16 research outputs found

    Adaptive region growing impulse noise estimator for color images

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    In this paper, a novel region growing impulse noise estimator for color images is proposed. The aim of this estimator is to distinguish noisy pixels from uncorrupted pixels and subsequently measure the noise proportion efficiently. We use a region growing technique to segment the images into clusters of pixels and propose an adaptive decision scheme to measure the noise proportion. Performance analyses show the proposed scheme outperforms some of the state-of-the art techniques

    Fast Method Based on Fuzzy Logic for Gaussian-Impulsive Noise Reduction in CT Medical Images

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    To remove Gaussian-impulsive mixed noise in CT medical images, a parallel filter based on fuzzy logic is applied. The used methodology is structured in two steps. A method based on a fuzzy metric is applied to remove the impulsive noise at the first step. To reduce Gaussian noise, at the second step, a fuzzy peer group filter is used on the filtered image obtained at the first step. A comparative analysis with state-of-the-art methods is performed on CT medical images using qualitative and quantitative measures evidencing the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The parallel method is parallelized on shared memory multiprocessors. After applying parallel computing strategies, the obtained computing times indicate that the introduced filter enables to reduce Gaussian-impulse mixed noise on CT medical images in real-time.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C54), and it was co-financed with FEDER funds

    Partition based vector filtering technique for suppression of noise in digital color images

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    A partition-based adaptive vector filter is proposed for the restoration of corrupted digital color images. The novelty of the filter lies in its unique three-stage adaptive estimation. The local image structure is first estimated by a series of center-weighted reference filters. Then the distances between the observed central pixel and estimated references are utilized to classify the local inputs into one of preset structure partition cells. Finally, a weighted filtering operation, indexed by the partition cell, is applied to the estimated references in order to restore the central pixel value. The weighted filtering operation is optimized off-line for each partition cell to achieve the best tradeoff between noise suppression and structure preservation. Recursive filtering operation and recursive weight training are also investigated to further boost the restoration performance. The proposed filter has demonstrated satisfactory results in suppressing many distinct types of noise in natural color images. Noticeable performance gains are demonstrated over other prior-art methods in terms of standard objective measurements, the visual image quality and the computational complexity

    Image Noise Removal on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Configurations

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    A parallel algorithm to remove impulsive noise in digital images using heterogeneous CPU/GPU computing is proposed. The parallel denoising algorithm is based on the peer group concept and uses an Euclidean metric. In order to identify the amount of pixels to be allocated in multi-core and GPUs, a performance analysis using large images is presented. A comparison of the parallel implementation in multi-core, GPUs and a combination of both is performed. Performance has been evaluated in terms of execution time and Megapixels/second. We present several optimization strategies especially effective for the multi-core environment, and demonstrate significant performance improvements. The main advantage of the proposed noise removal methodology is its computational speed, which enables efficient filtering of color images in real-time applications.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number TIN2011-26254].Sanchez, MG.; Vidal Gimeno, VE.; Arnal, J.; Vidal Meló, A. (2014). Image Noise Removal on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Configurations. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2014.05.207

    Designing a wavelength specific color perception test for just noticeable difference in color domain

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    To the human vision, there exists in color images a certain amount of perceptual redundancy since the human visual system (HVS) has limited sensitivity in discriminating color signals of small differences. Such colors of small differences are called Just Noticeable different colors. A test has been designed to check for such near wavelength colors that does not seem different to a normal human eye. The test is solely based upon the perception of human eye towards different wavelengths in the visible spectrum. The test consists of a central color of certain wavelength which was surrounded equidistantly by colors having wavelengths, not differing much from the central color. In the test the subjects had to choose the colors that looked similar to the central color. As the color perception varies from individual to individual, this test when conducted over a large population having a healthy vision varying in age, gender and ethnicity can yield a generalized color perception by a normal human eye. The objectives of test were to find out the just noticeable different colors among a given set of colors having wavelengths that are just few nanometers different from each other and to get a generalized color perception for a human eye. When data of a very large sample space is statistically analyzed, we get reliable information that can be used to diagnose defects in the color vision

    Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples

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    [EN] Colour image smoothing is a challenging task because it is necessary to appropriately distinguish between noise and original structures, and to smooth noise conveniently. In addition, this processing must take into account the correlation among the image colour channels. In this paper, we introduce a novel colour image denoising method where each image pixel is processed according to an eigenvector analysis of a data matrix built from the pixel neighbourhood colour values. The aim of this eigenvector analysis is threefold: (i) to manage the local correlation among the colour image channels, (ii) to distinguish between flat and edge/textured regions and (iii) to determine the amount of needed smoothing. Comparisons with classical and recent methods show that the proposed approach is competitive and able to provide significative improvements.Latorre-Carmona, P.; Miñana, J.; Morillas, S. (2020). Colour image denoising by eigenvector analysis of neighbourhood colour samples. 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    Fuzzy metrics and fuzzy logic for colour image filtering

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    El filtrado de imagen es una tarea fundamental para la mayoría de los sistemas de visión por computador cuando las imágenes se usan para análisis automático o, incluso, para inspección humana. De hecho, la presencia de ruido en una imagen puede ser un grave impedimento para las sucesivas tareas de procesamiento de imagen como, por ejemplo, la detección de bordes o el reconocimiento de patrones u objetos y, por lo tanto, el ruido debe ser reducido. En los últimos años el interés por utilizar imágenes en color se ha visto incrementado de forma significativa en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Es por esto que el filtrado de imagen en color se ha convertido en un área de investigación interesante. Se ha observado ampliamente que las imágenes en color deben ser procesadas teniendo en cuenta la correlación existente entre los distintos canales de color de la imagen. En este sentido, la solución probablemente más conocida y estudiada es el enfoque vectorial. Las primeras soluciones de filtrado vectorial, como por ejemplo el filtro de mediana vectorial (VMF) o el filtro direccional vectorial (VDF), se basan en la teoría de la estadística robusta y, en consecuencia, son capaces de realizar un filtrado robusto. Desafortunadamente, estas técnicas no se adaptan a las características locales de la imagen, lo que implica que usualmente los bordes y detalles de las imágenes se emborronan y pierden calidad. A fin de solventar este problema, varios filtros vectoriales adaptativos se han propuesto recientemente. En la presente Tesis doctoral se han llevado a cabo dos tareas principales: (i) el estudio de la aplicabilidad de métricas difusas en tareas de procesamiento de imagen y (ii) el diseño de nuevos filtros para imagen en color que sacan provecho de las propiedades de las métricas difusas y la lógica difusa. Los resultados experimentales presentados en esta Tesis muestran que las métricas difusas y la lógica difusa son herramientas útiles para diseñar técnicas de filtrado,Morillas Gómez, S. (2007). Fuzzy metrics and fuzzy logic for colour image filtering [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1879Palanci