13,390 research outputs found

    Assessments of the "Acceptance of Virtual Training Technology" by University Teachers Attending to a Virtual Training Course

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    En esta investigación se describe la experiencia desarrollada con 24 profesores y profesoras universitarios de la Universidad Apec, en Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), con la finalidad de conocer el grado de aceptación de la formación virtual como metodología, después de participar en una acción formativa sobre dicha temática, a través del modelo TAM de Davis (Davis, F. (1989), "Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology", MIS Quarterly 13(3), 319–340.). Entre los resultados más relevantes destacamos que la percepción que tienen sobre la facilidad de uso y utilidad, la actitud hacia el uso y la relevancia de la misma en el desarrollo de su trabajo como docentes es muy positiva.In this investigation there are described the experience developed with 24 university teachers of the University Apec, in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), by the purpose of knowing the degree of acceptance of the virtual formation as methodology, after taking part in a formative action on the above mentioned subject matter, across the model Davis's TAM (Davis, F. (1989), "Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology", MIS Quarterly 13(3), 319–340). Between the most relevant results we emphasize that the perception that they have on the facility of use and usefulness, the attitude towards the use and the relevancy of the same one in the development of his work like teachers is very positive

    Factors Affecting Intention to Use of Small-scale Renewable Energy Technologies in District Sialkot, Pakistan

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    Due to existing energy shortage; there is need to adopt renewable energy technologies. Low awareness and acceptance are major barriers to development of renewable energy technologies. The present study was conducted to explore factors affecting intention to use of small-scale renewable energy technologies in Pakistan at household level. This present study was conducted in Sialkot District. and non-probability sampling technique was used to select the respondents. There were 160 respondents participated in this study. The theoretical model in this research was developed based on Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, and Innovation Diffusion Theory by Rogers and Theory of Planned Behavior. Major findings of this study highlighted that socio-economic factors, facilitating conditions perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, knowledge, persuasion, and subjective norms are significant determinants of intention to use small-scale renewable energy technologies. The study recommended that government and other stakeholders should use strategies to create awareness and sensitized the people about benefits of adopting small-scale renewable energy technologies and setting up awareness centers at local and national level for encouraging people to adopt small scale renewable energy technologies

    Factors Affecting Intention to Use of Small-scale Renewable Energy Technologies in District Sialkot, Pakistan

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    Due to existing energy shortage; there is need to adopt renewable energy technologies. Low awareness and acceptance are major barriers to development of renewable energy technologies. The present study was conducted to explore factors affecting intention to use of small-scale renewable energy technologies in Pakistan at household level. This present study was conducted in Sialkot District. and non-probability sampling technique was used to select the respondents. There were 160 respondents participated in this study. The theoretical model in this research was developed based on Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, and Innovation Diffusion Theory by Rogers and Theory of Planned Behavior. Major findings of this study highlighted that socio-economic factors, facilitating conditions perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, knowledge, persuasion, and subjective norms are significant determinants of intention to use small-scale renewable energy technologies. The study recommended that government and other stakeholders should use strategies to create awareness and sensitized the people about benefits of adopting small-scale renewable energy technologies and setting up awareness centers at local and national level for encouraging people to adopt small scale renewable energy technologies

    A Dynamic Network Measure of Knowledge Evolution: A Case Study of MIS Quarterly

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    Citation measures are the central metrics to assessing the impact of an article, the viability of research streams, the career success of scholars, as well as the quality and status of journals and academic units. While measuring the magnitude of the future usage, they cannot capture the substantial effects that an article may have on the subsequent use of its predecessors - whether it amplifies or disrupts the existing literature. We embrace that it is imperative to not only assess its impact but also assess how an article reinforces the existing research streams or breaks into a new stream to understand its true effect. Accordingly, we introduce a new, dynamic measure, and conduct a case study using all articles published between 1979-2016 at MIS Quarterly to illustrate the validity of the new measure, and conclude with some future research topics and implications


