431 research outputs found

    Infraestrutura de beira de estrada para apoio a sistemas cooperativos e inteligentes de transportes

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    The growing need of mobility along with the evolution of the automotive industry and the massification of the personal vehicle amplifies some of the road-related problems such as safety and traffic congestion. To mitigate such issues, the evolution towards cooperative communicating technologies and autonomous systems is considered a solution to overcome the human physical limitations and the limited perception horizon of on-board sensors. Short-range vehicular communications such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (ETSI ITS-G5) in conjunction with long-range cellular communications (LTE,5G) and standardized messages, emerge as viable solutions to amplify the benefits that standalone technologies can bring to the road environment, by covering a wide array of applications and use cases. In compliance with the standardization work from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), this dissertation describes the implementation of the collective perception service in a real road infrastructure to assist the maneuvers of autonomous vehicles and provide information to a central road operator. This work is focused on building standardized collective perception messages (CPM) by retrieving information from traffic classification radars (installed in the PASMO project) for local dissemination using ETSI ITS-G5 radio technology and creating a redundant communication channel between the road infrastructure and a central traffic control centre, located at the Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, taking advantage of cellular, point-to-point radio links and optical fiber communications. The output of the messages are shown to the user by a mobile application. The service is further improved by building an algorithm for optimizing the message dissemination to improve channel efficiency in more demanding scenarios. The results of the experimental tests showed that the time delay between the production event of the collective perception message and the reception by other ITS stations is within the boundaries defined by ETSI standards. Moreover, the algorithm for message dissemination also shows to increase radio channel efficiency by limiting the number of objects disseminated by CPM messages. The collective perception service developed and the road infrastructure are therefore, a valuable asset to provide useful information for improving road safety and fostering the deployment of intelligent cooperative transportation systems.A crescente necessidade de mobilidade em paralelo com a evolução da indústria automóvel e com a massificação do uso de meios de transportes pessoais, têm vindo a amplificar alguns problemas dos transportes rodoviários, tais como a segurança e o congestionamento do tráfego. Para mitigar estas questões, a evolução das tecnologias de comunicação cooperativas e dos sistemas autónomos é vista como uma potencial solução para ultrapassar limitações dos condutores e do horizonte de perceção dos sensores veículares. Comunicações de curto alcance, tais como Veículo-a-Veículo ou Veículo-a-Infrastrutura (ETSI ITS-G5), em conjunto com comunicações móveis de longo alcance (LTE,5G) e mensagens padrão, emergem como soluções viáveis para amplificar todos os beneficios que tecnologias independentes podem trazer para o ambiente rodoviário, cobrindo um grande leque de aplicações e casos de uso da estrada. Em conformidade com o trabalho de padronização da European Telecommunications Standards Institute, esta dissertação descreve a implementação do serviço de perceção coletiva, numa infrastrutura rodoviária real, para suporte a manobras de veículos autónomos e para fornecer informações aos operadores de estradas. Este trabalho foca-se na construção de mensagens de perceção coletiva a partir de informação gerada por radares de classificação de tráfego (instalados no âmbito do projeto PASMO) para disseminação local usando a tecnologia rádio ETSI ITS-G5 e criando um canal de comunicação redundante entre a infraestrutura rodóviaria e um centro de controlo de tráfego localizado no Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, usando para isso: redes móveis, ligações rádio ponto a ponto e fibra ótica. O conteúdo destas messagens é mostrado ao utilizador através de uma aplicação móvel. O serviço é ainda melhorado, tendo-se para tal desenvolvido um algoritmo de otimização de disseminação das mensagens, tendo em vista melhorar a eficiência do canal de transmissão em cenários mais exigentes. Os resultados dos testes experimentais efetuados revelaram que o tempo de atraso entre o evento de produção de uma mensagem de perceção coletiva e a receção por outra estação ITS, usando comunicações ITS-G5, se encontra dentro dos limites definidos pelos padrões da ETSI. Além disso, o algoritmo para disseminação de mensagens também mostrou aumentar a eficiência do canal de rádio, limitando o número de objetos disseminados pelas mesmas. Assim, o serviço de perceção coletiva desenvolvido poderá ser uma ferramenta valiosa, contribuindo para o aumento da segurança rodóviaria e para a disseminação da utilização dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligente.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Implementation and experimental evaluation of Cooperative Awareness Basic Service for V2X Communications

