19 research outputs found

    Linear Parsing Expression Grammars

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    PEGs were formalized by Ford in 2004, and have several pragmatic operators (such as ordered choice and unlimited lookahead) for better expressing modern programming language syntax. Since these operators are not explicitly defined in the classic formal language theory, it is significant and still challenging to argue PEGs' expressiveness in the context of formal language theory.Since PEGs are relatively new, there are several unsolved problems.One of the problems is revealing a subclass of PEGs that is equivalent to DFAs. This allows application of some techniques from the theory of regular grammar to PEGs. In this paper, we define Linear PEGs (LPEGs), a subclass of PEGs that is equivalent to DFAs. Surprisingly, LPEGs are formalized by only excluding some patterns of recursive nonterminal in PEGs, and include the full set of ordered choice, unlimited lookahead, and greedy repetition, which are characteristic of PEGs. Although the conversion judgement of parsing expressions into DFAs is undecidable in general, the formalism of LPEGs allows for a syntactical judgement of parsing expressions.Comment: Parsing expression grammars, Boolean finite automata, Packrat parsin

    Packrat Parsing with Dynamic Buffer Allocation

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    Packrat parsing is a type of recursive decent parsing with guaranteed liner time parsing. For this,memoization technique is implemented in which all parsing results are memorized to avoid repetitive scanningof inputs in case of backtracking. The issue with this technique is large heap consumption for memoization whichout weigh the benefits. In many situations the developers need to make a tough decision of not implementingpackrat parsing despite the possibility of exponential time parsing. In this paper we present our developedtechnique to avoid such a tough choice. The heap consumption is upper bounded since memorized results arestored in buffer, capacity of which is decided at runtime depending on memory available in the machine. Thisdynamic buffer allocation is implemented by us in Mouse parser. This implementation achieves stableperformance against a variety of inputs with backtracking activities while utilizing appropriate size of memoryfor heap

    Left Recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars

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    Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a formalism that can describe all deterministic context-free languages through a set of rules that specify a top-down parser for some language. PEGs are easy to use, and there are efficient implementations of PEG libraries in several programming languages. A frequently missed feature of PEGs is left recursion, which is commonly used in Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) to encode left-associative operations. We present a simple conservative extension to the semantics of PEGs that gives useful meaning to direct and indirect left-recursive rules, and show that our extensions make it easy to express left-recursive idioms from CFGs in PEGs, with similar results. We prove the conservativeness of these extensions, and also prove that they work with any left-recursive PEG. PEGs can also be compiled to programs in a low-level parsing machine. We present an extension to the semantics of the operations of this parsing machine that let it interpret left-recursive PEGs, and prove that this extension is correct with regards to our semantics for left-recursive PEGs.Comment: Extended version of the paper "Left Recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars", that was published on 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Programming Language

    On the Relation between Context-Free Grammars and Parsing Expression Grammars

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    Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) and Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) have several similarities and a few differences in both their syntax and semantics, but they are usually presented through formalisms that hinder a proper comparison. In this paper we present a new formalism for CFGs that highlights the similarities and differences between them. The new formalism borrows from PEGs the use of parsing expressions and the recognition-based semantics. We show how one way of removing non-determinism from this formalism yields a formalism with the semantics of PEGs. We also prove, based on these new formalisms, how LL(1) grammars define the same language whether interpreted as CFGs or as PEGs, and also show how strong-LL(k), right-linear, and LL-regular grammars have simple language-preserving translations from CFGs to PEGs

    Grammars for Indentation-Sensitive Parsing

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    Adams\u27 extension of parsing expression grammars enables specifying indentation sensitivity using two non-standard grammar constructs - indentation by a binary relation and alignment. This paper is a theoretical study of Adams\u27 grammars. It proposes a step-by-step transformation of well-formed Adams\u27 grammars for elimination of the alignment construct from the grammar. The idea that alignment could be avoided was suggested by Adams but no process for achieving this aim has been described before. This paper also establishes general conditions that binary relations used in indentation constructs must satisfy in order to enable efficient parsing

    A survey of compiler development aids

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    A theoretical background was established for the compilation process by dividing it into five phases and explaining the concepts and algorithms that underpin each. The five selected phases were lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation. Graph theoretical optimization techniques were presented, and approaches to code generation were described for both one-pass and multipass compilation environments. Following the initial tutorial sections, more than 20 tools that were developed to aid in the process of writing compilers were surveyed. Eight of the more recent compiler development aids were selected for special attention - SIMCMP/STAGE2, LANG-PAK, COGENT, XPL, AED, CWIC, LIS, and JOCIT. The impact of compiler development aids were assessed some of their shortcomings and some of the areas of research currently in progress were inspected