15 research outputs found


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    In recent decades, perfect algebraic constructions are successfully being use to signal systems synthesis, to construct block and stream cryptographic algorithms, to create pseudo-random sequence generators as well as in many other fields of science and technology. Among perfect algebraic constructions a significant place is occupied by bent-sequences and the class of perfect binary arrays associated with them. Bent-sequences are used for development of modern cryptographic primitives, as well as for constructing constant amplitude codes (C-codes) used in code division multiple access technology. In turn, perfect binary arrays are used for constructing correction codes, systems of biphase phase- shifted signals and multi-level cryptographic systems. The development of methods of many-valued logic in modern information and communication systems has attracted the attention of researchers to the improvement of methods for synthesizing many-valued bent-sequences for cryptography and information transmission tasks. The new results obtained in the field of the synthesis of ternary bent-sequences, make actual the problem of researching the class of perfect ternary arrays. In this paper we consider the problem of extending the definition of perfect binary arrays to three-valued logic case, as a result of which the definition of a perfect ternary array was introduced on the basis of the determination of the unbalance of the ternary function. A complete class of perfect ternary arrays of the third order is obtained by a regular method, bypassing the search. Thus, it is established that the class of perfect ternary arrays is a union of four subclasses, in each of which the corresponding methods of reproduction are determined. The paper establishes the relationship between the class of ternary bent-sequences and the class of perfect ternary arrays. The obtained results are the basis for the introduction of perfect ternary arrays into modern cryptographic and telecommunication algorithms.В настоящее время совершенные алгебраические конструкции успешно применяются для синтеза систем сигналов, конструирования блочных и поточных криптоалгоритмов, для создания генераторов псевдослучайных ключевых последовательностей. Среди совершенных алгебраических конструкций значительное место занимают бент-последовательности и связанный с ними класс совершенных двоичных решеток. Бент-последовательности применяются для построения современных криптографических примитивов, а также для построения кодов постоянной амплитуды (C-кодов), используемых в технологии кодового разделения каналов. В свою очередь, совершенные двоичные решетки используются для построения корректирующих кодов, систем бифазных фазоманипулированных сигналов и многоуровневых криптографических систем. Развитие методов многозначной логики в современных информационных и коммуникационных системах привлекло внимание исследователей к усовершенствованию методов синтеза многозначных бент-последовательностей для задач криптографии и передачи информации. Новые результаты, полученные в области синтеза троичных бент-последовательностей, делают актуальной задачу изучения класса совершенных троичных решеток. В настоящей статье результаты для совершенных двоичных решеток распространяются на трехзначный случай. На основе понятия разбаланса троичной функции введено определение совершенной троичной решетки. Полный класс совершенных троичных решеток третьего порядка получен регулярным методом, минуя перебор. Так, установлено, что класс совершенных троичных решеток является объединением четырех подклассов, в каждом из которых определены соответствующие методы размножения. В работе установлена взаимосвязь между классом троичных бент-последовательностей и классом совершенных троичных решеток. Полученные результаты являются основой для внедрения совершенных троичных решеток в современные криптографические и телекоммуникационные алгоритмы

    Constructions of difference sets in nonabelian 2-groups

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    Difference sets have been studied for more than 80 years. Techniques from algebraic number theory, group theory, finite geometry, and digital communications engineering have been used to establish constructive and nonexistence results. We provide a new theoretical approach which dramatically expands the class of 22-groups known to contain a difference set, by refining the concept of covering extended building sets introduced by Davis and Jedwab in 1997. We then describe how product constructions and other methods can be used to construct difference sets in some of the remaining 22-groups. We announce the completion of ten years of collaborative work to determine precisely which of the 56,092 nonisomorphic groups of order 256 contain a difference set. All groups of order 256 not excluded by the two classical nonexistence criteria are found to contain a difference set, in agreement with previous findings for groups of order 4, 16, and 64. We provide suggestions for how the existence question for difference sets in 22-groups of all orders might be resolved.Comment: 38 page

    A feasibility approach for constructing combinatorial designs of circulant type

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    In this work, we propose an optimization approach for constructing various classes of circulant combinatorial designs that can be defined in terms of autocorrelations. The problem is formulated as a so-called feasibility problem having three sets, to which the Douglas-Rachford projection algorithm is applied. The approach is illustrated on three different classes of circulant combinatorial designs: circulant weighing matrices, D-optimal matrices, and Hadamard matrices with two circulant cores. Furthermore, we explicitly construct two new circulant weighing matrices, a CW(126,64)CW(126,64) and a CW(198,100)CW(198,100), whose existence was previously marked as unresolved in the most recent version of Strassler's table

