79 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Multi-Antenna Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Relay Networks in the Presence of Interference

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    Abstract—The integration of cooperative transmission into satellite networks is regarded as an effective strategy to increase the energy efficiency as well as the coverage of satellite communications. This paper investigates the performance of an amplifyand-forward (AF) hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network (HSTRN), where the links of the two hops undergo Shadowed- Rician andRayleigh fadingdistributions, respectively.By assuming that a single antenna relay is used to assist the signal transmission between the multi-antenna satellite and multi-antenna mobile terminal, and multiple interferers corrupt both the relay and destination, we first obtain the equivalent end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of the system. Then, an approximate yet very accurate closed-form expression for the ergodic capacity of the HSTRN is derived. The analytical lower bound expressions are also obtained to efficiently evaluate the outage probability (OP) and average symbol error rate (ASER) of the system. Furthermore, the asymptotic OP and ASER expressions are developed at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to reveal the achievable diversity order and array gain of the considered HSTRN. Finally, simulation results are provided to validate of the analytical results, and show the impact of various parameters on the system performance

    Finite Random Matrix Theory Analysis of Multiple Antenna Communication Systems

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    Multiple-antenna systems are capable of providing substantial improvement to wireless communication networks, in terms of data rate and reliability. Without utilizing extra spectrum or power resources, multiple-antenna technology has already been supported in several wireless communication standards, such as LTE, WiFi and WiMax. The surging popularity and enormous prospect of multiple-antenna technology require a better understanding to its fundamental performance over practical environments. Motivated by this, this thesis provides analytical characterizations of several seminal performance measures in advanced multiple-antenna systems. The analytical derivations are mainly based on finite dimension random matrix theory and a collection of novel random matrix theory results are derived. The closed-form probability density function of the output of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) block-fading channels is studied. In contrast to the existing results, the proposed expressions are very general, applying for arbitrary number of antennas, arbitrary signal-to-noise ratio and multiple classical fading models. Results are presented assuming two input structures in the system: the independent identical distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian input and a product form input. When the channel is fed by the i.i.d. Gaussian input, analysis is focused on the channel matrices whose Gramian is unitarily invariant. When the channel is fed by a product form input, analysis is conducted with respect to two capacity-achieving input structures that are dependent upon the relationship between the coherence length and the number of antennas. The mutual information of the systems can be computed numerically from the pdf expression of the output. The computation is relatively easy to handle, avoiding the need of the straight Monte-Carlo computation which is not feasible in large-dimensional networks. The analytical characterization of the output pdf of a single-user MIMO block-fading channels with imperfect channel state information at the receiver is provided. The analysis is carried out under the assumption of a product structure for the input. The model can be thought of as a perturbation of the case where the statistics of the channel are perfectly known. Specifically, the average singular values of the channel are given, while the channel singular vectors are assumed to be isotropically distributed on the unitary groups of dimensions given by the number of transmit and receive antennas. The channel estimate is affected by a Gaussian distributed error, which is modeled as a matrix with i.i.d. Gaussian entries of known covariance. The ergodic capacity of an amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO relay network over asymmetric channels is investigated. In particular, the source-relay and relay-destination channels undergo Rayleigh and Rician fading, respectively. Considering arbitrary-rank means for the relay-destination channel, the marginal distribution of an unordered eigenvalue of the cascaded AF channel is presented, thus the analytical expression of the ergodic capacity of the system is obtained. The results indicate the impact of the signal-to-noise ratio and of the Line-of-Sight component on such asymmetric relay network

    New challenges in wireless and free space optical communications

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    AbstractThis manuscript presents a survey on new challenges in wireless communication systems and discusses recent approaches to address some recently raised problems by the wireless community. At first a historical background is briefly introduced. Challenges based on modern and real life applications are then described. Up to date research fields to solve limitations of existing systems and emerging new technologies are discussed. Theoretical and experimental results based on several research projects or studies are briefly provided. Essential, basic and many self references are cited. Future researcher axes are briefly introduced

    On the Performance of SR and FR Protocols for OSTBC based AF-MIMO Relay System with Channel and Noise Correlations

