76 research outputs found

    Modeling and Validation of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol with Colored Petri Nets

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    Petri Networks with a graphical language are based on mathematical logic which have many uses and have capability for modeling and validation of distributed systems and concurrent applications. Colored Petri Networks (CPNs) are a type of Petri Network models that are used in modeling of systems which contain discrete and scattered events. In general, CPNs are used to evaluate system performance and demonstrate the correctness of systems. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is one of the main systems of protocols special for servers that are used for dynamic allocation of IP to the network computers (clients). In this paper, we highlight to analyze the correctness and authenticity of DHCPs with the use of CPNs with using the CPN Tools and to prove the accuracy of our protocol's performance.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i3.48

    Formal Specification and Design Techniques for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    A current trend in the development and implementation of industrial applications is to use wireless networks to communicate the system nodes, mainly to increase application flexibility, reliability and portability, as well as to reduce the implementation cost. However, the nondeterministic and concurrent behavior of distributed systems makes their analysis and design complex, often resulting in less than satisfactory performance in simulation and test bed scenarios, which is caused by using imprecise models to analyze, validate and design these systems. Moreover, there are some simulation platforms that do not support these models. This paper presents a design and validation method for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) which is supported on a minimal set of wireless components represented in Colored Petri Nets (CPN). In summary, the model presented allows users to verify the design properties and structural behavior of the system

    Networked Control System: Overview and Research Trends

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    Abstract-Networked control systems (NCSs) have been one of the main research focuses in academia as well as in industry for many decades and have become a multidisciplinary area. With these growing research trends, it is important to consolidate the latest knowledge and information to keep up with the research needs. In this paper, the NCS and its different forms are introduced and discussed. The beginning of this paper discusses the history and evolution of NCSs. The next part of this paper focuses on different fields and research arenas such as networking technology, network delay, network resource allocation, scheduling, network security in real-time NCSs, integration of components on a network, fault tolerance, etc. A brief literature survey and possible future direction concerning each topic is included

    Modelling and performance analysis of mobile ad hoc networks

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    PhD ThesisMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are becoming very attractive and useful in many kinds of communication and networking applications. This is due to their efficiency, relatively low cost, and flexibility provided by their dynamic infrastructure. Performance evaluation of mobile ad hoc networks is needed to compare various architectures of the network for their performance, study the effect of varying certain network parameters and study the interaction between various parameters that characterise the network. It can help in the design and implementation of MANETs. It is to be noted that most of the research that studies the performance of MANETs were evaluated using discrete event simulation (DES) utilising a broad band of network simulators. The principle drawback of DES models is the time and resources needed to run such models for large realistic systems, especially when results with a high accuracy are desired. In addition, studying typical problems such as the deadlock and concurrency in MANETs using DES is hard because network simulators implement the network at a low abstraction level and cannot support specifications at higher levels. Due to the advantage of quick construction and numerical analysis, analytical modelling techniques, such as stochastic Petri nets and process algebra, have been used for performance analysis of communication systems. In addition, analytical modelling is a less costly and more efficient method. It generally provides the best insight into the effects of various parameters and their interactions. Hence, analytical modelling is the method of choice for a fast and cost effective evaluation of mobile ad hoc networks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no analytical study that analyses the performance of multi-hop ad hoc networks, where mobile nodes move according to a random mobility model, in terms of the end-to-end delay and throughput. This work ii presents a novel analytical framework developed using stochastic reward nets and mathematical modelling techniques for modelling and analysis of multi-hop ad hoc networks, based on the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC protocol, where mobile nodes move according to the random waypoint mobility model. The proposed framework is used to analysis the performance of multi-hop ad hoc networks as a function of network parameters such as the transmission range, carrier sensing range, interference range, number of nodes, network area size, packet size, and packet generation rate. The proposed framework is organized into several models to break up the complexity of modelling the complete network and make it easier to analyse each model as required. This is based on the idea of decomposition and fixed point iteration of stochastic reward nets. The proposed framework consists of a mathematical model and four stochastic reward nets models; the path analysis model, data link layer model, network layer model and transport layer model. These models are arranged in a way similar to the layers of the OSI protocol stack model. The mathematical model is used to compute the expected number of hops between any source-destination pair; and the average number of carrier sensing, hidden, and interfering nodes. The path analysis model analyses the dynamic of paths in the network due to the node mobility in terms of the path connection availability and rate of failure and repair. The data link layer model describes the behaviour of the IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC protocol. The actions in the network layer are modelled by the network layer model. The transport layer model represents the behaviour of the transport layer protocols. The proposed models are validated using extensive simulations

