51 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of l_0 Norm Constraint Least Mean Square Algorithm

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    As one of the recently proposed algorithms for sparse system identification, l0l_0 norm constraint Least Mean Square (l0l_0-LMS) algorithm modifies the cost function of the traditional method with a penalty of tap-weight sparsity. The performance of l0l_0-LMS is quite attractive compared with its various precursors. However, there has been no detailed study of its performance. This paper presents all-around and throughout theoretical performance analysis of l0l_0-LMS for white Gaussian input data based on some reasonable assumptions. Expressions for steady-state mean square deviation (MSD) are derived and discussed with respect to algorithm parameters and system sparsity. The parameter selection rule is established for achieving the best performance. Approximated with Taylor series, the instantaneous behavior is also derived. In addition, the relationship between l0l_0-LMS and some previous arts and the sufficient conditions for l0l_0-LMS to accelerate convergence are set up. Finally, all of the theoretical results are compared with simulations and are shown to agree well in a large range of parameter setting.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figure


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    Change of support problemへの新たな空間統計モデルの開発

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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Slowly Varying Regression under Sparsity

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    We consider the problem of parameter estimation in slowly varying regression models with sparsity constraints. We formulate the problem as a mixed integer optimization problem and demonstrate that it can be reformulated exactly as a binary convex optimization problem through a novel exact relaxation. The relaxation utilizes a new equality on Moore-Penrose inverses that convexifies the non-convex objective function while coinciding with the original objective on all feasible binary points. This allows us to solve the problem significantly more efficiently and to provable optimality using a cutting plane-type algorithm. We develop a highly optimized implementation of such algorithm, which substantially improves upon the asymptotic computational complexity of a straightforward implementation. We further develop a heuristic method that is guaranteed to produce a feasible solution and, as we empirically illustrate, generates high quality warm-start solutions for the binary optimization problem. We show, on both synthetic and real-world datasets, that the resulting algorithm outperforms competing formulations in comparable times across a variety of metrics including out-of-sample predictive performance, support recovery accuracy, and false positive rate. The algorithm enables us to train models with 10,000s of parameters, is robust to noise, and able to effectively capture the underlying slowly changing support of the data generating process.Comment: Submitted to Operations Research. First submission: 02/202

    Some Statistical Properties of Spectral Regression Estimators

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    In this thesis we explore different Spectral Regression Estimators in order to solve the prob- lem in regression where we have multiple columns that are linearly dependent: We explore two scenarios • Scenario 1: p \u3c\u3c n where there exists at least two columns; xj and xk that are nearly linearly dependent which indicates co-linearity and X⊤X becomes near singular. • Scenario 2: n \u3c\u3c p since there are more predictors than observations so some columns must be a linear combination of another column which indicates linear dependence. The scenarios give us an ill conditioned matrix of X⊤X (when solving the normal equa- tion) due to collinearity issues and the matrix becomes singular and makes the least squares estimate unstable and impossible to compute. In the paper, we explore different methods (variable selection, regularization, compression and dimensionality reduction) that solves the above issue. For variable selection techniques, we use Stepwise Selection Regression as well as the method of Best Subset Selection regression. Two approaches for Stepwise Se- lection regression are assessed in the paper: Forward Selection and Backward Elimination. Performance assessment of our regression models will be made based on criterion based procedures like AIC,BIC,R2,R2 adjusted and the Mallow’s CP statistic. In chapter three of this paper we introduce the concepts of General Regularization, Ridge Regression as well as subsequent shrinkage methods such as the Lasso, Bayesian Lasso and the Elastic net. Chapter five will look at Compression and Dimensionality reduction procedures which are outlined via SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) and Eigenvector Decomposition. Hard thresholding is subsequently introduced via SPCA (Sparse Principle Component Analysis) and a novel approach using RPCA (Robust Principle Component Analysis). Furthermore, RPCA also shows how it can aid with data and image compression. The basis of this study is concluded with an empirical exploration of all the methods outlined above using several performance indicators on simulated data and real data sets. Assessment of the data sets is done via cross-validation. We determine the optimal values of the settings and then evalu- ate the predictive and explanatory performance