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    This paper proposes selection relaying (SR) protocol for a cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay system that consists of a direct link between a source and a destination. The system has only receive-side channel state information (CSI), spatially correlated MIMO channels, and the receiver nodes observe spatially correlated noise. The transmit nodes employ orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC), whereas the receiver nodes employ optimum minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) detection. The SR protocol, which transmits via the relay only when the direct link between the source and destination is in outage, is compared with the fixed relaying (FR) protocol which always uses the relay. By deriving novel asymptotic expressions of the outage probabilities, it is analytically shown that both protocols provide the same diversity gain. However, the coding gain (CG) of the SR protocol can be much better than that of the FR protocol. In particular, when all MIMO links have the same effective rank, irrespective of its value, the SR protocol provides better CG than the FR scheme if the target information rate is greater than ln2(3) bits per channel use. Simulation results support theoretical analysis and show that the SR scheme can significantly outperform FR method, which may justify the increased complexity due to one-bit feedback requirement in the SR protocol

    On the Performance of SR and FR Protocols for OSTBC based AF-MIMO Relay System with Channel and Noise Correlations

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    This paper proposes selection relaying (SR) protocol for a cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay system that consists of a direct link between a source and a destination. The system has only receive-side channel state information (CSI), spatially correlated MIMO channels, and the receiver nodes observe spatially correlated noise. The transmit nodes employ orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC), whereas the receiver nodes employ optimum minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) detection. The SR protocol, which transmits via the relay only when the direct link between the source and destination is in outage, is compared with the fixed relaying (FR) protocol which always uses the relay. By deriving novel asymptotic expressions of the outage probabilities, it is analytically shown that both protocols provide the same diversity gain. However, the coding gain (CG) of the SR protocol can be much better than that of the FR protocol. In particular, when all MIMO links have the same effective rank, irrespective of its value, the SR protocol provides better CG than the FR scheme if the target information rate is greater than ln2(3) bits per channel use. Simulation results support theoretical analysis and show that the SR scheme can significantly outperform FR method, which may justify the increased complexity due to one-bit feedback requirement in the SR protocol

    Distributed Space-Time Coding Based on Adjustable Code Matrices for Cooperative MIMO Relaying Systems

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    An adaptive distributed space-time coding (DSTC) scheme is proposed for two-hop cooperative MIMO networks. Linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) receive filters and adjustable code matrices are considered subject to a power constraint with an amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperation strategy. In the proposed adaptive DSTC scheme, an adjustable code matrix obtained by a feedback channel is employed to transform the space-time coded matrix at the relay node. The effects of the limited feedback and the feedback errors are assessed. Linear MMSE expressions are devised to compute the parameters of the adjustable code matrix and the linear receive filters. Stochastic gradient (SG) and least-squares (LS) algorithms are also developed with reduced computational complexity. An upper bound on the pairwise error probability analysis is derived and indicates the advantage of employing the adjustable code matrices at the relay nodes. An alternative optimization algorithm for the adaptive DSTC scheme is also derived in order to eliminate the need for the feedback. The algorithm provides a fully distributed scheme for the adaptive DSTC at the relay node based on the minimization of the error probability. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms obtain significant performance gains as compared to existing DSTC schemes.Comment: 6 figure

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Two-Way Relaying Networks and Full-Duplex Communication Systems

