84 research outputs found

    Proxy Blind Signature using Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Blind signature is the concept to ensure anonymity of e-coins. Untracebility and unlinkability are two main properties of real coins and should also be mimicked electronically. A user has to fulll above two properties of blind signature for permission to spend an e-coin. During the last few years, asymmetric cryptosystems based on curve based cryptographiy have become very popular, especially for embedded applications. Elliptic curves(EC) are a special case of hyperelliptic curves (HEC). HEC operand size is only a fraction of the EC operand size. HEC cryptography needs a group order of size at least 2160. In particular, for a curve of genus two eld Fq with p 280 is needeed. Therefore, the eld arithmetic has to be performed using 80-bit long operands. Which is much better than the RSA using 1024 bit key length. The hyperelliptic curve is best suited for the resource constraint environments. It uses lesser key and provides more secure transmisstion of data

    A Survey Report On Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    The paper presents an extensive and careful study of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and its applications. This paper also discuss the arithmetic involved in elliptic curve  and how these curve operations is crucial in determining the performance of cryptographic systems. It also presents  different forms of elliptic curve in various coordinate system , specifying which is most widely used and why. It also explains how isogenenies between elliptic curve  provides the secure ECC. Exentended form of elliptic curve i.e hyperelliptic curve has been presented here with its pros and cons. Performance of ECC and HEC is also discussed based on scalar multiplication and DLP. Keywords: Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), isogenies, hyperelliptic curve (HEC) , Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP), Integer  Factorization , Binary Field, Prime FieldDOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.8

    A Computationally Efficient Online/Offline Signature Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have emerged as the most widely used wireless network infrastructure in many applications. Sensing nodes are frequently deployed in hostile aquatic environments in order to collect data on resources that are severely limited in terms of transmission time and bandwidth. Since underwater information is very sensitive and unique, the authentication of users is very important to access the data and information. UWSNs have unique communication and computation needs that are not met by the existing digital signature techniques. As a result, a lightweight signature scheme is required to meet the communication and computa‑ tion requirements. In this research, we present a Certificateless Online/Offline Signature (COOS) mechanism for UWSNs. The proposed scheme is based on the concept of a hyperelliptic curves cryptosystem, which offers the same degree of security as RSA, bilinear pairing, and elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC) but with a smaller key size. In addition, the proposed scheme was proven secure in the random oracle model under the hyperelliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. A se‑ curity analysis was also carried out, as well as comparisons with appropriate current online/offline signature schemes. The comparison demonstrated that the proposed scheme is superior to the exist‑ ing schemes in terms of both security and efficiency. Additionally, we also employed the fuzzy‑based Evaluation‑based Distance from Average Solutions (EDAS) technique to demonstrate the effective‑ ness of the proposed scheme.publishedVersio

    Computer Architectures for Cryptosystems Based on Hyperelliptic Curves

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    Security issues play an important role in almost all modern communication and computer networks. As Internet applications continue to grow dramatically, security requirements have to be strengthened. Hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems (HECC) allow for shorter operands at the same level of security than other public-key cryptosystems, such as RSA or Diffie-Hellman. These shorter operands appear promising for many applications. Hyperelliptic curves are a generalization of elliptic curves and they can also be used for building discrete logarithm public-key schemes. A major part of this work is the development of computer architectures for the different algorithms needed for HECC. The architectures are developed for a reconfigurable platform based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs combine the flexibility of software solutions with the security of traditional hardware implementations. In particular, it is possible to easily change all algorithm parameters such as curve coefficients and underlying finite field. In this work we first summarized the theoretical background of hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems. In order to realize the operation addition and doubling on the Jacobian, we developed architectures for the composition and reduction step. These in turn are based on architectures for arithmetic in the underlying field and for arithmetic in the polynomial ring. The architectures are described in VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) and the code was functionally verified. Some of the arithmetic modules were also synthesized. We provide estimates for the clock cycle count for a group operation in the Jacobian. The system targeted was HECC of genus four over GF(2^41)

