177 research outputs found

    Apakah Media Sosial Buruk untuk Kesehatan Mental dan Kesejahteraan? Kajian Perspektif Remaja

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    Meskipun semakin banyak bukti tentang efek media sosial pada kesehatan mental remaja, masih ada kelangkaan penelitian empiris tentang bagaimana remaja memandang media sosial, terutama sebagai sumber pengetahuan, atau bagaimana mereka memanfaatkan wacana sosial dan media yang lebih luas untuk mengekspresikan sudut pandang. Karenanya, artikel ini berkontribusi pada literatur yang terbaru. Enam kelompok fokus berlangsung selama 3 bulan dengan 52 remaja berusia 11-18 tahun, direkrut dari sekolah-sekolah di Banyuwangi ,Jawa Timur. Analisis tematik menunjukkan bahwa remaja menganggap media sosial sebagai ancaman terhadap kesejahteraan mental dan tiga tema diidentifikasi: (1) diyakini menyebabkan gangguan mood dan kecemasan bagi beberapa remaja, (2) dipandang sebagai platform untuk cyberbullying dan (3) penggunaan media sosial itu sendiri sering dibingkai sebagai semacam 'kecanduan

    Cyberbullying Victimization and Behaviors Among Girls: Applying Research Findings in the Field

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    Abstract: Problem statement: Prior research on cyberbullying has been conducted; however specific research on gender differences has yet to be examined. The current study focuses on gender trends, specifically females, in cyberbullying victimization and behaviors. Approach: A survey was given to undergraduate students at Bridgewater State College in an effort to see what gender trends exist in cyberbullying behaviors. A pilot program focused on girls and cyberbullying is also examined in this article. Results: Preliminary results from both the survey and the pilot study have shown gender differences in regards to cyberbullying victimization and behaviors. Results suggest that females are more often involved in cyberbullying activities both as victims and perpetrators. Conclusion: The current study has found evidence of gender trends in regards to females and cyberbullying behaviors. Future research needs to be conducted to further examine the gender trends emerging in cyberbullying related behaviors

    Decision Tree and Ordinal Logistic Regression Methods for Maintaining University Sutainability

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    Recently, there are lots of cases regarding the use of fake account and cyberbullying. The irresponsible attitude is badly affecting the motivation of individual who being attacked and ruining the reputation of organization involved. This study is conducted among university students that aims to determine the factors of choosing fake account as a medium to raise an issue and to identify the impact of cyberbullying towards university’s reputation. About 380 samples were taken from undergraduate and postgraduate students. The data was analyzed using Decision Tree and Ordinal Logistic Regression (ORD) methods. The results show that there are students who have experienced cyberbullying or cyber victimization, which caused by the lack of parental support. The analysis from ORD method shows that fake account could affect university’s reputation. Hence, this research hopefully capable to create awareness among university students and help them to proudly present their university’s great name throughout the world. This is important to ensure the sustainability of community and university

    Gambaran Parental Mediation Ibu pada Pengguna Internet Usia Remaja

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    Internet telah menjadi media utama yang digunakan remaja untuk kebutuhan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, orang tua mau tidak mau memberikan fasilitas internet kepada remaja. Dengan adanya fasilitas pribadi, internet juga digunakan sebagai media mencari informasi, hiburan, komunikasi, dan bertransaksi. Hal ini menjadi masalah bagi orang tua karena internet dapat memberikan dampak negatif seperti terpaparnya konten-konten negatif, cyberbullying, dan ketergantungan internet. Oleh karena itu, parental mediation perlu dilakukan menjaga penggunaan internet pada remaja untuk memaksimalkan dampak positif dan meminimalisir dampak negatif internet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai parental mediation seperti apa yang digunakan oleh orang tua terhadap anak-anak remaja mereka yang merupakan pengguna internet serta faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara semi tersruktur pada tiga ibu yang memiliki anak berusia dua belas hingga dua puluh satu tahun dan memiliki akses internet sendiri. Ibu menjadi fokus peneliti karena ibu memiliki waktu lebih banyak dibandingkan ayah dalam membesarkan, mengurus, dan mendisiplinkan anak.Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis konten. Peneliti juga melakukan triangulasi kepada anak dari setiap orang tua untuk meningkatkan validitas data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua menerapkan kelima strategi parental mediation terutama strategi active mediation of internet use dan active mediation of internet safety. Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa parental mediation dipengaruhi oleh empat faktor yaitu kemampuan orang tua dalam menggunakan internet, karakteristik perkembangan anak, persepsi orang tua terhadap kontrol diri anak, dan sikap orang tua terhadap internet. &nbsp