    Computational Modeling of Stability and Laxity in the Natural and Implanted Knee Joint

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    The knee joint plays a central role in human motion for its dual function: providing a large range of motion in flexion/extension and stability in the other degrees of freedom. Computational modeling is a powerful tool to deepen our understanding of the joint mechanics, overcoming the main limitations of experimental investigations, i.e. time, cost and impracticability, and providing valuable insights for prosthetic design, rehabilitation and surgical planning. Within this background, the specific aim of this dissertation is threefold: to develop a sequentially-defined kinetostatic model of the knee, comparing the performance of spherical and anatomical surfaces; to develop a dynamic model of the knee to predict the quadriceps force during the squat activity; to estimate the compressive force that the implanted knee joint needs in order to reproduce natural stability. This dissertation presents novel and efficient procedures to model and evaluate the behavior of the natural and implanted knee under the effect of static and dynamic loading conditions, extending the current knowledge in the field of musculoskeletal computational modeling

    Claim Models: Granular Forms and Machine Learning Forms

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    This collection of articles addresses the most modern forms of loss reserving methodology: granular models and machine learning models. New methodologies come with questions about their applicability. These questions are discussed in one article, which focuses on the relative merits of granular and machine learning models. Others illustrate applications with real-world data. The examples include neural networks, which, though well known in some disciplines, have previously been limited in the actuarial literature. This volume expands on that literature, with specific attention to their application to loss reserving. For example, one of the articles introduces the application of neural networks of the gated recurrent unit form to the actuarial literature, whereas another uses a penalized neural network. Neural networks are not the only form of machine learning, and two other papers outline applications of gradient boosting and regression trees respectively. Both articles construct loss reserves at the individual claim level so that these models resemble granular models. One of these articles provides a practical application of the model to claim watching, the action of monitoring claim development and anticipating major features. Such watching can be used as an early warning system or for other administrative purposes. Overall, this volume is an extremely useful addition to the libraries of those working at the loss reserving frontier

