39 research outputs found

    Parallel Advancing Front Grid Generation

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    A parallel advancing front scheme has been developed. The domain to be gridded is rst subdivided spatially using a relatively coarse octree. Boxes are then identiied and gridded in parallel. A scheme that resembles closely the advancing front technique on scalar machines is recovered by only considering the boxes of the active front that generate small elements. The procedure has been implemented on the SGI Origin class of machines using the shared memory paradigm. Timings for a variety of cases show speedups similar to those obtained for ow codes. The procedure has been used to generate grids in excess of a hundred million elements.&nbsp

    A parallel advancing front grid generation scheme

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    A parallel advancing front scheme has been developed. The domain to be gridded is first subdivided spatially using a relatively coarse octree. Boxes are then identified and gridded in parallel. A scheme that resembles closely the advancing front technique on scalar machines is recovered by only considering the boxes of the active front that generate small elements. The procedure has been implemented on the SGI origin class of machines using the shared memory paradigm. Timings for a variety of cases show speedups similar to those obtained for flow codes. The procedure has been used to generate grids with tens of millions of elements.&nbsp

    Recent Advances in Parallel Advancing Front Grid Generation

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    The quest for scalable, parallel advancing front grid generation techniques now spans more than two decades. A recent innovation has been the use of a so-called domain-defining grid, which has led to a dramatic increase in robustness and speed. The domain-defining grid (DDG) has the same fine surface triangulation as the final mesh desired, but a much coarser interior mesh. The DDG renders the domain to be gridded uniquely defined and allows for a well balanced work distribution among the processors during all stages of grid generation and improvement. In this way, most of the shortcomings of previous techniques are overcome. Timings show that the approach is scalable and able to produce large grids of high quality in a modest amount of clocktime. These recent advances in parallel grid generation have enabled a completely scalable simulation pipeline (grid generation, solvers, post-processing), opening the way for truly large-scale computations using unstructured, body-fitted grids

    Domain Decomposition By the Advancing-Partition Method for Parallel Unstructured Grid Generation

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    A new method of domain decomposition has been developed for generating unstructured grids in subdomains either sequentially or using multiple computers in parallel. Domain decomposition is a crucial and challenging step for parallel grid generation. Prior methods are generally based on auxiliary, complex, and computationally intensive operations for defining partition interfaces and usually produce grids of lower quality than those generated in single domains. The new technique, referred to as "Advancing Partition," is based on the Advancing-Front method, which partitions a domain as part of the volume mesh generation in a consistent and "natural" way. The benefits of this approach are: 1) the process of domain decomposition is highly automated, 2) partitioning of domain does not compromise the quality of the generated grids, and 3) the computational overhead for domain decomposition is minimal. The new method has been implemented in NASA's unstructured grid generation code VGRID

    A parametric method for unstructured mesh generation

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    The paper presents a method of mesh generation on the surfaces based on the parametric representation of these surfaces and mesh construction in 2-D reference domains. A density function is involved. The method is illustrated by some examples

    Domain Decomposition By the Advancing-Partition Method

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    A new method of domain decomposition has been developed for generating unstructured grids in subdomains either sequentially or using multiple computers in parallel. Domain decomposition is a crucial and challenging step for parallel grid generation. Prior methods are generally based on auxiliary, complex, and computationally intensive operations for defining partition interfaces and usually produce grids of lower quality than those generated in single domains. The new technique, referred to as "Advancing Partition," is based on the Advancing-Front method, which partitions a domain as part of the volume mesh generation in a consistent and "natural" way. The benefits of this approach are: 1) the process of domain decomposition is highly automated, 2) partitioning of domain does not compromise the quality of the generated grids, and 3) the computational overhead for domain decomposition is minimal. The new method has been implemented in NASA's unstructured grid generation code VGRID

    Scalable generation of large-scale unstructured meshes by a novel domain decomposition approach

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd A parallel algorithm is proposed for scalable generation of large-scale tetrahedral meshes. The key innovation is the use of a mesh-simplification based domain decomposition approach. This approach works on a background mesh with both its surface and its interior elements much larger than the final elements desired, and decomposes the domain into subdomains containing no undesirable geometric features in the inter-domain interfaces. In this way, the most time-consuming part of domain decomposition can be efficiently parallelized, and other sequential parts consume reasonably limited computing time since they treat a very coarse background mesh. Meanwhile, the subsequent parallel procedures of mesh generation and improvement are most efficient because they can treat individual subdomains without compromising element quality. Compared with published state-of-the-art parallel algorithms, the developed parallel algorithm can reduce the clock time required by the creation of one billion elements on 512 computer cores from roughly half an hour to less than 4 minutes

    An advancing front technique for filling space with arbitrary separated objects

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    An advancing front technique for filling space with arbitrary, separated objects has been developed. The input required consists of the specification of the desired object type, the mean object size, the distance between objects in space, as well as an initial triangulation of the surface. The objects are assumed to be described by a coarse mesh of tetrahedra. One face at a time is removed from the active front, and, if possible, surrounded by admissible new objects. This operation is repeated until no active faces are left. Two techniques to obtain maximum packing are discussed: closest object placement (during generation) and move/enlarge (after generation). Several examples are included that demonstrate the capabilities of the technique. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd