326 research outputs found

    High performance computing in the cloud

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    In recent years, the interest in both scientific and business workflows has increased. A workflow is composed of a series of tools, which should be executed in a predefined order to perform an analysis. Traditionally, these workflows were executed in a manual way, sending the output of one tool to the next one in the analysis process. Many applications to execute workflows automatically, appeared recently. These applications ease the work of the users while executing their analyses. In addition, from the computational point of view, some workflows require a significant amount of resources. Consequently, workflow execution moved from single workstations to distributed environments such as Grids or Clouds. Data management and tasks scheduling are required to execute workflows in an efficient way in such environments. In this thesis, we propose a cloud-based HPC environment, focusing on tasks scheduling, resources auto-scaling, data management and simplifying the access to the resources with software clients. First, the cloud computing infrastructure is devised, which includes the base software (i.e. OpenStack) plus several additional modules aimed at improving authentication (i.e. LDAP) and data management (i.e. GridFTP, Globus Online and CloudFuse). Second, built on top of the mentioned infrastructure, the TORQUE distributed resources manager and the Maui scheduler have been configured to schedule and distribute tasks to the cloud-based workers. To reduce the number of idle nodes and the incurred cost of the active cloud resources, we also propose a configurable auto-scaling technique, which is able to scale the execution cluster depending on the workload. Additionally, in order to simplify tasks submission to the TORQUE execution cluster, we have interconnected the Galaxy workflows management system with it, therefore users benefit from a simple way to execute their tasks. Finally, we conducted an experimental evaluation, composed by a number of different studies with synthetic and real-world applications, to show the behaviour of the auto-scaled execution cluster managed by TORQUE and Maui. All experiments have been performed by using an OpenStack cloud computing environment and the benchmarked applications correspond to the benchmarking suite, which is specially designed for workflows scheduling in the cloud computing environment. Cybershake, Ligo and Montage have been the selected synthetic applications from the benchmarking suite. GECKO and a GWAS pipeline represent the real-world test use cases, both having a diverse and heterogeneous set of tasks.The numerous technological advances in data acquisition techniques allow the massive production of enormous amounts of data in diverse fields such as astronomy, health and social networks. Nowadays, only a small part of this data can be analysed because of the lack of computational resources. High Performance Computing (HPC) strategies represent the single choice to analyse such overwhelming amount of data. However, in general, HPC techniques require the use of big and expensive computing and storage infrastructures, usually not affordable or available for most users. Cloud computing, where users pay for the resources they need and when they actually need them, appears as an interesting alternative. Besides the savings in hardware infrastructure, cloud computing offers further advantages such as the removal of installation, administration and supplying requirements. In addition, it enables users to use better hardware than the one they can usually afford, scale the resources depending on their needs, and a greater fault-tolerance, amongst others. The efficient utilisation of HPC resources becomes a fundamental task, particularly in cloud computing. We need to consider the cost of using HPC resources, specially in the case of cloud-based infrastructures, where users have to pay for storing, transferring and analysing data. Therefore, it is really important the usage of generic tasks scheduling and auto-scaling techniques to efficiently exploit the computational resources. It is equally important to make these tasks user-friendly through the development of tools/applications (software clients), which act as interface between the user and the infrastructure


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    High-throughput sequencing has accelerated applications of genomics throughout the world. The increased production and decentralization of sequencing has also created bottlenecks in computational analysis. In this dissertation, I provide novel computational methods to improve analysis throughput in three areas: whole genome multiple alignment, pan-genome annotation, and bioinformatics workflows. To aid in the study of populations, tools are needed that can quickly compare multiple genome sequences, millions of nucleotides in length. I present a new multiple alignment tool for whole genomes, named Mugsy, that implements a novel method for identifying syntenic regions. Mugsy is computationally efficient, does not require a reference genome, and is robust in identifying a rich complement of genetic variation including duplications, rearrangements, and large-scale gain and loss of sequence in mixtures of draft and completed genome data. Mugsy is evaluated on the alignment of several dozen bacterial chromosomes on a single computer and was the fastest program evaluated for the alignment of assembled human chromosome sequences from four individuals. A distributed version of the algorithm is also described and provides increased processing throughput using multiple CPUs. Numerous individual genomes are sequenced to study diversity, evolution and classify pan-genomes. Pan-genome annotations contain inconsistencies and errors that hinder comparative analysis, even within a single species. I introduce a new tool, Mugsy-Annotator, that identifies orthologs and anomalous gene structure across a pan-genome using whole genome multiple alignments. Identified anomalies include inconsistently located translation initiation sites and disrupted genes due to draft genome sequencing or pseudogenes. An evaluation of pan-genomes indicates that such anomalies are common and alternative annotations suggested by the tool can improve annotation consistency and quality. Finally, I describe the Cloud Virtual Resource, CloVR, a desktop application for automated sequence analysis that improves usability and accessibility of bioinformatics software and cloud computing resources. CloVR is installed on a personal computer as a virtual machine and requires minimal installation, addressing challenges in deploying bioinformatics workflows. CloVR also seamlessly accesses remote cloud computing resources for improved processing throughput. In a case study, I demonstrate the portability and scalability of CloVR and evaluate the costs and resources for microbial sequence analysis

