10 research outputs found

    Optimal (Randomized) Parallel Algorithms in the Binary-Forking Model

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    In this paper we develop optimal algorithms in the binary-forking model for a variety of fundamental problems, including sorting, semisorting, list ranking, tree contraction, range minima, and ordered set union, intersection and difference. In the binary-forking model, tasks can only fork into two child tasks, but can do so recursively and asynchronously. The tasks share memory, supporting reads, writes and test-and-sets. Costs are measured in terms of work (total number of instructions), and span (longest dependence chain). The binary-forking model is meant to capture both algorithm performance and algorithm-design considerations on many existing multithreaded languages, which are also asynchronous and rely on binary forks either explicitly or under the covers. In contrast to the widely studied PRAM model, it does not assume arbitrary-way forks nor synchronous operations, both of which are hard to implement in modern hardware. While optimal PRAM algorithms are known for the problems studied herein, it turns out that arbitrary-way forking and strict synchronization are powerful, if unrealistic, capabilities. Natural simulations of these PRAM algorithms in the binary-forking model (i.e., implementations in existing parallel languages) incur an Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) overhead in span. This paper explores techniques for designing optimal algorithms when limited to binary forking and assuming asynchrony. All algorithms described in this paper are the first algorithms with optimal work and span in the binary-forking model. Most of the algorithms are simple. Many are randomized

    Compilers for portable programming of heterogeneous parallel & approximate computing systems

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    Programming heterogeneous systems such as the System-on-chip (SoC) processors in modern mobile devices can be extremely complex because a single system may include multiple different parallelism models, instruction sets, memory hierarchies, and systems use different combinations of these features. This is further complicated by software and hardware approximate computing optimizations. Different compute units on an SoC use different approximate computing methods and an application would usually be composed of multiple compute kernels, each one specialized to run on a different hardware. Determining how best to map such an application to a modern heterogeneous system is an open research problem. First, we propose a parallel abstraction of heterogeneous hardware that is a carefully chosen combination of well-known parallel models and is able to capture the parallelism in a wide range of popular parallel hardware. This abstraction uses a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects and vector SIMD instructions. We use this abstraction to define a parallel program representation called HPVM that aims to address both functional portability and performance portability across heterogeneous systems. Second, we further extend HPVM representation to enable accuracy-aware performance and energy tuning on heterogeneous systems with multiple compute units and approximation methods. We call it ApproxHPVM, and it automatically translates end-to-end application-level accuracy constraints into accuracy requirements for individual operations. ApproxHPVM uses a hardware-agnostic accuracy-tuning phase to do this translation, which greatly speeds up the analysis, enables greater portability, and enables future capabilities like accuracy-aware dynamic scheduling and design space exploration. We have implemented a prototype HPVM system, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the LLVM compiler IR, compiler optimizations that operate directly on HPVM graphs, and code generators that translate the virtual ISA to NVIDIA GPUs, Intel’s AVX vector units, and to multicore X86-64 processors. Experimental results show that HPVM optimizations achieve significant performance improvements, HPVM translators achieve performance competitive with manually developed OpenCL code for both GPUs and vector hardware, and that runtime scheduling policies can make use of both program and runtime information to exploit the flexible compilation capabilities. Furthermore, our evaluation of ApproxHPVM shows that our framework can offload chunks of approximable computations to special purpose accelerators that provide significant gains in performance and energy, while staying within a user-specified application-level accuracy constraint with high probability

    Heterogeneous parallel virtual machine: A portable program representation and compiler for performance and energy optimizations on heterogeneous parallel systems

