7 research outputs found

    Development of Production Scheduling Model With Constraint Resources and Parallel Machines

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    In this paper, a production scheduling model with constraint resources and parallel machines has been investigated. This problem is proposed as a multi-product production problem. Shortage is not allowed and the production horizon is indefinite. The objective is to maximize the level of resource usage and support the management’s standpoint (delays reduction). In this paper, this problem is modeled as the popular Knapsack problem in 0 and 1 programming. Then due to being NP-hard type for this kind of problems to obtain an optimal solution, A heuristic approach has been used to obtain the acceptable solution. By using the branch-and bound method, a near optimal solution is provided. Finally, resultant solutions by the proposed approach have been compared with the optimal solutions of some real-world problems and it has been observed that deviation from the optimal solution is negligible that indicates the accuracy of the proposed approach

    Hybridizing guided genetic algorithm and single-based metaheuristics to solve unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with scarce resources

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    This paper focuses on solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling with resource constraints (UPMR). There are j jobs, and each job needs to be processed on one of the machines aim at minimizing the makespan. Besides the dependence of the machine, the processing time of any job depends on the usage of a rare renewable resource. A certain number of those resources (Rmax) can be disseminated to jobs for the purpose of processing them at any time, and each job j needs units of resources (rjm) when processing in machine m. When more resources are assigned to a job, the job processing time minimizes. However, the number of resources available is limited, and this makes the problem difficult to solve for a good quality solution. Genetic algorithm shows promising results in solving UPMR. However, genetic algorithm suffers from premature convergence, which could hinder the resulting quality. Therefore, the work hybridizes guided genetic algorithm (GGA) with a single-based metaheuristics (SBHs) to handle the premature convergence in the genetic algorithm with the aim to escape from the local optima and improve the solution quality further. The single-based metaheuristics replaces the mutation in the genetic algorithm. The evaluation of the algorithm performance was conducted through extensive experiments

    Guided genetic algorithm for solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This paper solved the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with additional resources (UPMR) problem. The processing time and the number of required resources for each job rely on the machine that does the processing. Each job j needed units of resources (rjm) during its time of processing on a machine m. These additional resources are limited, and this made the UPMR a difficult problem to solve. In this study, the maximum completion time of jobs makespan must be minimized. Here, we proposed genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the UPMR problem because of the robustness and the success of GA in solving many optimization problems. An enhancement of GA was also proposed in this work. Generally, the experiment involves tuning the parameters of GA. Additionally, an appropriate selection of GA operators was also experimented. The guide genetic algorithm (GGA) is not used to solve the unspecified dynamic UPMR. Besides, the utilization of parameters tuning and operators gave a balance between exploration and exploitation and thus help the search escape the local optimum. Results show that the GGA outperforms the simple genetic algorithm (SGA), but it still didn't match the results in the literature. On the other hand, GGA significantly outperforms all methods in terms of CPU time

    Review on unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This study deals with an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources (UPMR). That is one of the important sub-problems in the scheduling. UPMR consists of scheduling a set of jobs on unrelated machines. In addition to that, a number of one or more additional resources are needed. UPMR is very important and its importance comes from the wealth of applications; they are applicable to engineering and scientific situations and manufacturing systems such as industrial robots, nurses, machine operators, bus drivers, tools, assembly plant machines, fixtures, pallets, electricity, mechanics, dies, automated guided vehicles, fuel, and more. The importance also comes from the concern about the limitation of resources that are dedicated for the production process. Therefore, researchers and decision makers are still working on UPMR problem to get an optimum schedule for all instances which have not been obtained to this day. The optimum schedule is able to increase the profits and decrease the costs whilst satisfying the customers’ needs. This research aims to review and discuss studies related to unrelated parallel machines and additional resources. Overall, the review demonstrates the criticality of resolving the UPMR problem. Metaheuristic techniques exhibit significant effectiveness in generating results and surpassing other algorithms. Nevertheless, continued improvement is essential to satisfy the evolving requirements of UPMR, which are subject to operational changes based on customer demand

    Scheduling parallel CNC machines with time/cost trade-off considerations

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    When the processing times of jobs are controllable, selected processing times affect both the manufacturing cost and the scheduling performance. A well-known example for such a case that this paper specifically deals with is the turning operation on a CNC machine. Manufacturing cost of a turning operation is a nonlinear convex function of its processing time. We also know that scheduling decisions are quite sensitive to the processing times. Therefore, this paper considers minimizing total manufacturing cost (F1) and total completion time (F2) objectives simultaneously on identical parallel CNC turning machines. Since decreasing processing time of a job increases its manufacturing cost, we cannot minimize both objectives at the same time, so the problem is to generate non-dominated solutions. We consider the problem of minimizing F1 subject to a given F2 level and give an effective formulation for the problem. For this problem, we prove some optimality properties which facilitated designing an efficient heuristic algorithm to generate approximate non-dominated solutions. Computational results show that proposed algorithm performs almost equal with the GAMS/MINOS commercial solver although it spends much less computation time. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Controllable Processing Times in Project and Production Management: Analysing the Trade-Off between Processing Times and the Amount of Resources

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    The amount of resources assigned to a task highly influences its processing time. Traditionally, different functions have been used in the literature in order to map the processing time of the task with the amount of resources assigned to the task. Obviously, this relation depends on several factors such as the type of resource and/or decision problem under study. Although in the literature there are hundreds of papers using these relations in their models or methods, most of them do not justify the motivation for choosing a specific relation over another one. In some cases, even wrong justifications are given and, hence, infeasible or nonappropriated relations have been applied for the different problems, as we will show in this paper. Thus, our paper intends to fill this gap establishing the conditions where each relation can be applied by analysing the relations between the processing time of a task and the amount of resources assigned to that task commonly employed in the production and project management literature