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    A key aspect of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is the concept of cooperative awareness, wherein the periodic exchange of status information allows vehicles to become aware of their surroundings for increased traffic safety and efficiency. This project aimed to implement the Cooperative Awareness (CA) basic service through the development of a low-cost, open-source On-board Unit (OBU)/Roadside Unit (RSU) that periodically broadcasts Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) using the 5.9 GHz band. Its proper operation and interoperability were verified by testing it with a commercial V2X device. This project also aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CA basic service through the development of an IEEE 802.11p-based V2X system simulator. The simulations were executed with varying vehicle traffic load (by changing the vehicle speed and the number of lanes) and CAM transmit frequency. The performance was then assessed by analyzing the Packet Reception Ratio (PRR), position error and Neighborhood Awareness Ratio (NAR) metrics. The presence of more vehicles in the slow speed and high lane count scenarios caused higher packet losses due to increased interference and collision probability, leading to low PRR and NAR values. Despite losing more CAMs, the slow speed scenarios had lower position errors since the displacement of vehicles was small. When the CAM transmit frequency was increased, the PRR decreased due to packet collisions. However, the position error was kept low as it benefited from the more frequent CAM transmissions and local database updates. Increasing the transmit frequency also increased the NAR, at least until a certain frequency threshold, beyond which the NAR started to worsen due to the dominant effect of interference in high message traffic situations

    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Growth and Survey for Three Layers

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    A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a mobile ad hoc network that allows wireless communication between vehicles, as well as between vehicles and roadside equipment. Communication between vehicles promotes safety and reliability, and can be a source of entertainment. We investigated the historical development, characteristics, and application fields of VANET and briefly introduced them in this study. Advantages and disadvantages were discussed based on our analysis and comparison of various classes of MAC and routing protocols applied to VANET. Ideas and breakthrough directions for inter-vehicle communication designs were proposed based on the characteristics of VANET. This article also illustrates physical, MAC, and network layer in details which represent the three layers of VANET. The main works of the active research institute on VANET were introduced to help researchers track related advanced research achievements on the subject

    Vehicular communication management framework : a flexible hybrid connectivity platform for CCAM services

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    In the upcoming decade and beyond, the Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) initiative will play a huge role in increasing road safety, traffic efficiency and comfort of driving in Europe. While several individual vehicular wireless communication technologies exist, there is still a lack of real flexible and modular platforms that can support the need for hybrid communication. In this paper, we propose a novel vehicular communication management framework (CAMINO), which incorporates flexible support for both short-range direct and long-range cellular technologies and offers built-in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems' (C-ITS) services for experimental validation in real-life settings. Moreover, integration with vehicle and infrastructure sensors/actuators and external services is enabled using a Distributed Uniform Streaming (DUST) framework. The framework is implemented and evaluated in the Smart Highway test site for two targeted use cases, proofing the functional operation in realistic environments. The flexibility and the modular architecture of the hybrid CAMINO framework offers valuable research potential in the field of vehicular communications and CCAM services and can enable cross-technology vehicular connectivity

