28 research outputs found

    How the chemical features of molecules may have addressed the settlement of metabolic steps

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    Introduction: While the evolutionary adaptation of enzymes to their own substrates is a well assessed and rationalized field, how molecules have been originally selected in order to initiate and assemble convenient metabolic pathways is a fascinating, but still debated argument. Objectives: Aim of the present study is to give a rationale for the preferential selection of specific molecules to generate metabolic pathways. Methods: The comparison of structural features of molecules, through an inductive methodological approach, offer a reading key to cautiously propose a determining factor for their metabolic recruitment. Results: Starting with some commonplaces occurring in the structural representation of relevant carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose and ribose, arguments are presented in associating stable structural determinants of these molecules and their peculiar occurrence in metabolic pathways. Conclusions: Among other possible factors, the reliability of the structural asset of a molecule may be relevant or its selection among structurally and, a priori, functionally similar molecules

    MEMO: A Method for Computing Metabolic Modules for Cell-Free Production Systems

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    Association of the malate dehydrogenase‑citrate synthase metabolon is modulated by intermediates of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle

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    Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (MDH)-citrate synthase (CS) multi-enzyme complex is a part of the Krebs tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle ‘metabolon’ which is enzyme machinery catalyzing sequential reactions without diffusion of reaction intermediates into a bulk matrix. This complex is assumed to be a dynamic structure involved in the regulation of the cycle by enhancing metabolic flux. Microscale Thermophoresis analysis of the porcine heart MDH-CS complex revealed that substrates of the MDH and CS reactions, NAD+ and acetyl-CoA, enhance complex association while products of the reactions, NADH and citrate, weaken the affinity of the complex. Oxaloacetate enhanced the interaction only when it was present together with acetyl-CoA. Structural modeling using published CS structures suggested that the binding of these substrates can stabilize the closed format of CS which favors the MDH-CS association. Two other TCA cycle intermediates, ATP, and low pH also enhanced the association of the complex. These results suggest that dynamic formation of the MDH-CS multienzyme complex is modulated by metabolic factors responding to respiratory metabolism, and it may function in the feedback regulation of the cycle and adjacent metabolic pathways

    Interrogating metabolism as an electron flow system

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    Metabolism is generally considered as a neatly organised system of modular pathways, shaped by evolution under selection for optimal cellular growth. This view falls short of explaining and predicting a number of key observations about the structure and dynamics of metabolism. We highlight these limitations of a pathway-centric view on metabolism and summarise studies suggesting how these could be overcome by viewing metabolism as a thermodynamically and kinetically constrained, dynamical flow system. Such a systems-level, first-principles based view of metabolism can open up new avenues of metabolic engineering and cures for metabolic diseases and allow better insights to a myriad of physiological processes that are ultimately linked to metabolism. Towards further developing this view, we call for a closer interaction among physical and biological disciplines and an increased use of electrochemical and biophysical approaches to interrogate cellular metabolism together with the microenvironment in which it exists

    A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Metabolic Pathway Dynamics from Time Series Multiomics Data

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    New synthetic biology capabilities hold the promise of dramatically improving our ability to engineer biological systems. However, a fundamental hurdle in realizing this potential is our inability to accurately predict biological behavior after modifying the corresponding genotype. Kinetic models have traditionally been used to predict pathway dynamics in bioengineered systems, but they take significant time to develop, and rely heavily on domain expertise. Here, we show that the combination of machine learning and abundant multiomics data (proteomics and metabolomics) can be used to effectively predict pathway dynamics in an automated fashion. The new method outperforms a classical kinetic model, and produces qualitative and quantitative predictions that can be used to productively guide bioengineering efforts. This method systematically leverages arbitrary amounts of new data to improve predictions, and does not assume any particular interactions, but rather implicitly chooses the most predictive ones

    Constrained Allocation Flux Balance Analysis

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    New experimental results on bacterial growth inspire a novel top-down approach to study cell metabolism, combining mass balance and proteomic constraints to extend and complement Flux Balance Analysis. We introduce here Constrained Allocation Flux Balance Analysis, CAFBA, in which the biosynthetic costs associated to growth are accounted for in an effective way through a single additional genome-wide constraint. Its roots lie in the experimentally observed pattern of proteome allocation for metabolic functions, allowing to bridge regulation and metabolism in a transparent way under the principle of growth-rate maximization. We provide a simple method to solve CAFBA efficiently and propose an “ensemble averaging” procedure to account for unknown protein costs. Applying this approach to modeling E. coli metabolism, we find that, as the growth rate increases, CAFBA solutions cross over from respiratory, growth-yield maximizing states (preferred at slow growth) to fermentative states with carbon overflow (preferred at fast growth). In addition, CAFBA allows for quantitatively accurate predictions on the rate of acetate excretion and growth yield based on only 3 parameters determined by empirical growth laws

    Machine Learning and Metabolic Model Guided CRISPRi Reveals a Central Role for Phosphoglycerate Mutase in \u3ci\u3eChlamydia trachomatis\u3c/i\u3e Persistence

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    Upon nutrient starvation, Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L2 (CTL) shifts from its normal growth to a non-replicating form, termed persistence. It is unclear if persistence is an adaptive response or lack of it. To understand that transcriptomics data were collected for nutrientsufficient and nutrient-starved CTL. Applying machine learning approaches on transcriptomics data revealed a global transcriptomic rewiring of CTL under stress conditions without having any global stress regulator. This indicated that CTL’s stress response is due to lack of an adaptive response mechanism. To investigate the impact of this on CTL metabolism, we reconstructed a genome-scale metabolic model of CTL (iCTL278) and contextualized it with the collected transcriptomics data. Using the metabolic bottleneck analysis on contextualized iCTL278, we observed phosphoglycerate mutase (pgm) regulates the entry of CTL to the persistence. Later, pgm was found to have the highest thermodynamics driving force and lowest enzymatic cost. Furthermore, CRISPRi-driven knockdown of pgm and tryptophan starvation experiments revealed the importance of this gene in inducing persistence. Hence, this work, for the first time, introduced thermodynamics and enzyme-cost as tools to gain deeper understanding on CTL persistence