    Algebraic Curves and Cryptographic Protocols for the e-society

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    Amb l'augment permanent de l'adopció de sistemes intel·ligents de tot tipus en la societat actual apareixen nous reptes. Avui en dia quasi tothom en la societat moderna porta a sobre almenys un telèfon intel·ligent, si no és que porta encara més dispositius capaços d'obtenir dades personals, com podria ser un smartwatch per exemple. De manera similar, pràcticament totes les cases tindran un comptador intel·ligent en el futur pròxim per a fer un seguiment del consum d'energia. També s'espera que molts més dispositius del Internet de les Coses siguin instal·lats de manera ubiqua, recol·lectant informació dels seus voltants i/o realitzant accions, com per exemple en sistemes d'automatització de la llar, estacions meteorològiques o dispositius per la ciutat intel·ligent en general. Tots aquests dispositius i sistemes necessiten enviar dades de manera segura i confidencial, les quals poden contindre informació sensible o de caire privat. A més a més, donat el seu ràpid creixement, amb més de nou mil milions de dispositius en tot el món actualment, s'ha de tenir en compte la quantitat de dades que cal transmetre. En aquesta tesi mostrem la utilitat de les corbes algebraiques sobre cossos finits en criptosistemes de clau pública, en particular la de les corbes de gènere 2, ja que ofereixen la mida de clau més petita per a un nivell de seguretat donat i això redueix de manera significativa el cost total de comunicacions d'un sistema, a la vegada que manté un rendiment raonable. Analitzem com la valoració 2-àdica del cardinal de la Jacobiana augmenta en successives extensions quadràtiques, considerant corbes de gènere 2 en cossos de característica senar, incloent les supersingulars. A més, millorem els algoritmes actuals per a computar la meitat d'un divisor d'una corba de gènere 2 sobre un cos binari, cosa que pot ser útil en la multiplicació escalar, que és l'operació principal en criptografia de clau pública amb corbes. Pel que fa a la privacitat, presentem un sistema de pagament d'aparcament per mòbil que permet als conductors pagar per aparcar mantenint la seva privacitat, i per tant impedint que el proveïdor del servei o un atacant obtinguin un perfil de conducta d'aparcament. Finalment, oferim protocols de smart metering millorats, especialment pel que fa a la privacitat i evitant l'ús de terceres parts de confiança.Con el aumento permanente de la adopción de sistemas inteligentes de todo tipo en la sociedad actual aparecen nuevos retos. Hoy en día prácticamente todos en la sociedad moderna llevamos encima al menos un teléfono inteligente, si no es que llevamos más dispositivos capaces de obtener datos personales, como podría ser un smartwatch por ejemplo. De manera similar, en el futuro cercano la mayoría de las casas tendrán un contador inteligente para hacer un seguimiento del consumo de energía. También se espera que muchos más dispositivos del Internet de las Cosas sean instalados de manera ubicua, recolectando información de sus alrededores y/o realizando acciones, como por ejemplo en sistemas de automatización del hogar, estaciones meteorológicas o dispositivos para la ciudad inteligente en general. Todos estos dispositivos y sistemas necesitan enviar datos de manera segura y confidencial, los cuales pueden contener información sensible o de ámbito personal. Además, dado su rápido crecimiento, con más de nueve mil millones de dispositivos en todo el mundo actualmente, hay que tener en cuenta la cantidad de datos a transmitir. En esta tesis mostreamos la utilidad de las curvas algebraicas sobre cuerpos finitos en criptosistemas de clave pública, en particular la de las curvas de género 2, ya que ofrecen el tamaño de clave más pequeño para un nivel de seguridad dado y esto disminuye de manera significativa el coste total de comunicaciones del sistema, a la vez que mantiene un rendimiento razonable. Analizamos como la valoración 2-ádica del cardinal de la Jacobiana aumenta en sucesivas extensiones cuadráticas, considerando curvas de género 2 en cuerpos de característica importa, incluyendo las supersingulares. Además, mejoramos los algoritmos actuales para computar la mitad de un divisor de una curva de género 2 sobre un cuerpo binario, lo cual puede ser útil en la multiplicación escalar, que es la operación principal en criptografía de clave pública con curvas. Respecto a la privacidad, presentamos un sistema de pago de aparcamiento por móvil que permite a los conductores pagar para aparcar manteniendo su privacidad, y por lo tanto impidiendo que el proveedor del servicio o un atacante obtengan un perfil de conducta de aparcamiento. Finalmente, ofrecemos protocolos de smart metering mejorados, especialmente en lo relativo a la privacidad y evitando el uso de terceras partes de confianza.With the ever increasing adoption of smart systems of every kind throughout society, new challenges arise. Nowadays, almost everyone in modern societies carries a smartphone at least, if not even more devices than can also gather personal data, like a smartwatch or a fitness wristband for example. Similarly, practically all homes will have a smart meter in the near future for billing and energy consumption monitoring, and many other Internet of Things devices are expected to be installed ubiquitously, obtaining information of their surroundings and/or performing some action, like for example, home automation systems, weather detection stations or devices for the smart city in general. All these devices and systems need to securely and privately transmit some data, which can be sensitive and personal information. Moreover, with a rapid increase of their number, with already more than nine billion devices worldwide, the amount of data to be transmitted has to be considered. In this thesis we show the utility of algebraic curves over finite fields in public key cryptosystems, specially genus 2 curves, since they offer the minimum key size for a given security level and that significantly reduces the total communication costs of a system, while maintaining a reasonable performance. We analyze how the 2-adic valuation of the cardinality of the Jacobian increases in successive quadratic extensions, considering genus 2 curves with odd characteristic fields, including supersingular curves. In addition, we improve the current algorithms for computing the halving of a divisor of a genus 2 curve over binary fields, which can be useful in scalar multiplication, the main operation in public key cryptography using curves. As regards to privacy, we present a pay-by-phone parking system which enables drivers to pay for public parking while preserving their privacy, and thus impeding the service provider or an attacker to obtain a profile of parking behaviors. Finally, we offer better protocols for smart metering, especially regarding privacy and the avoidance of trusted third parties

    1. Kryptotag - Workshop über Kryptographie

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    Der Report enthält eine Sammlung aller Beiträge der Teilnehmer des 1. Kryptotages am 1. Dezember 2004 in Mannheim

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Pairing computation on hyperelliptic curves of genus 2

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    Bilinear pairings have been recently used to construct cryptographic schemes with new and novel properties, the most celebrated example being the Identity Based Encryption scheme of Boneh and Franklin. As pairing computation is generally the most computationally intensive part of any painng-based cryptosystem, it is essential to investigate new ways in which to compute pairings efficiently. The vast majority of the literature on pairing computation focuscs solely on using elliptic curves. In this thesis we investigate pairing computation on supersingular hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 Our aim is to provide a practical alternative to using elliptic curves for pairing based cryptography. Specifically, we illustrate how to implement pairings efficiently using genus 2 curves, and how to attain performance comparable to using elliptic curves. We show that pairing computation on genus 2 curves over F2m can outperform elliptic curves by using a new variant of the Tate pairing, called the r¡j pairing, to compute the fastest pairing implementation in the literature to date We also show for the first time how the final exponentiation required to compute the Tate pairing can be avoided for certain hyperelliptic curves. We investigate pairing computation using genus 2 curves over large prime fields, and detail various techniques that lead to an efficient implementation, thus showing that these curves are a viable candidate for practical use