385 research outputs found

    Implementation Aspects of a Transmitted-Reference UWB Receiver

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    In this paper, we discuss the design issues of an ultra wide band (UWB) receiver targeting a single-chip CMOS implementation for low data-rate applications like ad hoc wireless sensor networks. A non-coherent transmitted reference (TR) receiver is chosen because of its small complexity compared to other architectures. After a brief recapitulation of the UWB fundamentals and a short discussion on the major differences between coherent and non-coherent receivers, we discuss issues, challenges and possible design solutions. Several simulation results obtained by means of a behavioral model are presented, together with an analysis of the trade-off between performance and complexity in an integrated circuit implementation

    A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission

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    We present an efficient, low-cost implementation of time-hopping impulse radio that fulfills the spectral mask mandated by the FCC and is suitable for high-data-rate, short-range communications. Key features are: (i) all-baseband implementation that obviates the need for passband components, (ii) symbol-rate (not chip rate) sampling, A/D conversion, and digital signal processing, (iii) fast acquisition due to novel search algorithms, (iv) spectral shaping that can be adapted to accommodate different spectrum regulations and interference environments. Computer simulations show that this system can provide 110Mbit/s at 7-10m distance, as well as higher data rates at shorter distances under FCC emissions limits. Due to the spreading concept of time-hopping impulse radio, the system can sustain multiple simultaneous users, and can suppress narrowband interference effectively.Comment: To appear in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Special Issue on UWB - State of the Art

    Frequency UWB Channel

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) transmission systems are characterized with either a fractional bandwidth of more that 20%, or a large absolute bandwidth (>500 MHz) in the 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz band, and for a very low power spectral density (-41.25 dBm/MHz, equivalent to 75nW/MHz), which allows to share the spectrum with other narrowband and wideband systems without causing interference (FCC, 2002), this spectral allocation has initiated an extremely productive activity for industry and academia. Wireless communications experts now consider UWB as available spectrum to be utilized with a variety of techniques and not specifically related to the generation and detection of short RF pulses as in the past (Batra, 2004). For this reason, UWB systems are emerging as the best solution for high speed short range indoor wireless communication and sensor networks, with applications in home networking, high-quality multimedia content delivery, radars systems of high accuracy, etc. UWB has many attractive properties, including low interference to and from other wireless systems, easier wall and floor penetration, and inherent security due to its Low Probability Interception/Detection (LPI/D). Two of the most promising applications of UWB are High Data Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (HDR-WPAN), and Sensor Networks, where the good ranging and geo-location capabilities of UWB are particularly useful and of interest for military applications (Molisch, 2005)

    Performance evaluation of non-prefiltering vs. time reversal prefiltering in distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB ad-hoc networks

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    Time Reversal (TR) is a prefiltering scheme mostly analyzed in the context of centralized and synchronous IR-UWB networks, in order to leverage the trade-off between communication performance and device complexity, in particular in presence of multiuser interference. Several strong assumptions have been typically adopted in the analysis of TR, such as the absence of Inter-Symbol / Inter-Frame Interference (ISI/IFI) and multipath dispersion due to complex signal propagation. This work has the main goal of comparing the performance of TR-based systems with traditional non-prefiltered schemes, in the novel context of a distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB network, under more realistic assumptions including the presence of ISI/IFI and multipath dispersion. Results show that, lack of power control and imperfect channel knowledge affect the performance of both non-prefiltered and TR systems; in these conditions, TR prefiltering still guarantees a performance improvement in sparse/low-loaded and overloaded network scenarios, while the opposite is true for less extreme scenarios, calling for the developement of an adaptive scheme that enables/disables TR prefiltering depending on network conditions

    Cross-layer Resource Allocation Scheme for Multi-band High Rate UWB Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the use of a cross-layer allocation mechanism for the high-rate ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, through the cross-layer approach that provides a new service differentiation approach to the fully distributed UWB systems, we support traffic with quality of service (QoS) guarantee in a multi-user context. Second, we exploit the effective SINR method that represents the characteristics of multiple sub-carrier SINRs in the multi-band WiMedia solution proposed for UWB systems, in order to provide the channel state information needed for the multi-user sub-band allocation. This new approach improves the system performance and optimizes the spectrum utilization with a low cost data exchange between the different users while guaranteeing the required QoS. In addition, this new approach solves the problem of the cohabitation of more than three users in the same WiMedia channel

    Detection of PPM-UWB random signals

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    This paper focuses on the symbol detection problem of random pulse-position modulation (PPM) ultrawideband (UWB) signals in the absence of interframe interference. Particular attention is devoted to severely time-varying channels where optimal detectors are proposed for both uncorrelated and correlated scattering scenarios. This is done by assuming the received waveforms to be unknown parameters. In UWB communication systems, the assumption of unknown random waveforms is consistent with the fact that the received waveform has very little resemblance with the original transmitted pulse. In order to circumvent this limitation, a conditional approach is presented herein by compressing the likelihood ratio test with the information regarding the second-order moments of the end-to-end channel response. Both full-rank and rank-one detectors are derived. For the reduced complexity rank-one detector, an iterative procedure is presented that maximizes the J-divergence between the hypotheses to be tested. Finally, simulation results are provided to compare the performance of the proposed detectors in different propagation environments.Peer Reviewe

