18 research outputs found

    Dalcroze meets technology : integrating music, movement and visuals with the Music Paint Machine

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    peer reviewedNew interactive music educational technologies are often seen as a ‘force of change’, introducing new approaches that address the shortcomings (e.g. score-based, teacher-centred and disembodied) of the so-called traditional teaching approaches. And yet, despite the growing belief in their educational potential, these new technologies have been problematised with regard to their design, reception, implementation and evaluation. A possible way to optimise the realisation of the educational potential of interactive music educational technologies is to connect their use to music educational approaches that stood the test of time and as such may inspire technologies to become a bridge between tradition and innovation. This article describes an educational technology (the Music Paint Machine) that integrates the creative use of movement and visualisation to support instrumental music teaching and learning. Next, it connects this application to such an established music educational method, the Dalcroze approach. Through the lens of a set of interconnected aspects, it is shown how the Music Paint Machine’s conceptual design aligns to the underlying principles of this approach. In this way, it is argued that integrating Dalcroze-inspired practices is a plausible way of realising the didactic potential of the system. An appendix with example exercises is provided

    Is Student Motivation Related to Socio-digital Participation? : A Person-oriented Approach

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    5th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology in Kyrenia Cyprus (Oct 22-25, 2014)/ guest editors: Zafer Bekirogullari, Melis Minas.There is a hypothesized gap between the technology-mediated practices of adolescents and school, hindering student motivation and well-being. This study examined how students’ school motivation is associated with ICT-use. Previous research has shown that achievement goal orientations are related to students’ academic and emotional functioning. Simultaneously, adolescents engage in various socio-digital activities on a daily basis. Our aim is to integrate these two approaches to examine whether students with different motivational profiles display different patterns of socio-digital participation. The participants were Finnish high school students (N=1342) who filled in a self-report questionnaire assessing school motivation and ICT-use both in and out of school. We examined the structural validity of the measurement model by confirmatory factor analyses, classified the students by latent profile analyses and examined group and gender differences by ANOVAs. Four groups were identified: indifferent, success-oriented, mastery-oriented, and avoidance-oriented. The groups differed in their generalized motivational beliefs and there were meaningful differences in terms of their orientations to socio-digital participation: e.g. indifferent students were more likely to engage in hanging-out and gaming, avoidance-oriented students were the least engaged in academic activities. Also, there were some interesting group × gender interaction effects. We found that students’ indifference towards school is associated with ICT-engagement outside of school (gaming and hanging-out). We conclude that there appears to be evidence of discontinuities between today's schools and their students, raising a question of whether the indifference is the cause or the outcome. Furthermore, the findings raise new insights on achievement goal and gender interaction effects.Peer reviewe

    Identity profiles and digital engagement among Finnish high school students

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    Developing a stable personal identity is considered a more precarious task in today's society than hitherto. Skilful digital engagement may, however, constitute a valuable asset in necessary identity exploration and commitment. Applying a person-oriented approach, we examined for the first time how identity profiles are associated with digital engagement, operationalized as digital competence, gaming seriousness, type of internet activity and excessive ICT use. After controlling for gender, life satisfaction and parental SES, this study of a Finnish high school sample (N = 932) revealed that adolescents with future commitments and some exploration of options (achievement, searching moratorium) were the most advanced in digital skills and, in the former case, least prone to excessive ICT use. By contrast, adolescents desperately trying to solve the identity task (ruminative moratorium) scored highest on friendship-driven internet activity and excessive ICT use, whereas diffused individuals had the weakest digital competence. No differences between the profiles emerged regarding gaming and interest-driven internet activity. The results suggest that the digital world and related devices are purposeful tools for shaping and maintaining healthy identity commitments.Peer reviewe

    Las competencias en TIC de estudiantes universitarios del ámbito de la educación y su relación con las estrategias de aprendizaje

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    Este estudio se enmarca en el contexto universitario, y concretamente en los estudiantes, ya que son los actores principales de su proceso de aprendizaje. El objetivo se centra en analizar las competencias en TIC (tecnológicas, pedagógicas y éticas) de estudiantes universitarios del ámbito de la Educación y su relación con las Estrategias de Aprendizaje. Además, se tienen en cuenta en el planteamiento desarrollado determinadas variables personales y contextuales claves. La población de referencia la constituyen los estudiantes universitarios de titulaciones pertenecientes al ámbito de la Educación de la Universidad de Valencia. La información se ha recogido a través de cuestionarios. Se ha demostrado que existe una influencia de las Estrategias de Aprendizaje del estudiante en su competencia respecto a las TIC (tanto tecnológicas como pedagógicas y éticas), muy especialmente las relacionadas con el procesamiento de la información. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten ahondar en la relación entre las competencias en TIC y las estrategias de aprendizaje que los estudiantes ponen en marcha en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la influencias de las variables personales y contextuales clave.This study corresponds with the university environment context, and specifically with the educational environment of the students, since they are the main protagonists in their learning process. The aim is to analyze the ICT competences (technological, educational and ethical) of University students in the field of education and their corresponding relationship with appropriate learning strategies. In addition, several significant personal and contextual variables are taken into account in the developed approach applied. The reference population of the study is represented by undergraduate students within the educational environment scope at the University of Valencia. The suited information has been collected through questionnaires. The study has shown that, regarding the ICT competences (technological, pedagogical and ethical), there is a corresponding influence found within the learning strategies of the students, especially within those related to the processing of information. The results obtained by this study have allowed for an in depth analysis of the relationship between the ICT competences and learning strategies that students activate in the teaching-learning process; moreover, allowing for the obtainment of valuable insight about factors which influence relative personal and contextual variables

    Epistemic Beliefs and Googling

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    With the introduction of internet as a source of information, parents have observed youngsters’ tendency to prefer internet as a source, and almost a reluctance to learn in advance since “you can look it up when needed”. Questions arise, such as ‘Are these phenomena symptoms of changing beliefs about knowledge and learning? Is it at all possible to learn on a deeper level simply by looking up the basic facts, without memorizing them?’Within an existing line of investigation, epistemic beliefs have been described as a set of dimensions. Although internet-based information and internet as a source of information have been acknowledged, studies so far have not explored how dealing with internet-based information relates to other epistemic beliefs dimensions.To capture how users view internet-based information per se but also in relation to other epistemic beliefs, I suggest three new dimensions, out of which the most crucial is labelled ‘Internet reliance’. Offloading memory using memory aids is not a new phenomenon but the ‘Internet reliance’ dimension indicates that especially internet-reliant users may be confusing external information with personal knowledge, with all the risks it may entail.Besides including beliefs about learning, this study also challenges earlier assumptions regarding uncorrelated dimensions

    How ICT savvy are Digital Natives actually?

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