24 research outputs found

    A Dual-Band Compact Integrated Rectenna for Implantable Medical Devices

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    This work describes a dual band compact fully integrated rectenna circuit for implantable medical devices. The implantable rectenna circuit consists of tunnel diode 10×10µm2 QW-ASPAT (Quantum Well Asymmetric Spacer Tunnel Layer diode) was used as the rectifier due to its temperature insensitivity and non-linearity compared with conventional SBD diodes. A miniaturized dual band implantable folded dipole antenna with multiple L-shaped conducting sections for operation in the WMTS band is 1.5GHz and ISM band of 5.8GHz. High dielectric constant material Gallium Arsenide (εr=12.94) and folded geometry helps to design compact antennas with a small footprint of 2.84mm3 (4.5×1×0.63) mm3. Four-layer human tissue model was used, where the antenna was implanted in the skin model at depth of 2mm. The 10-dB impedance bandwidths of the proposed compact antenna at 1.5GHz and 5.8GHz are 227MHz (1.4-1.63GHz) with S11 is -22.6dB and 540MHz (5.47-6.02GHz) with S11 is -23.1dB, whereas gains are -36.9dBi, and -24.3dBi, respectively. The output DC voltage and power of the rectenna using two stage rectifiers are twice that produced by the single stage at input RF power of 10dBm

    A Dual-Band Compact Integrated Rectenna for Implantable Medical Devices

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    This work describes a dual band compact fully integrated rectenna circuit for implantable medical devices (IMDs). The implantable rectenna circuit consists of tunnel diode 10×10μm2 QW-ASPAT (Quantum Well Asymmetric Spacer Tunnel Layer diode) was used as the RF-DC rectifier due to its temperature insensitivity and nonlinearity compared with conventional SBD diode. SILVACO atlas software is used to design and simulate 100μm2 QW InGaAs ASPAT diode. A miniaturized dual band implantable folded dipole antenna with multiple L-shaped conducting sections is designed using CST microwave suits for operation in the WMTS band is 1.5GHz and ISM band of 5.8GHz. High dielectric constant material Gallium Arsenide (εr=12.94) and folded geometry helps to design compact antennas with a small footprint of 2.84mm3 (1×4.5×0.63) mm3. Four-layer human tissue model was used, where the antenna was implanted in the skin model at depth of 2mm. The 10-dB impedance bandwidth of the proposed compact antenna at 1.5GHz and 5.8GHz are 227MHz (1.4-1.63GHz) with S11 is -22.6dB and 540MHz (5.47-6.02GHz) with S11 is -23.1dB, whereas gains are -36.9dBi, and -24.3dBi, respectively. The output DC voltage and power of the rectenna using two stage voltage doubler rectifier (VDR) are twice that produced by the single stage at input RF power of 10dBm

    Broadband PIFA Rectenna Design for a Multi-Source Energy Harvesting Device

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    Combining different energy harvesting devices to optimize output power is crucial to the achievement of sustainable energy. This thesis focuses on the design, simulation and fabrication of a broadband Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) constructed for energy harvesting and its integration with a solar cell. An assessment of available ambient RF energy was performed by surveying power density levels from 700MHz to 18GHz. The measured spectrum was then used to determine the bandwidth for our rectifying antenna. The PIFA design was chosen for its small size and low profile, in order to limit the area covering the solar panel. The purpose of this antenna is to harvest power during the times that solar energy is unavailable. The thorough analysis, design and fabrication specifics of the antenna and its integration with the solar panel are discussed in detail. Future work involving the implementation of a PIFA array to optimize the amount of energy harvested is also presented

