1,927 research outputs found

    Wearable and Implantable Wireless Sensor Network Solutions for Healthcare Monitoring

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies are considered one of the key research areas in computer science and the healthcare application industries for improving the quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to provide a snapshot of current developments and future direction of research on wearable and implantable body area network systems for continuous monitoring of patients. This paper explains the important role of body sensor networks in medicine to minimize the need for caregivers and help the chronically ill and elderly people live an independent life, besides providing people with quality care. The paper provides several examples of state of the art technology together with the design considerations like unobtrusiveness, scalability, energy efficiency, security and also provides a comprehensive analysis of the various benefits and drawbacks of these systems. Although offering significant benefits, the field of wearable and implantable body sensor networks still faces major challenges and open research problems which are investigated and covered, along with some proposed solutions, in this paper

    Maximum Likelihood Detection for Cooperative Molecular Communication

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    In this paper, symbol-by-symbol maximum likelihood (ML) detection is proposed for a cooperative diffusion-based molecular communication (MC) system. In this system, a fusion center (FC) chooses the transmitter's symbol that is more likely, given the likelihood of the observations from multiple receivers (RXs). We propose three different ML detection variants according to different constraints on the information available to the FC, which enables us to demonstrate trade-offs in their performance versus the information available. The system error probability for one variant is derived in closed form. Numerical and simulation results show that the ML detection variants provide lower bounds on the error performance of the simpler cooperative variants and demonstrate that majority rule detection has performance comparable to ML detection when the reporting is noisy.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figurs. This work has been accepted by the IEEE ICC 201

