75,460 research outputs found

    Coconut water and BAP successfully replaced zeatin in olive (Olea europaea L.) micropropagation

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    The data presented report on trials conducted during 24 months using the Portuguese olive cultivar ‘Galega vulgar’. The effectiveness of coconut water, BAP, or kinetin, as possible zeatin substitutes in olive micropropagation protocols, was investigated. In all stages of the micropropagation process, the mineral and vitamin formulation of Olive Medium (OM) was used. Regarding culture establishment the best results were achieved when 50 ml l-1 coconut water and 2.22 µM BAP were used as medium supplements. For the in vitro multiplication stage, the highest proliferation rates with an average of 3.4 new explants on each thirty days were achieved maintaining the coconut water concentration at 50 ml l-1 and increasing BAP up to 8.87 µM. The effects of IBA and activated charcoal on the in vitro root induction were also studied. Rooting rates of over 85 percent were obtained by basal immersion of the explants in IBA solution at 3 g l-1 for 10 seconds, followed by inoculation in the OM culture medium, added with 2 g l-1 of activated charcoal and without growth regulators. All in vitro rooted plants were transferred into jiffy-pots filled with vermiculite-perlite 3/1 (v/v) substrate. Those were subsequently wetted with the OM mineral solution, placed into polystyrene plates each one with 100 jiffy-pots capacity, which were transferred to traditional rooting mist benches, on a water-cooling equipped greenhouse. Such a simple acclimatization procedure allowed for 95 percent of plants survival

    Permanence in polymatrix replicators

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    Generally a biological system is said to be permanent if under small perturbations none of the species goes to extinction. In 1979 P.Schuster, K.Sigmund, and R.Wolff introduced the concept of permanence as a stability notion for systems that models the self-organization of biological macromolecules. After, in 1987 W. Jansen, and J.Hofbauer, and K.Sigmund give sufficient conditions for permanence in the usual replicators. In this paper we extend these results for polymatrix replicators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Storytelling and social media as tools for brand recognition: The role of digital influencers

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    This dissertation’s main goal was to understand the effect storytelling and influencer marketing have on the consumers’ purchase intention, in a time when the connection between consumer and brand is extremely relevant. In recent times the internet came to change the way communication happens, these changes affected the advertising sector as much as any other. Giving the amount of information available online, the consumers’ profile changed too. People are searching for personalized information and brands that match their personal values. By using a quantitative methodology, surveys, this dissertation intends to evaluate Portuguese’s’ presence online as well as the ways in which they are affected by storytelling and influencer marketing. As a main conclusion it was possible to assess that Portuguese are affected by these marketing strategies, however, not in an evenly way. Age turned out to be an important factor to take in consideration.Esta dissertação teve como principal objetivo entender o efeito que o storytelling em conjunto com o marketing de influência têm na intensão de compra do consumidor, numa época em que a ligação entre este e a marca é um fator extremamente relevante. Nos dias de hoje em que a internet veio revolucionar a forma como a comunicação acontece, o setor da publicidade foi também afetado por essas mudanças. As pessoas passaram a procurar informação personalizada e a consumir marcas que correspondam aos seus valores pessoais. Recorrendo a uma metodologia quantitativa, por meio de inquéritos, esta dissertação pretende avaliar a presença dos portugueses online assim como a forma como estes são afetados pelo storytelling e pelo marketing de influência. Como principal conclusão é possível destacar o facto de que os portugueses são, sim, afetados por estas estratégias, no entanto, não de uma forma igual. A idade revelou-se, ao longo deste estudo, como um fator determinante