    Spectrum control and iterative coding for high capacity multiband OFDM

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    The emergence of Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation (MB-OFDM) as an ultra-wideband (UWB) technology injected new optimism in the market through realistic commercial implementation, while keeping promise of high data rates intact. However, it has also brought with it host of issues, some of which are addressed in this thesis. The thesis primarily focuses on the two issues of spectrum control and user capacity for the system currently proposed by the Multiband OFDM Alliance (MBOA). By showing that line spectra are still an issue for new modulation scheme (MB-OFDM), it proposes a mechanism of scrambling the data with an increased length linear feedback shift register (compared to the current proposal), a new set of seeds, and random phase reversion for the removal of line spectra. Following this, the thesis considers a technique for increasing the user capacity of the current MB-OFDM system to meet the needs of future wireless systems, through an adaptive multiuser synchronous coded transmission scheme. This involves real time iterative generation of user codes, which are generated over time and frequency leading to increased capacity. With the assumption of complete channel state information (CSI) at the receiver, an iterative MMSE algorithm is used which involves replacement of each users s signature with its normalized MMSE filter function allowing the overall Total Squared Correlation (TSC) of the system to decrease until the algorithm converges to a fixed set of signature vectors. This allows the system to be overloaded and user\u27s codes to be quasi-orthogonal. Simulation results show that for code of length nine (spread over three frequency bands and three time slots), ten users can be accommodated for a given QoS and with addition of single frequency sub-band which allows the code length to increase from nine to twelve (four frequency sub-bands and three time slots), fourteen users with nearly same QoS can be accommodated in the system. This communication is overlooked by a central controller with necessary functionalities to facilitate the process. The thesis essentially considers the uplink from transmitting devices to this central controller. Furthermore, analysis of this coded transmission in presence of interference is carried to display the robustness of this scheme through its adaptation by incorporating knowledge of existing Narrowband (NB) Interference for computing the codes. This allows operation of sub-band coexisting with NB interference without substantial degradation given reasonable interference energy (SIR=-l0dB and -5dB considered). Finally, the thesis looks at design implementation and convergence issues related to code vector generation whereby, use of Lanczos algorithm is considered for simpler design and faster convergence. The algorithm can be either used to simplify design implementation by providing simplified solution to Weiner Hopf equation (without requiring inverse of correlation matrix) over Krylov subspace or can be used to expedite convergence by updating the signature sequence with eigenvector corresponding to the least eigenvalue of the signature correlation matrix through reduced rank eigen subspace search

    Performance analysis of power amplifier back-off levels in UWB transmitters

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    This paper focuses on the interplay between data throughput and battery duration in UWB units, both of which the most perceptible at the user’ level. The potential benefits of enlarging the power amplifier back-off (linearity) are assessed for different channel conditions according to a communication system following the IEEE 802.15. 3a standard (MB-OFDM proposal). New performance results are presented which highlight the kinds of channels where an increase in transmit linearity (power amplifier back-off enlargement) yields increased data throughput, and those where it does not. Results show whether designs sacrificing power efficiency have a benefit in data rate increase or it is simply a power spoil (ineffective reduction of battery’s timeof- life).Peer Reviewe

    Performanse višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije za TH IR-UWB komunikacijske sustave

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    The multi pulse position amplitude modulation scheme for time-hopping multiple access impulse radio ultrawideband communication systems has been presented in this paper. Multi pulse position amplitude modulation is a hybrid modulation technique, which combines multi pulse position modulation and pulse amplitude modulation. It is shown that multi pulse position amplitude modulation significantly outperforms pulse position modulation with respect to bandwidth efficiency. The multi pulse position amplitude modulation error probability over IEEE 802.15.3a multipath fading channels in multiuser environment is derived. The system analysis shows that the proper selection of modulation parameters can improve the system performance at the cost of hardware complexity (and vice versa).U ovom je radu predstavljena višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacijska shema za impulsne ultraširokopojasne radiokomunikacijske sustave, zasnovana na višekorisničkom pristupu s vremenskim skakanjem. Višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija je hibridni modulacijski postupak, koji je kombinacija višeimpulsno-pozicijske modulacije i impulsno-amplitudne modulacije. Pokazano je da višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija značajno nadmašuje impulsno-pozicijsku modulaciju u pogledu pojasne učinkovitosti. Izvedena je vjerojatnost pogreške višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije u kanalu IEEE 802.15.3a s višestaznim rasprostiranjem i iščezavanjem signala u višekorisničkom okruženju. Analiza sustava pokazuje da odgovaraju ći izbor parametara modulacije može poboljšati performanse sustava uz povećanje složenosti sklopovlja (i obrnuto)
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