    Radio resource management for V2X in cellular systems

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    The thesis focuses on the provision of cellular vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications, which have attracted great interest for 5G due to the potential of improving traffic safety and enabling new services related to intelligent transportation systems. These types of services have strict requirements on reliability, access availability, and end-to-end (E2E) latency. V2X requires advanced network management techniques that must be developed based on the characteristics of the networks and traffic requirements. The integration of the Sidelink (SL), which enables the direct communication between vehicles (i.e., vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)) without passing through the base station into cellular networks is a promising solution for enhancing the performance of V2X in cellular systems. In this thesis, we addressed some of the challenges arising from the integration of V2V communication in cellular systems and validated the potential of this technology by providing appropriate resource management solutions. Our main contributions have been in the context of radio access network slicing, mode selection, and radio resource allocation mechanisms. With regard to the first research direction that focuses on the RAN slicing management, a novel strategy based on offline Q-learning and softmax decision-making has been proposed as an enhanced solution to determine the adequate split of resources between a slice for eMBB communications and a slice for V2X. Then, starting from the outcome of the off-line Q-learning algorithm, a low-complexity heuristic strategy has been proposed to achieve further improvements in the use of resources. The proposed solution has been compared against proportional and fixed reference schemes. The extensive performance assessment have revealed the ability of the proposed algorithms to improve network performance compared to the reference schemes, especially in terms of resource utilization, throughput, latency and outage probability. Regarding the second research direction that focuses on the mode selection, two different mode selection solutions referred to as MSSB and MS-RBRS strategies have been proposed for V2V communication over a cellular network. The MSSB strategy decides when it is appropriate to use one or the other mode, i.e. sidelink or cellular, for the involved vehicles, taking into account the quality of the links between V2V users, the available resources, and the network traffic load situation. Moreover, the MS-RBRS strategy not only selects the appropriate mode of operation but also decides efficiently the amount of resources needed by V2V links in each mode and allows reusing RBs between different SL users while guaranteeing the minimum signal to interference requirements. The conducted simulations have revealed that the MS-RBRS and MSSB strategies are beneficial in terms of throughput, radio resource utilization, outage probability and latency under different offered loads comparing to the reference scheme. Last, we have focused on the resource allocation problem including jointly mode selection and radio resource scheduling. For the mode selection, a novel mode selection has been presented to decide when it is appropriate to select sidelink mode and use a distributed approach for radio resource allocation or cellular mode and use a centralized radio resource allocation. It takes into account three aspects: the quality of the links between V2V users, the available resources, and the latency. As for the radio resource allocation, the proposed approach includes a distributed radio resource allocation for sidelink mode and a centralized radio resource allocation for cellular mode. The proposed strategy supports dynamic assignments by allowing transmission over mini-slots. A simulation-based analysis has shown that the proposed strategies improved the network performance in terms of latency of V2V services, packet success rate and resource utilization under different network loads.La tesis se centra en la provisión de comunicaciones para vehículos sistemas celulares (V2X: Vehicle to Everything), que han atraído un gran interés en el contexto de 5G debido a su potencial de mejorar la seguridad del tráfico y habilitar nuevos servicios relacionados con los sistemas inteligentes de transporte. Estos tipos de servicios tienen requisitos estrictos en términos fiabilidad, disponibilidad de acceso y latencia de extremo a extremo (E2E). Para ello, V2X requiere técnicas avanzadas de gestión de red que deben desarrollarse en función de las características de las redes y los requisitos de tráfico. La integración del Sidelink (SL), que permite la comunicación directa entre vehículos (es decir, vehículo a vehículo (V2V)) sin pasar por la estación base de las redes celulares, es una solución prometedora para mejorar el rendimiento de V2X en el sistema celular. En esta tesis, abordamos algunos de los desafíos derivados de la integración de la comunicación V2V en los sistemas celulares y validamos el potencial de esta tecnología al proporcionar soluciones de gestión de recursos adecuadas. Nuestras principales contribuciones han sido en el contexto del denominado "slicing" de redes de acceso radio, la selección de modo y los mecanismos de asignación de recursos radio. Respecto a la primera dirección de investigación que se centra en la gestión del RAN slicing, se ha propuesto una estrategia novedosa basada en Q-learning y toma de decisiones softmax como una solución para determinar la división adecuada de recursos entre un slice para comunicaciones eMBB y un slice para V2X. Luego, a partir del resultado del algoritmo de Q-learning, se ha propuesto una estrategia heurística de baja complejidad para lograr mejoras adicionales en el uso de los recursos. La solución propuesta se ha comparado con esquemas de referencia proporcionales y fijos. La evaluación ha revelado la capacidad de los algoritmos propuestos para mejorar el rendimiento de la red en comparación con los esquemas de referencia, especialmente en términos de utilización de recursos, rendimiento, y latencia . Con respecto a la segunda dirección de investigación que se centra en la selección de modo, se han propuesto dos soluciones de diferentes llamadas estrategias MSSB y MS-RBRS para la comunicación V2V a través de una red celular. La estrategia MSSB decide cuándo es apropiado usar el modo SL o el modo celular, para los vehículos involucrados, teniendo en cuenta la calidad de los enlaces entre los usuarios de V2V, los recursos disponibles y la situación de carga de tráfico de la red. Además, la estrategia MS-RBRS no solo selecciona el modo de operación apropiado, sino que también decide eficientemente la cantidad de recursos que los enlaces V2V necesitan en cada modo, y permite que los RB se reutilicen entre diferentes usuarios de SL al tiempo que garantiza requisitos mínimos de señal a interferencia. Se ha presentado un análisis basado en simulación para evaluar el desempeño de las estrategias propuestas. Finalmente, nos hemos centrado en el problema conjunto de la selección de modo y la asignación de recursos de radio. Para la selección de modo, se ha presentado una nueva estrategia para decidir cuándo es apropiado seleccionar el modo SL y usar un enfoque distribuido para la asignación de recursos de radio o el modo celular y usar la asignación de recursos de radio centralizada. Tiene en cuenta tres aspectos: la calidad de los enlaces entre los usuarios de V2V, los recursos disponibles y la latencia. En términos de asignación de recursos de radio, el enfoque propuesto incluye una asignación de recursos de radio distribuida para el modo SL y una asignación de recursos de radio centralizada para el modo celular. La estrategia propuesta admite asignaciones dinámicas al permitir la transmisión a través de mini-slots. Los resultados muestran las mejoras en términos de latencia, tasa de recepción y la utilización de recursos bajo diferentes cargas de red.Postprint (published version

