136 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Contributions to the Theory of Regular Chains

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    Regular chains, introduced about twenty years ago, have emerged as one of the major tools for solving polynomial systems symbolically. In this thesis, we focus on different algorithmic aspects of the theory of regular chains, from theoretical questions to high- performance implementation issues. The inclusion test for saturated ideals is a fundamental problem in this theory. By studying the primitivity of regular chains, we show that a regular chain generates its saturated ideal if and only if it is primitive. As a result, a family of inclusion tests can be detected very efficiently. The algorithm to compute the regular GCDs of two polynomials modulo a regular chain is one of the key routines in the various triangular decomposition algorithms. By revisiting relations between subresultants and GCDs, we proposed a novel bottom-up algorithm for this task, which improves the previous algorithm in a significant manner and creates opportunities for parallel execution. This thesis also discusses the accelerations towards fast Fourier transform (FFT) over finite fields and FFT based subresultant chain constructions in the context of massively parallel GPU architectures, which speedup our algorithms by several orders of magnitude

    Fast Fourier Transforms over Prime Fields of Large Characteristic and their Implementation on Graphics Processing Units

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    Prime field arithmetic plays a central role in computer algebra and supports computation in Galois fields which are essential to coding theory and cryptography algorithms. The prime fields that are used in computer algebra systems, in particular in the implementation of modular methods, are often of small characteristic, that is, based on prime numbers that fit on a machine word. Increasing precision beyond the machine word size can be done via the Chinese Remaindering Theorem or Hensel Lemma. In this thesis, we consider prime fields of large characteristic, typically fitting on n machine words, where n is a power of 2. When the characteristic of these fields is restricted to a subclass of the generalized Fermat numbers, we show that arithmetic operations in such fields offer attractive performance both in terms of algebraic complexity and parallelism. In particular, these operations can be vectorized, leading to efficient implementation of fast Fourier transforms on graphics processing units

    Hardware Acceleration Technologies in Computer Algebra: Challenges and Impact

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    The objective of high performance computing (HPC) is to ensure that the computational power of hardware resources is well utilized to solve a problem. Various techniques are usually employed to achieve this goal. Improvement of algorithm to reduce the number of arithmetic operations, modifications in accessing data or rearrangement of data in order to reduce memory traffic, code optimization at all levels, designing parallel algorithms to reduce span are some of the attractive areas that HPC researchers are working on. In this thesis, we investigate HPC techniques for the implementation of basic routines in computer algebra targeting hardware acceleration technologies. We start with a sorting algorithm and its application to sparse matrix-vector multiplication for which we focus on work on cache complexity issues. Since basic routines in computer algebra often provide a lot of fine grain parallelism, we then turn our attention to manycore architectures on which we consider dense polynomial and matrix operations ranging from plain to fast arithmetic. Most of these operations are combined within a bivariate system solver running entirely on a graphics processing unit (GPU)

    Towards Comprehensive Parametric Code Generation Targeting Graphics Processing Units in Support of Scientific Computation

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    The most popular multithreaded languages based on the fork-join concurrency model (CIlkPlus, OpenMP) are currently being extended to support other forms of parallelism (vectorization, pipelining and single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD)). In the SIMD case, the objective is to execute the corresponding code on a many-core device, like a GPGPU, for which the CUDA language is a natural choice. Since the programming concepts of CilkPlus and OpenMP are very different from those of CUDA, it is desirable to automatically generate optimized CUDA-like code from CilkPlus or OpenMP. In this thesis, we propose an accelerator model for annotated C/C++ code together with an implementation that allows the automatic generation of CUDA code. One of the key features of this CUDA code generator is that it supports the generation of CUDA kernel code where program parameters (like number of threads per block) and machine parameters (like shared memory size) are treated as unknown symbols. Hence, these parameters need not to be known at code-generation-time: machine parameters and program parameters can be respectively determined when the generated code is installed on the target machine. In addition, we show how these parametric CUDA programs can be optimized at compile-time in the form of a case discussion, where cases depend on the values of machine parameters (e.g. hardware resource limits) and program parameters (e.g. dimension sizes of thread-blocks). This generation of parametric CUDA kernels requires to deal with non-linear polynomial expressions during the dependence analysis and tiling phase. To achieve these algebraic calculations, we take advantage of techniques from computer algebra, in particular in the RegularChains library of Maple. Various illustrative examples are provided together with performance evaluation