    Advances in parameterisation, optimisation and pruning of neural networks

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    Les réseaux de neurones sont une famille de modèles de l'apprentissage automatique qui sont capable d'apprendre des tâches complexes directement des données. Bien que produisant déjà des résultats impressionnants dans beaucoup de domaines tels que la reconnaissance de la parole, la vision par ordinateur ou encore la traduction automatique, il y a encore de nombreux défis dans l'entraînement et dans le déploiement des réseaux de neurones. En particulier, entraîner des réseaux de neurones nécessite typiquement d'énormes ressources computationnelles, et les modèles entraînés sont souvent trop gros ou trop gourmands en ressources pour être déployés sur des appareils dont les ressources sont limitées, tels que les téléphones intelligents ou les puces de faible puissance. Les articles présentés dans cette thèse étudient des solutions à ces différents problèmes. Les deux premiers articles se concentrent sur l'amélioration de l'entraînement des réseaux de neurones récurrents (RNNs), un type de réseaux de neurones particulier conçu pour traiter des données séquentielles. Les RNNs sont notoirement difficiles à entraîner, donc nous proposons d'améliorer leur paramétrisation en y intégrant la normalisation par lots (BN), qui était jusqu'à lors uniquement appliquée aux réseaux non-récurrents. Dans le premier article, nous appliquons BN aux connections des entrées vers les couches cachées du RNN, ce qui réduit le décalage covariable entre les différentes couches; et dans le second article, nous montrons comment appliquer BN aux connections des entrées vers les couches cachées et aussi des couches cachée vers les couches cachée des réseau récurrents à mémoire court et long terme (LSTM), une architecture populaire de RNN, ce qui réduit également le décalage covariable entre les pas de temps. Nos expériences montrent que les paramétrisations proposées permettent d'entraîner plus rapidement et plus efficacement les RNNs, et ce sur différents bancs de tests. Dans le troisième article, nous proposons un nouvel optimiseur pour accélérer l'entraînement des réseaux de neurones. Les optimiseurs diagonaux traditionnels, tels que RMSProp, opèrent dans l'espace des paramètres, ce qui n'est pas optimal lorsque plusieurs paramètres sont mis à jour en même temps. A la place, nous proposons d'appliquer de tels optimiseurs dans une base dans laquelle l'approximation diagonale est susceptible d'être plus efficace. Nous tirons parti de l'approximation K-FAC pour construire efficacement cette base propre Kronecker-factorisée (KFE). Nos expériences montrent une amélioration en vitesse d'entraînement par rapport à K-FAC, et ce pour différentes architectures de réseaux de neurones profonds. Le dernier article se concentre sur la taille des réseaux de neurones, i.e. l'action d'enlever des paramètres du réseau, afin de réduire son empreinte mémoire et son coût computationnel. Les méthodes de taille typique se base sur une approximation de Taylor de premier ou de second ordre de la fonction de coût, afin d'identifier quels paramètres peuvent être supprimés. Nous proposons d'étudier l'impact des hypothèses qui se cachent derrière ces approximations. Aussi, nous comparons systématiquement les méthodes basées sur des approximations de premier et de second ordre avec la taille par magnitude (MP), et montrons comment elles fonctionnent à la fois avant, mais aussi après une phase de réapprentissage. Nos expériences montrent que mieux préserver la fonction de coût ne transfère pas forcément à des réseaux qui performent mieux après la phase de réapprentissage, ce qui suggère que considérer uniquement l'impact de la taille sur la fonction de coût ne semble pas être un objectif suffisant pour développer des bon critères de taille.Neural networks are a family of Machine Learning models able to learn complex tasks directly from the data. Although already producing impressive results in many areas such as speech recognition, computer vision or machine translation, there are still a lot of challenges in both training and deployment of neural networks. In particular, training neural networks typically requires huge amounts of computational resources, and trained models are often too big or too computationally expensive to be deployed on resource-limited devices, such as smartphones or low-power chips. The articles presented in this thesis investigate solutions to these different issues. The first couple of articles focus on improving the training of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), networks specially designed to process sequential data. RNNs are notoriously hard to train, so we propose to improve their parameterisation by upgrading them with Batch Normalisation (BN), a very effective parameterisation which was hitherto used only in feed-forward networks. In the first article, we apply BN to the input-to-hidden connections of the RNNs, thereby reducing internal covariate shift between layers. In the second article, we show how to apply it to both input-to-hidden and hidden-to-hidden connections of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), a popular RNN architecture, thus also reducing internal covariate shift between time steps. Our experiments show that these proposed parameterisations allow for faster and better training of RNNs on several benchmarks. In the third article, we propose a new optimiser to accelerate the training of neural networks. Traditional diagonal optimisers, such as RMSProp, operate in parameters coordinates, which is not optimal when several parameters are updated at the same time. Instead, we propose to apply such optimisers in a basis in which the diagonal approximation is likely to be more effective. We leverage the same approximation used in Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC) to efficiently build this Kronecker-factored Eigenbasis (KFE). Our experiments show improvements over K-FAC in training speed for several deep network architectures. The last article focuses on network pruning, the action of removing parameters from the network, in order to reduce its memory footprint and computational cost. Typical pruning methods rely on first or second order Taylor approximations of the loss landscape to identify which parameters can be discarded. We propose to study the impact of the assumptions behind such approximations. Moreover, we systematically compare methods based on first and second order approximations with Magnitude Pruning (MP), showing how they perform both before and after a fine-tuning phase. Our experiments show that better preserving the original network function does not necessarily transfer to better performing networks after fine-tuning, suggesting that only considering the impact of pruning on the loss might not be a sufficient objective to design good pruning criteria