    Ternary and quadriphase sequence diffusers

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    A room acoustic diffuser breaks up reflected wavefronts, and this can be achieved by presenting a spatially varying surface impedance. In hybrid surfaces, varying impedance is achieved by patches of absorption and reflection, giving reflection coefficients nominally of 0 and 1. These surfaces are hybrids, absorbing some of the incident sound while diffusing any reflected energy. A problem with planar hybrid surfaces is that specular energy is only removed by absorption. By exploiting interference, by reflecting waves out-of-phase with the specular energy, it is possible to diminish the specular energy further. This can be achieved by using a diffuser based on a ternary sequence that nominally has reflection coefficients of 0, -1, and +1. Ternary sequences are therefore a way of forming hybrid absorber-diffusers that achieve better scattering performance without additional absorption. This paper discusses methods for making ternary sequence diffusers, including giving sequence generation methods. It presents prediction results based on Fourier and boundary element method models to examine the performance. While ternary diffusers have better performance than unipolar binary diffusers at most frequencies, there are frequencies at which the performances are the same. This can be overcome by forming diffusers from four-level, quadriphase sequences

    Localization in GPS denied environment

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    Nonexistence of Certain Perfect Binary Arrays

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    A perfect binary array (PBA) is an r-dimensional matrix with elements ±I such that all out-of-phase periodic autocorrelation coefficients are zero. The two smallest sizes for which the existence of a PBA is undecided, 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 9 and 4 x 3 x 3 x 9, are ruled out using computer search and a combinatorial argument

    On circulant and two-circulant weighing matrices

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    We employ theoretical and computational techniques to construct new weighing matrices constructed from two circulants. In particular, we construct W(148, 144), W(152, 144), W(156, 144) which are listed as open in the second edition of the Handbook of Combinatorial Designs. We also fill a missing entry in Strassler’s table with answer “YES”, by constructing a circulant weighing matrix of order 142 with weight 100

    Ретроспективный обзор троичных последовательностей с идеальной периодической автокорреляцией и устройств их генерации

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    Introduction. Perfect polyphase unimodular sequences, i.e. sequences with ideal periodic autocorrelation and single amplitude of symbols are widely used in modern radio communications and radars. Among them a special place is occupied by perfect ternary sequences (PTSs) with elements {–1, 0, 1}. PTSs are quite numerous and their length in comparison with perfect binary sequences is not limited from above. There is a well-known review of PTS families undertaken by Fan and Darnell in 1996. However, over the past two decades numerous new PTS families have been discovered. Connections between PTSs and circulant weighing matrices have been established and certain theorems on the existence of PTS existence for certain lengths have also been obtained. Therefore, there is a need for a new modern review of existing PTSs.Objective. This review of existing PTSs is intended for developers of radio electronic systems using perfect sequences. Materials and methods. Domestic and foreign sources of information (books, journal papers, conference proceedings, patents) were considered and analysed. A Web search was carried out based on keywords using resources of Yandex and Google, as well as in digital electronic libraries (Russian State Library (RSL), IEEE Xplore Digital Library), conference materials (Digital Signal Processing and its Application (DSPA), Sequences and their Applications (SETA), etc.). Results. In addition to the matter of collating an informational bibliography, the review shows the relationship between PTSs obtained at different times and their connection with circulant weighing matrices. The review also describes the generators of known PTS families (Ipatov, Hoholdt-Justensen, etc.). Conclusion. A retrospective review of PTSs is herein presented and the generators of certain known PTS families have been considered. The results of the study are relevant for use in modern radio communications and radar systems and in CW and LPI radars in particular. Введение. Идеальные многофазные унимодулярные последовательности, т. е. последовательности с идеальной периодической автокорреляцией и единичной амплитудой символов, широко используются в современной радиосвязи и радиолокации. Особое место среди них занимают идеальные троичные последовательности (ИТП) с элементами {–1, 0, 1}. ИТП достаточно многочисленны, а их длина в отличие от идеальных двоичных последовательностей не ограничена сверху. Известен обзор ИТП, сделанный Фаном и Дарнеллом в 1996 г. Однако за прошедшие два десятилетия были открыты новые многочисленные семейства ИТП, установлены связи между ИТП и циркулянтными взвешенными матрицами, получены теоремы о существовании ИТП с определенными параметрами. Поэтому возникла потребность в новом современном обзоре известных на сегодня ИТП. Цель работы. Обзор современных ИТП предназначен для разработчиков радиоэлектронных систем, в которых используются идеальные последовательности.Материалы и методы. Рассмотрены и проанализированы отечественные и зарубежные источники информации (книги, журнальные статьи, труды конференций, патенты). Поиск осуществлялся в сети Интернете по ключевым словам с использованием Интернет-ресурсов Yandex и Google, а также в цифровых электронных библиотеках (Российской Государственной библиотеке (РГБ), IEEE Xplore Digital Library), в материалах конференций (Цифровая Обработка Сигналов и ее Применение (DSPA), Sequences and Their Applica-tions (SETA), и др.). Результаты. Наряду с решением информационно-библиографической задачи в обзоре показана взаимосвязь полученных в разное время ИТП, их эквивалентность циркулянтным взвешенным матрицам, а также рассмотрены устройства генерации известных семейств ИТП (Ипатова, Хохолдта-Джастесена и др.). Заключение. Представлен ретроспективный обзор ИТП; рассмотрены генераторы известных семейств ИТП. Результаты исследования актуальны для применения в современных системах радиосвязи и радиолокации, в частности в CW- и LPI-радарах.