    Pet sense: sistema de monitorização de animais em hospitalização

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    The observation and treatment of animals in veterinary hospitals is still very dependent on manual procedures, including the collection of vital signs (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure). These manual procedures are time-consuming and invasive, affecting the animal’s well-being. In this work, we purpose the use of IoT technologies to monitor animals in hospitalization, wearing sensors to collect vitals, and low-cost hardware to forward them into a cloud backend that analyses and stores data. The history of observed vitals and alarms can be accessed in the web, included in the Pet Universal software suite. The overall architecture follows a stream processing approach, using telemetry protocols to transport data, and Apache Kafka Streams to analyse streams and trigger alarms on potential hazard conditions. The system was fully implemented, although with laboratory sensors to emulate the smart devices to be worn by the animals. We were able to implement a data gathering and processing pipeline and integrate with the existing clinical management information system. The proposed solution can offer a practical way for long-term monitoring and detect abnormal values of temperature and heart rate in hospitalized animals, taking into consideration the characteristics of the monitored individual (species and state).A observação e tratamento de animais hospitalizados continua muito dependente de procedimentos manuais, especialmente no que diz respeito à colheita de sinais vitais (temperatura, frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória e pressão arterial). Estes procedimentos manuais são dispendiosos em termos de tempo e afetam o bem-estar do animal. Neste projeto, propomos o recurso a tecnologias IoT para monitorizar animais hospitalizados equipados com sensores que medem sinais vitais, com hardware acessível, e envio dos dados para um serviço na cloud que os analisa e armazena. O histórico dos valores e alarmes podem ser acedidos na web e incluídos na plataforma comercial da Pet Universal. A arquitetura geral segue uma abordagem de processamento funcional, usando protocolos de telemetria para transportar dados e Apache Kafka Streams, analisando e lançando alarmes sobre potenciais condições de risco de acordo com a temperatura e pulsação. O sistema foi totalmente implementado, embora com sensores de laboratório para simular os dispositivos a serem usados pelos animais. Conseguimos implementar um circuito de colheita e processamento de dados e integrar com o sistema de gestão clínica já existente. A solução proposta oferece uma forma prática de monitorização continuada e de deteção de valores anormais de temperatura e frequência cardíaca em animais hospitalizados, tomando em conta as características do indivíduo monitorado (espécie e estado).Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Scale-dependent influence of pre-existing basement shear zones on rift faulting : a case study from NE Brazil

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    Rifting of continental crust initiates faults that are commonly influenced by pre-existing structures. We document newly identified faults cutting Precambrian units in the interior of the NE Brazilian margin to assess the effects of structural inheritance on both rift geometry and fault architecture. Stratigraphic and structural data indicate that the faults were active in the main phase of rifting of Gondwana. The influence of pre-existing structures on the Mesozoic rift faulting is scale dependent. Regionally, the faults trend parallel to subvertical, crustal-scale Brasiliano (c. 750–540 Ma) shear zones. Mylonitic foliations and broadly distributed low strain in the lower crust indicated by shear-wave splitting controlled the overall orientation and kinematics of the rift faults. However, outcrop observations of the faults show that at scales up to hundreds of metres, mylonitic foliations have little influence on fault architectures. Faults cross-cut shear zones and do not commonly utilize foliation planes as shear fractures. Instead, slip zones and fractures have a range of orientations that form acute angles to the local foliation orientation. This observation explains the range of focal mechanisms associated with seismicity that coincides with ancient shear zones in intra-continental areas

    Rank of Stably Dissipative Graphs

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    For the class of stably dissipative Lotka-Volterra systems we prove that the rank of its defining matrix, which is the dimension of the associated invariant foliation, is completely determined by the system's graph

    Periodic attractor in the discrete time best-response dynamics of the rock-paper-scissors game

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    The Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS) game is a classic noncooperative game widely studied in terms of its theoretical analysis as well as in its applications, ranging from sociology and biology to economics. Many experimental results of the RPS game indicate that this game is better modelled by the discretized best-response dynamics rather than continuous time dynamics. In this work we show that the attractor of the discrete time best-response dynamics of the RPS game is nite and periodic. Moreover we also describe the bifurcations of the attractor and determine the exact number, period and location of the periodic strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hidrolisado de peixe causa alterações nas características microbiológicas e químicas de substrato.

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    O hidrolisado de peixe é um fertilizante orgânico obtido da fermentação de resíduos do processamento de pescados marinhos. O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos do hidrolisado de peixe em características microbiológicas e químicas de substrato à base de casca de pinus e solo, em microcosmos. O hidrolisado de peixe estimulou a comunidade de Trichoderma, aumentou a liberação de amônia e aumentou a condutividade elétrica do substrato de forma proporcional à sua concentração no substrato esterilizado e no não esterilizado. O hidrolisado não interferiu nas comunidades de Bacillus, de Pseudomonas e de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. Também não foram verificadas alterações significativas no pH e na concentração de nitrato do substrato

    A pesca no Pantanal Sul: situação atual e perspectivas.

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    Informações pesqueiras - conhecer para decidir; Os produtos da pesca profissional artesanal e da esportiva; Delimitação de estoques pesqueiros; O peixe mudou de mão; Novas mudanças no perfil da pesca; Pesque e solte - intencional e não intencional; Nível de exploração da pesca; Espécies subaproveitadas; Agregando valor ao pescado; Peixe de granja e peixe caipira; Conhecimento ecológico tradicional; Perfil do pescador profissional artesanal; Crise do setor turístico pesqueiro; Alternativas para o setor turístico pesqueiro; Novas instituições no cenário da pesca; Gestão participativa; Fatores externos à pesca; Fatores naturais e antrópicos; Escolha do modelo de desenvolvimento.bitstream/item/81185/1/DOC48.pd