462 research outputs found

    Modeling Noise Coupling Between Package and PCB Power/Ground Planes with an Efficient 2-D FDTD/Lumped Element Method

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    An efficient numerical approach based on the 2-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed to model the power/ground plane noise or simultaneously switching noise (SSN), including the interconnect effect between the package and the print circuit board (PCB). The space between the power and ground planes on the package and PCB are meshed with 2-D cells. The equivalent R-L-C circuits of the via and the solder balls connecting the package and PCB can be incorporated into a 2-D Yee cell based on a novel integral formulation in the time domain. An efficient recursive updating algorithm is proposed to fit the lumped networks into the Yee equations. A test sample of a ball grid array (BGA) package mounted on a PCB was fabricated. The power/ground noise coupling behavior was measured and compared with the simulation. The proposed method significantly reduces the computing time compared with other full-wave numerical approaches

    Performance of parallel FDTD method for shared- and distributed-memory architectures: Application tobioelectromagnetics

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    This work provides an in-depth computational performance study of the parallel finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The parallelization is done at various levels including: shared- (OpenMP) and distributed- (MPI) memory paradigms and vectorization on three different architectures: Intel's Knights Landing, Skylake and ARM's Cavium ThunderX2. This study contributes to prove, in a systematic manner, the well-established claim within the Computational Electromagnetic community, that the main factor limiting FDTD performance, in realistic problems, is the memory bandwidth. Consequently a memory bandwidth threshold can be assessed depending on the problem size in order to attain optimal performance. Finally, the results of this study have been used to optimize the workload balancing of simulation of a bioelectromagnetic problem consisting in the exposure of a human model to a reverberation chamber-like environment

    Performance of parallel FDTD method for shared- and distributed-memory architectures: Application tobioelectromagnetics

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    This work provides an in-depth computational performance study of the parallel finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The parallelization is done at various levels including: shared- (OpenMP) and distributed- (MPI) memory paradigms and vectorization on three different architectures: Intel’s Knights Landing, Skylake and ARM’s Cavium ThunderX2. This study contributes to prove, in a systematic manner, the well-established claim within the Computational Electromagnetic community, that the main factor limiting FDTD performance, in realistic problems, is the memory bandwidth. Consequently a memory bandwidth threshold can be assessed depending on the problem size in order to attain optimal performance. Finally, the results of this study have been used to optimize the workload balancing of simulation of a bioelectromagnetic problem consisting in the exposure of a human model to a reverberation chamber-like environment

    Reconstruction of Dispersive Dielectric Properties for PCB Substrates using a Genetic Algorithm

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    An effective method for extracting parameters of a Debye or a Lorentzian dispersive medium over a wideband frequency range using a genetic algorithm (GA) and a transmission-line model is presented. Scattering parameters (S-parameters) of the transmission-line sections, including a parallel plate, microstrip, and stripline, are measured. Wave equations for TEM/quasi-TEM mode with a complex propagation constant and a frequency-dependent wave impedance are used to evaluate the corresponding S-parameters in an analytical model. The discrepancy between the modeled and measured S-parameters is defined as the objective function in the GA. The GA is used for search of the dispersive-medium parameters by means of minimizing the objective function over the entire frequency range of interest. The reconstructed Debye or Lorentzian dispersive material parameters are corroborated by comparing the original measurements with the FDTD modeling results. The self-consistency of the proposed method is demonstrated by constructing different test structures with an identical material, i.e., material parameters of a substrate extracted from different transmission-line configurations. The port effects on the material parameter extraction are examined by using through-reflection-line calibration

    Enhancing numerical modelling efficiency for electromagnetic simulation of physical layer components.

