de reconeixement de les dues aproximacions s on ns a cert punt acumulatives. Una versi o online en temps real del m etode de selecci o de canal basat en la varian ca de les envolvents sub-banda de la parla, desenvolupada en aquesta tesi, va ser dissenyada i implementada en una sala intel ligent. A l'hora d'avaluar experimentalment gravacions reals de micr ofons no pr oxims a la boca amb parlants en moviment, es va observar una millora signi cativa en el rendiment del reconeixement. L'altra contribuci o d'aquesta tesi, que no requereix m ultiples micr ofons, va ser desenvolupada en col laboraci o amb els col legues del departament de Comunicacions Multimedia i Processament de Senyals de la Universitat de Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Alemanya. Tracta sobre el problema d'extracci o de caracter stiques a REMOS (de l'angl es REverberation MOdeling for Speech recognition). REMOS es un marc conceptual gen eric per al reconeixement robust de la parla amb micr ofons llunyans. L' us dels m etodes convencionals per obtenir els elements decorrelats del vector de caracter stiques, com ara la transformada cosinus discreta, est a limitat pel problema d'optimitzaci o inherent a REMOS. Aquest faria que, utilitzant les eines convencionals, es torn es un problema irresoluble en un temps raonable. Per resoldre aquest problema hem desenvolupat un nou m etode d'extracci o de caracter ístiques basat en fi ltrat frecuencial

    Active Acoustics for Monitoring Unreported Leaks in Water Distribution Networks

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    Water distribution networks (WDNs) are critical infrastructure elements conveying water through thousands of kilometers of pipes. Pipes - one of the most critical elements in such systems - are subjected to various structural and environmental degradation mechanisms, eventually leading to leaks and breaks. Timely detection and localization of such leaks and bursts is crucial to managing the loss of this valuable resource, maintaining hydraulic capacity, and mitigating serious health risks which can potentially arise from such events. Much of the literature on leak detection has focused on passive methods; recording and analyzing acoustic signatures produced by leak(s) from passive piezo acoustic or pressure devices. Passive acoustic methods have received disproportionate attention both in terms of research as well as practical implementation for leak (or, bursts) detection and localization. Despite their popularity, passive methods have shown not to be reliable in detecting and localizing small leaks in full-scale systems, primarily due to acoustic signal attenuation and poor signal-to-noise ratios, especially in plastic materials. In this dissertation, an active method is explored, which uses an acoustic source to generate acoustic signatures inside a pipe network. A combination of active source and hydrophone receivers is demonstrated in this thesis as a viable method for monitoring leaks in water distribution pipes. The dissertation presents experimental results from two layouts of pipes, one a simple straight section and another a more complex network with tees and bends, with an acoustic source at one end, and hydrophones at strategic locations along the pipe. For leak detection, the measured reflected and transmitted energy using hydrophone receivers is used to determine the presence of a leak. To this effect, new leak indicators such as power reflection and transmission coefficients, power spectral density, reflected spectral density, and transmission loss are developed. Experimental results show that the method developed in this thesis can detect leaks robustly and has significant potential for use in pressurized water distribution systems. This thesis also presents a new framework for active method-based localization. Starting with a simple straight section for a proof of concept study and moving to lab-based WDNs, several methods are explored that simultaneously detect and locate a leak. The primary difficulty in detecting and estimating the location of a leak is overcome through a statistical treatment of time delays associated with multiple acoustic paths in a reverberant environment and estimated using two approaches: (i) classical signal decomposition technique (Prony's / matrix pencil method (MPM)) and (ii) a clustering pre-processing approach called mean-shift clustering. The former works on the cross-correlation of acoustic data recorded at two locations, while the latter operates on acoustic sensor data from a single location. Both methods are tested and validated using experimental data obtained from a laboratory testbed and are found to detect and localize leaks in plastic pipes effectively. Finally, time delay estimates obtained from Prony's / MPM are used in conjunction with the multilateration (MLAT) technique and extended Kalman filter (EKF) for localization in more complex WDNs. This study shows that the proposed active technique can detect and reliably localize leaks and has the potential to be applied to complex field-scale WDNs

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 175)

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    This bibliography lists 467 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in May 1984. Topics cover varied aspects of aeronautical engineering, geoscience, physics, astronomy, computer science, and support facilities

    Visual Impairment and Blindness

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    Blindness and vision impairment affect at least 2.2 billion people worldwide with most individuals having a preventable vision impairment. The majority of people with vision impairment are older than 50 years, however, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Reduced eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities, and the ability to access public services. This book provides an overview of the effects of blindness and visual impairment in the context of the most common causes of blindness in older adults as well as children, including retinal disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular or corneal degeneration