33,725 research outputs found


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    Hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur memiliki tipologi tersendiri dalam peta herme-neutika. Paul Ricoeur menganalisis secara tajam aliran-aliran hermeneutika sebelumnya. Paul Ricoeur menyatukan kembali aliran hermeneutika dalam skema yang lebih besar yang mengapresiasi peran penting yang dimainkan oleh analisis strukturalis. Paradigma teks yang berpusat pada konteks dan pembaca inilah yang merupakan keunikan konsep hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur. Konsep hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur diposisikan pada kelompok postmodernis afirmatif. Paul Ricoeur melihat peran pengarang absen, karena pengarang tidak hadir ketika seseorang memahami teks. Yang hadir dalam teks adalah gaya pengarang dalam sebuah genre tertentu

    Architecture et narrativité

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    La ciudad y la arquitectura son relatos que se conjugan en el pasado, el presente y el futuro. ¿Quién mejor que Paul Ricoeur, filósofo atento al «trabajo de la memoria», para abrir este debate y acompañarnos en ese camino que lleva a un claro en un bosque, como diría Heidegger? Pero el relato sobreentiende la narración, que se define a sí misma como interpretación. ¿Habla la memoria de las piedras igual de claro que la de los textos? Paul Ricoeur nos propone su lectura de esas memorias, que vivifican para siempre el pasado del nuestro presente.La ville et l’architecture sont des récits qui se conjuguent au passé, présent et futur. Qui d’autre que Paul Ricoeur, philosophe attentif au « travail de la mémoire », pouvait ouvrir ce débat ; « ouvrir », c’est-à-dire nous accompagner sur ce chemin qui mène à une clairière, comme le dirait Heidegger. Mais le récit sous-entend la narration, qui elle-même appelle l’interprétation. La mémoire des pierres parle-t-elle aussi bien que celle des textes? Paul Ricoeur nous propose sa lecture de ces mémoires; qui à jamais vivifient le passé de notre présent.Peer Reviewe

    La filosofia de la cultura o l'ètica com a praxi a Paul Ricoeur

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    El marc filosòfic del present estudi abasta una notable amplitud metodològica, situada entre la fenomenologia eideticopràctica de la voluntat de Paul Ricoeur i l’exercici hermeneuticotranscendental de la raó humana en el seu esforç dialogicocomprensiu. El que dóna sentit a aquest marc és la noció de persona humana, alhora lliure i condicionada, esforçada i feble, interpretadora i comprensiva del món i de si mateixa, que ha de desenvolupar-se ontologicopràxicament mitjançant les relacions interpersonals i la cultura. La “via llarga” del discurs filosòfic ricoeurià implica la reflexió hermenèutica i cultural que no defuig el tarannà dialogicoconflictiu amb models interpretatius diferents, des de l’antropologia i la filosofia de la religió, fins a la psicoanàlisi, l’estructuralisme o les interpretacions filosoficopolítiques, idealistes o criticomarxistes. Hom pot afirmar que el pensament de Paul Ricoeur vertebra les seves reflexions tenint com a centre de referència la persona humana, mitjançant un discurs alhora practicomoral i humanitzador, posant en joc un conjunt d’estructures antropològiques que anomenem “praxicointegrals”, les quals aportaran arguments en pro d’una ètica discursiva que es desenvolupa al voltant de la pregunta clau: “com haig d’actuar?”. Tal discurs resultant constituirà el gruix del que Paul Ricoeur en dirà la “saviesa pràctica”, que ha de fer compatible la responsabilitat humana amb la superació de la turpitud i en pro d’acomplir la plenitud a la qual l’home aspira. PARAULES CLAU: fenomenologia, hermenèutica, persona, cultura, praxi, ètica. The philosophy of the culture or the ethics as practical in Paul Ricoeur ABSTRACT: The philosophical framework of this study comprises two phases Methodological: the practical-eidetics phenomenology of the will of Paul Ricoeur and hermeneutic – transcendental practice of the human reason in its dialogic-understanding effort. But the thing that gives meaning to this philosophical framework is the idea of the human person, which is free and conditioned, vigorous and weak, interprets and understands the world, and also to itself. The person must be developed by practically ontological trough the interpersonal relations and the culture. The “long way” of philosophical discourse of Paul Ricoeur involves the cultural and hermeneutics reflection that does not flee the dialogical and conflictive with different interpretative models: from anthropology and philosophy of religion, to psychoanalysis, structuralism or philosophical interpretations political, idealists or critical-Marxist. We can say that the thought of Paul Ricoeur builds his reflections having as a reference center of the human person, across a speech at the same time practical-moral and humanizing, exposing a set of anthropological structures that we call “praxis-integrated”, they provide arguments for an ethic that develops about the question: “How should I act?”. The result of this speech will be the core of what Paul Ricoeur called practical wisdom, which should support human responsibility to overcome the awkwardness, to reach the fullness to which man aspires. KEY-WORDS: phenomenology, hermeneutic, person, culture, practical, ethics