    Broadcast-oriented wireless network-on-chip : fundamentals and feasibility

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit Enginyeria de les TICRecent years have seen the emergence and ubiquitous adoption of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), which rely on the coordinated operation of multiple execution units or cores. Successive CMP generations integrate a larger number of cores seeking higher performance with a reasonable cost envelope. For this trend to continue, however, important scalability issues need to be solved at different levels of design. Scaling the interconnect fabric is a grand challenge by itself, as new Network-on-Chip (NoC) proposals need to overcome the performance hurdles found when dealing with the increasingly variable and heterogeneous communication demands of manycore processors. Fast and flexible NoC solutions are needed to prevent communication become a performance bottleneck, situation that would severely limit the design space at the architectural level and eventually lead to the use of software frameworks that are slow, inefficient, or less programmable. The emergence of novel interconnect technologies has opened the door to a plethora of new NoCs promising greater scalability and architectural flexibility. In particular, wireless on-chip communication has garnered considerable attention due to its inherent broadcast capabilities, low latency, and system-level simplicity. Most of the resulting Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) proposals have set the focus on leveraging the latency advantage of this paradigm by creating multiple wireless channels to interconnect far-apart cores. This strategy is effective as the complement of wired NoCs at moderate scales, but is likely to be overshadowed at larger scales by technologies such as nanophotonics unless bandwidth is unrealistically improved. This dissertation presents the concept of Broadcast-Oriented Wireless Network-on-Chip (BoWNoC), a new approach that attempts to foster the inherent simplicity, flexibility, and broadcast capabilities of the wireless technology by integrating one on-chip antenna and transceiver per processor core. This paradigm is part of a broader hybrid vision where the BoWNoC serves latency-critical and broadcast traffic, tightly coupled to a wired plane oriented to large flows of data. By virtue of its scalable broadcast support, BoWNoC may become the key enabler of a wealth of unconventional hardware architectures and algorithmic approaches, eventually leading to a significant improvement of the performance, energy efficiency, scalability and programmability of manycore chips. The present work aims not only to lay the fundamentals of the BoWNoC paradigm, but also to demonstrate its viability from the electronic implementation, network design, and multiprocessor architecture perspectives. An exploration at the physical level of design validates the feasibility of the approach at millimeter-wave bands in the short term, and then suggests the use of graphene-based antennas in the terahertz band in the long term. At the link level, this thesis provides an insightful context analysis that is used, afterwards, to drive the design of a lightweight protocol that reliably serves broadcast traffic with substantial latency improvements over state-of-the-art NoCs. At the network level, our hybrid vision is evaluated putting emphasis on the flexibility provided at the network interface level, showing outstanding speedups for a wide set of traffic patterns. At the architecture level, the potential impact of the BoWNoC paradigm on the design of manycore chips is not only qualitatively discussed in general, but also quantitatively assessed in a particular architecture for fast synchronization. Results demonstrate that the impact of BoWNoC can go beyond simply improving the network performance, thereby representing a possible game changer in the manycore era.Avenços en el disseny de multiprocessadors han portat a una àmplia adopció dels Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), que basen el seu potencial en la operació coordinada de múltiples nuclis de procés. Generacions successives han anat integrant més nuclis en la recerca d'alt rendiment amb un cost raonable. Per a que aquesta tendència continuï, però, cal resoldre importants problemes d'escalabilitat a diferents capes de disseny. Escalar la xarxa d'interconnexió és un gran repte en ell mateix, ja que les noves propostes de Networks-on-Chip (NoC) han de servir un tràfic eminentment variable i heterogeni dels processadors amb molts nuclis. Són necessàries solucions ràpides i flexibles per evitar que les comunicacions dins del xip es converteixin en el pròxim coll d'ampolla de rendiment, situació que limitaria en gran mesura l'espai de disseny a nivell d'arquitectura i portaria a l'ús d'arquitectures i models de programació lents, ineficients o poc programables. L'aparició de noves tecnologies d'interconnexió ha possibilitat la creació de NoCs més flexibles i escalables. En particular, la comunicació intra-xip sense fils ha despertat un interès considerable en virtut de les seva baixa latència, simplicitat, i bon rendiment amb tràfic broadcast. La majoria de les Wireless NoC (WNoC) proposades fins ara s'han centrat en aprofitar l'avantatge en termes de latència d'aquest nou paradigma creant múltiples canals sense fils per interconnectar nuclis allunyats entre sí. Aquesta estratègia és efectiva per complementar a NoCs clàssiques en escales mitjanes, però és probable que altres tecnologies com la nanofotònica puguin jugar millor aquest paper a escales més grans. Aquesta tesi presenta el concepte de Broadcast-Oriented WNoC (BoWNoC), un nou enfoc que intenta rendibilitzar al màxim la inherent simplicitat, flexibilitat, i capacitats broadcast de la tecnologia sense fils integrant una antena i transmissor/receptor per cada nucli del processador. Aquest paradigma forma part d'una visió més àmplia on un BoWNoC serviria tràfic broadcast i urgent, mentre que una xarxa convencional serviria fluxos de dades més pesats. En virtut de la escalabilitat i del seu suport broadcast, BoWNoC podria convertir-se en un element clau en una gran varietat d'arquitectures i algoritmes poc convencionals que milloressin considerablement el rendiment, l'eficiència, l'escalabilitat i la programabilitat de processadors amb molts nuclis. El present treball té com a objectius no només estudiar els aspectes fonamentals del paradigma BoWNoC, sinó també demostrar la seva viabilitat des dels punts de vista de la implementació, i del disseny de xarxa i arquitectura. Una exploració a la capa física valida la viabilitat de l'enfoc usant tecnologies longituds d'ona milimètriques en un futur proper, i suggereix l'ús d'antenes de grafè a la banda dels terahertz ja a més llarg termini. A capa d'enllaç, la tesi aporta una anàlisi del context de l'aplicació que és, més tard, utilitzada per al disseny d'un protocol d'accés al medi que permet servir tràfic broadcast a baixa latència i de forma fiable. A capa de xarxa, la nostra visió híbrida és avaluada posant èmfasi en la flexibilitat que aporta el fet de prendre les decisions a nivell de la interfície de xarxa, mostrant grans millores de rendiment per una àmplia selecció de patrons de tràfic. A nivell d'arquitectura, l'impacte que el concepte de BoWNoC pot tenir sobre el disseny de processadors amb molts nuclis no només és debatut de forma qualitativa i genèrica, sinó també avaluat quantitativament per una arquitectura concreta enfocada a la sincronització. Els resultats demostren que l'impacte de BoWNoC pot anar més enllà d'una millora en termes de rendiment de xarxa; representant, possiblement, un canvi radical a l'era dels molts nuclisAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Broadcast-oriented wireless network-on-chip : fundamentals and feasibility

