1,327 research outputs found

    Generation of a Land Cover Atlas of environmental critic zones using unconventional tools

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    Object-Based Greenhouse Classification from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Stereo Imagery

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    Remote sensing technologies have been commonly used to perform greenhouse detection and mapping. In this research, stereo pairs acquired by very high-resolution optical satellites GeoEye-1 (GE1) and WorldView-2 (WV2) have been utilized to carry out the land cover classification of an agricultural area through an object-based image analysis approach, paying special attention to greenhouses extraction. The main novelty of this work lies in the joint use of single-source stereo-photogrammetrically derived heights and multispectral information from both panchromatic and pan-sharpened orthoimages. The main features tested in this research can be grouped into different categories, such as basic spectral information, elevation data (normalized digital surface model; nDSM), band indexes and ratios, texture and shape geometry. Furthermore, spectral information was based on both single orthoimages and multiangle orthoimages. The overall accuracy attained by applying nearest neighbor and support vector machine classifiers to the four multispectral bands of GE1 were very similar to those computed from WV2, for either four or eight multispectral bands. Height data, in the form of nDSM, were the most important feature for greenhouse classification. The best overall accuracy values were close to 90%, and they were not improved by using multiangle orthoimages

    Operating procedure for the production of the Global Human Settlement Layer from Landsat data of the epochs 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2014

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    A new global information baseline describing the spatial evolution of the human settlements in the past 40 years is presented. It is the most spatially global detailed data available today dedicated to human settlements, and it shows the greatest temporal depth. The core processing methodology relies on a new supervised classification paradigm based on symbolic machine learning. The information is extracted from Landsat image records organized in four collections corresponding to the epochs 1975, 1990, 2000, and 2014. The experiment reported here is the first known attempt to exploit global Multispectral Scanner data for historical land cover assessment. As primary goal, the Landsat-made Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) reports about the presence of built-up areas in the different epochs at the spatial resolution allowed by the Landsat sensor. Preliminary tests confirm that the quality of the information on built-up areas delivered by GHSL is better than other available global information layers extracted by automatic processing from Earth Observation data. An experimental multiple-class land-cover product is also produced from the epoch 2014 collection using low-resolution space-derived products as training set. The classification schema of the settlement distinguishes built-up areas based on vegetation contents and volume of buildings, the latter estimated from integration of SRTM and ASTER-GDEM data. On the overall, the experiment demonstrated a step forward in production of land cover information from global fine-scale satellite data using automatic and reproducible methodology.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    A methodology to produce geographical information for land planning using very-high resolution images

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    Actualmente, os municípios são obrigados a produzir, no âmbito da elaboração dos instrumentos de gestão territorial, cartografia homologada pela autoridade nacional. O Plano Director Municipal (PDM) tem um período de vigência de 10 anos. Porém, no que diz respeito à cartografia para estes planos, principalmente em municípios onde a pressão urbanística é elevada, esta periodicidade não é compatível com a dinâmica de alteração de uso do solo. Emerge assim, a necessidade de um processo de produção mais eficaz, que permita a obtenção de uma nova cartografia de base e temática mais frequentemente. Em Portugal recorre-se à fotografia aérea como informação de base para a produção de cartografia de grande escala. Por um lado, embora este suporte de informação resulte em mapas bastante rigorosos e detalhados, a sua produção têm custos muito elevados e consomem muito tempo. As imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial podem constituir uma alternativa, mas sem substituir as fotografias aéreas na produção de cartografia temática, a grande escala. O tema da tese trata assim da satisfação das necessidades municipais em informação geográfica actualizada. Para melhor conhecer o valor e utilidade desta informação, realizou-se um inquérito aos municípios Portugueses. Este passo foi essencial para avaliar a pertinência e a utilidade da introdução de imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial na cadeia de procedimentos de actualização de alguns temas, quer na cartografia de base quer na cartografia temática. A abordagem proposta para solução do problema identificado baseia-se no uso de imagens de satélite e outros dados digitais em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A experimentação teve como objectivo a extracção automática de elementos de interesse municipal a partir de imagens de muito alta-resolução espacial (fotografias aéreas ortorectificadas, imagem QuickBird, e imagem IKONOS), bem como de dados altimétricos (dados LiDAR). Avaliaram-se as potencialidades da informação geográfica extraídas das imagens para fins cartográficos e analíticos. Desenvolveram-se quatro casos de estudo que reflectem diferentes usos para os dados geográficos a nível municipal, e que traduzem aplicações com exigências diferentes. No primeiro caso de estudo, propõe-se uma metodologia para actualização periódica de cartografia a grande escala, que faz uso de fotografias aéreas vi ortorectificadas na área da Alta de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação quantitativa onde as qualidades posicionais e geométricas dos elementos extraídos são mais exigentes. No segundo caso de estudo, criou-se um sistema de alarme para áreas potencialmente alteradas, com recurso a uma imagem QuickBird e dados LiDAR, no Bairro da Madre de Deus, com objectivo de auxiliar a actualização de cartografia de grande escala. No terceiro caso de estudo avaliou-se o potencial solar de topos de edifícios nas Avenidas Novas, com recurso a dados LiDAR. No quarto caso de estudo, propõe-se uma série de indicadores municipais de monitorização territorial, obtidos pelo processamento de uma imagem IKONOS que cobre toda a área do concelho de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação com fins analíticos onde a qualidade temática da extracção é mais relevante.Currently, the Portuguese municipalities are required to produce homologated cartography, under the Territorial Management Instruments framework. The Municipal Master Plan (PDM) has to be revised every 10 years, as well as the topographic and thematic maps that describe the municipal territory. However, this period is inadequate for representing counties where urban pressure is high, and where the changes in the land use are very dynamic. Consequently, emerges the need for a more efficient mapping process, allowing obtaining recent geographic information more often. Several countries, including Portugal, continue to use aerial photography for large-scale mapping. Although this data enables highly accurate maps, its acquisition and visual interpretation are very costly and time consuming. Very-High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery can be an alternative data source, without replacing the aerial images, for producing large-scale thematic cartography. The focus of the thesis is the demand for updated geographic information in the land planning process. To better understand the value and usefulness of this information, a survey of all Portuguese municipalities was carried out. This step was essential for assessing the relevance and usefulness of the introduction of VHR satellite imagery in the chain of procedures for updating land information. The proposed methodology is based on the use of VHR satellite imagery, and other digital data, in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. Different algorithms for feature extraction that take into account the variation in texture, color and shape of objects in the image, were tested. The trials aimed for automatic extraction of features of municipal interest, based on aerial and satellite high-resolution (orthophotos, QuickBird and IKONOS imagery) as well as elevation data (altimetric information and LiDAR data). To evaluate the potential of geographic information extracted from VHR images, two areas of application were identified: mapping and analytical purposes. Four case studies that reflect different uses of geographic data at the municipal level, with different accuracy requirements, were considered. The first case study presents a methodology for periodic updating of large-scale maps based on orthophotos, in the area of Alta de Lisboa. This is a situation where the positional and geometric accuracy of the extracted information are more demanding, since technical mapping standards must be complied. In the second case study, an alarm system that indicates the location of potential changes in building areas, using a QuickBird image and LiDAR data, was developed for the area of Bairro da Madre de Deus. The goal of the system is to assist the updating of large scale mapping, providing a layer that can be used by the municipal technicians as the basis for manual editing. In the third case study, the analysis of the most suitable roof-tops for installing solar systems, using LiDAR data, was performed in the area of Avenidas Novas. A set of urban environment indicators obtained from VHR imagery is presented. The concept is demonstrated for the entire city of Lisbon, through IKONOS imagery processing. In this analytical application, the positional quality issue of extraction is less relevant.GEOSAT – Methodologies to extract large scale GEOgraphical information from very high resolution SATellite images (PTDC/GEO/64826/2006), e-GEO – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no quadro do Grupo de Investigação Modelação Geográfica, Cidades e Ordenamento do Territóri

    Supervised / unsupervised change detection

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    The aim of this deliverable is to provide an overview of the state of the art in change detection techniques and a critique of what could be programmed to derive SENSUM products. It is the product of the collaboration between UCAM and EUCENTRE. The document includes as a necessary requirement a discussion about a proposed technique for co-registration. Since change detection techniques require an assessment of a series of images and the basic process involves comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences to essentially spot changes, co-registration is the first step. This ensures that the user is comparing like for like. The developed programs would then be used on remotely sensed images for applications in vulnerability assessment and post-disaster recovery assessment and monitoring. One key criterion is to develop semi-automated and automated techniques. A series of available techniques are presented along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The descriptions of the implemented methods are included in the deliverable D2.7 ”Software Package SW2.3”. In reviewing the available change detection techniques, the focus was on ways to exploit medium resolution imagery such as Landsat due to its free-to-use license and since there is a rich historical coverage arising from this satellite series. Regarding the change detection techniques with high resolution images, this was also examined and a recovery specific change detection index is discussed in the report

    Land Cover Classification from Very High-Resolution UAS Data for Flood Risk Mapping

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    Monitoring the world’s areas that are more vulnerable to natural hazards has become crucial worldwide. In order to reduce disaster risk, effective tools and relevant land cover (LC) data are needed. This work aimed to generate a high-resolution LC map of flood-prone rural villages in southwest Niger using multispectral drone imagery. The LC was focused on highly thematically detailed classes. Two photogrammetric flights of fixed-wing unmanned aerial systems (UAS) using RGB and NIR optical sensors were realized. The LC input dataset was generated using structure from motion (SfM) standard workflow, resulting in two orthomosaics and a digital surface model (DSM). The LC system is composed of nine classes, which are relevant for estimating flood-induced potential damages, such as houses and production areas. The LC was generated through object-oriented supervised classification using a random forest (RF) classifier. Textural and elevation features were computed to overcome the mapping difficulties due to the high spectral homogeneity of cover types. The training-test dataset was manually defined. The segmentation resulted in an F1_score of 0.70 and a median Jaccard index of 0.88. The RF model performed with an overall accuracy of 0.94, with the grasslands and the rocky clustered areas classes the least performant

    Combining remote sensing techniques and field surveys for post‑earthquake reconnaissance missions

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    Remote reconnaissance missions are promising solutions for the assessment of earthquake induced structural damage and cascading geological hazards. Space-borne remote sensing can complement in-field missions when safety and accessibility concerns limit post-earthquake operations on the ground. However, the implementation of remote sensing techniques in post-disaster missions is limited by the lack of methods that combine different techniques and integrate them with field survey data. This paper presents a new approach for rapid post-earthquake building damage assessment and landslide mapping, based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The proposed texture-based building damage classification approach exploits very high resolution post-earthquake SAR data integrated with building survey data. For landslide mapping, a backscatter intensity-based landslide detection approach, which also includes the separation between landslides and flooded areas, is combined with optical-based manual inventories. The approach was implemented during the joint Structural Extreme Event Reconnaissance, GeoHazards International and Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team mission that followed the 2021 Haiti Earthquake and Tropical Cyclone Grace