182 research outputs found

    TrustE-VC: Trustworthy Evaluation Framework for Industrial Connected Vehicles in the Cloud

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    The integration between cloud computing and vehicular ad hoc networks, namely, vehicular clouds (VCs), has become a significant research area. This integration was proposed to accelerate the adoption of intelligent transportation systems. The trustworthiness in VCs is expected to carry more computing capabilities that manage large-scale collected data. This trend requires a security evaluation framework that ensures data privacy protection, integrity of information, and availability of resources. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that proposes a robust trustworthiness evaluation of vehicular cloud for security criteria evaluation and selection. This article proposes three-level security features in order to develop effectiveness and trustworthiness in VCs. To assess and evaluate these security features, our evaluation framework consists of three main interconnected components: 1) an aggregation of the security evaluation values of the security criteria for each level; 2) a fuzzy multicriteria decision-making algorithm; and 3) a simple additive weight associated with the importance-performance analysis and performance rate to visualize the framework findings. The evaluation results of the security criteria based on the average performance rate and global weight suggest that data residency, data privacy, and data ownership are the most pressing challenges in assessing data protection in a VC environment. Overall, this article paves the way for a secure VC using an evaluation of effective security features and underscores directions and challenges facing the VC community. This article sheds light on the importance of security by design, emphasizing multiple layers of security when implementing industrial VCsThis work was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport, Government of Spain under Grant TIN2016-76373-P, in part by the Xunta de Galicia Accreditation 2016–2019 under Grant ED431G/08 and Grant ED431C 2018/2019, and in part by the European Union under the European Regional Development FundS

    Enhanced Living Environments

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that is more related with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Effective ELE solutions require appropriate ICT algorithms, architectures, platforms, and systems, having in view the advance of science and technology in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions that can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes and can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of the healthcare providers. The aim of this book is to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing progress made, as well as prompting future directions on theories, practices, standards, and strategies related to the ELE area. The book contains 12 chapters and can serve as a valuable reference for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, educators, faculty members, researchers, engineers, medical doctors, healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and research strategists working in this area

    Activity Recognition for IoT Devices Using Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Features as Environmental Sensor Fusion

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    The IoT describes a development field where new approaches and trends are in constant change. In this scenario, new devices and sensors are offering higher precision in everyday life in an increasingly less invasive way. In this work, we propose the use of spatial-temporal features by means of fuzzy logic as a general descriptor for heterogeneous sensors. This fuzzy sensor representation is highly efficient and enables devices with low computing power to develop learning and evaluation tasks in activity recognition using light and efficient classifiers. To show the methodology's potential in real applications, we deploy an intelligent environment where new UWB location devices, inertial objects, wearable devices, and binary sensors are connected with each other and describe daily human activities. We then apply the proposed fuzzy logic-based methodology to obtain spatial-temporal features to fuse the data from the heterogeneous sensor devices. A case study developed in the UJAmISmart Lab of the University of Jaen (Jaen, Spain) shows the encouraging performance of the methodology when recognizing the activity of an inhabitant using efficient classifiers

    Survey Paper Artificial and Computational Intelligence in the Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this modern age, Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as its derivatives have become one of the most popular and important technological advancements. In IoT, all things and services in the real world are digitalized and it continues to grow exponentially every year. This growth in number of IoT device in the end has created a tremendous amount of data and new data services such as big data systems. These new technologies can be managed to produce additional value to the existing business model. It also can provide a forecasting service and is capable to produce decision-making support using computational intelligence methods. In this survey paper, we provide detailed research activities concerning Computational Intelligence methods application in IoT WSN. To build a good understanding, in this paper we also present various challenges and issues for Computational Intelligence in IoT WSN. In the last presentation, we discuss the future direction of Computational Intelligence applications in IoT WSN such as Self-Organizing Network (dynamic network) concept

    The energy center initiative at politecnico di torino: practical experiences on energy efficiency measures in the municipality of torino

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    Urban districts should evolve towards a more sustainable infrastructure and greener energy carriers. The utmost challenge is the smart integration and control, within the existing infrastructure, of new information and energy technologies (such as sensors, appliances, electric and thermal power and storage devices) that are able to provide multi-services based on multi-actors and multi and interchangeable energy carriers. In recent years, the Municipality of Torino represents an experimental scenario, in which practical experiences in the below-areas have taken place through a number of projects: 1. energy efficiency in building; 2. smart energy grids management and smart metering; 3. biowaste-to-energy: mixed urban/industrial waste management with enhanced energy recovery from biogas. This work provides an overview and update on the most interesting initiatives of smart energy management in the urban context of Torino, with an analysis and quantification of the advantages gained in terms of energy and environmental efficiency