    Microwave antennas for infrastructure health monitoring

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    Infrastructure health monitoring (IHM) is a technology that has been developed for the detection and evaluation of changes that affect the performance of built infrastructure systems such as bridges and buildings. One of the employed methods for IHM is wireless sensors method which is based on sensors embedded in concrete or mounted on surface of structure during or after the construction to collect and report valuable monitoring data such as temperature, displacement, pressure, strain and moisture content, and information about defects such as cracks, voids, honeycombs, impact damages and delamination. The data and information can then be used to access the health of a structure during and/or after construction. Wireless embedded sensor technique is also a promising solution for decreasing the high installation and maintenance cost of the conventional wire based monitoring systems. However, several issues should be resolved at research and development stage in order to apply them widely in practice. One of these issues is that wireless sensors cannot operate for a long time due to limited lifetime of batteries. Once the sensors are embedded within a structure, they may not be easily accessible physically without damaging the structure. The main aim of this research is to develop effective antennas for IHM applications such as detection of defects such as gaps representing cracks and delaminations, and wireless powering of embeddable sensors or recharging their batteries. For this purpose, modelling of antennas based on conventional antipodal Vivaldi antennas (CAVA) and parametric studies are performed using a computational tool CST Studio (Studio 2015) including CST Microwave Studio and CST Design Studio, and experimental measurements are conducted using a performance network analyser. Firstly, modified antipodal Vivaldi antenna (MAVA) at frequency range of 0.65 GHz – 6 GHz is designed and applied for numerical and experimental investigations of the reflection and transmission properties of concrete-based samples possessing air gap or rebars. The results of gap detection demonstrate ability of the developed MAVA for detection of air gaps and delivery of power to embeddable antennas and sensors placed at any depth inside 350-mm thick concrete samples. The investigation into the influence of rebars show that the rebar cell can act as a shield for microwaves if mesh period parameter is less than the electrical half wavelength. At higher frequencies of the frequency range, microwaves can penetrate through the reinforced concrete samples. These results are used for the investigating the transmission of microwaves at the single frequency of 2.45 GHz between the MAVA and a microstrip patch antenna embedded inside reinforced concrete samples at the location of the rebar cell. It is shown that -15 dB coupling between the antennas can be achieved for the samples with rebar cell parameters used in practice. Secondly, a relatively small and high-gain resonant antipodal Vivaldi antenna (RAVA) as a transmitting antenna and modified microstrip patch antenna as an embeddable receiving antenna are designed to operate at 2.45 GHz for powering the sensors or recharging their batteries embedded in reinforced concrete members. These members included reinforced dry and saturated concrete slabs and columns with different values of mesh period of rebars and steel ratio, respectively. Parametric study on the most critical parameters, which affect electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in these members, is performed. It is shown that there is a critical value of mesh period of rebars with respect to reflection and transmission properties of the slabs, which is related to a half wavelength in concrete. The maximum coupling between antennas can be achieved at this value. The investigation into reinforced concrete columns demonstrates that polarisation configuration of the two-antenna setup with respect to rebars and steel ratios as well as losses in concrete are important parameters. It is observed that the coupling between the antennas reduces faster by increasing the value of steel ratio in parallel than in vertical configuration due to the increase of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and the rebars. This effect is more pronounced in the saturated than in dry reinforced concrete columns. Finally, a relatively high gain 4-element RAVA array with a Wilkinson power divider, feeding network and an embeddable rectenna consisting of the microstrip patch antenna and a rectified circuit are developed. Two wireless power transmission systems, one with a single RAVA and another with the RAVA array, are designed for recharging batteries of sensors embedded inside reinforced concrete slabs and columns with different configurations and moisture content. Comparison between these systems shows that the DC output voltage for recharging commonly used batteries can be provided by the systems with the single RAVA and the system with the RAVA array at the distance between the transmitting antenna and the surface of reinforced concrete members of 0.12 m and 0.6 m, respectively, i.e. the distance achieved when the array is 5 times longer that the distance achieved with a single antenna

    Compact circular polarization filtenna for wireless power transfer applications

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    Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) electronic devices are needed to realize the fifth generation (5G) device-to-device communication. Obviously, current developments tend to focus more towards structure compactness for mobility purposes. However, the main weakness for mobile devices is its power supply. This can be improved by increasing the individual battery capacity or having external batteries. These proposed solutions will increase the weight of the devices, hence making them heavier to carry around. Most total IoT devices are also required to be multi-functional depending on different radio frequencies (RF). Commonly, the RF signal radiated is solely used for data communication. This useful RF signal can also be converted into small energy, instead of being left to disperse into the environment. This relates to wireless energy harvesting called as rectifying antenna (rectenna) which converts RF signal to direct current (DC). A generic rectenna consists of the combination of several components such as antenna, filter, diode and resistive load. The aim of this research is to develop a compact or miniaturized RF front-end component for the rectenna. Compactness can be achieved by embedding the filter into the antenna to form a filtenna. Non-contacted electromagnetic coupling technique with the circular patch antenna operated at 2.45 GHz is selected as the basic design and the simulation work was done using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software. To enhance the quality of propagation and the multi-functional properties, the proposed design optimized for circular polarization (CP) and wider bandwidth. Therefore, the modification of the basic design change to proximity coupled feeding technique with double layered configuration is presented. Analysis of the slot line resonator near to the transmission line on several locations is discussed to realize a filtenna. In this research, several different designs of antennas and filters are presented with different compactness, CP, and higher resonant rejection properties. All proposed designs are fabricated and validated through measurement studies. Good agreement is shown between simulation and measurement results. By having approximately 45-50 % of size reduction as compared to the conventional 2.45 GHz microstrip patch antenna, the developed antennas are compact in size with higher resonant rejection up to third harmonic and exhibit 5.2 dB gain