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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the acceptance of information technology SIMPUSAJI using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). This TAM include six constructs, namely External Variables, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Attitude Toward the Use, Behavioral Intention to Use, and Actual use (Usage). Furthermore External Variables are grouped into three categories, namely organizational factors, social factors, and individual factors. This research model uses extension of TAM undertaken by Venkatesh and Davis (2000) and testing of empirical research conducted by Kim et al. (2009). The research sample uses respondents of structural employee in Large Tax Officer Three. Measurement scale uses indicator variables linkert scale with seven points and the range of value 1 = strongly disagree, and 7 = strongly agree. Techniques of research data analysis use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS) through program of SmartPLS version 2.0. Testing of SEM research consisted of testing the outer model, the inner testing models, and hypothesis. This study proved the extension of TAM model (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000; and Kim et al. 2009). Factors that influence the acceptance of SIMPULSAJI information technology that is used by an structural employee in Large Tax Officer Three is Perceived Usefulness, Attitude Toward Use, Behavioral Intention to Use, and individual factors. Keywords: Acceptance of SIMPUSAJI Information Technology, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Attitude Toward the Use, Behavioral Intention to Use, Actual Use (Usage), organizational factors, social factors, and individual factors

    QR codes on packaging : a technology acceptance model approach comparing informative and entertaining content

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    Nowadays the increase of smartphone usage by consumers has led marketers to design new forms of mobile marketing in order to better connect with them. Among latest marketing trends smart packaging is emerging as one of the most sought after by brands; in particular, the incorporation of QR Code on packaging, is the most widespread form. There are many studies aimed at understanding consumers’ behavior towards QR Code, but previous researches lack in determining which are the specific drivers related to QR Code applied to packaging. The present dissertation wants discuss what a QR Code is and which are its applications, together with exploring the challenges and opportunities faced by QR Codes on packaging. The original Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, 1989) and its later adaptation (Davis, Bagozzi, & Washaw, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to Use Computers in the Workplace’, 1992) were used in order to build the conceptual framework which includes Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment as the independent variables and Intention to Use as the dependent variable. Results reveal that all the independent variables have a positive influence on consumers’ Intention to Use QR Codes on packaging, where Perceived Enjoyment has the strongest impact. Finally, the non-parametric equivalent of the T-test, the Mann- Whitney U Test, revealed a statistically significant difference in the usage intention of those respondents that saw the entertaining QR Code and those that saw the informative QR Code, suggesting that a QR Code on packaging which directs consumers to an entertaining content leads to increased level of usage intention. Given the results obtained, this study also discusses possible managerial implications taking into consideration the limitations that affect the entire study.Hoje em dia, o aumento da utilização de smartphones pelos consumidores levou os comerciantes a conceber novas formas de marketing móvel, a fim de melhor se conectarem com eles. Uma das últimas tendências é a incorporação de um QR Code na embalagem do produto, o que é considerado como uma forma de embalagem inteligente. Há muitos estudos que têm em vista perceber o comportamento dos consumidores em relação ao QR Code, mas faltam ainda pesquisas anteriores para determinar quais os principais causadores de um tipo específico de QR Code: o aplicado à embalagem. A presente dissertação pretende discutir o que é um QR Code e quais são suas aplicações, juntamente com a exploração dos desafios e oportunidades enfrentados pelos QR Codes em embalagens. O modelo original de Aceitação de Tecnologia (Davis, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, 1989) e sua posterior adaptação (Davis, Bagozzi, & Washaw, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to Use Computers in the Workplace', 1992) foram usados para construir a estrutura conceitual que inclui Perceived Ease of Use (facilidade de uso), Perceived Usefulness (utilidade) e Perceived Enjoyment (nível de divertimento) como as variáveis independentes e Intention of Use (intenção de uso) como a variável dependente. Os resultados revelam que todas as variáveis independentes têm uma influência positiva na intenção de usar Códigos QR na embalagem, onde a variável com maior impacto é o nível de divertimento. Finalmente, o equivalente não paramétrico do teste T, o teste Mann-Whitney U Test, revelou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na intenção de uso dos entrevistados que viram o divertido QR Code e daqueles que viram o informativo QR Code, sugerindo que um QR Code na embalagem que direciona os consumidores para um conteúdo divertido leva ao aumento do nível de intenção de uso. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos e todas as suas limitações, este estudo também aborda possíveis implicações para os gestores


