420 research outputs found

    User-Centric Security and Privacy Mechanisms in Untrusted Networking and Computing Environments

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    Our modern society is increasingly relying on the collection, processing, and sharing of digital information. There are two fundamental trends: (1) Enabled by the rapid developments in sensor, wireless, and networking technologies, communication and networking are becoming more and more pervasive and ad hoc. (2) Driven by the explosive growth of hardware and software capabilities, computation power is becoming a public utility and information is often stored in centralized servers which facilitate ubiquitous access and sharing. Many emerging platforms and systems hinge on both dimensions, such as E-healthcare and Smart Grid. However, the majority information handled by these critical systems is usually sensitive and of high value, while various security breaches could compromise the social welfare of these systems. Thus there is an urgent need to develop security and privacy mechanisms to protect the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of the collected data, and to control the disclosure of private information. In achieving that, two unique challenges arise: (1) There lacks centralized trusted parties in pervasive networking; (2) The remote data servers tend not to be trusted by system users in handling their data. They make existing security solutions developed for traditional networked information systems unsuitable. To this end, in this dissertation we propose a series of user-centric security and privacy mechanisms that resolve these challenging issues in untrusted network and computing environments, spanning wireless body area networks (WBAN), mobile social networks (MSN), and cloud computing. The main contributions of this dissertation are fourfold. First, we propose a secure ad hoc trust initialization protocol for WBAN, without relying on any pre-established security context among nodes, while defending against a powerful wireless attacker that may or may not compromise sensor nodes. The protocol is highly usable for a human user. Second, we present novel schemes for sharing sensitive information among distributed mobile hosts in MSN which preserves user privacy, where the users neither need to fully trust each other nor rely on any central trusted party. Third, to realize owner-controlled sharing of sensitive data stored on untrusted servers, we put forward a data access control framework using Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), that supports scalable fine-grained access and on-demand user revocation, and is free of key-escrow. Finally, we propose mechanisms for authorized keyword search over encrypted data on untrusted servers, with efficient multi-dimensional range, subset and equality query capabilities, and with enhanced search privacy. The common characteristic of our contributions is they minimize the extent of trust that users must place in the corresponding network or computing environments, in a way that is user-centric, i.e., favoring individual owners/users

    Lime: Data Lineage in the Malicious Environment

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    Intentional or unintentional leakage of confidential data is undoubtedly one of the most severe security threats that organizations face in the digital era. The threat now extends to our personal lives: a plethora of personal information is available to social networks and smartphone providers and is indirectly transferred to untrustworthy third party and fourth party applications. In this work, we present a generic data lineage framework LIME for data flow across multiple entities that take two characteristic, principal roles (i.e., owner and consumer). We define the exact security guarantees required by such a data lineage mechanism toward identification of a guilty entity, and identify the simplifying non repudiation and honesty assumptions. We then develop and analyze a novel accountable data transfer protocol between two entities within a malicious environment by building upon oblivious transfer, robust watermarking, and signature primitives. Finally, we perform an experimental evaluation to demonstrate the practicality of our protocol

    A Comprehensive Survey on Signcryption Security Mechanisms in Wireless Body Area Networks

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    WBANs (Wireless Body Area Networks) are frequently depicted as a paradigm shift in healthcare from traditional to modern E-Healthcare. The vitals of the patient signs by the sensors are highly sensitive, secret, and vulnerable to numerous adversarial attacks. Since WBANs is a real-world application of the healthcare system, it’s vital to ensure that the data acquired by the WBANs sensors is secure and not accessible to unauthorized parties or security hazards. As a result, effective signcryption security solutions are required for the WBANs’ success and widespread use. Over the last two decades, researchers have proposed a slew of signcryption security solutions to achieve this goal. The lack of a clear and unified study in terms of signcryption solutions can offer a bird’s eye view of WBANs. Based on the most recent signcryption papers, we analyzed WBAN’s communication architecture, security requirements, and the primary problems in WBANs to meet the aforementioned objectives. This survey also includes the most up to date signcryption security techniques in WBANs environments. By identifying and comparing all available signcryption techniques in the WBANs sector, the study will aid the academic community in understanding security problems and causes. The goal of this survey is to provide a comparative review of the existing signcryption security solutions and to analyze the previously indicated solution given for WBANs. A multi-criteria decision-making approach is used for a comparative examination of the existing signcryption solutions. Furthermore, the survey also highlights some of the public research issues that researchers must face to develop the security features of WBANs.publishedVersio

