104 research outputs found

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    Named Data Networking in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks: State-of-the-Art and Challenges

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    International audienceInformation-Centric Networking (ICN) has been proposed as one of the future Internet architectures. It is poised to address the challenges faced by today's Internet that include, but not limited to, scalability, addressing, security, and privacy. Furthermore, it also aims at meeting the requirements for new emerging Internet applications. To realize ICN, Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of the recent implementations of ICN that provides a suitable communication approach due to its clean slate design and simple communication model. There are a plethora of applications realized through ICN in different domains where data is the focal point of communication. One such domain is Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) realized through Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) where vehicles exchange information and content with each other and with the infrastructure. To date, excellent research results have been yielded in the VANET domain aiming at safe, reliable, and infotainment-rich driving experience. However, due to the dynamic topologies, host-centric model, and ephemeral nature of vehicular communication, various challenges are faced by VANET that hinder the realization of successful vehicular networks and adversely affect the data dissemination, content delivery, and user experiences. To fill these gaps, NDN has been extensively used as underlying communication paradigm for VANET. Inspired by the extensive research results in NDN-based VANET, in this paper, we provide a detailed and systematic review of NDN-driven VANET. More precisely, we investigate the role of NDN in VANET and discuss the feasibility of NDN architecture in VANET environment. Subsequently, we cover in detail, NDN-based naming, routing and forwarding, caching, mobility, and security mechanism for VANET. Furthermore, we discuss the existing standards, solutions, and simulation tools used in NDN-based VANET. Finally, we also identify open challenges and issues faced by NDN-driven VANET and highlight future research directions that should be addressed by the research community

    A comprehensive survey of V2X cybersecurity mechanisms and future research paths

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    Recent advancements in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication have notably improved existing transport systems by enabling increased connectivity and driving autonomy levels. The remarkable benefits of V2X connectivity come inadvertently with challenges which involve security vulnerabilities and breaches. Addressing security concerns is essential for seamless and safe operation of mission-critical V2X use cases. This paper surveys current literature on V2X security and provides a systematic and comprehensive review of the most relevant security enhancements to date. An in-depth classification of V2X attacks is first performed according to key security and privacy requirements. Our methodology resumes with a taxonomy of security mechanisms based on their proactive/reactive defensive approach, which helps identify strengths and limitations of state-of-the-art countermeasures for V2X attacks. In addition, this paper delves into the potential of emerging security approaches leveraging artificial intelligence tools to meet security objectives. Promising data-driven solutions tailored to tackle security, privacy and trust issues are thoroughly discussed along with new threat vectors introduced inevitably by these enablers. The lessons learned from the detailed review of existing works are also compiled and highlighted. We conclude this survey with a structured synthesis of open challenges and future research directions to foster contributions in this prominent field.This work is supported by the H2020-INSPIRE-5Gplus project (under Grant agreement No. 871808), the ”Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformacion Digital” and the European Union-NextGenerationEU in the frameworks of the ”Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia” and of the ”Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” under references TSI-063000-2021-39/40/41, and the CHIST-ERA-17-BDSI-003 FIREMAN project funded by the Spanish National Foundation (Grant PCI2019-103780).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    Reliability and Efficiency of Vehicular Network Applications

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    The DSRC/WAVE initiative is forecast to enable a plethora of applications, classified in two broad types of safety and non-safety applications. In the former type, the reliability performance is of tremendous prominence while, in the latter case, the efficiency of information dissemination is the key driving factor. For safety applications, we adopt a systematic approach to analytically investigate the reliability of the communication system in a symbiotic relationship with the host system comprising a vehicular traffic system and radio propagation environment. To this aim, the¬ interference factor is identified as the central element of the symbiotic relationship. Our approach to the investigation of interference and its impacts on the communication reliability departs from previous studies by the degree of realism incorporated in the host system model. In one dimension, realistic traffic models are developed to describe the vehicular traffic behaviour. In a second dimension, a realistic radio propagation model is employed to capture the unique signal propagation aspects of the host system. We address the case of non-safety applications by proposing a generic framework as a capstone architecture for the development of new applications and the efficiency evaluation of existing ones. This framework, while being independent from networking technology, enables accurate characterization of the various information dissemination tasks that a node performs in cooperation with others. As the central element of the framework, we propose a game theoretic model to describe the interaction of meeting nodes aiming to exchange information of mutual or social interests. An adaptive mechanism is designed to enable a mobile node to measure the social significance of various information topics, which is then used by the node to prioritize the forwarding of information objects

    Medium access control protocol for visible light communication in vehicular communication networks

