19 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Multiplatform Game 2d Pengenalan Nama Benda Dalam 3 Bahasa Untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Sudah banyak permainan dan aplikasi yang canggih dibandingkan beberapa tahun yang lalu. Setiap hari muncul jenis aplikasi baru, contohnya EduGame. Pada beberapa waktu yang lalu game pembelajaran sudah mulai banyak dikenal dengan berbagai variasi dan jenis, dimulai dari anak usia dini hingga sekolah menengah atas. Pada saat ini anak-anak usia dini lebih pandai dari pada anak-anak jaman dahulu. Hal tersebut dikarenkan saat ini teknologi sudah semakin maju dan lebih baik. Anak dapat dengan mudah mengoperasikan alat elektronik seperti Tablet PC, Android dan Computer. Bahkan tidak sedikit dari anak-anak ini mampu memainkan permainan Game Online yang membutuhkan pengetahuan internet. Peneliti kali ini telah membuat Game pembelajaran bagi anak usia dini dalam pengenalan nama-nama benda dengan mengambil contoh buah, sayur dan hewan dalam tiga bahasa Indonesia-Inggris-Jepang agar mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan anak melalui game. Metode yang akan di gunakan adalah SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dimana dalam merancang dan pembuatannya melalui tahap definisi kebutuhan, analisis , desain sistem, pembangunan, pengujian dan perawatan Penerapan game tersebut dapat di gunakan dalam Tablet PC, Android ataupun Computer. Sehingga anak-anak dapat menggunakannya dimanapun mereka inginkan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan menurut responden 30 anak sebesar 97,3% aplikasi ini dapat menjadi media pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk anak usia dini dan 93,3% menyatakan aplikasi ini menarik untuk anak-anak. Kata kunci : Edugame,Bahasa, Pembelajaran, Android, compute

    Game Edukasi Pengenalan Profesi Dan Pekerjaan Untuk Anak TK

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    Profession and work is very important to be introduced to children, to give them an idea of the various special skills and skills in the environment. Currently the lessons of profession and work on children are still delivered through books and whiteboards, so it seems less interesting. Therefore, the purpose of developing this educational game to help children to know how the image of various professions and jobs with an attractive appearance. This educational game is designed with game engine Construct 2 using Waterfall method. In the educational game the introduction of the profession and work there are 2 main menu is the menu of professional name recognition and game menu. Blackbox test results show that the game can run well. Testing this game consists of 30 respondents that is 28 students of class B and 2 teachers kindergarten Al Islam 1 Jamsaren Surakarta are asked to fill out the questionnaire. Based on the results of the questionnaire shows the game easy to use and not boring. The results of this study can be concluded that the game profession and work is very useful and facilitate the players in learning the various professions around them. This game also has an interesting look so players do not get bored

    Games Edukasi Pengenalan Nama-Nama Hewan Menggunakan Multi Language

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    Metode pengajaran dengan menggunakan aplikasi interaktif sebagai alat bantu dalam teknologi informasi menjadi salah satu pilihan yang dapat digunakan oleh pengajar saat ini untuk meningkatkan minat dan antusias belajar. Berharap perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran interaktif pengenalan nama hewan dengan multi language berbasis android dapat membantu anak dalam mempelajari nama – nama hewan dalam multi language secara mudah dan menyenangkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi interaktif pengenalan nama hewan dengan multi language berbasis Android ini menggunakan metode V-Model. Model ini merupakan pengembangan dari model air terjun disebut scaling karena tahapannya serupa dengan tahapan pada model waterfall. Jika proses berjalan linier pada model waterfall, maka pada model V prosesnya bercabang. Media pembelajaran dengan aplikasi interaktif ini diharapkan juga dapat memengaruhi dan menstimulasi alam bawah sadar siswa dalam merekam dan menyimpan ingatan mengenai materi pembelajaran lebih baik. Maka dari hal terserbut, maka dirancanglah sebuah aplikasi interaktif pengenalan nama hewan dengan multi language berbasis android. Mengenalkan dan merubah pemikiran orang tua terdahulu bahwa tidak selalu bermain smartphone berdampak buruk terhadap anak


