71 research outputs found

    Passivity-based analysis and control of AC microgrids: Integration, operation and control of energy storage systems

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    Microgrids are essential subsystems of modern electric power systems. They allow providing electrical energy service for millions of people around the world by integrating multiple distributed energy resources and energy storage technologies at a small scale. This thesis studies these systems from the dynamical analysis and control point of view, to ful ll three main objectives: rst, to model pulse-width-modulated voltage and current source converters for integrating distributed energy resources in ac microgrids (Grids) with single-phase and three-phase topologies; second, to develop Hamiltonian models for representing the whole dynamics of ac Grids via classical circuit theory, since this model exhibits interconnection and dissipation structures typical in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian modeling; third, to design passivity-based controllers for guaranteeing stable operation of the entire Grids when these are operated under grid-connected or isolated modes. Hamiltonian modeling of power electronic converters based on voltage and current source technologies as well as Hamiltonian models of electrical Grids facilitate the dynamical analysis under the passivity paradigm with stability and scalability criteria. The main contributions of this thesis are: integrating supercapacitors and superconducting coils in ac power grids through a uni ed control model; uni ed ac grid modeling via circuit theory and active and reactive power decoupling in power converters under grid-connected mode as well as voltage and frequency control for isolated Grid con gurations. Finally, simulation results corroborate the theoretical developments presented in this thesis

    Passivity - Based Control and Stability Analysis for Hydro-Solar Power Systems

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    Los sistemas de energía modernos se están transformando debido a la inclusión de renovables no convencionales fuentes de energía como la generación eólica y fotovoltaica. A pesar de que estas fuentes de energía son buenas alternativas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de la energía, afectan el funcionamiento y la estabilidad del sistema de energía, debido a su naturaleza inherentemente estocástica y dependencia de las condiciones climáticas. Además, los parques solares y eólicos tienen una capacidad de inercia reducida que debe ser compensada por grandes generadores síncronos en sistemas hidro térmicos convencionales, o por almacenamiento de energía dispositivos. En este contexto, la interacción dinámica entre fuentes convencionales y renovables debe ser estudiado en detalle. Para 2030, el Gobierno de Colombia proyecta que el poder colombiano El sistema integrará en su matriz energética al menos 1,2 GW de generación solar fotovoltaica. Por esta razón, es necesario diseñar controladores robustos que mejoren la estabilidad en los sistemas de energía. Con alta penetración de generación fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Esta disertación estudia nuevas alternativas para mejorar el sistema de potencia de respuesta dinámica durante y después de grandes perturbaciones usando pasividad control basado. Esto se debe a que los componentes del sistema de alimentación son inherentemente pasivos y permiten formulaciones hamiltonianas, explotando así las propiedades de pasividad de sistemas eléctricos. Las principales contribuciones de esta disertación son: una pasividad descentralizada basada control de los sistemas de control de turbinas hidráulicas para sistemas de energía de múltiples máquinas para estabilizar el rotor acelerar y regular el voltaje terminal de cada sistema de control de turbinas hidráulicas en el sistema como, así como un control basado en PI pasividad para las plantas solares fotovoltaicas

    Nonlinear voltage control for three-phase dc-ac converters in hybrid systems: An application of the pi-pbc method

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    In this paper, a proportional-integral passivity-based controller (PI-PBC) is proposed to regulate the amplitude and frequency of the three-phase output voltage in a direct-current alternating-current (DC-AC) converter with an LC filter. This converter is used to supply energy to AC loads in hybrid renewable based systems. The proposed strategy uses the well-known proportional-integral (PI) actions and guarantees the stability of the system by means of the Lyapunov theory. The proposed controller continues to maintain the simplicity and robustness of the PI controls using the Hamiltonian representation of the system, thereby ensuring stability and producing improvements in the performance. The performance of the proposed controller was validated based on simulation and experimental results after considering parametric variations and comparing them with classical approaches.Fil: Serra, Federico Martin. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agropecuarias. Laboratorio de Control Automático; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Martín Fernández, Lucas Luciano. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Agropecuarias. Laboratorio de Control Automático; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo. Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar; Colombia. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas; ColombiaFil: Gil González, W. J.. Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar; ColombiaFil: Hernández, J. C.. Universidad de Jaén; Españ

    Passivity-based analysis and control of AC microgrids: Integration, operation and control of energy storage systems

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    Microgrids are essential subsystems of modern electric power systems. They allow providing electrical energy service for millions of people around the world by integrating multiple distributed energy resources and energy storage technologies at a small scale. This thesis studies these systems from the dynamical analysis and control point of view, to ful ll three main objectives: rst, to model pulse-width-modulated voltage and current source converters for integrating distributed energy resources in ac microgrids (Grids) with single-phase and three-phase topologies; second, to develop Hamiltonian models for representing the whole dynamics of ac Grids via classical circuit theory, since this model exhibits interconnection and dissipation structures typical in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian modeling; third, to design passivity-based controllers for guaranteeing stable operation of the entire Grids when these are operated under grid-connected or isolated modes. Hamiltonian modeling of power electronic converters based on voltage and current source technologies as well as Hamiltonian models of electrical Grids facilitate the dynamical analysis under the passivity paradigm with stability and scalability criteria. The main contributions of this thesis are: integrating supercapacitors and superconducting coils in ac power grids through a uni ed control model; uni ed ac grid modeling via circuit theory and active and reactive power decoupling in power converters under grid-connected mode as well as voltage and frequency control for isolated Grid con gurations. Finally, simulation results corroborate the theoretical developments presented in this thesis

    Un modelo generalizado y control para almacenadores de energía por superconductor magnético y supercondesador

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    This paper presents a generalized linear model based on LMI state-feedback with integral action, applicable to the control of Electric Energy Storage Systems (EESS) such as Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) and Supercapacitor Energy Storage (SCES). A Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a Pulse-Width modulated Current Source Converter (PWM-CSC) are respectively used to integrate the SCES and the SMES systems to the electrical distribution system. To represent the dynamics between the EESS and the power distribution system a reduced general linear model in the state-space representation is introduced. The proposed control scheme regulates independently the active and reactive power ow between the EESS and ac the grid. Three case scenarios comparing a conventional PI controller and the proposed technique are conducted considering grid voltage uctuations. Extensive time-domain simulations demonstrate the robustness and proper performance of the proposed controller to operate the EESS as power compensator, in order to improve the operative conditions of electrical distribution systems.En este articulo se presenta un control de retroalimentación a un modelo lineal generalizado basados en LMI con seguimiento de acción integral para sistemas de almacenamiento de energía eléctrica (SESS) tales como: a almacenamiento de energía magnética por superconducción (SMES) y almacenamiento de energía eléctrica por supercondensador (SCES). Un compacto de modelo lineal general en la representación del espacio de estado para representar el comportamiento dinámico entre el SESS y el sistema de distribución es presentado. Para integrar los sistemas SCES y SMES al sistema de distribución se utilizan un convertidor de fuente de tensión (VSC) y un convertidor de fuente de corriente modulada por ancho de pulso (PWM-CSC), respectivamente. La estrategia de control propuesta permite el control bidireccional de la potencia activa y reactiva entre el EESS y la red ac de manera independiente. Los resultados de las simulaciones demuestran el desempeño robusto y eciente del control propuesto para operar EESS como compensadores de potencia activa y reactiva, con el n de mejorar las condiciones operativas en el sistema de distribución. Además, todos los casos propuestos se compararon con el controlador PI convencional para vericar su validez

    Virtual inertia for suppressing voltage oscillations and stability mechanisms in DC microgrids

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) are gradually penetrating power systems through power electronic converters (PECs), which greatly change the structure and operation characteristics of traditional power systems. The maturation of PECs has also laid a technical foundation for the development of DC microgrids (DC-MGs). The advantages of DC-MGs over AC systems make them an important access target for RES. Due to the multi-timescale characteristics and fast response of power electronics, the dynamic coupling of PEC control systems and the transient interaction between the PEC and the passive network are inevitable, which threatens the stable operation of DC-MGs. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on the study of stabilization control methods, the low-frequency oscillation (LFO) mechanism analysis of DC-MGs and the state-of-charge (SoC) imbalance problem of multi-parallel energy storage systems (ESS). Firstly, a virtual inertia and damping control (VIDC) strategy is proposed to enable bidirectional DC converters (BiCs) to damp voltage oscillations by using the energy stored in ESS to emulate inertia without modifications to system hardware. Both the inertia part and the damping part are modeled in the VIDC controller by analogy with DC machines. Simulation results verify that the proposed VIDC can improve the dynamic characteristics and stability in islanded DC-MG. Then, inertia droop control (IDC) strategies are proposed for BiC of ESS based on the comparison between conventional droop control and VIDC. A feedback analytical method is presented to comprehend stability mechanisms from multi-viewpoints and observe the interaction between variables intuitively. A hardware in the loop (HIL) experiment verifies that IDC can simplify the control structure of VIDC in the promise of ensuring similar control performances. Subsequently, a multi-timescale impedance model is established to clarify the control principle of VIDC and the LFO mechanisms of VIDC-controlled DC-MG. Control loops of different timescales are visualized as independent loop virtual impedances (LVIs) to form an impedance circuit. The instability factors are revealed and a dynamic stability enhancement method is proposed to compensate for the negative damping caused by VIDC and CPL. Experimental results have validated the LFO mechanism analysis and stability enhancement method. Finally, an inertia-emulation-based cooperative control strategy for multi-parallel ESS is proposed to address the SoC imbalance and voltage deviation problem in steady-state operation and the voltage stability problem. The contradiction between SoC balancing speed and maintaining system stability is solved by a redefined SoC-based droop resistance function. HIL experiments prove that the proposed control performs better dynamics and static characteristics without modifying the hardware and can balance the SoC in both charge and discharge modes

    Passivity - Based Control and Stability Analysis for Hydro-Solar Power Systems

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    Los sistemas de energía modernos se están transformando debido a la inclusión de renovables no convencionales fuentes de energía como la generación eólica y fotovoltaica. A pesar de que estas fuentes de energía son buenas alternativas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de la energía, afectan el funcionamiento y la estabilidad del sistema de energía, debido a su naturaleza inherentemente estocástica y dependencia de las condiciones climáticas. Además, los parques solares y eólicos tienen una capacidad de inercia reducida que debe ser compensada por grandes generadores síncronos en sistemas hidro térmicos convencionales, o por almacenamiento de energía dispositivos. En este contexto, la interacción dinámica entre fuentes convencionales y renovables debe ser estudiado en detalle. Para 2030, el Gobierno de Colombia proyecta que el poder colombiano El sistema integrará en su matriz energética al menos 1,2 GW de generación solar fotovoltaica. Por esta razón, es necesario diseñar controladores robustos que mejoren la estabilidad en los sistemas de energía. Con alta penetración de generación fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Esta disertación estudia nuevas alternativas para mejorar el sistema de potencia de respuesta dinámica durante y después de grandes perturbaciones usando pasividad control basado. Esto se debe a que los componentes del sistema de alimentación son inherentemente pasivos y permiten formulaciones hamiltonianas, explotando así las propiedades de pasividad de sistemas eléctricos. Las principales contribuciones de esta disertación son: una pasividad descentralizada basada control de los sistemas de control de turbinas hidráulicas para sistemas de energía de múltiples máquinas para estabilizar el rotor acelerar y regular el voltaje terminal de cada sistema de control de turbinas hidráulicas en el sistema como, así como un control basado en PI pasividad para las plantas solares fotovoltaicas

    Disturbance-Observer-Based PBC for Static Synchronous Compensator under System Disturbances

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    © 2019 IEEE. Passivity-based control (PBC) relies on an accurate mathematical model and thus its performance will be degraded by the weak robustness against parameters uncertainties, modeling error, and external disturbances. Moreover, it cannot achieve zero tracking error of the steady-state current under parameter uncertainties and modeling error. This paper proposes a novel disturbance-observer-(DO) based PBC (DO-PBC) for static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) to achieve better stability and dynamic performances against disturbances. A DO that has been introduced into the PBC current loop is used to compensate system disturbances, which can improve the robustness of the control system and eliminate the steady-state tracking error. Moreover, the proposed DO-PBC provides faster responses in handling various kinds of disturbances. Then, the detail design process, stability and robustness analysis, and parameters tuning method are investigated and presented. Also, the proposed method is simple to be implemented by the separation principle. The performance comparisons among the proportional integral, the conventional PBC, and the proposed DO-PBC are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed method against disturbances and the precise current tracking, via simulation tests and experimental tests based on a down-scale laboratory prototype experiment of 380 V STATCOM

    Robust Control Parameters Design of PBC Controller for LCL-Filtered Grid-Tied Inverter

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    Grid-forming wind power plants

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    With growing concerns over climate change, the power system is witnessing an unprecedented growth in electricity generation from intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) such as wind and solar, which are commonly interfaced to the grid by power-electronic converters. However, increasing the penetration level of converter-interfaced generation units reduces the number of synchronous generators (SGs) in the grid that provide system services to support voltage and frequency, either inherently or through mandatory requirements and market products. This brings several challenges for the grid operators, which include increasing risk of harmonic interactions, decreasing system inertia and reduction in the short-circuit power of the grid, which all together might jeopardize the security and availability of the power systems. As a countermeasure, it is necessary that the power-electronic-based generation units not only provide grid support services that are originally provided by the SGs, but also operate in harmony with other generation units in all kinds of grid conditions. As a result, the concept of grid-forming (GFM) control, which mimics the beneficial properties of the SGs in converter systems, has emerged as a viable solution to allow effective and secured operation of power systems with increased penetration of converter-based resources.\ua0\ua0 This thesis investigates the application of GFM control strategies in wind power plants (WPPs). In particular, the focus of the work will be on developing an effective GFM control strategy for the energy storage systems (ESS) in WPPs that not only supports the operation of the WPP in various grid conditions, but also offers a certain degree of GFM properties to the overall WPP. To start with, the selection of the most suitable GFM control strategy for wind power applications is made by evaluating and comparing various control strategies available in the literature. The comparison is based on their influence on the frequency characteristics of the converter and robustness of the controller in varying grid strength. To address the transient stability problem of GFM converters during current limitation, a novel strategy based on the limitation of converter\u27s internal voltage vector is developed, which effectively limits the converter current to a desired value and retains the GFM properties of the converter at all times. An experimental setup is used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed limitation strategy in case of various grid disturbances. By implementing the proposed GFM control strategy for the ESS in a test WPP model, it is shown using detailed time-domain simulation results that the GFM behaviour can be offered to the overall WPP. The Network Frequency Perturbation (NFP) plots are used to verify the GFM behaviour of the considered WPP. Furthermore, an overview of various energy storage technologies (ESTs) suitable for providing ancillary services from WPPs is presented. With a focus on the two most suitable ESTs, i.e., batteries and supercapacitors, recommendations are given for design and sizing of the ESS for a given application. Finally, a coordinated control strategy between the WPP and SGs is developed, which facilitates the provision of frequency support from the WPP and at the same time reduces the energy storage requirements for the converter system