    Alignment uncertainty, regressive alignment and large scale deployment

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    A multiple sequence alignment (MSA) provides a description of the relationship between biological sequences where columns represent a shared ancestry through an implied set of evolutionary events. The majority of research in the field has focused on improving the accuracy of alignments within the progressive alignment framework and has allowed for powerful inferences including phylogenetic reconstruction, homology modelling and disease prediction. Notwithstanding this, when applied to modern genomics datasets - often comprising tens of thousands of sequences - new challenges arise in the construction of accurate MSA. These issues can be generalised to form three basic problems. Foremost, as the number of sequences increases, progressive alignment methodologies exhibit a dramatic decrease in alignment accuracy. Additionally, for any given dataset many possible MSA solutions exist, a problem which is exacerbated with an increasing number of sequences due to alignment uncertainty. Finally, technical difficulties hamper the deployment of such genomic analysis workflows - especially in a reproducible manner - often presenting a high barrier for even skilled practitioners. This work aims to address this trifecta of problems through a web server for fast homology extension based MSA, two new methods for improved phylogenetic bootstrap supports incorporating alignment uncertainty, a novel alignment procedure that improves large scale alignments termed regressive MSA and finally a workflow framework that enables the deployment of large scale reproducible analyses across clusters and clouds titled Nextflow. Together, this work can be seen to provide both conceptual and technical advances which deliver substantial improvements to existing MSA methods and the resulting inferences.Un alineament de seqüència múltiple (MSA) proporciona una descripció de la relació entre seqüències biològiques on les columnes representen una ascendència compartida a través d'un conjunt implicat d'esdeveniments evolutius. La majoria de la investigació en el camp s'ha centrat a millorar la precisió dels alineaments dins del marc d'alineació progressiva i ha permès inferències poderoses, incloent-hi la reconstrucció filogenètica, el modelatge d'homologia i la predicció de malalties. Malgrat això, quan s'aplica als conjunts de dades de genòmica moderns, que sovint comprenen desenes de milers de seqüències, sorgeixen nous reptes en la construcció d'un MSA precís. Aquests problemes es poden generalitzar per formar tres problemes bàsics. En primer lloc, a mesura que augmenta el nombre de seqüències, les metodologies d'alineació progressiva presenten una disminució espectacular de la precisió de l'alineació. A més, per a un conjunt de dades, existeixen molts MSA com a possibles solucions un problema que s'agreuja amb un nombre creixent de seqüències a causa de la incertesa d'alineació. Finalment, les dificultats tècniques obstaculitzen el desplegament d'aquests fluxos de treball d'anàlisi genòmica, especialment de manera reproduïble, sovint presenten una gran barrera per als professionals fins i tot qualificats. Aquest treball té com a objectiu abordar aquesta trifecta de problemes a través d'un servidor web per a l'extensió ràpida d'homologia basada en MSA, dos nous mètodes per a la millora de l'arrencada filogenètica permeten incorporar incertesa d'alineació, un nou procediment d'alineació que millora els alineaments a gran escala anomenat MSA regressivu i, finalment, un marc de flux de treball permet el desplegament d'anàlisis reproduïbles a gran escala a través de clústers i computació al núvol anomenat Nextflow. En conjunt, es pot veure que aquest treball proporciona tant avanços conceptuals com tècniques que proporcionen millores substancials als mètodes MSA existents i les conseqüències resultants

    Review of state-of-the-art algorithms for genomics data analysis pipelines

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    [EN]The advent of big data and advanced genomic sequencing technologies has presented challenges in terms of data processing for clinical use. The complexity of detecting and interpreting genetic variants, coupled with the vast array of tools and algorithms and the heavy computational workload, has made the development of comprehensive genomic analysis platforms crucial to enabling clinicians to quickly provide patients with genetic results. This chapter reviews and describes the pipeline for analyzing massive genomic data using both short-read and long-read technologies, discussing the current state of the main tools used at each stage and the role of artificial intelligence in their development. It also introduces DeepNGS (deepngs.eu), an end-to-end genomic analysis web platform, including its key features and applications

