32 research outputs found

    SPH modeling of water-related natural hazards

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    This paper collects some recent smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) applications in the field of natural hazards connected to rapidly varied flows of both water and dense granular mixtures including sediment erosion and bed load transport. The paper gathers together and outlines the basic aspects of some relevant works dealing with flooding on complex topography, sediment scouring, fast landslide dynamics, and induced surge wave. Additionally, the preliminary results of a new study regarding the post-failure dynamics of rainfall-induced shallow landslide are presented. The paper also shows the latest advances in the use of high performance computing (HPC) techniques to accelerate computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes through the efficient use of current computational resources. This aspect is extremely important when simulating complex three-dimensional problems that require a high computational cost and are generally involved in the modeling of water-related natural hazards of practical interest. The paper provides an overview of some widespread SPH free open source software (FOSS) codes applied to multiphase problems of theoretical and practical interest in the field of hydraulic engineering. The paper aims to provide insight into the SPH modeling of some relevant physical aspects involved in water-related natural hazards (e.g., sediment erosion and non-Newtonian rheology). The future perspectives of SPH in this application field are finally pointed out

    Nonlinear solid mechanics analysis using the parallel selective element-free Galerkin method

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    A variety of meshless methods have been developed in the last fifteen years with an intention to solve practical engineering problems, but are limited to small academic problems due to associated high computational cost as compared to the standard finite element methods (FEM). The main objective of this thesis is the development of an efficient and accurate algorithm based on meshless methods for the solution of problems involving both material and geometrical nonlinearities, which are of practical importance in many engineering applications, including geomechanics, metal forming and biomechanics. One of the most commonly used meshless methods, the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM) is used in this research, in which maximum entropy shape functions (max-ent) are used instead of the standard moving least squares shape functions, which provides direct imposition of the essential boundary conditions. Initially, theoretical background and corresponding computer implementations of the EFGM are described for linear and nonlinear problems. The Prandtl-Reuss constitutive model is used to model elasto-plasticity, both updated and total Lagrangian formulations are used to model finite deformation and consistent or algorithmic tangent is used to allow the quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence of the global Newton-Raphson algorithm. An adaptive strategy is developed for the EFGM for two- and three-dimensional nonlinear problems based on the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure, which was originally proposed for linear elastic problems. A new FE-EFGM coupling procedure based on max-ent shape functions is proposed for linear and geometrically nonlinear problems, in which there is no need of interface elements between the FE and EFG regions or any other special treatment, as required in the most previous research. The proposed coupling procedure is extended to become adaptive FE-EFGM coupling for two- and three-dimensional linear and nonlinear problems, in which the Zienkiewicz & Zhu error estimation procedure with the superconvergent patch recovery method for strains and stresses recovery are used in the FE region of the problem domain, while the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure is used in the EFG region of the problem domain. Parallel computer algorithms based on distributed memory parallel computer architecture are also developed for different numerical techniques proposed in this thesis. In the parallel program, the message passing interface library is used for inter-processor communication and open-source software packages, METIS and MUMPS are used for the automatic domain decomposition and solution of the final system of linear equations respectively. Separate numerical examples are presented for each algorithm to demonstrate its correct implementation and performance, and results are compared with the corresponding analytical or reference results

    Investigation of the use of meshfree methods for haptic thermal management of design and simulation of MEMS

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    This thesis presents a novel approach of using haptic sensing technology combined with virtual environment (VE) for the thermal management of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) design. The goal is to reduce the development cycle by avoiding the costly iterative prototyping procedure. In this regard, we use haptic feedback with virtua lprototyping along with an immersing environment. We also aim to improve the productivity and capability of the designer to better grasp the phenomena operating at the micro-scale level, as well as to augment computational steering through haptic channels. To validate the concept of haptic thermal management, we have implemented a demonstrator with a user friendly interface which allows to intuitively "feel" the temperature field through our concept of haptic texturing. The temperature field in a simple MEMS component is modeled using finite element methods (FEM) or finite difference method (FDM) and the user is able to feel thermal expansion using a combination of different haptic feedback. In haptic application, the force rendering loop needs to be updated at a frequency of 1Khz in order to maintain continuity in the user perception. When using FEM or FDM for our three-dimensional model, the computational cost increases rapidly as the mesh size is reduced to ensure accuracy. Hence, it constrains the complexity of the physical model to approximate temperature or stress field solution. It would also be difficult to generate or refine the mesh in real time for CAD process. In order to circumvent the limitations due to the use of conventional mesh-based techniques and to avoid the bothersome task of generating and refining the mesh, we investigate the potential of meshfree methods in the context of our haptic application. We review and compare the different meshfree formulations against FEM mesh based technique. We have implemented the different methods for benchmarking thermal conduction and elastic problems. The main work of this thesis is to determine the relevance of the meshfree option in terms of flexibility of design and computational charge for haptic physical model

    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for blood flow analysis: development of particle lifecycle algorithm

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    The aim of this research was to facilitate the application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method to Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of turbulent flow through complex geometry blood vessels, and to compare it with the state-of-the-art Finite Element Method (FEM). SPH offers the possibility to observe motion of fluid fragment or particle inclusion within the Lagrangian material framework, giving researchers greater insight into the Fluid-Structure interaction such as transportation and distribution of medical particles, or buildup of plaque in atherosclerosis. In order to generate the fluid flow in SPH, the particles are created at inlet, and destroyed at the outlet. In this paper we present a novel lifecycle algorithm for generation and destruction of the particles using particle types, which is more flexible and suitable for the complex geometry models in comparison to the current state of the art commercial solutions, which use boundary planes. Our algorithm features mother and new-born particle types located at inlets used for the particle flow generation, and at the outlets, we have dying and killer particle types, which are used for deletion of particles. Based upon the current neighbors, the type of the particle is updated within the nearest neighbor search method, which is invoked in each time step. The capabilities of the new algorithm are demonstrated using a benchmark example and a realistic patient specific geometry, showing similar results, but the SPH advantages of particle tracking are yet to be utilized in our future work.Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of SerbiaPublishe

