21,422 research outputs found

    Edge Potential Functions (EPF) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) for Edge-Based Matching of Visual Objects

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    Edges are known to be a semantically rich representation of the contents of a digital image. Nevertheless, their use in practical applications is sometimes limited by computation and complexity constraints. In this paper, a new approach is presented that addresses the problem of matching visual objects in digital images by combining the concept of Edge Potential Functions (EPF) with a powerful matching tool based on Genetic Algorithms (GA). EPFs can be easily calculated starting from an edge map and provide a kind of attractive pattern for a matching contour, which is conveniently exploited by GAs. Several tests were performed in the framework of different image matching applications. The results achieved clearly outline the potential of the proposed method as compared to state of the art methodologies. (c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Persistent topology for natural data analysis - A survey

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    Natural data offer a hard challenge to data analysis. One set of tools is being developed by several teams to face this difficult task: Persistent topology. After a brief introduction to this theory, some applications to the analysis and classification of cells, lesions, music pieces, gait, oil and gas reservoirs, cyclones, galaxies, bones, brain connections, languages, handwritten and gestured letters are shown

    Silhouette-based gait recognition using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors

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    This paper presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal motion characteristics, statistical and physical parameters (referred to as STM-SPP) of a human subject for its classification by analysing shape of the subject's silhouette contours using Procrustes shape analysis (PSA) and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFDs). STM-SPP uses spatio-temporal gait characteristics and physical parameters of human body to resolve similar dissimilarity scores between probe and gallery sequences obtained by PSA. A part-based shape analysis using EFDs is also introduced to achieve robustness against carrying conditions. The classification results by PSA and EFDs are combined, resolving tie in ranking using contour matching based on Hu moments. Experimental results show STM-SPP outperforms several silhouette-based gait recognition methods

    Part-to-whole Registration of Histology and MRI using Shape Elements

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    Image registration between histology and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a challenging task due to differences in structural content and contrast. Too thick and wide specimens cannot be processed all at once and must be cut into smaller pieces. This dramatically increases the complexity of the problem, since each piece should be individually and manually pre-aligned. To the best of our knowledge, no automatic method can reliably locate such piece of tissue within its respective whole in the MRI slice, and align it without any prior information. We propose here a novel automatic approach to the joint problem of multimodal registration between histology and MRI, when only a fraction of tissue is available from histology. The approach relies on the representation of images using their level lines so as to reach contrast invariance. Shape elements obtained via the extraction of bitangents are encoded in a projective-invariant manner, which permits the identification of common pieces of curves between two images. We evaluated the approach on human brain histology and compared resulting alignments against manually annotated ground truths. Considering the complexity of the brain folding patterns, preliminary results are promising and suggest the use of characteristic and meaningful shape elements for improved robustness and efficiency.Comment: Paper accepted at ICCV Workshop (Bio-Image Computing
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