    RNAdetector: a free user-friendly stand-alone and cloud-based system for RNA-Seq data analysis

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    Background: RNA-Seq is a well-established technology extensively used for transcriptome profiling, allowing the analysis of coding and non-coding RNA molecules. However, this technology produces a vast amount of data requiring sophisticated computational approaches for their analysis than other traditional technologies such as Real-Time PCR or microarrays, strongly discouraging non-expert users. For this reason, dozens of pipelines have been deployed for the analysis of RNA-Seq data. Although interesting, these present several limitations and their usage require a technical background, which may be uncommon in small research laboratories. Therefore, the application of these technologies in such contexts is still limited and causes a clear bottleneck in knowledge advancement. Results: Motivated by these considerations, we have developed RNAdetector, a new free cross-platform and user-friendly RNA-Seq data analysis software that can be used locally or in cloud environments through an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface allowing the analysis of coding and non-coding RNAs from RNA-Seq datasets of any sequenced biological species. Conclusions: RNAdetector is a new software that fills an essential gap between the needs of biomedical and research labs to process RNA-Seq data and their common lack of technical background in performing such analysis, which usually relies on outsourcing such steps to third party bioinformatics facilities or using expensive commercial software

    Yabi: An online research environment for grid, high performance and cloud computing

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    Background There is a significant demand for creating pipelines or workflows in the life science discipline that chain a number of discrete compute and data intensive analysis tasks into sophisticated analysis procedures. This need has led to the development of general as well as domain-specific workflow environments that are either complex desktop applications or Internet-based applications. Complexities can arise when configuring these applications in heterogeneous compute and storage environments if the execution and data access models are not designed appropriately. These complexities manifest themselves through limited access to available HPC resources, significant overhead required to configure tools and inability for users to simply manage files across heterogenous HPC storage infrastructure. Results In this paper, we describe the architecture of a software system that is adaptable to a range of both pluggable execution and data backends in an open source implementation called Yabi. Enabling seamless and transparent access to heterogenous HPC environments at its core, Yabi then provides an analysis workflow environment that can create and reuse workflows as well as manage large amounts of both raw and processed data in a secure and flexible way across geographically distributed compute resources. Yabi can be used via a web-based environment to drag-and-drop tools to create sophisticated workflows. Yabi can also be accessed through the Yabi command line which is designed for users that are more comfortable with writing scripts or for enabling external workflow environments to leverage the features in Yabi. Configuring tools can be a significant overhead in workflow environments. Yabi greatly simplifies this task by enabling system administrators to configure as well as manage running tools via a web-based environment and without the need to write or edit software programs or scripts. In this paper, we highlight Yabi's capabilities through a range of bioinformatics use cases that arise from large-scale biomedical data analysis. Conclusion The Yabi system encapsulates considered design of both execution and data models, while abstracting technical details away from users who are not skilled in HPC and providing an intuitive drag-and-drop scalable web-based workflow environment where the same tools can also be accessed via a command line. Yabi is currently in use and deployed at multiple institutions and is available at http://ccg.murdoch.edu.au/yabi

    Development of computational techniques for genomic data analysis and visualisation in model and non-model organisms

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    This thesis describes the work undertaken by the author between 2011 and 2018. With technological development, genome sequencing became affordable and accessible to the scientific communities. This led to the generation of an enormous amount of genomic data and bioinformatics tools to analyse and visualise these data. However, most of the public resources are designed for model organisms, and gold standard curated genomes. These tools are designed to run in a specifically configured environment as well as dependent on specific data formats. Chapter 1 of my thesis introduces the state of the field, the existing tools, their functionalities, and their limitations that prompted the software developments presented in the following chapters. In chapter 2, I discuss the TGAC Browser, an open-source genome browser and wigExplorer, a BioJS plugin to visualise expression data. In chapter 3, I move towards finding gene families using GeneSeqToFamily, a Galaxy workflow based on the EnsemblCompara GeneTree pipeline. In chapter 4, I focus on a tool developed for visualisation of gene families - Aequatus, an open-source homology browser and ViCTreeView, a plugin developed as a part of the ViCTree project to visualise and explore phylogenetic trees. In chapter 5, I discuss the availability and accessibility of these tools. All the tools and workflows I have developed are open-source, under a free licence, and are available in GitHub and/or the Galaxy ToolShed. I will also discuss the impact that these tools have made on various research projects. I also take this opportunity to discuss the possibilities of future developments of these tools