8,081 research outputs found

    Investigating attributes affecting the performance of WBI users

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Computers and Education. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Numerous research studies have explored the effect of hypermedia on learners' performance using Web Based Instruction (WBI). A learner's performance is determined by their varying skills and abilities as well as various differences such as gender, cognitive style and prior knowledge. In this paper, we investigate how differences between individuals influenced learner's performance using a hypermedia system to accommodate an individual's preferences. The effect of learning performance is investigated to explore relationships between measurement attributes including gain scores (post-test minus pre-test), number of pages visited in a WBI program, and time spent on such pages. A data mining approach was used to analyze the results by comparing two clustering algorithms (K-Means and Hierarchical) with two different numbers of clusters. Individual differences had a significant impact on learner behavior in our WBI program. Additionally, we found that the relationship between attributes that measure performance played an influential role in exploring performance level; the relationship between such attributes induced rules in measuring level of a learners' performance

    A Data-Driven Approach to Measure Web Site Navigability

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    An Overview of Personalized Recommendation System to Improve Web Navigation

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    We present a new personalized recommendation system, which means the searches of each user is done according to their interest which is based on ranking or preference method. It also maintains the logs which records the sessions of each user and brings out the exact data required by the user. This is done by fetching the data that is already stored in the database. Web server logs maintains history of page results and consists of a log file which automatically creates and maintains the list of activities performed by the users. For extracting the data according to the user’s previous searches, we are using Stemming Algorithm. The Stemming Algorithm is a process where the exact, meaningful words are extracted from the URL. Because of this process the user’s search time will be reduced. It also improves the quality of web navigation and overcomes the limitation of existing system. In the proposed system we extract user’s behaviour from web server logs in the actual process whereas, in the anticipated system, the user’s behaviour is done with the help of cognitive user model and we perform the comparison between the two usage processes. The data produced from this comparison can help the users to discover usability issues and take actions to improve usability. In the anticipated usage the cognitive user model is done that can be used to simulate or predict human behaviour or by performance and task. Finally, the system is executed by using the top-k ranking algorithm. The advantage of this system are accuracy and better processing speed. The user’s convenience deals with the ease of navigation which helps the users to interact with their interface

    The Partial Evaluation Approach to Information Personalization

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    Information personalization refers to the automatic adjustment of information content, structure, and presentation tailored to an individual user. By reducing information overload and customizing information access, personalization systems have emerged as an important segment of the Internet economy. This paper presents a systematic modeling methodology - PIPE (`Personalization is Partial Evaluation') - for personalization. Personalization systems are designed and implemented in PIPE by modeling an information-seeking interaction in a programmatic representation. The representation supports the description of information-seeking activities as partial information and their subsequent realization by partial evaluation, a technique for specializing programs. We describe the modeling methodology at a conceptual level and outline representational choices. We present two application case studies that use PIPE for personalizing web sites and describe how PIPE suggests a novel evaluation criterion for information system designs. Finally, we mention several fundamental implications of adopting the PIPE model for personalization and when it is (and is not) applicable.Comment: Comprehensive overview of the PIPE model for personalizatio

    Soundscape Generation Using Web Audio Archives

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    Os grandes e crescentes acervos de áudio na web têm transformado a prática do design de som. Neste contexto, sampling -- uma ferramenta essencial do design de som -- mudou de gravações mecânicas para os domínios da cópia e reprodução no computador. A navegação eficaz nos grandes acervos e a recuperação de conteúdo tornaram-se um problema bem identificado em Music Information Retrieval, nomeadamente através da adoção de metodologias baseadas no conteúdo do áudio.Apesar da sua robustez e eficácia, as soluções tecnológicas atuais assentam principalmente em métodos (estatísticos) de processamento de sinal, cuja terminologia atinge um nível de adequação centrada no utilizador.Esta dissertação avança uma nova estratégia orientada semanticamente para navegação e recuperação de conteúdo de áudio, em particular, sons ambientais, a partir de grandes acervos de áudio na web. Por fim, pretendemos simplificar a extração de pedidos definidos pelo utilizador para promover uma geração fluida de paisagens sonoras. No nosso trabalho, os pedidos aos acervos de áudio na web são feitos por dimensões afetivas que se relacionam com estados emocionais (exemplo: baixa ativação e baixa valência) e descrições semânticas das fontes de áudio (exemplo: chuva). Para tal, mapeamos as anotações humanas das dimensões afetivas para descrições espectrais de áudio extraídas do conteúdo do sinal. A extração de novos sons dos acervos da web é feita estipulando um pedido que combina um ponto num plano afetivo bidimensional e tags semânticas. A aplicação protótipo, MScaper, implementa o método no ambiente Ableton Live. A avaliação da nossa pesquisa avaliou a confiabilidade perceptual dos descritores espectrais de áudio na captura de dimensões afetivas e a usabilidade da MScaper. Os resultados mostram que as características espectrais do áudio capturam significativamente as dimensões afetivas e que o MScaper foi entendido pelos os utilizadores experientes como tendo excelente usabilidade.The large and growing archives of audio content on the web have been transforming the sound design practice. In this context, sampling -- a fundamental sound design tool -- has shifted from mechanical recording to the realms of the copying and cutting on the computer. To effectively browse these large archives and retrieve content became a well-identified problem in Music Information Retrieval, namely through the adoption of audio content-based methodologies. Despite its robustness and effectiveness, current technological solutions rely mostly on (statistical) signal processing methods, whose terminology do attain a level of user-centered explanatory adequacy.This dissertation advances a novel semantically-oriented strategy for browsing and retrieving audio content, in particular, environmental sounds, from large web audio archives. Ultimately, we aim to streamline the retrieval of user-defined queries to foster a fluid generation of soundscapes. In our work, querying web audio archives is done by affective dimensions that relate to emotional states (e.g., low arousal and low valence) and semantic audio source descriptions (e.g., rain). To this end, we map human annotations of affective dimensions to spectral audio-content descriptions extracted from the signal content. Retrieving new sounds from web archives is then made by specifying a query which combines a point in a 2-dimensional affective plane and semantic tags. A prototype application, MScaper, implements the method in the Ableton Live environment. An evaluation of our research assesses the perceptual soundness of the spectral audio-content descriptors in capturing affective dimensions and the usability of MScaper. The results show that spectral audio features significantly capture affective dimensions and that MScaper has been perceived by expert-users as having excellent usability
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