    تصميم هوائي مع دائرة تقويم لتطبيقات حصاد طاقة الميكروويف

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    ABSTRACT Energy harvesting technology has received a lot of attention as the demand of long life span of energy source increase. Towards that, Rectenna (Rectifier Antenna) or Energy Harvesting system is designed in the current work and it consists of antenna, matching circuit and a rectifier circuit. Microstrip patch antenna where designed to harvest GSM signals. Single-patch antenna and array antennas are designed at 900 MHz for this purpose. The designed antenna has good return loss performance and the array antennas are designed to achieve higher gain and hence more captured energy. The design and optimizing of the performance of the proposed antenna are performed by using Computer Simulation Technology software CST studio design. The rectifier circuit is a 7 stage voltage doubler circuit using Schottky diodes and it is designed to convert the RF energy into a DC output. A matching circuit has been designed from a single stub to match the complex input impedance of the rectifier circuit to the standard 50 Ω. The design of the rectifier circuits is performed by using NI Multisim 14 software and the output voltage of rectifier was 2.283V. A single stage rectifier circuit along with matching circuit are fabricated on an FR-4 substrate.تكنولوجيا حصاد الطاقة لاقت الكثير من الاهتمام، من حيث زيادة الطلب لإطالة العمر الافتراضي لمصادر الطاقة. لذلك، في هذا المشروع تم تصميم نظام لحصاد الطاقة، وهذا النظام يتكون من ثلاثة دوائر، في الدائرة الأولى تم تصميم هوائي يعمل على تردد شبكات الاتصالات الخلوية الجوال التي تعمل بنظام ال GSM بتردد 900 ميجا هيرتز حيث تنبعث من هذا الهوائي طاقة كهرومغناطيسية مترددة صغيرة جدا يمكن استغلالها في حصاد الطاقة ولزيادة هذه الطاقة المنبعثة تم تصميم اثنين من هذه الهوائيات بنظام سلسلة Array للحصول على طاقة منبعثة عالية نوعا ما وتم التصميم باستخدام برنامج المحاكاة الحاسوبي CST microwave studio. الدائرة الثانية هي عبارة عن دائرة تعديل مع مضاعفة الجهد للطاقة المستقبلة من الهوائي في الدائرة الأولى وتتكون هذه الدائرة من سبع مستويات في كل مستوى تم استخدام اثنين من ثنائيات شوتكي Schottky diode HSMS-2850 حيث تم تحويل طاقة ترددات الراديو المستقبلة الى تيار كهربائي مستمر ومضاعفته سبع مرات بعدد مستويات الدائرة والحصول على جهد يقدر ب 2.283Volts باستخدام برنامج المحاكاة الحاسوبي NI Multisim 14. الدائرة الثالثة هي عبارة عن دائرة تتوسط الدائرتين السابقتين تسمى دائرة التوافق تعمل على التوفيق ما بين الجهد المستقبل من الهوائي الذي يعمل بنظام ال 50 اوم ودائرة تعديل ومضاعفة الجهد التي تعمل بنظام الجهد الكهربائي وحصد أكبر طاقة ممكنة من خلال تمرير كل الطاقة المستقبلة من الهوائي لدائرة التعديل ومضاعفة الجهد. في هذا المشروع، عمليا تم تصميم دائرة التوافق مع مستوى واحد من دائرة مضاعفة الجهد لعدم توفر مكونات التصميم في السوق لتصميم الدائرة كاملة ولم نتمكن من اختبارها لعدم توفر أجهزة القياس المراد استخدامها بفعل الحصار والتضييق