    Paul Ricoeur: Geschichtsschreibung und Repräsentation der Vergangenheit

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    Besprechung Paul Ricoeur: Geschichtsschreibung und Repräsentation der Vergangenhei

    Laudatio de Paul Ricoeur

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    Architecture and Narrativity

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    Ricoeur's text (english version)Texte de Paul Ricoeur (version anglaise

    Paul Ricoeur e o paradoxo dos Direitos Humanos

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    Resumo Em 2013, recorda-se o centenário de nascimento do filósofo Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005), cuja obra é reconhecida internacionalmente por sua contribuição à hermenêutica, à teoria literária, à psicanálise e, até mesmo, à teologia. Dentre os temas mais relevantes para um exame da contribuição de Paul Ricoeur para a filosofia do direito, encontra-se o de sua pessoal interpretação dos direitos humanos. A filosofia dos direitos humanos em Paul Ricoeur é um capítulo praticamente inexplorado pela literatura especializada, que, no campo da filosofia do direito, se concentrou na discussão de sua teoria da justiça, sem avançar especificamente pela temática dos direitos humanos. Pretende-se contribuir para o preenchimento dessa lacuna pela exposição e análise das linhas mestras da interpretação dos fundamentos e da universalidade dos direitos humanos em Paul Ricoeur. Palavras-chave: Paul Ricoeur; direitos humanos; identidade; universalidade. Abstract In 2013, we recall the birth centenary of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005), whose work is recognized internationally for his contributions to philosophy, hermeneutics, literary theory, psychoanalysis, and even theology. Among the topics most relevant to an examination of the contribution of Paul Ricoeur to the philosophy of law, is his personal interpretation of human rights. The philosophy of human rights in Paul Ricoeur is a chapter virtually unexplored by the specialized literature, which, in the field of philosophy of law, focused on discussion of his theory of justice, without advancing specifically about the human rights theme. This article aims to contribute to filling this gap by exposure and analysis of the main lines of interpretation of the foundations and universality of human rights in Paul Ricoeur. Keywords: Paul Ricoeur; human rights; identity; universality.        

    Architecture et Narrativité

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    Text of Paul Ricoeur (french version)Texte de Paul Ricoeur (version française

    Teori Interpretasi Paul Ricoueur Telaah Tentang Kritiknyaatas Hermenutika Romantis Dan Strukturalisme = Paul Ricoeur\u27s Interpretation Theory Study on His Critics on Romantic Hermeneutics and Structuralism

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    ABSTRACT This research wants to show the basic and epistemology structure of Paul Ricoeur\u27s interpretation theory and to showed his critics on Romantic hermeneutics and structuralism. The research is a library research that made Paul Ricoeur\u27s interpretation theory in the middle of conflict of Romantic hermeneutics and structuralism as material object and epistemology as formal object. The theme of study will be analyzed in the twor of epistemology-hermeneutical sketch based on the textuality characters and the interpretation method. The research uses the method model of factual-historical of figure that consist of interpretation, internal coherency, historical continuity, description, and comparison as the methodical element. The research shows that Paul Ricoeur built his theory basic on discourse, text, and metaphor. His epistemological structure can be seen in the sketch of the text character with its structure and world and the dialectics of understanding and explanation method. His criticism orients to Romantic hermeneutic and structuralism attitudes that reduced the text status and simplifies the interpretation method. Key Word: interpretation, Romantic hermeneutics, structuralis

    CLARK, Steven H., Paul Ricoeur

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