28 research outputs found

    Joint probabilistic data association filter with unknown detection probability and clutter rate

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    This paper proposes a novel joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) filter for joint target tracking and track maintenance under unknown detection probability and clutter rate. The proposed algorithm consists of two main parts: (1) the standard JPDA filter with a Poisson point process birth model for multi-object state estimation; and (2) a multi-Bernoulli filter for detection probability and clutter rate estimation. The performance of the proposed JPDA filter is evaluated through empirical tests. The results of the empirical tests show that the proposed JPDA filter has comparable performance with ideal JPDA that is assumed to have perfect knowledge of detection probability and clutter rate. Therefore, the algorithm developed is practical and could be implemented in a wide range of application

    Multi-Robot Active Information Gathering Using Random Finite Sets

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    Many tasks in the modern world involve collecting information, such as infrastructure inspection, security and surveillance, environmental monitoring, and search and rescue. All of these tasks involve searching an environment to detect, localize, and track objects of interest, such as damage to roadways, suspicious packages, plant species, or victims of a natural disaster. In any of these tasks the number of objects of interest is often not known at the onset of exploration. Teams of robots can automate these often dull, dirty, or dangerous tasks to decrease costs and improve speed and safety. This dissertation addresses the problem of automating data collection processes, so that a team of mobile sensor platforms is able to explore an environment to determine the number of objects of interest and their locations. In real-world scenarios, robots may fail to detect objects within the field of view, receive false positive measurements to clutter objects, and be unable to disambiguate true objects. This makes data association, i.e., matching individual measurements to targets, difficult. To account for this, we utilize filtering algorithms based on random finite sets to simultaneously estimate the number of objects and their locations within the environment without the need to explicitly consider data association. Using the resulting estimates they receive, robots choose actions that maximize the mutual information between the set of targets and the binary events of receiving no detections. This effectively hedges against uninformative actions and leads to a closed form equation to compute mutual information, allowing the robot team to plan over a long time horizon. The robots either communicate with a central agent, which performs the estimation and control computations, or act in a decentralized manner. Our extensive hardware and simulated experiments validate the unified estimation and control framework, using robots with a wide variety of mobility and sensing capabilities to showcase the broad applicability of the framework

    A new Measure for Optimization of Field Sensor Network with Application to LiDAR

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    This thesis proposes a solution to the problem of modeling and optimizing the field sensor network in terms of the coverage performance. The term field sensor is referred to a class of sensors which can detect the regions in 2D/3D spaces through non-contact measurements. The most widely used field sensors include cameras, LiDAR, ultrasonic sensor, and RADAR, etc. The key challenge in the applications of field sensor networks, such as area coverage, is to develop an effective performance measure, which has to involve both sensor and environment parameters. The nature of space distribution in the case of the field sensor incurs a great deal of difficulties for such development and, hence, poses it as a very interesting research problem. Therefore, to tackle this problem, several attempts have been made in the literature. However, they have failed to address a comprehensive and applicable approach to distinctive types of field sensors (in 3D), as only coverage of a particular sensor is usually addressed at the time. In addition, no coverage model has been proposed yet for some types of field sensors such as LiDAR sensors. In this dissertation, a coverage model is obtained for the field sensors based on the transformation of sensor and task parameters into the sensor geometric model. By providing a mathematical description of the sensor’s sensing region, a performance measure is introduced which characterizes the closeness between a single sensor and target configurations. In this regard, the first contribution is developing an Infinity norm based measure which describes the target distance to the closure of the sensing region expressed by an area-based approach. The second contribution can be geometrically interpreted as mapping the sensor’s sensing region to an n-ball using a homeomorphism map and developing a performance measure. The third contribution is introducing the measurement principle and establishing the coverage model for the class of solid-state (flash) LiDAR sensors. The fourth contribution is point density analysis and developing the coverage model for the class of mechanical (prism rotating mechanism) LiDAR sensors. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed coverage model is illustrated by simulations, experiments, and comparisons is carried out throughout the dissertation. This coverage model is a powerful tool as it applies to the variety of field sensors

    Fusion of Data from Heterogeneous Sensors with Distributed Fields of View and Situation Evaluation for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    In order to develop a driver assistance system for pedestrian protection, pedestrians in the environment of a truck are detected by radars and a camera and are tracked across distributed fields of view using a Joint Integrated Probabilistic Data Association filter. A robust approach for prediction of the system vehicles trajectory is presented. It serves the computation of a probabilistic collision risk based on reachable sets where different sources of uncertainty are taken into account

    External multi-modal imaging sensor calibration for sensor fusion: A review

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    Multi-modal data fusion has gained popularity due to its diverse applications, leading to an increased demand for external sensor calibration. Despite several proven calibration solutions, they fail to fully satisfy all the evaluation criteria, including accuracy, automation, and robustness. Thus, this review aims to contribute to this growing field by examining recent research on multi-modal imaging sensor calibration and proposing future research directions. The literature review comprehensively explains the various characteristics and conditions of different multi-modal external calibration methods, including traditional motion-based calibration and feature-based calibration. Target-based calibration and targetless calibration are two types of feature-based calibration, which are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the paper highlights systematic calibration as an emerging research direction. Finally, this review concludes crucial factors for evaluating calibration methods and provides a comprehensive discussion on their applications, with the aim of providing valuable insights to guide future research directions. Future research should focus primarily on the capability of online targetless calibration and systematic multi-modal sensor calibration.Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I0