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    ABSTRACT The growth of internet technology, the internet technology revolution, and competitive advantages are closely related in the service business, especially transportation services. The year 2015 was the year of the peak development and growth of the e-commerce market in Indonesia. With the internet and online transactions, the community is given several good benefits including saving time, goods purchased online can be delivered directly to the house, can compare products easily, find market products more easily and get a cheaper price. Problems experienced by PT. KeretaApi Indonesia is related to purchasing tickets online at the kai.id website to make it more effective and efficient to provide comfort and safety for consumers. kai.id online website ticket sales, which are still inferior to outside and conventional agents, identify the system credibility provided in the kai.id website is not optimal, both in terms of speed of access in transactions, transaction system accuracy, security of kai.id website usage, and system flexibility, which can be used by anyone both teenagers, adults, and parents. Trust, user benefit perception, and perceived ease of credibility of the system on the kai.id website are important points for prospective train users to buy tickets online. With these 3 factors, it can boost the credibility of the kai.id website system and in the end the sale of train tickets online in the internal agent will increase and the company's revenue will also increase. The method used is simple random sampling method with a total sample of 225 respondent. The data analysis technique in this study used AMOS SEM 24. Based on the results of the discussion in the previous section, conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) Trust has a positive and insignificant effect on buying interest online. (2) Trust has a positive and significant effect on the credibility of the system. (3) PMP has a positive and significant effect on system credibility. (4) PKP has a positive and significant effect on system credibility. (5) PKP has a positive and significant effect on online buying interest. (6) System credibility has a positive and significant effect on online buying interest. Keywords: Trust, Perception of Usage Benefits (PMP), Perception of Ease of Use (PKP), System Credibility, Buying Online Interest, kai.i

    Perceptions of Usability and Usefulness in Digital Libraries

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    This paper provides an overview of a case study research that investigated the use of Digital Library (DL) resources in two undergraduate classes and explored faculty and students’ perceptions of educational digital libraries. This study found that students and faculty use academic DLs primarily for textual resources, but turn to the open Web for visual and multimedia resources. The study participants did not perceive academic libraries as a useful source of digital images and used search engines when searching for visual resources. The limited use of digital library resources for teaching and learning is associated with perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, especially if considered in a broader information landscape, in conjunction with other library information systems, and in the context of Web resources. The limited use of digital libraries is related to the following perceptions: 1) Library systems are not viewed as user-friendly, which in turn discourages potential users from trying DLs provided by academic libraries; 2) Academic libraries are perceived as places of primarily textual resources; perceptions of usefulness, especially in regard to relevance of content, coverage, and currency, seem to have a negative effect on user intention to use DLs, especially when searching for visual materials

    Analyze Modified Extended Information Technology Continuance toward Continuance Intention of Administration Information System

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    This study emphasizes the importance of the role of technology in the form of information systems in an educational service institution by using an information system application that is used by the academic community on a daily basis. The purpose of this study is to analyze post-usage usefulness and facilitating conditions through or not through satisfaction to achieve continuance intention related to Administrative Information Systems (SIA) at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta. This study uses a modification of the Extended Information Technology Continuance (ITC). This study uses AMOS 22 path analysis and a total sample of 343 students in accounting and management programs. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted except for the direct effect of facilitating conditions toward continuance intention. These results strengthen the impact of satisfaction on continuance intention regarding the practice of using technology. The implication of the results indicates that the use of available information system applications, although satisfactory, must still be monitored and developed in order to ensure continued user satisfaction