13 research outputs found

    Proof Diagrams for Multiplicative Linear Logic

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    The original idea of proof nets can be formulated by means of interaction nets syntax. Additional machinery as switching, jumps and graph connectivity is needed in order to ensure correspondence between a proof structure and a correct proof in sequent calculus. In this paper we give an interpretation of proof nets in the syntax of string diagrams. Even though we lose standard proof equivalence, our construction allows to define a framework where soundness and well-typeness of a diagram can be verified in linear time.Comment: In Proceedings LINEARITY 2016, arXiv:1701.0452

    MALL proof equivalence is Logspace-complete, via binary decision diagrams

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    Proof equivalence in a logic is the problem of deciding whether two proofs are equivalent modulo a set of permutation of rules that reflects the commutative conversions of its cut-elimination procedure. As such, it is related to the question of proofnets: finding canonical representatives of equivalence classes of proofs that have good computational properties. It can also be seen as the word problem for the notion of free category corresponding to the logic. It has been recently shown that proof equivalence in MLL (the multiplicative with units fragment of linear logic) is PSPACE-complete, which rules out any low-complexity notion of proofnet for this particular logic. Since it is another fragment of linear logic for which attempts to define a fully satisfactory low-complexity notion of proofnet have not been successful so far, we study proof equivalence in MALL- (multiplicative-additive without units fragment of linear logic) and discover a situation that is totally different from the MLL case. Indeed, we show that proof equivalence in MALL- corresponds (under AC0 reductions) to equivalence of binary decision diagrams, a data structure widely used to represent and analyze Boolean functions efficiently. We show these two equivalent problems to be LOGSPACE-complete. If this technically leaves open the possibility for a complete solution to the question of proofnets for MALL-, the established relation with binary decision diagrams actually suggests a negative solution to this problem.Comment: in TLCA 201

    Correctness of Multiplicative (and Exponential) Proof Structures is NL-Complete

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    15 pagesInternational audienceWe provide a new correctness criterion for unit-free MLL proof structures and MELL proof structures with units. We prove that deciding the correctness of a MLL and of a MELL proof structure is NL-complete. We also prove that deciding the correctness of an intuitionistic multiplicative essential net is NL-complete

    Proof Nets for First-Order Additive Linear Logic

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    We present canonical proof nets for first-order additive linear logic, the fragment of linear logic with sum, product, and first-order universal and existential quantification. We present two versions of our proof nets. One, witness nets, retains explicit witnessing information to existential quantification. For the other, unification nets, this information is absent but can be reconstructed through unification. Unification nets embody a central contribution of the paper: first-order witness information can be left implicit, and reconstructed as needed. Witness nets are canonical for first-order additive sequent calculus. Unification nets in addition factor out any inessential choice for existential witnesses. Both notions of proof net are defined through coalescence, an additive counterpart to multiplicative contractibility, and for witness nets an additional geometric correctness criterion is provided. Both capture sequent calculus cut-elimination as a one-step global composition operation

    Correctness of Linear Logic Proof Structures is NL-Complete

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    23 pagesInternational audienceWe provide new correctness criteria for all fragments (multiplicative, exponential, additive) of linear logic. We use these criteria for proving that deciding the correctness of a linear logic proof structure is NL-complete

    Introduction to linear logic and ludics, part II

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    This paper is the second part of an introduction to linear logic and ludics, both due to Girard. It is devoted to proof nets, in the limited, yet central, framework of multiplicative linear logic and to ludics, which has been recently developped in an aim of further unveiling the fundamental interactive nature of computation and logic. We hope to offer a few computer science insights into this new theory

    Proof nets for bi-intuitionistic linear logic

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    Bi-Intuitionistic Linear Logic (BILL) is an extension of Intuitionistic Linear Logic with a par, dual to the tensor, and subtraction, dual to linear implication. It is the logic of categories with a monoidal closed and a monoidal co-closed structure that are related by linear distributivity, a strength of the tensor over the par. It conservatively extends Full Intuitionistic Linear Logic (FILL), which includes only the par. We give proof nets for the multiplicative, unit-free fragment MBILL-. Correctness is by local rewriting in the style of Danos contractibility, which yields sequentialization into a relational sequent calculus extending the existing one for FILL. We give a second, geometric correctness condition combining Danos-Regnier switching and Lamarche\u27s Essential Net criterion, and demonstrate composition both inductively and as a one-off global operation

    Proof nets for first-order additive linear logic

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    International audienceWe present canonical proof nets for first-order additive linear logic, the fragment of linear logic with sum, product, and first-order universal and existential quantification. We present two versions of our proof nets. One, witness nets, retains explicit witnessing information to existential quantification. For the other, unification nets, this information is absent but can be reconstructed through unification. Unification nets embody a central contribution of the paper: first-order witness information can be left implicit, and reconstructed as needed. Witness nets are canonical for first-order additive sequent calculus. Unification nets in addition factor out any inessential choice for existential witnesses. Both notions of proof net are defined through coalescence, an additive counterpart to multiplicative contractibility, and for witness nets an additional geometric correctness criterion is provided. Both capture sequent calculus cut-elimination as a one-step global composition operation. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Proof theory; Theory of computation → Linear logi

    Parsing MELL proof nets

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    Parsing MELL proof nets

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    AbstractWe propose a rewriting system for parsing full multiplicative and exponential proof structures. The recognizing grammar defined by such a rewriting system (confluent and strongly normalizing) gives a correctness criterion that we show equivalent to the Danos–Regnier one