    Group weighing matrices

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    The idea of cancelling the acoustic noise by generating an anti-noise signal is very fascinating, and was first proposed by P. Lueg in 1936. In feedforward active noise control (ANC) systems, the anti-noise signal is generated with the help of reference and error microphones, an adaptive filtered-x-LMS (FxLMS) algorithm based ANC filter, and an electro-acoustic path named as the secondary path. For stable operation of ANC systems, the FxLMS algorithm needs an estimate of the secondary path. The anti-noise signal generated by the loudspeaker (part of secondary path) causes interference with the reference microphone signal. This interference is due to the presence of electro-acoustic path, named as feedback path, between the loudspeaker and the reference microphone. It is required to neutralize the effect of this feedback path, and hence an estimate of the feedback path is required. For online modeling of the secondary and feedback paths, an additional auxiliary noise is injected. This auxiliary noise contributes to the residual error, and thus degrades the noise-reduction-performance (NRP) of ANC system. In order to improve the NRP, a gain scheduling strategy is used to vary the variance of the injected auxiliary noise. The purpose of the gain scheduling is that when the model estimates of the secondary and the feedback paths are far from the actual unknown paths, auxiliary noise with large variance is injected. Once the model estimates are closer to the actual unknown paths, the variance of auxiliary noise is reduced to a small value. In this way, on one hand the gain scheduling can help us to achieve the required model estimates of secondary and feedback paths, and on the other hand to improve the NRP at the steady-state. In this thesis, we discuss the two most important issues, i.e., 1) online secondary path modeling (OSPM), and 2) online feedback path modeling and neutralization (FBPMN) with gain scheduling. In chapter 1, the basic underlying physical principle and configurations of active noise control (ANC) systems are explained. The application of the basic building block of an ANC system i.e. An adaptive filter, in different system identification scenarios is discussed. The most popular adaptive algorithm for ANC system, i.e., FxLMS algorithm is derived for the general secondary path. A brief overview is given for the two fundamental issues in ANC systems, i.e., 1) OSPM and 2) online FBPMN. The use of optimal excitation signal, i.e., Perfect sweep signals for system identification is described. In chapter 2, the existing methods for OSPM without gain scheduling, where the auxiliary noise with fixed variance is used in all operating conditions, are discussed. In this chapter a simplified structure for OSPM with the modified FxLMS (MFxLMS) adaptive algorithm is proposed. The advantage of the simplified structure is that it reduces the computational complexity of the MFxLMS algorithm based OSPM without having any compromise on the performance of ANC system. In chapter 3, the existing methods for OSPM with gain scheduling are discussed. The drawbacks with the existing gain scheduling strategies are highlighted, and some new gain scheduling strategies are proposed to improve the modeling accuracy of SPM filter and the NRP of an ANC system. In existing methods, the gain is varied based on the power of residual error signal which carries information only about the convergence status of ANC system. In the Proposed methods the gain is varied based on the power of error signal of SPM filter. This is more desirable way of controlling the gain because the power of error signal of SPM filter carries information about the convergence status of both the ANC system and the SPM filter. The performance comparison is carried out through the simulation results. In chapter 4, the second most important issue associated with the feedforward configuration of ANC system, i.e., the issue of online FBPMN is deal with. In the first part, the existing methods for online FBPMN without gain scheduling are discussed. A new structure is proposed for online FBPMN without gain scheduling. The performance of the existing methods is compare with the proposed method through the simulation results. In the new structure the good features from the existing structures are combined together. The predictor is used in the new structure to remove the predictable interference term from the error signal of adaptive FBPMN filter. In addition to this, the action of FBPM filter and the FBPN filter is combined into a single FBPMN filter. The advantage of the new structure over the existing structures is that it can better neutralize the effect of feedback coupling on the input signal of ANC filter, thus improves the convergence of ANC system. In the second part, a gain scheduling strategy is proposed to improve the NRP of ANC system. In addition to this, a self-tuned ANP scheduling strategy with matching step-size for FBPMN filter is also proposed that requires no tuning parameters and further improves the NRP of ANC systems. In chapter 5, the concluding remarks and some future research directions are given.電気通信大学201