    Detecting Non-Line of Sight to Prevent Accidents in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    There are still many challenges in the field of VANETs that encouraged researchers to conduct further investigation in this field to meet these challenges. The issue pertaining to routing protocols such as delivering the warning messages to the vehicles facing Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) situations without causing the storm problem and channel contention, is regarded as a serious dilemma which is required to be tackled in VANET, especially in congested environments. This requires the designing of an efficient mechanism of routing protocol that can broadcast the warning messages from the emergency vehicles to the vehicles under NLOS, reducing the overhead and increasing the packet delivery ratio with a reduced time delay and channel utilisation. The main aim of this work is to develop the novel routing protocol for a high-density environment in VANET through utilisation of its high mobility features, aid of the sensors such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Navigation System (NS). In this work, the cooperative approach has been used to develop the routing protocol called the Co-operative Volunteer Protocol (CVP), which uses volunteer vehicles to disseminate the warning message from the source to the target vehicle under NLOS issue; this also increases the packet delivery ratio, detection of NLOS and resolution of NLOS by delivering the warning message successfully to the vehicle under NLOS, thereby causing a direct impact on the reduction of collisions between vehicles in normal mode and emergency mode on the road near intersections or on highways. The cooperative approach adopted for warning message dissemination reduced the rebroadcast rate of messages, thereby decreasing significantly the storm issue and the channel contention. A novel architecture has been developed by utilising the concept of a Context-Aware System (CAS), which clarifies the OBU components and their interaction with each other in order to collect data and take the decisions based on the sensed circumstances. The proposed architecture has been divided into three main phases: sensing, processing and acting. The results obtained from the validation of the proposed CVP protocol using the simulator EstiNet under specific conditions and parameters showed that performance of the proposed protocol is better than that of the GRANT protocol with regard to several metrics such as packet delivery ratio, neighbourhood awareness, channel utilisation, overhead and latency. It is also successfully shown that the proposed CVP could detect the NLOS situation and solves it effectively and efficiently for both the intersection scenario in urban areas and the highway scenario