    Supporting Collaboration in Mobile Environments

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    Continued rapid improvements in the hardware capabilities of mobile computing devices is driving a parallel need for a paradigm shift in software design for such devices with the aim of ushering in new classes of software applications for devices of the future. One such class of software application is collaborative applications that seem to reduce the burden and overhead of collaborations on human users by providing automated computational support for the more mundane and mechanical aspects of a cooperative effort. This dissertation addresses the research and software engineering questions associated with building a workflow-based collaboration system that can operate across mobile ad hoc networks, the most dynamic type of mobile networks that can function without dependence on any fixed external resources. While workflow management systems have been implemented for stable wired networks, the transition to a mobile network required the development of a knowledge management system for improving the predictability of the network topology, a mobility-aware specification language to specify workflows, and its accompanying algorithms that help automate key pieces of the software. In addition to details of the formulation, design, and implementation of the various algorithms and software components. this dissertation also describes the construction of a custom mobile workflow simulator that can be used to conduct simulation experiments that verify the effectiveness of the approaches presented in this document and beyond. Also presented are empirical results obtained using this simulator that show the effectiveness of the described approaches

    Supporting Real-Time Communication in CSMA-Based Networks : the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing Approach

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    Distributed Data Management in Vehicular Networks Using Mobile Agents

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    En los últimos años, las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones se han incorporado al mundo de la automoción gracias a sus avances, y han permitido la creación de dispositivos cada vez más pequeños y potentes. De esta forma, los vehículos pueden ahora incorporar por un precio asequible equipos informáticos y de comunicaciones.En este escenario, los vehículos que circulan por una determinada zona (como una ciudad o una autopista) pueden comunicarse entre ellos usando dispositivos inalámbricos que les permiten intercambiar información con otros vehículos cercanos, formando así una red vehicular ad hoc, o VANET (Vehicular Ad hoc Network). En este tipo de redes, las comunicaciones se establecen con conexiones punto a punto por medio de dispositivos tipo Wi-Fi, que permiten la comunicación con otros del mismo tipo dentro de su alcance, sin que sea necesaria la existencia previa de una infraestructura de comunicaciones como ocurre con las tecnologías de telefonía móvil (como 3G/4G), que además requieren de una suscripción y el pago de una tarifa para poder usarlas.Cada vehículo puede enviar información y recibirla de diversos orígenes, como el propio vehículo (por medio de los sensores que lleva incorporados), otros vehículos que se encuentran cerca, así como de la infraestructura de tráfico presente en las carreteras (como semáforos, señales, paneles electrónicos de información, cámaras de vigilancia, etc.). Todos estas fuentes pueden transmitir datos de diversa índole, como información de interés para los conductores (por ejemplo, atascos de tráfico o accidentes en la vía), o de cualquier otro tipo, mientras sea posible digitalizarla y enviarla a través de una red.Todos esos datos pueden ser almacenados localmente en los ordenadores que llevan los vehículos a medida que son recibidos, y sería muy interesante poder sacarles partido por medio de alguna aplicación que los explotara. Por ejemplo, podrían utilizarse los vehículos como plataformas móviles de sensores que obtengan datos de los lugares por los que viajan. Otro ejemplo de aplicación sería la de ayudar a encontrar plazas de aparcamiento libres en una zona de una ciudad, usando la información que suministrarían los vehículos que dejan una plaza libre.Con este fin, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado una propuesta de la gestión de datos basada en el uso de agentes móviles para poder hacer uso de la información presente en una VANET de forma eficiente y flexible. Esta no es una tarea trivial, ya que los datos se encuentran dispersos entre los vehículos que forman la red, y dichos vehículos están constantemente moviéndose y cambiando de posición. Esto hace que las conexiones de red establecidas entre ellos sean inestables y de corta duración, ya que están constantemente creándose y destruyéndose a medida que los vehículos entran y salen del alcance de sus comunicaciones debido a sus movimientos.En un escenario tan complicado, la aproximación que proponemos permite que los datos sean localizados, y que se puedan hacer consultas sobre ellos y transmitirlos de un sitio cualquiera de la VANET a otro, usando estrategias multi-salto que se adaptan a las siempre cambiantes posiciones de los vehículos. Esto es posible gracias a la utilización de agentes móviles para el procesamiento de datos, ya que cuentan con una serie de propiedades (como su movilidad, autonomía, adaptabilidad, o inteligencia), que hace que sean una elección muy apropiada para este tipo de entorno móvil y con un elevado grado de incertidumbre.La solución propuesta ha sido extensamente evaluada y probada por medio de simulaciones, que demuestran su buen rendimiento y fiabilidad en redes vehiculares con diferentes condiciones y en diversos escenarios.<br /