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2015-2016, àmbit Enginyeria de les TICRecent years have seen the emergence and ubiquitous adoption of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), which rely on the coordinated operation of multiple execution units or cores. Successive CMP generations integrate a larger number of cores seeking higher performance with a reasonable cost envelope. For this trend to continue, however, important scalability issues need to be solved at different levels of design. Scaling the interconnect fabric is a grand challenge by itself, as new Network-on-Chip (NoC) proposals need to overcome the performance hurdles found when dealing with the increasingly variable and heterogeneous communication demands of manycore processors. Fast and flexible NoC solutions are needed to prevent communication become a performance bottleneck, situation that would severely limit the design space at the architectural level and eventually lead to the use of software frameworks that are slow, inefficient, or less programmable. The emergence of novel interconnect technologies has opened the door to a plethora of new NoCs promising greater scalability and architectural flexibility. In particular, wireless on-chip communication has garnered considerable attention due to its inherent broadcast capabilities, low latency, and system-level simplicity. Most of the resulting Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) proposals have set the focus on leveraging the latency advantage of this paradigm by creating multiple wireless channels to interconnect far-apart cores. This strategy is effective as the complement of wired NoCs at moderate scales, but is likely to be overshadowed at larger scales by technologies such as nanophotonics unless bandwidth is unrealistically improved. This dissertation presents the concept of Broadcast-Oriented Wireless Network-on-Chip (BoWNoC), a new approach that attempts to foster the inherent simplicity, flexibility, and broadcast capabilities of the wireless technology by integrating one on-chip antenna and transceiver per processor core. This paradigm is part of a broader hybrid vision where the BoWNoC serves latency-critical and broadcast traffic, tightly coupled to a wired plane oriented to large flows of data. By virtue of its scalable broadcast support, BoWNoC may become the key enabler of a wealth of unconventional hardware architectures and algorithmic approaches, eventually leading to a significant improvement of the performance, energy efficiency, scalability and programmability of manycore chips. The present work aims not only to lay the fundamentals of the BoWNoC paradigm, but also to demonstrate its viability from the electronic implementation, network design, and multiprocessor architecture perspectives. An exploration at the physical level of design validates the feasibility of the approach at millimeter-wave bands in the short term, and then suggests the use of graphene-based antennas in the terahertz band in the long term. At the link level, this thesis provides an insightful context analysis that is used, afterwards, to drive the design of a lightweight protocol that reliably serves broadcast traffic with substantial latency improvements over state-of-the-art NoCs. At the network level, our hybrid vision is evaluated putting emphasis on the flexibility provided at the network interface level, showing outstanding speedups for a wide set of traffic patterns. At the architecture level, the potential impact of the BoWNoC paradigm on the design of manycore chips is not only qualitatively discussed in general, but also quantitatively assessed in a particular architecture for fast synchronization. Results demonstrate that the impact of BoWNoC can go beyond simply improving the network performance, thereby representing a possible game changer in the manycore era.Avenços en el disseny de multiprocessadors han portat a una àmplia adopció dels Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), que basen el seu potencial en la operació coordinada de múltiples nuclis de procés. Generacions successives han anat integrant més nuclis en la recerca d'alt rendiment amb un cost raonable. Per a que aquesta tendència continuï, però, cal resoldre importants problemes d'escalabilitat a diferents capes de disseny. Escalar la xarxa d'interconnexió és un gran repte en ell mateix, ja que les noves propostes de Networks-on-Chip (NoC) han de servir un tràfic eminentment variable i heterogeni dels processadors amb molts nuclis. Són necessàries solucions ràpides i flexibles per evitar que les comunicacions dins del xip es converteixin en el pròxim coll d'ampolla de rendiment, situació que limitaria en gran mesura l'espai de disseny a nivell d'arquitectura i portaria a l'ús d'arquitectures i models de programació lents, ineficients o poc programables. L'aparició de noves tecnologies d'interconnexió ha possibilitat la creació de NoCs més flexibles i escalables. En particular, la comunicació intra-xip sense fils ha despertat un interès considerable en virtut de les seva baixa latència, simplicitat, i bon rendiment amb tràfic broadcast. La majoria de les Wireless NoC (WNoC) proposades fins ara s'han centrat en aprofitar l'avantatge en termes de latència d'aquest nou paradigma creant múltiples canals sense fils per interconnectar nuclis allunyats entre sí. Aquesta estratègia és efectiva per complementar a NoCs clàssiques en escales mitjanes, però és probable que altres tecnologies com la nanofotònica puguin jugar millor aquest paper a escales més grans. Aquesta tesi presenta el concepte de Broadcast-Oriented WNoC (BoWNoC), un nou enfoc que intenta rendibilitzar al màxim la inherent simplicitat, flexibilitat, i capacitats broadcast de la tecnologia sense fils integrant una antena i transmissor/receptor per cada nucli del processador. Aquest paradigma forma part d'una visió més àmplia on un BoWNoC serviria tràfic broadcast i urgent, mentre que una xarxa convencional serviria fluxos de dades més pesats. En virtut de la escalabilitat i del seu suport broadcast, BoWNoC podria convertir-se en un element clau en una gran varietat d'arquitectures i algoritmes poc convencionals que milloressin considerablement el rendiment, l'eficiència, l'escalabilitat i la programabilitat de processadors amb molts nuclis. El present treball té com a objectius no només estudiar els aspectes fonamentals del paradigma BoWNoC, sinó també demostrar la seva viabilitat des dels punts de vista de la implementació, i del disseny de xarxa i arquitectura. Una exploració a la capa física valida la viabilitat de l'enfoc usant tecnologies longituds d'ona milimètriques en un futur proper, i suggereix l'ús d'antenes de grafè a la banda dels terahertz ja a més llarg termini. A capa d'enllaç, la tesi aporta una anàlisi del context de l'aplicació que és, més tard, utilitzada per al disseny d'un protocol d'accés al medi que permet servir tràfic broadcast a baixa latència i de forma fiable. A capa de xarxa, la nostra visió híbrida és avaluada posant èmfasi en la flexibilitat que aporta el fet de prendre les decisions a nivell de la interfície de xarxa, mostrant grans millores de rendiment per una àmplia selecció de patrons de tràfic. A nivell d'arquitectura, l'impacte que el concepte de BoWNoC pot tenir sobre el disseny de processadors amb molts nuclis no només és debatut de forma qualitativa i genèrica, sinó també avaluat quantitativament per una arquitectura concreta enfocada a la sincronització. Els resultats demostren que l'impacte de BoWNoC pot anar més enllà d'una millora en termes de rendiment de xarxa; representant, possiblement, un canvi radical a l'era dels molts nuclisAward-winningPostprint (published version