    Vehicular Communication in Obstructed and Non Line-of-Sight Scenarios

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    Since the invention of the first car available to masses, the 1908 Ford Model T, technology has advanced towards making car travel safer for occupants and bystanders. In recent years, wireless communication has been introduced in the vehicular industry as a means to avoid accidents and save lives.Wireless communication may sometimes be challenging due to obstacles in the physical world that interact with wireless signals. Such obstacles may be dynamic, e.g. other vehicles in the traffic flow, or static, e.g. nearby buildings. Two scenarios are defined to describe those cases. The obstructed line-of-sight (OLOS) scenario is described as the case where a smaller obstacle, usually a vehicle, is placed in-between a transmitter and a receiver. This obstacle usually partially blocks communication and the receiver often moves in an out of the line-of-sight. The non line-of-sight (NLOS) scenario is described as the case where a larger obstacle completely blocks communication between a transmitter and a receiver. An example would be a building at an intersection which shadows the communication between two vehicles. In this thesis the OLOS and NLOS scenarios are investigated from different points of view.In chapter 2, a road side unit (RSU) that has been constructed and evaluated for integrating older vehicles without wireless communication with newer vehicles using wireless communication is described. Older vehicles are being detected using a universal medium-range radar and their position and speed vectors are broadcasted wirelessly to newer vehicles. Tests have been performed by using the system in parallel with wireless enabled vehicles; by comparing the content in the messages obtained from both systems, the RSU has been found to perform adequately. Accuracy tests have been performed on the system and Kalman filtering has been applied to improve the accuracy even further.Chapter 3 focuses on the OLOS scenario. A truck as an obstacle for wireless vehicular communication is being investigated. Real life measurements have been performed to characterize and model the wireless channel around the truck. The distance dependent path loss and additional shadowing loss due to the truck is analyzed through dynamic measurements. The large scale fading, delay and Doppler spreads are characterized as a measure of the channel dispersion in the time and frequency domains. It has been found that a truck as an obstacle reduces the received power by 12 and 13 dB on average in rural and highway scenarios, respectively. Also, the dispersion in time and frequency domains is highly increased when the line-of-sight is obstructed by the truck. A model for power contributions due to diffraction around the truck has also been proposed and evaluated using the previously mentioned real life measurements. It has been found that communication may actually be possible using solely diffraction around a truck as a propagation mechanism.Finally, in chapter 4 a wireless channel emulator that has been constructed and evaluated is described. Modem manufacturers face a challenge when designing and implementing equipment for highly dynamic environments found in vehicular communication. For testing and evaluation real-life measurements with vehicles are required, which is often an expensive and slow process. The channel emulator proposed is designed and implemented using a software defined radio (SDR). The emulator together with the proposed test methodology enables quick on-bench evaluation of wireless modems. It may also be used to evaluate modem performance in different NLOS and OLOS scenarios

    C-V2X Vision in the Chinese Roadmap: Standardization, Field Tests, and Industrialization

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    Cellular-based V2X (C-V2X) technology promoted by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is gaining increasing attention globally, after many year-long competition with dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) supported by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for vehicular to everything communication. As a rising star, China continuously and actively focuses on and contributes to the C-V2X technology development in this technology marathon. Starting from the standardization progress, a quite few Chinese-specific use cases and communication messages are defined for the complicated urban traffics. Based on these dedicatedly designed higher layer protocols, the annual field tests are progressively conducted to testify the interoperability among chipsets, modules, security certificates, and original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Putting enough efforts on industry standards and tests, China is fast commercializing the C-V2X-based road services, for example, robotaxi and robot-bus in representative cities. Thus, in this chapter, we propose to provide sufficient technology views and a summary to show such advanced Chinese C-V2X philosophy

    Communication Architecture in the Chosen Telematics Transport Systems

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