    Private set intersection: A systematic literature review

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    Secure Multi-party Computation (SMPC) is a family of protocols which allow some parties to compute a function on their private inputs, obtaining the output at the end and nothing more. In this work, we focus on a particular SMPC problem named Private Set Intersection (PSI). The challenge in PSI is how two or more parties can compute the intersection of their private input sets, while the elements that are not in the intersection remain private. This problem has attracted the attention of many researchers because of its wide variety of applications, contributing to the proliferation of many different approaches. Despite that, current PSI protocols still require heavy cryptographic assumptions that may be unrealistic in some scenarios. In this paper, we perform a Systematic Literature Review of PSI solutions, with the objective of analyzing the main scenarios where PSI has been studied and giving the reader a general taxonomy of the problem together with a general understanding of the most common tools used to solve it. We also analyze the performance using different metrics, trying to determine if PSI is mature enough to be used in realistic scenarios, identifying the pros and cons of each protocol and the remaining open problems.This work has been partially supported by the projects: BIGPrivDATA (UMA20-FEDERJA-082) from the FEDER Andalucía 2014– 2020 Program and SecTwin 5.0 funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain, and the European Union (Next Generation EU) (TED2021-129830B-I00). The first author has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the National F.P.U. Program (FPU19/01118). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    An architecture for secure data management in medical research and aided diagnosis

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] O Regulamento Xeral de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) implantouse o 25 de maio de 2018 e considerase o desenvolvemento mais importante na regulacion da privacidade de datos dos ultimos 20 anos. As multas fortes definense por violar esas regras e non e algo que os centros sanitarios poidan permitirse ignorar. O obxectivo principal desta tese e estudar e proponer unha capa segura/integracion para os curadores de datos sanitarios, onde: a conectividade entre sistemas illados (localizacions), a unificacion de rexistros nunha vision centrada no paciente e a comparticion de datos coa aprobacion do consentimento sexan as pedras angulares de a arquitectura controlar a sua identidade, os perfis de privacidade e as subvencions de acceso. Ten como obxectivo minimizar o medo a responsabilidade legal ao compartir os rexistros medicos mediante o uso da anonimizacion e facendo que os pacientes sexan responsables de protexer os seus propios rexistros medicos, pero preservando a calidade do tratamento do paciente. A nosa hipotese principal e: os conceptos Distributed Ledger e Self-Sovereign Identity son unha simbiose natural para resolver os retos do GDPR no contexto da saude? Requirense solucions para que os medicos e investigadores poidan manter os seus fluxos de traballo de colaboracion sen comprometer as regulacions. A arquitectura proposta logra eses obxectivos nun ambiente descentralizado adoptando perfis de privacidade de datos illados.[Resumen] El Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) se implemento el 25 de mayo de 2018 y se considera el desarrollo mas importante en la regulacion de privacidad de datos en los ultimos 20 anos. Las fuertes multas estan definidas por violar esas reglas y no es algo que los centros de salud puedan darse el lujo de ignorar. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar y proponer una capa segura/de integración para curadores de datos de atencion medica, donde: la conectividad entre sistemas aislados (ubicaciones), la unificacion de registros en una vista centrada en el paciente y el intercambio de datos con la aprobacion del consentimiento son los pilares de la arquitectura propuesta. Esta propuesta otorga al titular de los datos un rol central, que le permite controlar su identidad, perfiles de privacidad y permisos de acceso. Su objetivo es minimizar el temor a la responsabilidad legal al compartir registros medicos utilizando el anonimato y haciendo que los pacientes sean responsables de proteger sus propios registros medicos, preservando al mismo tiempo la calidad del tratamiento del paciente. Nuestra hipotesis principal es: .son los conceptos de libro mayor distribuido e identidad autosuficiente una simbiosis natural para resolver los desafios del RGPD en el contexto de la atencion medica? Se requieren soluciones para que los medicos y los investigadores puedan mantener sus flujos de trabajo de colaboracion sin comprometer las regulaciones. La arquitectura propuesta logra esos objetivos en un entorno descentralizado mediante la adopcion de perfiles de privacidad de datos aislados.[Abstract] The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on 25 May 2018 and is considered the most important development in data privacy regulation in the last 20 years. Heavy fines are defined for violating those rules and is not something that healthcare centers can afford to ignore. The main goal of this thesis is to study and propose a secure/integration layer for healthcare data curators, where: connectivity between isolated systems (locations), unification of records in a patientcentric view and data sharing with consent approval are the cornerstones of the proposed architecture. This proposal empowers the data subject with a central role, which allows to control their identity, privacy profiles and access grants. It aims to minimize the fear of legal liability when sharing medical records by using anonymisation and making patients responsible for securing their own medical records, yet preserving the patient’s quality of treatment. Our main hypothesis is: are the Distributed Ledger and Self-Sovereign Identity concepts a natural symbiosis to solve the GDPR challenges in the context of healthcare? Solutions are required so that clinicians and researchers can maintain their collaboration workflows without compromising regulations. The proposed architecture accomplishes those objectives in a decentralized environment by adopting isolated data privacy profiles