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    Teknologi adalah sarana untuk menyediakan barang–barang yang diperlukan bagi kelangsungan hidup dan kenyamanan manusia. Penggunaan teknologi oleh manusia diawali dengan pengubahan sumber daya alam menjadi alat–alat sederhana. Teknologi telah mempengaruhi masyarakat dan sekelilingnya dalam banyak cara. Salah satu pemanfaatan teknologi yang digunakan oleh masyarakat yaitu dalam bidang pendidikan yang digunakan untuk membantu dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Smartphone android merupakan salah satu dari perkembangan teknologi mobile yang lebih banyak digunakan saat ini dari beberapa perangkat lain yang ada dirumah. Terdapat banyak metode yang ditawarkan oleh pakar pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Pakar pendidikan anak usia dini menawarkan Aplikasi edukasi sebagai salah satu metode dalam mempermudah proses belajar mengajar untuk pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Selain itu, anak usia dini (AUD) dapat menikmati dan terhibur selama mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk Merancang dan membangun Aplikasi android Pembelajaran nama – nama buah dan hewan untuk tambahan edukasi berbasis teknologi kepada anak usia dini 3 – 6 tahun serta menarik minat dan meningkatkan motivasi untuk belajar terhadap anak usia dini. Keywords: Android, Applications, Early Childhood, Mobile, Learnin

    Designing Superlary Game to Learn Vocabulary of Tenth Grade Students

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     The background of this research is important of vocabularyt in leaarning English. But students still difficult to adding and memorizing the vocabulary. So, to help students for learning it, the researcher develop platformer game with combination material of tenth grade students and have the result Superlary Game.             To develop this media, researcher used the Sugiyono development model. This development aims to give the media to learn English vocabulary in order to increase motivate to learn English of tenth grade students of senior high school. Based on the Sugiyono model, researcher only use eight from ten steps, namely potential and problem, data collection, design product, design validation, design revision, product trial, product evaluation and final product.             English Learning media produced in the form of computer-based game application used programer conctruct 2, which contains the second semester vocabulary material for class X SMA / MA students. This media completed with guiding book of how to play the game. The student’s response for this game have the result large scale trials obtaining total score are 816 from criterion score 960, percentage of students’ response are 85% this valued include in 80 < x < 100% in criterion score. So it can be concluded that the learning media developed is very good for use in learning classes in class X SMA / MA on second semester vocabulary material

    Perancangan Game "Culture Warrior" Berbasis Android

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    Technological developments also affect daily life, including playing games. Traditional games are rarely played now, especially due to the current pandemic. Therefore, the authors conducted this study aimed at making games that can remind traditional games that are usually done but are rarely done again. The method used in this research is Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC). In developing this game, Unity and Blender software are used as 3d character creators. The results in this study are traditional games that are under the test results have a display and buttons that function and can be played well based on black-box testing user acceptance test by 79,5%