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    Programming heterogeneous parallel systems, such as the SoCs (System-on-Chip) on mobile and edge devices is extremely difficult; the diverse parallel hardware they contain exposes vastly different hardware instruction sets, parallelism models and memory systems. Moreover, a wide range of diverse hardware and software approximation techniques are available for applications targeting heterogeneous SoCs, further exacerbating the programmability challenges. In this thesis, we alleviate the programmability challenges of such systems using flexible compiler intermediate representation solutions, in order to benefit from the performance and superior energy efficiency of heterogeneous systems. First, we develop Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine (HPVM), a parallel program representation for heterogeneous systems, designed to enable functional and performance portability across popular parallel hardware. HPVM is based on a hierarchical dataflow graph with side effects. HPVM successfully supports three important capabilities for programming heterogeneous systems: a compiler intermediate representation (IR), a virtual instruction set (ISA), and a basis for runtime scheduling. We use the HPVM representation to implement an HPVM prototype, defining the HPVM IR as an extension of the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) IR. Our results show comparable performance with optimized OpenCL kernels for the target hardware from a single HPVM representation using translators from HPVM virtual ISA to native code, IR optimizations operating directly on the HPVM representation, and the capability for supporting flexible runtime scheduling schemes from a single HPVM representation. We extend HPVM to ApproxHPVM, introducing hardware-independent approximation metrics in the IR to enable maintaining accuracy information at the IR level and mapping of application-level end-to-end quality metrics to system level "knobs". The approximation metrics quantify the acceptable accuracy loss for individual computations. Application programmers only need to specify high-level, and end-to-end, quality metrics, instead of detailed parameters for individual approximation methods. The ApproxHPVM system then automatically tunes the accuracy requirements of individual computations and maps them to approximate hardware when possible. ApproxHPVM results show significant performance and energy improvements for popular deep learning benchmarks. Finally, we extend to ApproxHPVM to ApproxTuner, a compiler and runtime system for approximation. ApproxTuner extends ApproxHPVM with a wide range of hardware and software approximation techniques. It uses a three step approximation tuning strategy, a combination of development-time, install-time, and dynamic tuning. Our strategy ensures software portability, even though approximations have highly hardware-dependent performance, and enables efficient dynamic approximation tuning despite the expensive offline steps. ApproxTuner results show significant performance and energy improvements across 7 Deep Neural Networks and 3 image processing benchmarks, and ensures that high-level end-to-end quality specifications are satisfied during adaptive approximation tuning

    Easier Parallel Programming with Provably-Efficient Runtime Schedulers

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    Over the past decade processor manufacturers have pivoted from increasing uniprocessor performance to multicore architectures. However, utilizing this computational power has proved challenging for software developers. Many concurrency platforms and languages have emerged to address parallel programming challenges, yet writing correct and performant parallel code retains a reputation of being one of the hardest tasks a programmer can undertake. This dissertation will study how runtime scheduling systems can be used to make parallel programming easier. We address the difficulty in writing parallel data structures, automatically finding shared memory bugs, and reproducing non-deterministic synchronization bugs. Each of the systems presented depends on a novel runtime system which provides strong theoretical performance guarantees and performs well in practice

    Towards Intelligent Runtime Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

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    Scientific applications strive for increased memory and computing performance, requiring massive amounts of data and time to produce results. Applications utilize large-scale, parallel computing platforms with advanced architectures to accommodate their needs. However, developing performance-portable applications for modern, heterogeneous platforms requires lots of effort and expertise in both the application and systems domains. This is more relevant for unstructured applications whose workflow is not statically predictable due to their heavily data-dependent nature. One possible solution for this problem is the introduction of an intelligent Domain-Specific Language (iDSL) that transparently helps to maintain correctness, hides the idiosyncrasies of lowlevel hardware, and scales applications. An iDSL includes domain-specific language constructs, a compilation toolchain, and a runtime providing task scheduling, data placement, and workload balancing across and within heterogeneous nodes. In this work, we focus on the runtime framework. We introduce a novel design and extension of a runtime framework, the Parallel Runtime Environment for Multicore Applications. In response to the ever-increasing intra/inter-node concurrency, the runtime system supports efficient task scheduling and workload balancing at both levels while allowing the development of custom policies. Moreover, the new framework provides abstractions supporting the utilization of heterogeneous distributed nodes consisting of CPUs and GPUs and is extensible to other devices. We demonstrate that by utilizing this work, an application (or the iDSL) can scale its performance on heterogeneous exascale-era supercomputers with minimal effort. A future goal for this framework (out of the scope of this thesis) is to be integrated with machine learning to improve its decision-making and performance further. As a bridge to this goal, since the framework is under development, we experiment with data from Nuclear Physics Particle Accelerators and demonstrate the significant improvements achieved by utilizing machine learning in the hit-based track reconstruction process