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    Sehr hohe Datenraten und ständig verfügbare Netzabdeckung in zukünftigen drahtlosen Netzwerken erfordern neue Algorithmen auf der physischen Schicht. Die Nutzung von Relais stellt ein vielversprechendes Verfahren dar, da die Netzabdeckung gesteigert werden kann. Zusätzlich steht hierdurch im Vergleich zu Kupfer- oder Glasfaserleitungen eine preiswerte Lösung zur Anbindung an die Netzinfrastruktur zur Verfügung. Traditionelle Einwege-Relais-Techniken (One-Way Relaying [OWR]) nutzen Halbduplex-Verfahren (HD-Verfahren), welche das Übertragungssystem ausbremst und zu spektralen Verlusten führt. Einerseits erlauben es Zweiwege-Relais-Techniken (Two-Way Relaying [TWR]), simultan sowohl an das Relais zu senden als auch von diesem zu empfangen, wodurch im Vergleich zu OWR das Spektrum effizienter genutzt wird. Aus diesem Grunde untersuchen wir Zweiwege-Relais und im Speziellen TWR-Systeme für den Mehrpaar-/Mehrnutzer-Betrieb unter Nutzung von Amplify-and-forward-Relais (AF-Relais). Derartige Szenarien leiden unter Interferenzen zwischen Paaren bzw. zwischen Nutzern. Um diesen Interferenzen Herr zu werden, werden hochentwickelte Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen – oder in anderen Worten räumliche Mehrfachzugriffsverfahren (Spatial Division Multiple Access [SDMA]) – benötigt. Andererseits kann der spektrale Verlust durch den HD-Betrieb auch kompensiert werden, wenn das Relais im Vollduplexbetrieb arbeitet. Nichtsdestotrotz ist ein FD-Gerät in der Praxis aufgrund starker interner Selbstinterferenz (SI) und begrenztem Dynamikumfang des Tranceivers schwer zu realisieren. Aus diesem Grunde sollten fortschrittliche Verfahren zur SI-Ünterdrückung entwickelt werden. Diese Dissertation trägt diesen beiden Zielen Rechnung, indem optimale und/oder effiziente algebraische Lösungen entwickelt werden, welche verschiedenen Nutzenfunktionen, wie Summenrate und minimale Sendeleistung, maximieren.Im ersten Teil studieren wir zunächst Mehrpaar-TWR-Netzwerke mit einem einzelnen Mehrantennen-AF-Relais. Dieser Anwendungsfall kann auch so betrachtet werden, dass sich mehrere verschiedene Dienstoperatoren Relais und Spektrum teilen, wobei verschiedene Nutzerpaare zu verschiedenen Dienstoperatoren gehören. Aktuelle Ansätzen zielen auf Interferenzunterdrückung ab. Wir schlagen ein auf Projektion basiertes Verfahren zur Trennung mehrerer Dienstoperatoren (projection based separation of multiple operators [ProBaSeMO]) vor. ProBaSeMO ist leicht anpassbar für den Fall, dass jeder Nutzer mehrere Antennen besitzt oder unterschiedliche Systemdesignkriterien angewendet werden müssen. Als Bewertungsmaßstab für ProBaSeMO entwickeln wir optimale Algorithmen zur Maximierung der Summenrate, zur Minimierung der Sendeleistung am Relais oder zur Maximierung des minimalen Signal-zu-Interferenz-und-Rausch-Verhältnisses (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio [SINR]) am Nutzer. Zur Maximierung der Summenrate wurden spezifische gradientenbasierte Methoden entwickelt, die unabhängig davon sind, ob ein Nutzer mit einer oder mehr Antennen ausgestattet ist. Um im Falle eines „Worst-Case“ immer noch eine polynomielle Laufzeit zu garantieren, entwickelten wir einen Algorithmus mit polynomieller Laufzeit. Dieser ist inspiriert von der „Polynomial Time Difference of Convex Functions“-Methode (POTDC-Methode). Bezüglich der Summenrate des Systems untersuchen wir zuletzt, welche Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, um einen Gewinn durch gemeinsames Nutzen zu erhalten. Hiernach untersuchen wir die Maximierung der Summenrate eines Mehrpaar-TWR-Netzwerkes mit mehreren Einantennen-AF-Relais und Einantennen-Nutzern. Das daraus resultierende Problem der Summenraten-Maximierung, gebunden an eine bestimmte Gesamtsendeleistung aller Relais im Netzwerk, ist ähnlich dem des vorangegangenen Szenarios. Dementsprechend kann eine optimale Lösung für das eine Szenario auch für das jeweils andere Szenario genutzt werden. Weiterhin werden basierend auf dem Polynomialzeitalgorithmus global optimale Lösungen entwickelt. Diese Lösungen sind entweder an eine maximale Gesamtsendeleistung aller Relais oder an eine maximale Sendeleistung jedes einzelnen Relais gebunden. Zusätzlich entwickeln wir suboptimale Lösungen, die effizient in ihrer Laufzeit sind und eine Approximation der optimalen Lösung darstellen. Hiernach verlegen wir unser Augenmerk auf ein Mehrpaar-TWR-Netzwerk mit mehreren Mehrantennen-AF-Relais und mehreren Repeatern. Solch ein Szenario ist allgemeiner, da die vorherigen beiden Szenarien als spezielle Realisierungen dieses Szenarios aufgefasst werden können. Das Interferenz-Management in diesem Szenario ist herausfordernder aufgrund der vorhandenen Repeater. Interferenzneutralisierung (IN) stellt eine Lösung dar, um diese Art Interferenz zu handhaben. Im Zuge dessen werden notwendige und ausreichende Bedingungen zur Aufhebung der Interferenz hergeleitet. Weiterhin wird ein Framework entwickelt, dass verschiedene Systemnutzenfunktionen optimiert, wobei IN im jeweiligen Netzwerk vorhanden sein kann oder auch nicht. Dies ist unabhängig davon, ob die Relais einer maximalen Gesamtsendeleistung oder einer individuellen maximalen Sendeleistung unterliegen. Letztendlich entwickeln wir ein Übertragungsverfahren sowie ein Vorkodier- und Dekodierverfahren für Basisstationen (BS) in einem TWR-assistierten Mehrbenutzer-MIMO-Downlink-Kanal. Im Vergleich mit dem Mehrpaar-TWR-Netzwerk leidet dieses Szenario unter Interferenzen zwischen den Kanälen. Wir entwickeln drei suboptimale Algorithmen, welche auf Kanalinversion basieren. ProBaSeMO und „Zero-Forcing Dirty Paper Coding“ (ZFDPC), welche eine geringe Zeitkomplexität aufweisen, schaffen eine Balance zwischen Leistungsfähigkeit und Komplexität. Zusätzlich gibt es jeweils nur geringe Einbrüche in stark beanspruchten Kommunikationssystemen.Im zweiten Teil untersuchen wir Techniken zur SI-Unterdrückung, um den FD-Gewinn in einem Punkt-zu-Punkt-System auszunutzen. Zunächst entwickeln wir ein Übertragungsverfahren, dass auf SI Rücksicht nimmt und die SI-Unterdrückung gegen den Multiplexgewinn abwägt. Die besten Ergebnisse werden durch die perfekte Kenntnis des Kanals erzielt, was praktisch nicht genau der Fall ist. Aus diesem Grund werden Übertragungstechniken für den „Worst Case“ entwickelt, die den Kanalschätzfehlern Rechnung tragen. Diese Fehler werden