3 research outputs found

    Parameter estimation of electric power transformers using Coyote Optimization Algorithm with experimental verification

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    In this work, the Coyote Optimization Algorithm (COA) is implemented for estimating the parameters of single and three-phase power transformers. The estimation process is employed on the basis of the manufacturer's operation reports. The COA is assessed with the aid of the deviation between the actual and the estimated parameters as the main objective function. Further, the COA is compared with well-known optimization algorithms i.e. particle swarm and Jaya optimization algorithms. Moreover, experimental verifications are carried out on 4 kVA, 380/380 V, three-phase transformer and 1 kVA, 230/230 V, single-phase transformer. The obtained results prove the effectiveness and capability of the proposed COA. According to the obtained results, COA has the ability and stability to identify the accurate optimal parameters in case of both single phase and three phase transformers; thus accurate performance of the transformers is achieved. The estimated parameters using COA lead to the highest closeness to the experimental measured parameters that realizes the best agreements between the estimated parameters and the actual parameters compared with other optimization algorithms

    Algoritmo de optimizaci贸n por senos y cosenos aplicado al problema de estimaci贸n param茅trica en transformadores monof谩sicos considerando medidas de tensi贸n y corriente

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    In this article, a combinatorial optimization approach for estimating the electrical parameters in single-phase distribution transformers by considering voltage and current measures is presented. A nonlinear programming model was formulated to represent the parametric estimation problem. This mathematical optimization model was developed by applying Kirchhoff鈥檚 laws to the equivalent electric circuit of the transformer. To solve the NLP model is employed the sine-cosine algorithm, which corresponds to a combinatorial optimization methodology from the family of metaheuristics that has the ability for finding good solutions with minimum computational requirements, easily implementable at any programming language. Numerical results show that the parametric estimation in the transformers using the proposed NLP model represents the electrical behavior of these devices adequately, considering different load scenarios. All the simulations were carried out using MATLAB software and compared with the GAMS optimization package.En este art铆culo un enfoque de optimizaci贸n combinatorial para la estimaci贸n param茅trica en transformadores monof谩sicos considerando medidas de tensi贸n y corriente es propuesto. El problema de estimaci贸n param茅trica es formulado mediante un modelo de programaci贸n no lineal. Este modelo matem谩tico se desarrolla mediante la aplicaci贸n de las leyes de Kirchhoff al modelo equivalente del transformador monof谩sico. Para resolver este modelo se emplea el algoritmo de senos y cosenos, el cual corresponde a una t茅cnica de optimizaci贸n combinatorial de dominio continuo, la cual pertenece a la familia de las t茅cnicas de optimizaci贸n metaheur铆stica que tiene la habilidad de encontrar soluciones de buena calidad con m铆nimo esfuerzo computacional, siendo f谩cilmente implementable en cualquier lenguaje de programaci贸n. Los resultados num茅ricos muestran que el modelo de estimaci贸n param茅trica no lineal que se propone representa adecuadamente el comportamiento del transformador ante diferentes escenarios de demanda. Todas las simulaciones se desarrollan en el ambiente de programaci贸n de MATLAB y son comparadas con la implementaci贸n del modelo no lineal en el software de optimizaci贸n GAM

    Application of salp swarm optimization algorithm to estimate parameters in single-phase transformers considering voltage and current measures

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    This article presents a solution methodology for the estimation of parameters of single-phase transformers considering the measurements of voltage and current, for which a non-linear optimization model is used. This model is based on minimizing the mean square error between the measured and calculated voltage and current variables. This nonlinear programming model is solved by implementing the Salp swarm optimization algorithm. The results obtained show that the proposed optimization method allows reducing the error between the estimation of the measured and calculated variables; in addition, the proposed optimization method improves the results presented by other optimization methods reported in the specialized literature. All the simulations were performed in the MATLAB programming environment.En este art铆culo se presenta una metodolog铆a de soluci贸n para la estimaci贸n de par谩metros de transformadores monof谩sicos considerando las mediciones de tensi贸n y corriente; para ello se emplea un modelo de optimizaci贸n no lineal. Este modelo se basa en minimizar el error cuadr谩tico medio entre las variables de tensi贸n y corriente medidas y calculadas. Este modelo de programaci贸n no lineal se resuelve mediante la implementaci贸n del algoritmo de optimizaci贸n de las salpas. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el m茅todo de optimizaci贸n propuesto permite reducir el error entre la estimaci贸n de las variables medidas y calculadas; adem谩s, el m茅todo de optimizaci贸n propuesto mejora los resultados presentados por otros m茅todos de optimizaci贸n reportados en la literatura especializada. Todas las simulaciones se realizaron en el entorno de programaci贸n MATLAB