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    The purpose of this thesis is to present solutions to overcome several key difficulties that limit the application of numerical modelling in communication cable design and analysis. In particular, specific limiting factors are that simulations are time consuming, and the process of comparison requires skill and is poorly defined and understood. When much of the process of design consists of optimisation of performance within a well defined domain, the use of artificial intelligence techniques may reduce or remove the need for human interaction in the design process. The automation of human processes allows round-the-clock operation at a faster throughput. Achieving a speedup would permit greater exploration of the possible designs, improving understanding of the domain. This thesis presents work that relates to three facets of the efficiency of numerical modelling: minimizing simulation execution time, controlling optimization processes and quantifying comparisons of results. These topics are of interest because simulation times for most problems of interest run into tens of hours. The design process for most systems being modelled may be considered an optimisation process in so far as the design is improved based upon a comparison of the test results with a specification. Development of software to automate this process permits the improvements to continue outside working hours, and produces decisions unaffected by the psychological state of a human operator. Improved performance of simulation tools would facilitate exploration of more variations on a design, which would improve understanding of the problem domain, promoting a virtuous circle of design. The minimization of execution time was achieved through the development of a Parallel TLM Solver which did not use specialized hardware or a dedicated network. Its design was novel because it was intended to operate on a network of heterogeneous machines in a manner which was fault tolerant, and included a means to reduce vulnerability of simulated data without encryption. Optimisation processes were controlled by genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimisation which were novel applications in communication cable design. The work extended the range of cable parameters, reducing conductor diameters for twisted pair cables, and reducing optical coverage of screens for a given shielding effectiveness. Work on the comparison of results introduced ―Colour maps‖ as a way of displaying three scalar variables over a two-dimensional surface, and comparisons were quantified by extending 1D Feature Selective Validation (FSV) to two dimensions, using an ellipse shaped filter, in such a way that it could be extended to higher dimensions. In so doing, some problems with FSV were detected, and suggestions for overcoming these presented: such as the special case of zero valued DC signals. A re-description of Feature Selective Validation, using Jacobians and tensors is proposed, in order to facilitate its implementation in higher dimensional spaces

    A Systematic Electromagnetic-Circuit Method for EMI Analysis of Coupled Interconnects on Dispersive Dielectrics

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    Theoretical and experimental analysis of electromagnetic coupling into microwave circuit

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    In this paper, our work is devoted to a time domain analysis of field-to-line coupling model. The latter is designed with a uniform microstrip multiconductor transmission line (MTL), connected with a mixed load which can be linear as a resistance, nonlinear like a diode or complex nonlinear as a Metal Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MESFET). The finite difference time-domain technique (FDTD) is used to compute the expression of voltage and current at the line. The primary advantage of this method over many existing methods is that nonlinear terminations may be readily incorporated into the algorithm and the analysis. The numerical predictions using the proposed method show a good agreement with the GHz Transverse Electro Magnetic (GTEM) measurement

    Design and Study of a Wide-Band Printed Circuit Board Near-Field Probe

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    Magnetic near-field probes (NFP) represent a suitable tool to measure the magnetic field level from a small electromagnetic interference (EMI) source. This kind of antenna is useful as a magnetic field probe for pre-compliance EMC measurements or debugging tasks since the user can scan a printed circuit board (PCB) looking for locations with strong magnetic fields. When a strong H-field point is found, the designer should check the PCB layout and components placement in that area to detect if this could result in an EMI source. This contribution focuses on analyzing the performance of an easy to build and low-cost H-field NFP designed and manufactured using a standard PCB stack-up. Thereby, the frequency range and sensitivity of the NFP-PCB are analyzed through a Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation model that makes it possible to evaluate its sensibility and effective frequency range. The numerical results obtained with the FEM models are validated against measurements to verify the design and performance of our NFP. The FEM model reproduces the experimental procedure, which is used to evaluate the performance of the NFP in terms of sensitivity by means of the simulated near-field distribution. The NFP-PCB has almost a flat response from 180 MHz to 6 GHz, with an almost perfect concordance between numerical and experimental S21 results. The numerical results show an average transmission loss of −27.9 dB by considering the flat response bandwidth, whereas the experimental one is −29.7 dB. Finally, the designed NFP is compared to two high-quality commercial probes in order to analyze its performance

    Coupling Between Differential Signals and the DC Power-Bus in Multilayer PCBs

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    Differential and common-mode transfer impedances are proposed herein to analyze noise coupled to (from) the dc power-bus from (to) via transitions in differential signals. Expressions for the two transfer impedances in terms of conventional single-ended transfer impedances are derived and verified through measurements, full-wave finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations and an analytical cavity model. Some properties of the differential and common-mode transfer impedances are investigated to facilitate engineering design. The impact of signal current imbalances on power-bus noise and the benefit of differential signals as compared to single-ended signals are quantified
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