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    Structural pathways for ultrafast melting of optically excited thin polycrystalline Palladium films

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    Due to its extremely short timescale, the non-equilibrium melting of metals is exceptionally difficult to probe experimentally. The knowledge of melting mechanisms is thus based mainly on the results of theoretical predictions. This work reports on the investigation of ultrafast melting of thin polycrystalline Pd films studied by optical laser pump - X-ray free-electron laser probe experiments and molecular-dynamics simulations. By acquiring X-ray diffraction snapshots with sub-picosecond resolution, we capture the sample's atomic structure during its transition from the crystalline to the liquid state. Bridging the timescales of experiments and simulations allows us to formulate a realistic microscopic picture of melting. We demonstrate that the existing models of strongly non-equilibrium melting, developed for systems with relatively weak electron-phonon coupling, remain valid even for ultrafast heating rates achieved in femtosecond laser-excited Pd. Furthermore, we highlight the role of pre-existing and transiently generated crystal defects in the transition to the liquid state.Comment: main manuscript 33 pages, 9 figures; supplemental material 19 pages, 13 figures - all in one fil

    Advances in Modelling and Prediction on the Impact of Human Activities and Extreme Events on Environments

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    YesThis book is an edition of the Special Issue Advances in Modelling and Prediction on the Impact of Human Activities and Extreme Events on Environments that was published in Water journal

    Development and applications of the Finite Point Method to compressible aerodynamics problems

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    This work deals with the development and application of the Finite Point Method (FPM) to compressible aerodynamics problems. The research focuses mainly on investigating the capabilities of the meshless technique to address practical problems, one of the most outstanding issues in meshless methods. The FPM spatial approximation is studied firstly, with emphasis on aspects of the methodology that can be improved to increase its robustness and accuracy. Suitable ranges for setting the relevant approximation parameters and the performance likely to be attained in practice are determined. An automatic procedure to adjust the approximation parameters is also proposed to simplify the application of the method, reducing problem- and user-dependence without affecting the flexibility of the meshless technique. The discretization of the flow equations is carried out following wellestablished approaches, but drawing on the meshless character of the methodology. In order to meet the requirements of practical applications, the procedures are designed and implemented placing emphasis on robustness and efficiency (a simplification of the basic FPM technique is proposed to this end). The flow solver is based on an upwind spatial discretization of the convective fluxes (using the approximate Riemann solver of Roe) and an explicit time integration scheme. Two additional artificial diffusion schemes are also proposed to suit those cases of study in which computational cost is a major concern. The performance of the flow solver is evaluated in order to determine the potential of the meshless approach. The accuracy, computational cost and parallel scalability of the method are studied in comparison with a conventional FEM-based technique. Finally, practical applications and extensions of the flow solution scheme are presented. The examples provided are intended not only to show the capabilities of the FPM, but also to exploit meshless advantages. Automatic hadaptive procedures, moving domain and fluid-structure interaction problems, as well as a preliminary approach to solve high-Reynolds viscous flows, are a sample of the topics explored. All in all, the results obtained are satisfactorily accurate and competitive in terms of computational cost (if compared with a similar mesh-based implementation). This indicates that meshless advantages can be exploited with efficiency and constitutes a good starting point towards more challenging applications.En este trabajo se aborda el desarrollo del Método de Puntos Finitos (MPF) y su aplicación a problemas de aerodinámica de flujos compresibles. El objetivo principal es investigar el potencial de la técnica sin malla para la solución de problemas prácticos, lo cual constituye una de las limitaciones más importantes de los métodos sin malla. En primer lugar se estudia la aproximación espacial en el MPF, haciendo hincapié en aquéllos aspectos que pueden ser mejorados para incrementar la robustez y exactitud de la metodología. Se determinan rangos adecuados para el ajuste de los parámetros de la aproximación y su comportamiento en situaciones prácticas. Se propone además un procedimiento de ajuste automático de estos parámetros a fin de simplificar la aplicación del método y reducir la dependencia de factores como el tipo de problema y la intervención del usuario, sin afectar la flexibilidad de la técnica sin malla. A continuación se aborda el esquema de solución de las ecuaciones del flujo. La discretización de las mismas se lleva a cabo siguiendo métodos estándar, pero aprovechando las características de la técnica sin malla. Con el objetivo de abordar problemas prácticos, se pone énfasis en la robustez y eficiencia de la implementación numérica (se propone además una simplificación del procedimiento de solución). El comportamiento del esquema se estudia en detalle para evaluar su potencial y se analiza su exactitud, coste computacional y escalabilidad, todo ello en comparación con un método convencional basado en Elementos Finitos. Finalmente se presentan distintas aplicaciones y extensiones de la metodología desarrollada. Los ejemplos numéricos pretenden demostrar las capacidades del método y también aprovechar las ventajas de la metodología sin malla en áreas en que la misma puede ser de especial interés. Los problemas tratados incluyen, entre otras características, el refinamiento automático de la discretización, la presencia de fronteras móviles e interacción fluido-estructura, como así también una aplicación preliminar a flujos compresibles de alto número de Reynolds. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una exactitud satisfactoria. Además, en comparación con una técnica similar basada en Elementos Finitos, demuestran ser competitivos en términos del coste computacional. Esto indica que las ventajas de la metodología sin malla pueden ser explotadas con eficiencia, lo cual constituye un buen punto de partida para el desarrollo de ulteriores aplicaciones.Postprint (published version