    A comprehensive survey on hybrid communication in context of molecular communication and terahertz communication for body-centric nanonetworks

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    With the huge advancement of nanotechnology over the past years, the devices are shrinking into micro-scale, even nano-scale. Additionally, the Internet of nano-things (IoNTs) are generally regarded as the ultimate formation of the current sensor networks and the development of nanonetworks would be of great help to its fulfilment, which would be ubiquitous with numerous applications in all domains of life. However, the communication between the devices in such nanonetworks is still an open problem. Body-centric nanonetworks are believed to play an essential role in the practical application of IoNTs. BCNNs are also considered as domain specific like wireless sensor networks and always deployed on purpose to support a particular application. In these networks, electromagnetic and molecular communications are widely considered as two main promising paradigms and both follow their own development process. In this survey, the recent developments of these two paradigms are first illustrated in the aspects of applications, network structures, modulation techniques, coding techniques and security to then investigate the potential of hybrid communication paradigms. Meanwhile, the enabling technologies have been presented to apprehend the state-of-art with the discussion on the possibility of the hybrid technologies. Additionally, the inter-connectivity of electromagnetic and molecular body-centric nanonetworks is discussed. Afterwards, the related security issues of the proposed networks are discussed. Finally, the challenges and open research directions are presented

    New Statistical Algorithms for the Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Time-Of-Flight Mass Data with Applications in Clinical Diagnostics

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    Mass spectrometry (MS) based techniques have emerged as a standard forlarge-scale protein analysis. The ongoing progress in terms of more sensitive machines and improved data analysis algorithms led to a constant expansion of its fields of applications. Recently, MS was introduced into clinical proteomics with the prospect of early disease detection using proteomic pattern matching. Analyzing biological samples (e.g. blood) by mass spectrometry generates mass spectra that represent the components (molecules) contained in a sample as masses and their respective relative concentrations. In this work, we are interested in those components that are constant within a group of individuals but differ much between individuals of two distinct groups. These distinguishing components that dependent on a particular medical condition are generally called biomarkers. Since not all biomarkers found by the algorithms are of equal (discriminating) quality we are only interested in a small biomarker subset that - as a combination - can be used as a fingerprint for a disease. Once a fingerprint for a particular disease (or medical condition) is identified, it can be used in clinical diagnostics to classify unknown spectra. In this thesis we have developed new algorithms for automatic extraction of disease specific fingerprints from mass spectrometry data. Special emphasis has been put on designing highly sensitive methods with respect to signal detection. Thanks to our statistically based approach our methods are able to detect signals even below the noise level inherent in data acquired by common MS machines, such as hormones. To provide access to these new classes of algorithms to collaborating groups we have created a web-based analysis platform that provides all necessary interfaces for data transfer, data analysis and result inspection. To prove the platform's practical relevance it has been utilized in several clinical studies two of which are presented in this thesis. In these studies it could be shown that our platform is superior to commercial systems with respect to fingerprint identification. As an outcome of these studies several fingerprints for different cancer types (bladder, kidney, testicle, pancreas, colon and thyroid) have been detected and validated. The clinical partners in fact emphasize that these results would be impossible with a less sensitive analysis tool (such as the currently available systems). In addition to the issue of reliably finding and handling signals in noise we faced the problem to handle very large amounts of data, since an average dataset of an individual is about 2.5 Gigabytes in size and we have data of hundreds to thousands of persons. To cope with these large datasets, we developed a new framework for a heterogeneous (quasi) ad-hoc Grid - an infrastructure that allows to integrate thousands of computing resources (e.g. Desktop Computers, Computing Clusters or specialized hardware, such as IBM's Cell Processor in a Playstation 3)