    A wirelessly-powered sensor platform using a novel textile antenna

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    This thesis describes the design and analysis of a novel wideband circularly-polarized textile antenna to power up a wearable wirelessly-powered sensor system operating in the 2.45 GHz ISM band (2.4-2.5 GHz) and the building of the whole system. The system is constructed using off-the-shelf components and it is shown that the wirelessly-powered sensor system is able to operate when just a few mW are transmitted from a base station at a distance over a metre. Initially, standard linearly-polarized patch antennas are used for power transmission. However, the antennas have to be aligned perfectly for the best efficiency. Subsequently, a circularly-polarized antenna is proposed for enhanced wireless-power transfer due to the freedom of orientation. A wide-slot antenna without a ground plane has been chosen for its simplicity and wide impedance band. The geometry is firstly optimized for wide impedance and 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth on FR-4. The experimental and simulation results have been studied to analyse the characteristics of such an antenna. The wideband circularly-polarized antenna is then constructed using a conductive textile and re-optimized for on-body applications. With a simple antenna geometry and only a single layer of conductive textile layer, the axial ratio and impedance bandwidths are wide enough to cover the whole 2.45 GHz ISM band with plenty of margin and are significantly wider than any other on-body circularly-polarized textile patch antennas which have been reported. The characteristics of this wideband circularly-polarized antenna under different conditions on the human body have been measured and then connected to the wirelessly-powered sensor system to demonstrate the effectiveness of power transfer to the human body

    Compact Antenna with Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Noninvasive Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring

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    A non-invasive technique for real-time continuous monitoring of blood glucose has been under development by Venkataraman’s research group in the ETA lab at RIT [16]-[18]. The methodology involves placing an antenna on the arm and monitoring changes in the resonant frequency, which is attributed to changes in the blood glucose level. This is because the blood’s permittivity depends on the glucose levels, and in turn, affects the antenna’s resonant frequency. In order to correlate the antenna’s resonant frequency shift with the real-time blood glucose change, glucose estimation was also modeled using the antenna’s input impedance. The antennas designed could successfully track the rise and fall of blood glucose using the glucose estimation model for both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. However, the antennas being used in this research are too large in size and not flexible. Additionally, the antenna’s radiation pattern was omnidirectional as it is a monopole antenna where the radiation is into the arm as well as away from the arm (back radiation). As a result, during the test procedure, the arm must be in a steady position throughout the time of the resonant frequency measurement. While it worked very well to prove the feasibility of continuous glucose monitoring, a better antenna is required for the next phase of research that involves clinical testing in a hospital environment. My goal in this thesis is to take the research further by designing antennas that are unidirectional, flexible and small in size. The unidirectional property can be achieved by using PEC (Perfect Electric Conductors) or PMC (Perfect Magnetic Conductors) over the antenna that can suppress the back radiation. Unlike the presence of infinite electric charges on an electric conductor, magnetic charges don’t exist. Therefore magnetic conductors are modeled artificially to achieve magnetic properties commonly known as Artificial Magnetic Conductors (AMC). The antenna used in this thesis is a monopole antenna with AMC as a ground plane. The advantage of using AMC over a perfect metal conductor as a ground plane to the antenna is that the AMC reflects the incident wave in phase and not out of phase like a regular metal conductor. Moreover, AMC layers not only suppresses the back radiation but also enhances the gain of the antenna into the arm. Using the AMC layer as the ground plane has also helped in miniaturizing the antenna. The different artificial magnetic conductors designed in this thesis are Rectangular Patch, Rectangular Ring, I-shaped, and Jerusalem Cross. The antennas were fabricated and tested in the unlicensed ISM band (2.4GHz – 2.5GHz) and are within the SAR standards laid out by FCC. The fabricated antenna was strapped to the arm and measurements of resonant frequency similar to those made previously were conducted with respect to time [16]-[18]. Two types of measurements were compared, that is, when the arm was held steady and when the arm had some movement. No significant change or fluctuations in the resonant frequency was observed with arm movement. Whereas the same type of measurements conducted on the monopole antenna in [18] showed significant fluctuations in the resonant frequency with arm movement. This experiment shows the significant advantage of the antenna with AMC layer as compared to the monopole antenna. Also demonstrated in the present work, is the ability of the designed antenna in tracking the increase and decrease of glucose level with changes in the resonant frequency, similar to [16]. This has been demonstrated with two non-diabetic subjects. Further, no back radiation was noted, when a hand above the setup is moved. Additionally, the effect of creeping waves was negligible. The antenna designed in this work will conform well to clinical studies of the ETA Lab research

    Design and implementation of textile antennas and wearable systems with high body-antenna isolation

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