deterministisch modelliert und durch Ellipsoide beschränkt. In praktischen Szenarien ist der HF-Schaltkreise nicht perfekt. Dies hat Einfluss auf die Verfahren zur SI-Unterdrückung und führt zu einer Restselbstinterferenz. Wir entwickeln effiziente Übertragungstechniken mittels Beamforming, welche auf dem Signal-zu-Verlust-und-Rausch-Verhältnis (signal to leakage plus noise ratio [SLNR]) aufbauen, um Unvollkommenheiten der HF-Schaltkreise auszugleichen. Zusätzlich können alle Designkonzepte auf FD-OWR-Systeme erweitert werden.To enable ultra-high data rate and ubiquitous coverage in future wireless networks, new physical layer techniques are desired. Relaying is a promising technique for future wireless networks since it can boost the coverage and can provide low cost wireless backhauling solutions, as compared to traditional wired backhauling solutions via fiber and copper. Traditional one-way relaying (OWR) techniques suffer from the spectral loss due to the half-duplex (HD) operation at the relay. On one hand, two-way relaying (TWR) allows the communication partners to transmit to and/or receive from the relay simultaneously and thus uses the spectrum more efficiently than OWR. Therefore, we study two-way relays and more specifically multi-pair/multi-user TWR systems with amplify-and-forward (AF) relays. These scenarios suffer from inter-pair or inter-user interference. To deal with the interference, advanced signal processing algorithms, in other words, spatial division multiple access (SDMA) techniques, are desired. On the other hand, if the relay is a full-duplex (FD) relay, the spectral loss due to a HD operation can also be compensated. However, in practice, a FD device is hard to realize due to the strong loop-back self-interference and the limited dynamic range at the transceiver. Thus, advanced self-interference suppression techniques should be developed. This thesis contributes to the two goals by developing optimal and/or efficient algebraic solutions for different scenarios subject to different utility functions of the system, e.g., sum rate maximization and transmit power minimization. In the first part of this thesis, we first study a multi-pair TWR network with a multi-antenna AF relay. This scenario can be also treated as the sharing of the relay and the spectrum among multiple operators assuming that different pairs of users belong to different operators. Existing approaches focus on interference suppression. We propose a projection based separation of multiple operators (ProBaSeMO) scheme, which can be easily extended when each user has multiple antennas or when different system design criteria are applied. To benchmark the ProBaSeMO scheme, we develop optimal relay transmit strategies to maximize the system sum rate, minimize the required transmit power at the relay, or maximize the minimum signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of the users. Specifically for the sum rate maximization problem, gradient based methods are developed regardless whether each user has a single antenna or multiple antennas. To guarantee a worst-case polynomial time solution, we also develop a polynomial time algorithm which has been inspired by the polynomial time difference of convex functions (POTDC) method. Finally, we analyze the conditions for obtaining the sharing gain in terms of the sum rate. Then we study the sum rate maximization problem of a multi-pair TWR network with multiple single antenna AF relays and single antenna users. The resulting sum rate maximization problem, subject to a total transmit power constraint of the relays in the network, yields a similar problem structure as in the previous scenario. Therefore the optimal solution for one scenario can be used for the other. Moreover, a global optimal solution, which is based on the polyblock approach, and several suboptimal solutions, which are more computationally efficient and approximate the optimal solution, are developed when there is a total transmit power constraint of the relays in the network or each relay has its own transmit power constraint. We then shift our focus to a multi-pair TWR network with multiple multi-antenna AF relays and multiple dumb repeaters. This scenario is more general because the previous two scenarios can be seen as special realizations of this scenario. The interference management in this scenario is more challenging due to the existence of the repeaters. Interference neutralization (IN) is a solution for dealing with this kind of interference. Thereby, necessary and sufficient conditions for neutralizing the interference are derived. Moreover, a general framework to optimize different system utility functions in this network with or without IN is developed regardless whether the AF relays in the network have a total transmit power limit or individual transmit power limits. Finally, we develop the relay transmit strategy as well as base station (BS) precoding and decoding schemes for a TWR assisted multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) downlink channel. Compared to the multi-pair TWR network, this scenario suffers from the co-channel interference. We develop three suboptimal algorithms which are based on channel inversion, ProBaSeMO and zero-forcing dirty paper coding (ZFDPC), which has a low computational complexity, provides a balance between the performance and the complexity, and suffers only a little when the system is heavily loaded, respectively.In the second part of this thesis, we investigate self-interference (SI) suppression techniques to exploit the FD gain for a point-to-point MIMO system. We first develop SI aware transmit strategies, which provide a balance between the SI suppression and the multiplexing gain of the system. To get the best performance, perfect channel state information (CSI) is needed, which is imperfect in practice. Thus, worst case transmit strategies to combat the imperfect CSI are developed, where the CSI errors are modeled deterministically and bounded by ellipsoids. In real word applications, the RF chain is imperfect. This affects the performance of the SI suppression techniques and thus results in residual SI. We develop efficient transmit beamforming techniques, which are based on the signal to leakage plus noise ratio (SLNR) criterion, to deal with the imperfections in the RF chain. All the proposed design concepts can be extended to FD OWR systems