    Practical and Adaptable Applications of Goal Programming: A Literature Review

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    Goal programming (GP) is an important optimization technique for handling multiple, and often conflicting, objectives in decision making. This paper undertakes an extensive literature review to synthesize key findings on the diverse real-world applications of GP across domains, its implementation challenges, and emerging directions. The introduction sets the context and objectives of the review. This is followed by an in-depth review of literature analyzing GP applications in areas as varied as agriculture, healthcare, education, energy management, supply chain planning, and macroeconomic policy modeling. The materials and methods provide an overview of the systematic literature review methodology. Key results are presented in terms of major application areas of GP. The discussion highlights the versatility and practical utility of GP, while also identifying limitations. The conclusion outlines promising avenues for enhancing GP modeling approaches to strengthen multi-criteria decision support

    Effective Computation Resilience in High Performance and Distributed Environments

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    The work described in this paper aims at effective computation resilience for complex simulations in high performance and distributed environments. Computation resilience is a complicated and delicate area; it deals with many types of simulation cores, many types of data on various input levels and also with many types of end-users, which have different requirements and expectations. Predictions about system and computation behaviors must be done based on deep knowledge about underlying infrastructures, and simulations' mathematical and realization backgrounds. Our conceptual framework is intended to allow independent collaborations between domain experts as end-users and providers of the computational power by taking on all of the deployment troubles arising within a given computing environment. The goal of our work is to provide a generalized approach for effective scalable usage of the computing power and to help domain-experts, so that they could concentrate more intensive on their domain solutions without the need of investing efforts in learning and adapting to the new IT backbone technologies

    Trusted resource allocation in volunteer edge-cloud computing for scientific applications

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    Data-intensive science applications in fields such as e.g., bioinformatics, health sciences, and material discovery are becoming increasingly dynamic and demanding with resource requirements. Researchers using these applications which are based on advanced scientific workflows frequently require a diverse set of resources that are often not available within private servers or a single Cloud Service Provider (CSP). For example, a user working with Precision Medicine applications would prefer only those CSPs who follow guidelines from HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) for implementing their data services and might want services from other CSPs for economic viability. With the generation of more and more data these workflows often require deployment and dynamic scaling of multi-cloud resources in an efficient and high-performance manner (e.g., quick setup, reduced computation time, and increased application throughput). At the same time, users seek to minimize the costs of configuring the related multi-cloud resources. While performance and cost are among the key factors to decide upon CSP resource selection, the scientific workflows often process proprietary/confidential data that introduces additional constraints of security postures. Thus, users have to make an informed decision on the selection of resources that are most suited for their applications while trading off between the key factors of resource selection which are performance, agility, cost, and security (PACS). Furthermore, even with the most efficient resource allocation across multi-cloud, the cost to solution might not be economical for all users which have led to the development of new paradigms of computing such as volunteer computing where users utilize volunteered cyber resources to meet their computing requirements. For economical and readily available resources, it is essential that such volunteered resources can integrate well with cloud resources for providing the most efficient computing infrastructure for users. In this dissertation, individual stages such as user requirement collection, user's resource preferences, resource brokering and task scheduling, in lifecycle of resource brokering for users are tackled. For collection of user requirements, a novel approach through an iterative design interface is proposed. In addition, fuzzy interference-based approach is proposed to capture users' biases and expertise for guiding their resource selection for their applications. The results showed improvement in performance i.e. time to execute in 98 percent of the studied applications. The data collected on user's requirements and preferences is later used by optimizer engine and machine learning algorithms for resource brokering. For resource brokering, a new integer linear programming based solution (OnTimeURB) is proposed which creates multi-cloud template solutions for resource allocation while also optimizing performance, agility, cost, and security. The solution was further improved by the addition of a machine learning model based on naive bayes classifier which captures the true QoS of cloud resources for guiding template solution creation. The proposed solution was able to improve the time to execute for as much as 96 percent of the largest applications. As discussed above, to fulfill necessity of economical computing resources, a new paradigm of computing viz-a-viz Volunteer Edge Computing (VEC) is proposed which reduces cost and improves performance and security by creating edge clusters comprising of volunteered computing resources close to users. The initial results have shown improved time of execution for application workflows against state-of-the-art solutions while utilizing only the most secure VEC resources. Consequently, we have utilized reinforcement learning based solutions to characterize volunteered resources for their availability and flexibility towards implementation of security policies. The characterization of volunteered resources facilitates efficient allocation of resources and scheduling of workflows tasks which improves performance and throughput of workflow executions. VEC architecture is further validated with state-of-the-art bioinformatics workflows and manufacturing workflows.Includes bibliographical references
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