46,107 research outputs found

    Specificity determinants for lysine incorporation in staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan as revealed by the structure of a MurE enzyme ternary complex

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    Background: MurE controls stereo chemical incorporation of Lysine or diaminopimelate into peptidoglycan stem peptides Results: The structure of S.aureus MurE reveals an unexpected lack of specificity for Lysine within the active site. Conclusion: Incorporation of Lysine is supported by the comparatively high concentration of cytoplasmic lysine, not enzyme specificity. Significance: This study provides new perspectives in targeting Gram-positive peptidoglycan assembly for antimicrobial discovery

    Identification of a New Family of Enzymes with Potential \u3cem\u3eO\u3c/em\u3e-acetylpeptidoglycan esterase activity in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

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    Background: The metabolism of the rigid bacterial cell wall heteropolymer peptidoglycan is a dynamic process requiring continuous biosynthesis and maintenance involving the coordination of both lytic and synthetic enzymes. The O-acetylation of peptidoglycan has been proposed to provide one level of control on these activities as this modification inhibits the action of the major endogenous lytic enzymes, the lytic transglycosylases. The O-acetylation of peptidoglycan also inhibits the activity of the lysozymes which serve as the first line of defense of host cells against the invasion of bacterial pathogens. Despite this central importance, there is a dearth of information regarding peptidoglycan O-acetylation and nothing has previously been reported on its de-acetylation. Results: Homology searches of the genome databases have permitted this first report on the identification of a potential family of O-Acetylpeptidoglycan esterases (Ape). These proteins encoded in the genomes of a variety of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including a number of important human pathogens such as species of Neisseria, Helicobacter, Campylobacter, and Bacillus anthracis, have been organized into three families based on amino acid sequence similarities with family 1 being further divided into three sub-families. The genes encoding these proteins are shown to be clustered with Peptidoglycan O-acetyltransferases (Pat) and in some cases, together with other genes involved in cell wall metabolism. Representative bacteria that encode the Ape proteins were experimentally shown to produce O-acetylated peptidoglycan. Conclusion: The hypothetical proteins encoded by the pat and ape genes have been organized into families based on sequence similarities. The Pat proteins have sequence similarity to Pseudomonas aeruginosa AlgI, an integral membrane protein known to participate in the O-acetylation of the exopolysaccaride, alginate. As none of the bacteria that harbor the pat genes produce alginate, we propose that the Pat proteins serve to O-acetylate peptidoglycan which is known to be a maturation event occurring in the periplasm. The Ape sequences have amino acid sequence similarity to the CAZy CE 3 carbohydrate esterases, a family previously known to be composed of only O-acetylxylan esterases. They are predicted to contain the α/β hydrolase fold associated with the GDSL and TesA hydrolases and they possess the signature motifs associated with the catalytic residues of the CE3 esterases. Specific signature sequence motifs were identified for the Ape proteins which led to their organization into distinct families. We propose that by expressing both Pat and Ape enzymes, bacteria would be able to obtain a high level of localized control over the degradation of peptidoglycan through the attachment and removal of O-linked acetate. This would facilitate the efficient insertion of pores and flagella, localize spore formation, and control the level of general peptidoglycan turnover

    Alternate Germinants of C. Difficile, a Leading Hospital Pathogen

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    Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) are the leading nosocomial infections worldwide. Humans are asymptomatic carriers of C. difficile spores in the intestinal tract. The process known as germination occurs when otherwise harmless C. difficile spores are converted to toxin-producing cells upon recognition of bile salts in humans. This distinctive transition ultimately leads to the onset of disease and recurrent CDI. Germination profiles will be characterized in response to peptidoglycan (PG) fragments isolated from various bacterial species. These specific peptidoglycan fragments contain different amino acid residues that may induce different germination responses. Purification and structural determination of the peptidoglycan fragments will be carried out by HPLC-MS. In this study, C. difficile germination will be tested against exhausted media containing cellular debris, as well as with solutions obtained from post-germination assays. This will reveal if germination of C. difficile induces other spores to germinate as well. If it is shown that there are alternant germinants of C. difficile, further characterization and modeling of C. difficile can be made, and further inhibitors can be tested to ensure complete inactivation of spores, ultimately preventing CDI

    Biochemical Characterization of Diamide Inhibitors with N-acetylglucosaminidases LytG from Bacillus subtilis

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    In recent years the frequency of antibiotic resistance has been on the rise creating a need for antibiotic development with specific and lethal targets. It has been recently reported that glycosyl trizole are a novel class of antibacterial agents (1). Further investigation on the antibacterial ability of glycosyl triazole inhibitors has shown that targets include exo-acting N-acetylglucosaminidases (GlcNAcase) LytG (Bacillus subtilis) and FlgJ (Salmonella enterica) of the GH73 family (2). The Glycoside Hydrolase Family 73 (GH73) is characterized by bacterial and viral glycoside hydrolase. This enzyme cleaves the β-1,4-glycosidic linkage between N-acetylglucosaminyl (NAG) and N-acetylmuramyl (NAM) of the carbohydrate backbone in bacterial peptidoglycan. Glycoside hydrolase can occur as an endo- or exo- process, depending on the region of the chain that is cleaved. Endo-acting refers to activity in the middle of the chain, whereas exo-acting refers to the ends (typically the non-reducing end) (3). Currently, there is no kinetic parameters that have been determined for any member of the GH73 family, however binding and kinetic characterization will be performed for select glycosyl triazole inhibitors and GH73 targets interactions. Further studies will involve crystallization and GlcNAcase activity assays to identify GH73 family members as the target of glycosyl triazole inhibitors. Through these studies the interaction between the non-competing inhibitor and the GH73 target will be characterized. Additionally, it will be demonstrated that these Ugi- derived compounds are competitive inhibitors of GH73 enzymes