    Improving the Performance of Medium Access Control Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Network with Smart Antennas

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    Requirements for high quality links and great demand for high throughput in Wireless LAN especially Mobile Ad-hoc Network has motivated new enhancements and work in Wireless communications such as Smart Antenna Systems. Smart (adaptive) Antennas enable spatial reuse, increase throughput and they increase the communication range because of the increase directivity of the antenna array. These enhancements quantified for the physical layer may not be efficiently utilized, unless the Media Access Control (MAC) layer is designed accordingly. This thesis implements the behaviours of two MAC protocols, ANMAC and MMAC protocols in OPNET simulator. This method is known as the Physical-MAC layer simulation model. The entire physical layer is written in MATLAB, and MATLAB is integrated into OPNET to perform the necessary stochastic physical layer simulations. The aim is to investigate the performance improvement in throughput and delay of the selected MAC Protocols when using Smart Antennas in a mobile environment. Analytical methods were used to analyze the average throughput and delay performance of the selected MAC Protocols with Adaptive Antenna Arrays in MANET when using spatial diversity. Comparison study has been done between the MAC protocols when using Switched beam antenna and when using the proposed scheme. It has been concluded that the throughput and delay performance of the selected protocols have been improved by the use of Adaptive Antenna Arrays. The throughput and delay performance of ANMAC-SW and ANMAC-AA protocols was evaluated in details against regular Omni 802.11 stations. Our results promise significantly enhancement over Omni 802.11, with a throughput of 25% for ANMAC-SW and 90% for ANMC-AA. ANMAC-AA outperforms ANMAC-SW protocol by 60%. Simulation experiments indicate that by using the proposed scheme with 4 Adaptive Antenna Array per a node, the average throughput in the network can be improved up to 2 to 2.5 times over that obtained by using Switched beam Antennas. The proposed scheme improves the performances of both ANMAC and MMAC protocols but ANMAC outperforms MMAC by 30%
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