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2020-21 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Special Topics in Information Technology

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    This open access book presents thirteen outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications. Each year, more than 50 PhDs graduate from the program. This book gathers the outcomes of the thirteen best theses defended in 2020-21 and selected for the IT PhD Award. Each of the authors provides a chapter summarizing his/her findings, including an introduction, description of methods, main achievements and future work on the topic. Hence, the book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest research trends in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano, presented in an easy-to-read format that will also appeal to non-specialists

    Fusion de données multi capteurs pour la détection et le suivi d'objets mobiles à partir d'un véhicule autonome

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    La perception est un point clé pour le fonctionnement d'un véhicule autonome ou même pour un véhicule fournissant des fonctions d'assistance. Un véhicule observe le monde externe à l'aide de capteurs et construit un modèle interne de l'environnement extérieur. Il met à jour en continu ce modèle de l'environnement en utilisant les dernières données des capteurs. Dans ce cadre, la perception peut être divisée en deux étapes : la première partie, appelée SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) s'intéresse à la construction d'une carte de l'environnement extérieur et à la localisation du véhicule hôte dans cette carte, et deuxième partie traite de la détection et du suivi des objets mobiles dans l'environnement (DATMO pour Detection And Tracking of Moving Objects). En utilisant des capteurs laser de grande précision, des résultats importants ont été obtenus par les chercheurs. Cependant, avec des capteurs laser de faible résolution et des données bruitées, le problème est toujours ouvert, en particulier le problème du DATMO. Dans cette thèse nous proposons d'utiliser la vision (mono ou stéréo) couplée à un capteur laser pour résoudre ce problème. La première contribution de cette thèse porte sur l'identification et le développement de trois niveaux de fusion. En fonction du niveau de traitement de l'information capteur avant le processus de fusion, nous les appelons "fusion bas niveau", "fusion au niveau de la détection" et "fusion au niveau du suivi". Pour la fusion bas niveau, nous avons utilisé les grilles d'occupations. Pour la fusion au niveau de la détection, les objets détectés par chaque capteur sont fusionnés pour avoir une liste d'objets fusionnés. La fusion au niveau du suivi requiert le suivi des objets pour chaque capteur et ensuite on réalise la fusion entre les listes d'objets suivis. La deuxième contribution de cette thèse est le développement d'une technique rapide pour trouver les bords de route à partir des données du laser et en utilisant cette information nous supprimons de nombreuses fausses alarmes. Nous avons en effet observé que beaucoup de fausses alarmes apparaissent sur le bord de la route. La troisième contribution de cette thèse est le développement d'une solution complète pour la perception avec un capteur laser et des caméras stéréo-vision et son intégration sur un démonstrateur du projet européen Intersafe-2. Ce projet s'intéresse à la sécurité aux intersections et vise à y réduire les blessures et les accidents mortels. Dans ce projet, nous avons travaillé en collaboration avec Volkswagen, l'Université Technique de Cluj-Napoca, en Roumanie et l'INRIA Paris pour fournir une solution complète de perception et d'évaluation des risques pour le démonstrateur de Volkswagen.Perception is one of important steps for the functioning of an autonomous vehicle or even for a vehicle providing only driver assistance functions. Vehicle observes the external world using its sensors and builds an internal model of the outer environment configuration. It keeps on updating this internal model using latest sensor data. In this setting perception can be divided into two sub parts: first part, called SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping), is concerned with building an online map of the external environment and localizing the host vehicle in this map, and second part deals with finding moving objects in the environment and tracking them over time and is called DATMO(Detection And Tracking of Moving Objects). Using high resolution and accurate laser scanners successful efforts have been made by many researchers to solve these problems. However, with low resolution or noisy laser scanners solving these problems, especially DATMO, is still a challenge and there are either many false alarms, miss detections or both. In this thesis we propose that by using vision sensor (mono or stereo) along with laser sensor and by developing an effective fusion scheme on an appropriate level, these problems can be greatly reduced. The main contribution of this research is concerned with the identification of three fusion levels and development of fusion techniques for each level for SLAM and DATMO based perception architecture of autonomous vehicles. Depending on the amount of preprocessing required before fusion for each level, we call them low level, object detection level and track level fusion. For low level we propose to use grid based fusion technique and by giving appropriate weights (depending on the sensor properties) to each grid for each sensor a fused grid can be obtained giving better view of the external environment in some sense. For object detection level fusion, lists of objects detected for each sensor are fused to get a list of fused objects where fused objects have more information then their previous versions. We use a Bayesian fusion technique for this level. Track level fusion requires to track moving objects for each sensor separately and then do a fusion between tracks to get fused tracks. Fusion at this level helps remove false tracks. Second contribution of this research is the development of a fast technique of finding road borders from noisy laser data and then using these border information to remove false moving objects. Usually we have observed that many false moving objects appear near the road borders due to sensor noise. If they are not filtered out then they result into many false tracks close to vehicle making vehicle to apply breaks or to issue warning messages to the driver falsely. Third contribution is the development of a complete perception solution for lidar and stereo vision sensors and its intigration on a real vehicle demonstrator used for a European Union project (INTERSAFE-21). This project is concerned with the safety at intersections and aims at the reduction of injury and fatal accidents there. In this project we worked in collaboration with Volkswagen, Technical university of Cluj-Napoca Romania and INRIA Paris to provide a complete perception and risk assessment solution for this project.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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