    On the programmability of multi-GPU computing systems

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    Multi-GPU systems are widely used in High Performance Computing environments to accelerate scientific computations. This trend is expected to continue as integrated GPUs will be introduced to processors used in multi-socket servers and servers will pack a higher number of GPUs per node. GPUs are currently connected to the system through the PCI Express interconnect, which provides limited bandwidth (compared to the bandwidth of the memory in GPUs) and it often becomes a bottleneck for performance scalability. Current programming models present GPUs as isolated devices with their own memory, even if they share the host memory with the CPU. Programmers explicitly manage allocations in all GPU memories and use primitives to communicate data between GPUs. Furthermore, programmers are required to use mechanisms such as command queues and inter-GPU synchronization. This explicit model harms the maintainability of the code and introduces new sources for potential errors. The first proposal of this thesis is the HPE model. HPE builds a simple, consistent programming interface based on three major features. (1) All device address spaces are combined with the host address space to form a Unified Virtual Address Space. (2) Programs are provided with an Asymmetric Distributed Shared Memory system for all the GPUs in the system. It allows to allocate memory objects that can be accessed by any GPU or CPU. (3) Every CPU thread can request a data exchange between any two GPUs, through simple memory copy calls. Such a simple interface allows HPE to provide always the optimal implementation; eliminating the need for application code to handle different system topologies. Experimental results show improvements on real applications that range from 5% in compute-bound benchmarks to 2.6x in communication-bound benchmarks. HPE transparently implements sophisticated communication schemes that can deliver up to a 2.9x speedup in I/O device transfers. The second proposal of this thesis is a shared memory programming model that exploits the new GPU capabilities for remote memory accesses to remove the need for explicit communication between GPUs. This model turns a multi-GPU system into a shared memory system with NUMA characteristics. In order to validate the viability of the model we also perform an exhaustive performance analysis of remote memory accesses over PCIe. We show that the unique characteristics of the GPU execution model and memory hierarchy help to hide the costs of remote memory accesses. Results show that PCI Express 3.0 is able to hide the costs of up to a 10% of remote memory accesses depending on the access pattern, while caching of remote memory accesses can have a large performance impact on kernel performance. Finally, we introduce AMGE, a programming interface, compiler support and runtime system that automatically executes computations that are programmed for a single GPU across all the GPUs in the system. The programming interface provides a data type for multidimensional arrays that allows for robust, transparent distribution of arrays across all GPU memories. The compiler extracts the dimensionality information from the type of each array, and is able to determine the access pattern in each dimension of the array. The runtime system uses the compiler-provided information to automatically choose the best computation and data distribution configuration to minimize inter-GPU communication and memory footprint. This model effectively frees programmers from the task of decomposing and distributing computation and data to exploit several GPUs. AMGE achieves almost linear speedups for a wide range of dense computation benchmarks on a real 4-GPU system with an interconnect with moderate bandwidth. We show that irregular computations can also benefit from AMGE, too.Los sistemas multi-GPU son muy comúnmente utilizados en entornos de computación de altas prestaciones para acelerar cálculos científicos. Esta tendencia continuará con la introducción de GPUs integradas en los procesadores de los servidores procesador y con una mayor densidad de GPUs por nodo. Las GPUs actualmente se contectan al sistema a través de una interconexión PCI Express, que provee un ancho de banda reducido (comparado con las memorias de las GPUs) y habitualmente se convierte en el cuello de botella para escalar el rendimiento. Los modelos de programación actuales exponen las GPUs como dispositivos aislados con su propia memoria, incluso si comparten la memoria física con la CPU. Los programadores manejan diferentes reservas en todas las memorias de GPU y usan primitivas para comunicar datos entre GPUs. Además, los programadores deben utilizar mecanismos como colas de comandos y sincronicación entre GPUs. Este modelo explícito empeora la programabilidad del código e introduce nuevas fuentes de errores potenciales. La primera propuesta de esta tesis es el modelo HPE. HPE construye una interfaz de programaci ón consistente basada en tres características principales. (1) Todos los espacios de direcciones de los dispositivos son combinados para formar un espacio de direcciones unificado. (2) Los programas usan un sistema asimétrico distribuido de memoria compartida para todas las GPUs del sistema, que permite declarar objetos de memoria que pueden ser accedidos por cualquier GPU o CPU. (3) Cada hilo de ejecución de la CPU puede lanzar un intercambio de datos entre dos GPUs a través de simples llamadas de copia de memoria. Esta interfaz simplificada permite a HPE usar la implementaci ón óptima; sinque la aplicación contemple diferentes topologías de sistema. Los resultados experimentales muestran mejoras en aplicaciones reales que van desde un 5% en aplicaciones limitadas por el cómputo a 2.6x aplicaciones imitadas por la comunicación. HPE implementa sofisticados esquemas de transferencia para dispositivos de E/S que proporcionan mejoras de rendimiento de 2.9x. La segunda propuesta de esta tesis es un modelo de programación basado en memoria compartida que aprovecha las nuevas capacidades acceso remoto de memoria de las GPUs para eliminar la comunicación explícita entre memorias de GPU. Este modelo convierte un sistema multi-GPU en un sistema de memoria compartida con características NUMA. Para validar la viabilidad del modelo realizamos un anlásis exhaustivo del rendimiento los accessos de memoria remotos sobre PCIe. Los resultados muestran que PCI Express 3.0 elimina los costes de hasta un 10% de accesos remotos, dependiendo en el patrón de acceso, mientras que guardar los accesos remotos en memorias cache tiene un gran inpacto en el rendimiento de las computaciones. Finalmente, presentamos AMGE, una interfaz de programación con soporte de compilación y un sistema que ejecuta, de forma automática, computaciones programadas para una única GPU en todas las GPUs del sistema. La interfaz de programación proporciona un tipo de datos para arreglos multidimensionales que permite una distribuci ón transparente y robusta de los datos en todas las memorias de GPU. El compilador extrae la información sobre la dimensionalidad de cada arreglo y puede determinar el patrón de acceso en cada dimensión de forma individual. El sistema utiliza, en tiempo de ejecución, la información del compilador para elegir la mejor descomposición de la computación y los datos para minimizar la comunicación entre GPUs y el uso de memoria. AMGE consigue mejoras de rendimiento que crecen de forma lineal con el número de GPUs para un amplio abanico de computaciones densas en un sistema real con 4 GPUs. También mostramos que las computaciones con patrones irregulares también se pueden beneficiar de AMGE