    Refined Isogeometric Analysis for fluid mechanics and electromagnetism

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    Starting from a highly continuous isogeometric analysis discretization, we introduce hyperplanes that partition the domain into subdomains and reduce the continuity of the discretization spaces at these hyperplanes. As the continuity is reduced, the number of degrees of freedom in the system grows. The resulting discretization spaces are finer than standard maximal continuity IGA spaces. Despite the increase in the number of degrees of freedom, these finer spaces deliver simulation results faster with direct solvers than both traditional finite element and isogeometric analysis for meshes with a fixed number of elements. In this work, we analyze the impact of continuity reduction on the number of Floating Point Operations (FLOPs) and computational times required to solve fluid flow and electromagnetic problems with structured meshes and uniform polynomial orders. Theoretical estimates show that for sufficiently large grids, an optimal continuity reduction decreases the computational cost by a factor of . Numerical results confirm these theoretical estimates. In a 2D mesh with one million elements and polynomial order equal to five, the discretization including an optimal continuity pattern allows to solve the vector electric field, the scalar magnetic field, and the fluid flow problems an order of magnitude faster than when using a highly continuous IGA discretization. 3D numerical results exhibit more moderate savings due to the limited mesh sizes considered in this work

    Harnessing the power of GPUs for problems in real algebraic geometry

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    This thesis presents novel parallel algorithms to leverage the power of GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for exact computations with polynomials having large integer coefficients. The significance of such computations, especially in real algebraic geometry, is hard to undermine. On massively-parallel architectures such as GPU, the degree of datalevel parallelism exposed by an algorithm is the main performance factor. We attain high efficiency through the use of structured matrix theory to assist the realization of relevant operations on polynomials on the graphics hardware. A detailed complexity analysis, assuming the PRAM model, also confirms that our approach achieves a substantially better parallel complexity in comparison to classical algorithms used for symbolic computations. Aside from the theoretical considerations, a large portion of this work is dedicated to the actual algorithm development and optimization techniques where we pay close attention to the specifics of the graphics hardware. As a byproduct of this work, we have developed high-throughput modular arithmetic which we expect to be useful for other GPU applications, in particular, open-key cryptography. We further discuss the algorithms for the solution of a system of polynomial equations, topology computation of algebraic curves and curve visualization which can profit to the full extent from the GPU acceleration. Extensive benchmarking on a real data demonstrates the superiority of our algorithms over several state-of-the-art approaches available to date. This thesis is written in English.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit neuen parallelen Algorithmen, die das Leistungspotenzial der Grafik-Prozessoren (GPUs) zur exakten Berechnungen mit ganzzahlige Polynomen nutzen. Solche symbolische Berechnungen sind von großer Bedeutung zur Lösung vieler Probleme aus der reellen algebraischen Geometrie. Für die effziente Implementierung eines Algorithmus auf massiv-parallelen Hardwarearchitekturen, wie z.B. GPU, ist vor allem auf eine hohe Datenparallelität zu achten. Unter Verwendung von Ergebnissen aus der strukturierten Matrix-Theorie konnten wir die entsprechenden Operationen mit Polynomen auf der Grafikkarte leicht übertragen. Außerdem zeigt eine Komplexitätanalyse im PRAM-Rechenmodell, dass die von uns entwickelten Verfahren eine deutlich bessere Komplexität aufweisen als dies für die klassischen Verfahren der Fall ist. Neben dem theoretischen Ergebnis liegt ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit in der praktischen Implementierung der betrachteten Algorithmen, wobei wir auf der Besonderheiten der Grafikhardware achten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit haben wir hocheffiziente modulare Arithmetik entwickelt, von der wir erwarten, dass sie sich für andere GPU Anwendungen, insbesondere der Public-Key-Kryptographie, als nützlich erweisen wird. Darüber hinaus betrachten wir Algorithmen für die Lösung eines Systems von Polynomgleichungen, Topologie Berechnung der algebraischen Kurven und deren Visualisierung welche in vollem Umfang von der GPU-Leistung profitieren können. Zahlreiche Experimente belegen dass wir zur Zeit die beste Verfahren zur Verfügung stellen. Diese Dissertation ist in englischer Sprache verfasst