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    Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media berupa buku cerita anak yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi augmented reality untuk mencapai keefektifan dalam meningkatkan minat baca pada anak usia 9 hingga 12 tahun. Minat baca pada anak saat ini rendah karena banyak anak-anak yang mempunyai gadget. Anak-anak lebih suka menonton tv, dan bermain gadget dikarenakan tv dan gadget lebih banyak menampilkan gambar bergerak sehingga menarik perhatian anak-anak. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan buku cerita yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi augmented reality adalah metode pengembangan R&D (Research & Development) dengan model pengembangan waterfall. Augmented reality dibuat dengan aplikasi Unity 3D, Vuforia dan Blender. Pengembangan buku cerita anak yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi augmented reality ini diuji secara fungsional black box, uji kelayakan dan efektifitas. Uji kelayakan dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media. Sedangkan uji efektifitas dilaksanakan oleh responden dan mendapat persentase sebesar 88,37%. Persentase tersebut termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji yang telah dilaksanakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk ini efektif untuk meningkatkan minat baca pada anak usia 9 hingga 12 tahun. This thesis aims to produce a storybook for children with augmented reality technology to achieve effectiveness in increase reading interest for children ages 9 to 12 years. Today, reading interest in children is too low because many children have gadgets. Children prefer watching tv and playing with gadget because tv and gadget show more animation to attract the attention of children. The development model used in this thesis is R&D (Research & Development) method with the waterfall development model. Augmented reality is created with Unity 3D, Vuforia, and Blender applications. The development of the product is functionally tested with blackbox, feasibility test and effectiveness test. Feasibility tests are conducted by material experts and media experts. Then, the effectiveness test carried out by the respondents and got a percentage of 88,37%. That percentage classified in very good categories. Based on the results of tests that have been implemented, it can be concluded that this product is effective to increase reading interest for children aged 9 to 12 years

    Tank Battle And Trivia Quiz Games Development Using Construct 2 To Improve Critical Thinking Ability

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    Game is something that is fun and entertaining 'of all time' and will always be in this world and can be enjoyed by both children, and adults. There are various types of games that are often played, including shooting and quiz games. Shooting Game has the main theme of shooting where players will beat each other to become the winner. While Quiz Game or often called Trivia Quiz is a game where players try to answer the questions given to get various kinds of prizes and become a winner. Construct 2 is a program for making games without writing programming code, because most of the game's logic can be arranged via the menu. This study aims to create a game design that is a combination of Shooting Game and Trivia Quiz where players can play both types of games simultaneously. While the program used is construct 2. And the sample used is 16 years and over. The methodology used is object-oriented design methodology. The modeling tools used are use case diagrams, activity diagrams and class diagrams. The results of making this game show that combining more than one type of game can be done and make a game more interesting

    Media Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar

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    Science is a compulsory subject in every public school and in its delivery does not only require theory and material but must also be equipped with practices outside the classroom to better support student education. Often students feel bored when studying in class and also there are still many schools that do not have the qualified facilities to do hands-on practice. These problems can be overcome by modifying the monotonous learning system to become more interesting. This research aims to develop of Science learning media for 4th grade elementary school. The development method used is the waterfall method which has several stages starting from the analysis of software, making programming code and implementation code, testing the software and then ending with maintenance the software. For developing the software used is the Costruct 2 because it is considered more simple and easy to use. The result of this study are in the form of natural science learning media that can increase student interest in learning because of its interesting delivery. Based on the results of black box testing, the system developed is already running well

    Educational Games For Disaster Of Earthquake Mitigation Based Android Using Unity

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    Earthquake is one of the natural disasters that occur due to shifting of tectonic plates that produce waves that have an effect on the earth's surface and have the potential to cause a tsunami. Based on the geographical, indonesian is one of the countries that has the earthquake risk and potential causes of tsunami disaster. Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) conducted an information about earthquake mitigation by publishing a book entitled “Buku Saku Tanggap Tangkas Tangguh Menghadapi Bencana” containing the causes of earthquake disaster, recognize signs of the earthquake disaster, and earthquake safety tips. In the fact, There are still many people who do not know about the book that has published by BPBD. To resolve these issues, this study aims to reduce the risk of earthquake impact from “Buku Saku Tanggap Tangkas Tangguh Menghadapi Bencana” using educational games that built to help the people know about earthquake mitigation to become easier. Unity used to develop the educational game with genre is simulation. The Agile Model of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the research that applied throughout the development of this education. The software will be testing uses “Blackbox” testing , it is focuses on output of input and execution with ignore the internal mechanism system. In the meanwhile, The System Usability System (SUS) used to evaluate the usability of prudct and to mesure the level of targets acceptance of various technology models. Based on the SUS testing, this research is accaptable by the public with a grade scale is “C” category, the adjactive rating is “GOOD” and the percentil rank is 73,29 SUS score on “C” grade