    Contributions to the security and privacy of electronic ticketing systems

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    Un bitllet electrònic és un contracte en format digital entre dues parts, l'usuari i el proveïdor de serveis, on hi queda reflectit l'acord entre ambdós per tal que l'usuari rebi el servei que desitja per part del proveïdor. Els bitllets són emprats en diferents tipus de serveis, com esdeveniments lúdics o esportius, i especialment en l'àmbit del transport. En aquest cas permet reduir costos donat l'alt volum d'usuaris, a més de facilitar la identificació del flux de viatges. Aquesta informació permet preveure i planificar els sistemes de transport de forma més dinàmica. La seguretat dels bitllets electrònics és clau perquè es despleguin a l'entorn real, com també ho és la privadesa dels seus usuaris. La privadesa inclou tant l'anonimitat dels usuaris, és a dir, una acció no s'ha de poder atribuir fàcilment a un determinat usuari, com també la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments d'un determinat usuari. En aquesta tesi proposem protocols de bitllets electrònics que mantinguin les propietats dels bitllets en paper juntament amb els avantatges dels bitllets digitals. Primerament fem un estat de l'art amb les propostes relacionades, analitzant-ne els requisits de seguretat que compleixen. Presentem un protocol de bitllets electrònics que incorpora els nous requisits de seguretat d'exculpabilitat i reutilització, diferents dels que haviem analitzat, tot complint també la privadesa pels usuaris. Posteriorment, presentem una proposta de bitllets electrònics adaptada als sistemes de pagament depenent de l'ús, bàsicament enfocat al transport, que incorpora tant l'anonimat pels usuaris, com també la enllaçabilitat a curt termini, és a dir, complint la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments del mateix usuari, però permetent la enllaçabilitat de les accions relacionades amb el mateix trajecte (p.ex. entrada i sortida). Finalment, mitjançant una evolució de la mateixa tècnica criptogràfica utilitzada en el sistema de pagament per ús, millorant-ne el temps de verificació per a múltiples bitllets alhora (verificació en ``batch''), presentem una proposta que pot ser útil per a varis sistemes de verificació massiva de missatges, posant com a cas d'ús l'aplicació a sistemes de xarxes vehiculars.An electronic ticket is a digital contract between two parties, that is, the user and the service provider. An agreement between them is established in order that the user can receive the desired service. These tickets are used in different types of services, such as sports or entertainment events, especially in the field of transport. In the case of transport, costs can be reduced due to the high volume of users, and the identification of the travel flow is facilitated. This information allows the forecast and planification of transport systems more dynamically. The security of electronic tickets is very important to be deployed in the real scenarios, as well as the privacy for their users. Privacy includes both the anonymity of users, which implies that an action cannot be easily attributed to a particular user, and also the unlinkability of the different movements of that user. This thesis presents protocols which keep the same security requirements of paper tickets while offering the advantages of digital tickets. Firstly, we perform a state of the art with the related proposals, by analysing the security requirements considered. We then present an electronic ticketing system that includes the security requirements of exculpability and reusability, thus guaranteeing the privacy for users. We later present a proposal of electronic ticketing systems adapted to use-dependant payment systems, especially focused on transport, which includes both the anonymity of users and the short-term linkability of their movements. The related actions of a journey of a determined user can be linkable between them (i.e. entrance and exit of the system) but not with other movements that the user performs. Finally, as an extension of the previous use-dependant payment system solution, we introduce the case of mass-verification systems, where many messages have to be verified in short time, and we present a proposal as a vehicular network use case that guarantees privacy for users with short-term linkability and can verify these messages efficiently


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    In distributed systems users often need to share sensitive data with other users based on the latter's ability to satisfy various policies. In many cases the data owner may not even know the identities of the data recipients, but deems it crucial that they are legitimate; i.e., satisfy the policy. Enabling such data sharing over the Internet faces the challenge of (1) securely associating access policies with data and enforcing them, and (2) protecting data as it traverses untrusted proxies and intermediate repositories. Furthermore, it is desirable to achieve properties such as: (1) flexibility of access policies; (2) privacy of sensitive access policies; (3) minimal reliance on trusted third parties; and (4) efficiency of access policy enforcement. Often schemes enabling controlled data sharing need to trade one property for another. In this dissertation, we propose two complimentary policy-based data sharing schemes that achieve different subsets of the above desired properties. In the first part of this dissertation, we focus on CiphertextPolicy Attribute- Based Encryption (CP-ABE) schemes that specify and enforce access policies cryptographically and eliminate trusted mediators. We motivate the need for flexible attribute organization within user keys for efficient support of many practical applications. We then propose Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Set Based Encryption (CP-ASBE) which is the first CP-ABE scheme to (1) efficiently support naturally occurring compound attributes, (2) support multiple numerical assignments for a given attribute in a single key and (3) provide efficient key management. While the CP-ASBE scheme minimizes reliance on trusted mediators, it can support neither context-based policies nor policy privacy. In the second part of this dissertation, we propose Policy Based Encryption System (PBES), which employs mediated decryption and supports both context-based policies and policy privacy. Finally, we integrate the proposed schemes into practical applications (i.e., CP-ASBE scheme with Attribute-Based Messaging (ABM) and PBES scheme with a conditional data sharing application in the Power Grid) and demonstrate their usefulness in practice