    Understanding the Relationship between Cybercrime and Human Behavior through Criminological Theories and Social Networking Sites

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    This chapter presents an overview of emerging issues in the psychology of human behaviour and the evolving nature of cyber threats. Theories of crime and empirical studies on user victimisation as seen on social networks are reviewed. The chapter reflects on the role of social engineering as the entry point of many sophisticated attacks and highlights the relevance of the human element as the starting point of implementing cyber security programmes in organisations as well as securing individual online behaviour. Specifically, the criminological theories of crime (i.e. self-control and rational choice theories) are discussed. Issues associated with the emerging trends in human behaviour research and ethics are presented for further discussion. The chapter concludes with a set of open research questions warranting immediate academic attention to avoid the exponential growth of future information breaches

    Parental mediation of the use of the internet: a psychometric study with Portuguese pre-adolescents

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    Individuals start using technological resources, among which the Internet, increasingly earlier in life. Parents are currently challenged to mediate the use of technologies by their sons/daughters, while simultaneously fostering their autonomy and self-regulation. Parental mediation of offspring’s use of the Internet is needed, given its acknowledged risks. This study intends to offer preliminary psychometric evidence on the adaptation and validation of the Parental Mediation Scale (PMS) with Portuguese pre-adolescents. A total of 355 pre-adolescents (55.2% female) aged 10–13 years old (M = 11.20, DP = 0.93) from northern Portugal participated in this study. The PMS was translated from Castilian to Portuguese by two experts in the field and in both languages. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Portuguese PMS version on paper, in groups, and in the classroom setting. Results from confirmatory factor analyses suggested that a revised bi-dimensional measurement model yielded an adequate fit to the sample. Cronbach’s alpha of 0.82 was found for the active/participated mediation and the restrictive mediation PMS subscales. Variations in parental mediation for participants’ sex, and statistically significant relations with participants’ age, use of the Internet, and parents’ educational levels were found. Future studies might recruit broader samples in terms of age, school levels, and geographic areas to add evidence on the psychometric properties of the Portuguese PMS version. Nonetheless, this study might stimulate empirical and practical attention to parental mediation of sons/daughters’ use of the Internet.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Perilaku Online Beresiko Remaja Hubungannya dengan Kualitas Hidup dan Mediasi Orang Tua

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    Adolescents in urban area of Indonesia have become the highest internet users. Most of them were social media consumers. The high usage could make them involve in risky online behavior, which included giving personal information and accessing sexual content. The activities could affect to adolescents’ permissiveness about sexuality and interfere with their psychological development. Among the factors associated to risky behavior were parental monitoring and adolescent psychososial condition, but there was not many study in Indonesia that directly see the role of the factors in adolescents’ risky sexual online behavior. Therefore, the study aimed to know wheater adolescents’ quality of life and parental mediation contributed to their risky sexual online behavior. This associative research had included 148 adolescents in Jakarta by accidental sampling technique. We used EU KIDS ONLINE sub parental mediation, online risky activity, risky sexual activity and KIDSCREEN-27 as instrument. The study indicated that parental technical mediation and physical activity and health associated to risky sexual activity as the perpetator. The result should be generalized with caution to adolesecence population in Jakarta as the sample and data were not normally distributed. Any research of the same topic should consider the sample representativeness and social desireability of the risky sexual online behavior scale. Literacy about the safety of technical internet use and interaction needs to be increased. 
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