    Towards Real-time Remote Processing of Laparoscopic Video

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    Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique where surgeons insert a small video camera into the patient\u27s body to visualize internal organs and use small tools to perform these procedures. However, the benefit of small incisions has a disadvantage of limited visualization of subsurface tissues. Image-guided surgery (IGS) uses pre-operative and intra-operative images to map subsurface structures and can reduce the limitations of laparoscopic surgery. One particular laparoscopic system is the daVinci-si robotic surgical vision system. The video streams generate approximately 360 megabytes of data per second, demonstrating a trend toward increased data sizes in medicine, primarily due to higher-resolution video cameras and imaging equipment. Real-time processing this large stream of data on a bedside PC, single or dual node setup, may be challenging and a high-performance computing (HPC) environment is not typically available at the point of care. To process this data on remote HPC clusters at the typical 30 frames per second rate (fps), it is required that each 11.9 MB (1080p) video frame be processed by a server and returned within the time this frame is displayed or 1/30th of a second. The ability to acquire, process, and visualize data in real time is essential for the performance of complex tasks as well as minimizing risk to the patient. We have implemented and compared performance of compression, segmentation and registration algorithms on Clemson\u27s Palmetto supercomputer using dual Nvidia graphics processing units (GPUs) per node and compute unified device architecture (CUDA) programming model. We developed three separate applications that run simultaneously: video acquisition, image processing, and video display. The image processing application allows several algorithms to run simultaneously on different cluster nodes and transfer images through message passing interface (MPI). Our segmentation and registration algorithms resulted in an acceleration factor of around 2 and 8 times respectively. To achieve a higher frame rate, we also resized images and reduced the overall processing time. As a result, using high-speed network to access computing clusters with GPUs to implement these algorithms in parallel will improve surgical procedures by providing real-time medical image processing and laparoscopic data

    Development of an autonomous lab-on-a-chip system with ion separation and conductivity detection for river water quality monitoring

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    This thesis discusses the development of a lab on a chip (LOC) ion separation for river water quality monitoring using a capacitively coupled conductivity detector (C⁴D) with a novel baseline suppression technique.Our first interest was to be able to integrate such a detector in a LOC. Different designs (On-capillary design and on-chip design) have been evaluated for their feasibility and their performances. The most suitable design integrated the electrode close to the channel for an enhanced coupling while having the measurement electronics as close as possible to reduce noise. The final chip design used copper tracks from a printed circuit board (PCB) as electrodes, covered by a thin Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer to act as electrical insulation. The layer containing the channel was made using casting and bonded to the PCB using oxygen plasma. Flow experiments have been conduced to test this design as a detection cell for capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C⁴D).The baseline signal from the system was reduced using a novel baseline suppression technique. Decrease in the background signal increased the dynamic range of the concentration to be measured before saturation occurs. The sensitivity of the detection system was also improved when using the baseline suppression technique. Use of high excitation voltages has proven to increase the sensitivity leading to an estimated limit of detection of 0.0715 μM for NaCl (0.0041 mg/L).The project also required the production of an autonomous system capable of operating for an extensive period of time without human intervention. Designing such a system involved the investigation of faults which can occur in autonomous system for the in-situ monitoring of water quality. Identification of possible faults (Bubble, pump failure, etc.) and detection methods have been investigated. In-depth details are given on the software and hardware architecture constituting this autonomous system and its controlling software

    The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory, located on a vast, high plain in western Argentina, is the world's largest cosmic ray observatory. The objectives of the Observatory are to probe the origin and characteristics of cosmic rays above 1017 eV and to study the interactions of these, the most energetic particles observed in nature. The Auger design features an array of 1660 water Cherenkov particle detector stations spread over 3000 km2 overlooked by 24 air fluorescence telescopes. In addition, three high elevation fluorescence telescopes overlook a 23.5 km2 , 61-detector infilled array with 750 m spacing. The Observatory has been in successful operation since completion in 2008 and has recorded data from an exposure exceeding 40,000 km2 sr yr. This paper describes the design and performance of the detectors, related subsystems and infrastructure that make up the Observatory.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta