9 research outputs found

    Compiler-Driven Power Optimizations in the Register File of Processor-Based Systems

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    The complexity of the register file is currently one of the main factors on determining the cycle time of high performance wide-issue microprocessors due to its access time and size. Both parameters are directly related to the number of read and write ports of the register file and can be managed from a code compilation-level. Therefore, it is a priority goal to reduce this complexity in order to allow the efficient implementation of complex superscalar machines. This work presents a modified register assignment and a banked architecture which efficiently reduce the number of required ports. Also, the effect of the loop unrollling optimization performed by the compiler is analyzed and several power-efficient modifications to this mechanism are proposed. Both register assignment and loop unrolling mechanisms are modified to improve the energy savings while avoiding a hard performance impact

    Reducing the complexity of the register file in dynamic superscalar processors

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    Journal ArticleDynamic superscalar processors execute multiple instructions out-of-order by looking for independent operations within a large window. The number of physical registers within the processor has a direct impact on the size of this window as most in-flight instructions require a new physical register at dispatch. A large multi-ported register file helps improve the instruction-level parallelism (ILP), but may have a detrimental effect on clock speed, especially in future wire-limited technologies. In this paper, we propose a register file organization that reduces register file size and port requirements for a given amount of ILP. We use a two-level register file organization to reduce register file size requirements, and a banked organization to reduce port requirements. We demonstrate empirically that the resulting register file organizations have reduced latency and (in the case of the banked organization) energy requirements for similar instructions per cycle (IPC) performance and improved instructions per second (IPS) performance in comparison to a conventional monolithic register file. The choice of organization is dependent on design goals

    Static resource models for code generation of embedded processors

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    Clustered VLIW architecture based on queue register files

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureInstruction-level parallelism (ILP) is a set of hardware and software techniques that allow parallel execution of machine operations. Superscalar architectures rely most heavily upon hardware schemes to identify parallelism among operations. Although successful in terms of performance, the hardware complexity involved might limit the scalability of this model. VLIW architectures use a different approach to exploit ILP. In this case all data dependence analyses and scheduling of operations are performed at compile time, resulting in a simpler hardware organization. This allows the inclusion of a larger number of functional units (FUs) into a single chip. IN spite of this relative simplification, the scalability of VLIW architectures can be constrained by the size and number of ports of the register file. VLIW machines often use software pipelining techniques to improve the execution of loop structures, which can increase the register pressure. Furthermore, the access time of a register file can be compromised by the number of ports, causing a negative impact on the machine cycle time. For these reasons we understand that the benefits of having parallel FUs, which have motivated the investigation of alternative machine designs. This thesis presents a scalar VLIW architecture comprising clusters of FUs and private register files. Register files organised as queue structures are used as a mechanism for inter-cluster communication, allowing the enforcement of fixed latency in the process. This scheme presents better possibilities in terms of scalability as the size of the individual register files is not determined by the total number of FUs, suggesting that the silicon area may grow only linearly with respect to the total number of FUs. However, the effectiveness of such an organization depends on the efficiency of the code partitioning strategy. We have developed an algorithm for a clustered VLIW architecture integrating both software pipelining and code partitioning in a a single procedure. Experimental results show it may allow performance levels close to an unclustered machine without communication restraints. Finally, we have developed silicon area and cycle time models to quantify the scalability of performance and cost for this class of architecture

    Design of an asynchronous processor

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    From Parallel Programs to Customized Parallel Processors

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    The need for fast time to market of new embedded processor-based designs calls for a rapid design methodology of the included processors. The call for such a methodology is even more emphasized in the context of so called soft cores targeted to reconfigurable fabrics where per-design processor customization is commonplace. The C language has been commonly used as an input to hardware/software co-design flows. However, as C is a sequential language, its potential to generate parallel operations to utilize naturally parallel hardware constructs is far from optimal, leading to a customized processor design space with limited parallel resource scalability. In contrast, when utilizing a parallel programming language as an input, a wider processor design space can be explored to produce customized processors with varying degrees of utilized parallelism. This Thesis proposes a novel Multicore Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor (MCASIP) co-design methodology that exploits parallel programming languages as the application input format. In the methodology, the designer can explicitly capture the parallelism of the algorithm and exploit specialized instructions using a parallel programming language in contrast to being on the mercy of the compiler or the hardware to extract the parallelism from a sequential input. The Thesis proposes a multicore processor template based on the Transport Triggered Architecture, compiler techniques involved in static parallelization of computation kernels with barriers and a datapath integrated hardware accelerator for low overhead software synchronization implementation. These contributions enable scaling the customized processors both at the instruction and task levels to efficiently exploit the parallelism in the input program up to the implementation constraints such as the memory bandwidth or the chip area. The different contributions are validated with case studies, comparisons and design examples

    Partitioned Register File for TTAs

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    A practical implementation of high performance instruction level parallel architectures is constrained by the difficulty to build a large monolithic multi-ported register file (RF). A solution is to partition the RF into smaller RFs while keeping the total number of registers and ports equal. This paper applies RF partitioning to transport triggered architectures; these architectures are of the VLIW type. One may expect that partitioning increases the number of executed cycles because it constrains the number of ports per RF. It is shown that these performance losses are small; e.g. partitioning an RF with 24 registers and four read and four write ports into four RFs with 6 registers and one read and one write port gives a performance loss of only 5.8%. Partitioned RFs consume less area than monolithic RFs with the same number of ports and registers. Experiments show that, if the area saved by partitioning is spent on extra registers, partitioning does, on average, not reduce the perfo..

    Tiled microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 251-258).Current-day microprocessors have reached the point of diminishing returns due to inherent scalability limitations. This thesis examines the tiled microprocessor, a class of microprocessor which is physically scalable but inherits many of the desirable properties of conventional microprocessors. Tiled microprocessors are composed of an array of replicated tiles connected by a special class of network, the Scalar Operand Network (SON), which is optimized for low-latency, low-occupancy communication between remote ALUs on different tiles. Tiled microprocessors can be constructed to scale to 100's or 1000's of functional units. This thesis identifies seven key criteria for achieving physical scalability in tiled microprocessors. It employs an archetypal tiled microprocessor to examine the challenges in achieving these criteria and to explore the properties of Scalar Operand Networks. The thesis develops the field of SONs in three major ways: it introduces the 5-tuple performance metric, it describes a complete, high-frequency SON implementation, and it proposes a taxonomy, called AsTrO, for categorizing them.(cont.) To develop these ideas, the thesis details the design, implementation and analysis of a tiled microprocessor prototype, the Raw Microprocessor, which was implemented at MIT in 180 nm technology. Overall, compared to Raw, recent commercial processors with half the transistors required 30x as many lines of code, occupied 100x as many designers, contained 50x as many pre-tapeout bugs, and resulted in 33x as many post-tapeout bugs. At the same time, the Raw microprocessor proves to be more versatile in exploiting ILP, stream, and server-farm workloads with modest to large amounts of parallelism.by Michael Bedford Taylor.Ph.D