    Staphylococcus aureus DivIB is a peptidoglycan-binding protein that is required for a morphological checkpoint in cell division

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    Bacterial cell division is a fundamental process that requires the coordinated actions of a number of proteins which form a complex macromolecular machine known as the divisome. The membrane-spanning proteins DivIB and its orthologue FtsQ are crucial divisome components in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria respectively. However, the role of almost all of the integral division proteins, including DivIB, still remains largely unknown. Here we show that the extracellular domain of DivIB is able to bind peptidoglycan and have mapped the binding to its β subdomain. Conditional mutational studies show that divIB is essential for Staphylococcus aureus growth, while phenotypic analyses following depletion of DivIB results in a block in the completion, but not initiation, of septum formation. Localisation studies suggest that DivIB only transiently localises to the division site and may mark previous sites of septation. We propose that DivIB is required for a molecular checkpoint during division to ensure the correct assembly of the divisome at midcell and to prevent hydrolytic growth of the cell in the absence of a completed septum

    A peptidoglycan hydrolase motif within the mycobacteriophage TM4 tape measure protein promotes efficient infection of stationary phase cells

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    The predominant morphotype of mycobacteriophage virions has a DNA-containing capsid attached to a long flexible non-contractile tail, features characteristic of the Siphoviridae. Within these phage genomes the tape measure protein (tmp) gene can be readily identified due to the well-established relationship between the length of the gene and the length of the phage tail - because these phages typically have long tails, the tmp gene is usually the largest gene in the genome. Many of these mycobacteriophage Tmp's contain small motifs with sequence similarity to host proteins. One of these motifs (motif 1) corresponds to the Rpf proteins that have lysozyme activity and function to stimulate growth of dormant bacteria, while the others (motifs 2 and 3) are related to proteins of unknown function, although some of the related proteins of the host are predicted to be involved in cell wall catabolism. We show here that motif 3-containing proteins have peptidoglycan-hydrolysing activity and that while this activity is not required for phage viability, it facilitates efficient infection and DNA injection into stationary phase cells. Tmp's of mycobacteriophages may thus have acquired these motifs in order to avoid a selective disadvantage that results from changes in peptidoglycan in non-growing cells. © 2006 The Authors

    Functional characterization of a short peptidoglycan recognition protein from Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus)

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    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 31302221, 31172408 and 31272666) and Jiangsu Province (Grant no. BK20171274 and BK2011418), and partially by the Opening Project of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Marine Wetland (Grant no. K2016-08). QZ was supported by the “Qinglan” project of Jiangsu province of China.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Nod1 signaling overcomes resistance of S. pneumoniae to opsonophagocytic killing

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    Airway infection by the Gram-positive pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp) leads to recruitment of neutrophils but limited bacterial killing by these cells. Co-colonization by Sp and a Gram-negative species, Haemophilus influenzae (Hi), provides sufficient stimulus to induce neutrophil and complement-mediated clearance of Sp from the mucosal surface in a murine model. Products from Hi, but not Sp, also promote killing of Sp by ex vivo neutrophil-enriched peritoneal exudate cells. Here we identify the stimulus from Hi as its peptidoglycan. Enhancement of opsonophagocytic killing was facilitated by signaling through nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-1 (Nod1), which is involved in recognition of γ-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-DAP) contained in cell walls of Hi but not Sp. Neutrophils from mice treated with Hi or compounds containing meso-DAP, including synthetic peptidoglycan fragments, showed increased Sp killing in a Nod1-dependent manner. Moreover, Nod1-/- mice showed reduced Hi-induced clearance of Sp during co-colonization. These observations offer insight into mechanisms of microbial competition and demonstrate the importance of Nod1 in neutrophil-mediated clearance of bacteria in vivo

    Anchoring of Surface Proteins to the Cell Wall of Staphylococcus aureus. III. Lipid II is an in vivo peptidoglycan substrate for sortase-catalyzed surface protein anchoring

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    Surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus are anchored to the cell wall peptidoglycan by a mechanism requiring a C-terminal sorting signal with an LPXTG motif. Surface proteins are first synthesized in the bacterial cytoplasm and then transported across the cytoplasmic membrane. Cleavage of the N-terminal signal peptide of the cytoplasmic surface protein P1 precursor generates the extracellular P2 species, which is the substrate for the cell wall anchoring reaction. Sortase, a membrane-anchored transpeptidase, cleaves P2 between the threonine (T) and the glycine (G) of the LPXTG motif and catalyzes the formation of an amide bond between the carboxyl group of threonine and the amino group of cell wall cross-bridges. We have used metabolic labeling of staphylococcal cultures with [32P]phosphoric acid to reveal a P3 intermediate. The 32P-label of immunoprecipitated surface protein is removed by treatment with lysostaphin, a glycyl-glycine endopeptidase that separates the cell wall anchor structure. Furthermore, the appearance of P3 is prevented in the absence of sortase or by the inhibition of cell wall synthesis. 32P-Labeled cell wall anchor species bind to nisin, an antibiotic that is known to form a complex with lipid II. Thus, it appears that the P3 intermediate represents surface protein linked to the lipid II peptidoglycan precursor. The data support a model whereby lipid II-linked polypeptides are incorporated into the growing peptidoglycan via the transpeptidation and transglycosylation reactions of cell wall synthesis, generating mature cell wall-linked surface protein