    Parallelizing a discrete event simulation application using the Habanero-Java multicore library

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    Composable abstractions for synchronization in dynamic threading platforms

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-269).High-level abstractions for parallel programming simplify the development of efficient parallel applications. In particular, composable abstractions allow programmers to construct a complex parallel application out of multiple components, where each component itself may be designed to exploit parallelism. This dissertation presents the design of three composable abstractions for synchronization in dynamic-threading platforms, based on ideas of task-graph execution, helper locks, and transactional memory. These designs demonstrate provably efficient runtime scheduling for programs with synchronization. For applications that use task-graph synchronization, I demonstrate provably efficient execution of task graphs with arbitrary dependencies as a library in a fork-join platform. Conventional wisdom suggests that a fork-join platform can execute an arbitrary task graph only with special runtime support or by converting the graph into a series-parallel computation which has less parallelism. By implementing Nabbit, a Cilk++ library for arbitrary task-graph execution, I show that one can in fact avoid introducing runtime modifications or additional constraints on parallelism. Nabbit achieves an asymptotically optimal completion-time bound for task graphs with constant degree. For applications that use lock-based synchronization, I introduce helper locks, a new synchronization abstraction that enables programmers to exploit asynchronous task parallelism inside locked critical regions. When a processor fails to acquire a helper lock, it can help complete the parallel critical region protected by the lock instead of simply waiting for the lock to be released. I also present HELPER, a runtime for supporting helper locks, and prove theoretical performance bounds which imply that HELPER achieves linear speedup on programs with a small number of highly parallel critical regions. For applications that use transaction-based synchronization, I present CWSTM, the first design of a transactional memory (TM) system that supports transactions with nested parallelism and nested parallel transactions of unbounded nesting depth. CWSTM demonstrates that one can provide theoretical bounds on the overhead of transaction conflict detection which are independent of nesting depth. I also introduce the concept of ownership-aware TM, the idea of using information about which memory locations a software module owns to provide provable guarantees of safety and correctness for open-nested transactions.by Jim Sukha.Ph.D