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    Recent achievements in the automotive industry related to lighting apparatuses include the use of LED or laser technology to illuminate the vehicle environment. This advancement resulted in greater energy efficiency and increased safety with selective illumination segments. A secondary effect was creating a new field for researchers in which they can utilize LED fast modulation using the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal. Using LED to encode and transmit data is a relatively new and innovative concept. On the other field, there have been advancements in vehicular communication using radio frequency at 2.4 or 5GHz. This research focuses mainly on a field in which visible light augments or replaces radio frequency communication between vehicles. This research also investigates the effect of asymmetry on network performance using Visible Light Communication (VLC) in vehicular networks. Different types of asymmetry were defined and tested in real-world simulation experiments. Research results showed that asymmetry has a negative influence on network performance, though that effect is not significant. The main focus of the research is to develop a lightweight and new Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for VLC in vehicular networks. To develop a MAC protocol for VLC, special software was developed on top of the existing Network Simulation Environment (NSE). A new VLC MAC protocol for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) was benchmarked using a defined set of metrics. The benchmark was conducted as a set of designed simulation experiments against the referent IEEE 802.11b MAC protocol. Both protocols used a newly defined VLC-equipped vehicle model. Each simulation experiment depicted a specific network and traffic situation. The total number of scenarios was eleven. The last set of simulations was conducted in realworld scenarios on the virtual streets of Suffolk, VA, USA. Using defined metrics, the test showed that the new VLC MAC protocol for V2V is better than the referent protocol.Nedavna dostignuća u automobilskoj industriji koja se tiču opreme za osvjetljivanje uključuju korištenje LED ili laserskih rasvjetnih tijela za osvjetljivanje okoline. Ovime se postižu uštede u potrošnji energije kao i povećana sigurnost u prometu. LED rasvjeta je uniformnija od običnih žarulja tako da osvjetljenje bude ravnomjernije i preciznije. Obzirom da su LED selektivne moguće je odabrati segment ceste koji se želi osvijetliti. Upravo ta fleksibilnost LED otvara novi prostor za istraživače gdje mogu koristiti PWM signal za modulaciju podataka. PWM je poseban signal koji ima varijabilnu širinu pulsa na izlazu. Istraživači i znanstvenici mogu koristiti LED za kodiranje i prijenos podataka između automobila. Prednosti korištenja komunikacije u vidljivom dijelu elektro-magnetskog spektra (eng.VLC) je u činjenici da taj segment nije zaštićen licencama te je otvoren za slobodno korištenje. Osim toga, vidljivo, neintenzivno svjetlo nema biološki negativnih posljedica. Kod korištenja PWM signala za modulaciju, postojeći izlaz svjetla i njegova funkcija (osvjetljivanja ceste) nisu narušeni. Ljudsko oko ne može detektirati oscilacije tako visoke frekvencije (oko 5 kHz) S druge strane, komponente koje mogu primiti poslani signal su foto diode ili kamere. Kamere su već prisutne na modernom vozilu u obliku prednje kamere ili stražnje kamere za pomoć pri parkiranju. U svakom slučaju, tehnologija je već prisutna na modernom vozilu. Na drugom području, znanstvenici rade na komunikaciji između vozila koristeći radio valove niže frekvencije 2.4 ili 5 GHz. Komunikacija između automobila je predmet standardizacije i mnoge zemlje već propisuju pravila za obaveznu ugradnju opreme za takav oblik komunikacije. Prednost takvog koncepta je razmjena podatka; od onih za zabavu pa do kritičnih i sigurnosnih podataka npr. informacija o nadolazećem mjestu gdje se dogodila prometna nesreća. Ovo istraživanje se fokusira na proširenje ili zamjenu radio komunikacije sa komunikacijom koristeći vidljivi dio spektra (npr. LED i kamere). Jedan od glavnih nedostataka takvog koncepta je ne postojanje adekvatnog i specijaliziranog protokola za kontrolu pristupa mediju (eng. MAC). Drugi problem je nepoznati efekt asimetrije u VLC komunikaciji na performanse mrežne komunikacija. Ovo istraživanje je prepoznalo i klasificiralo različite tipove asimetrije. Svaki tip je testiran u sklopu simulacijskog eksperimenta u stvarnim scenarijima. Pokazalo se je da asimetrija negativno utječe na mrežne performanse, međutim taj efekt nije značajan jer uzrokuje manje od 0.5 % neuspješno poslanih poruka. Glavni fokus istraživanja je razvoj novog i pojednostavljenog MAC protokola za VLC komunikaciju između automobila. Kako bi se razvio novi MAC protokol nad VLC tehnologijom u prometnim mrežama, bilo je nužno napraviti i novu razvojnu okolinu koja se bazira na postojećim mrežnim simulatorima. Novi VLCMAC protokol za komunikaciju između automobila je testiran koristeći definirani set metrika. Testovi su napravljeni u obliku simulacijskih eksperimenata u kojima su uspored¯ivane performanse novog i referentnog protokola. Referentni protokol, u ovom istraživanju je IEEE 802.11b MAC protokol. U sklopu ovog rada definiran je i model vozila opremljen VLC tehnologijom. U simulacijskim eksperimentima je korišten isti model vozila za oba protokola. Za potrebe istraživanja je definirano jedanaest simulacijskih eksperimenata, svaki od njih opisuje specifične situacije u mrežnim komunikacijama kao i u prometu. Završni simulacijski scenariji uključuju okolinu iz stvarnosti, mreža ulica grada Suffolka, SAD. Osim stvarnih ulica, vozila su se kretala i razmjenjivala podatke koristeći mrežnu komunikaciju na kompletnom ISO/OSI mrežnom stogu sa zamijenjenim MAC podslojem. Razvojna okolina uključuje preciznu provjeru fizičkih karakteristika na razini putanje zrake svjetlosti. Ova preciznost je bila nužna kako bi simulacije bile što vjerodostojnije stvarnim sustavima. Obzirom da se radi o mnogo kalkulacija, obično računalo nije dostatno za izvođenje simulacijskih eksperimenata; zbog toga su se eksperimenti izvodili na klasteru računala Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Koristeći definirane metrike, istraživanje je pokazalo kako je novi VLC MAC protokol za komunikaciju između automobila bolji od referentnog protokola.

    Asioiden Internetin tietoturva: ratkaisuja, standardeja ja avoimia ongelmia

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    Internet of Things (IoT) extends the Internet to our everyday objects, which enables new kind of applications and services. These IoT applications face demanding technical challenges: the number of ‘things’ or objects can be very large, they can be very con-strained devices, and may need to operate on challenging and dynamic environments. However, the architecture of today’s Internet is based on many legacy protocols and technology that were not originally designed to support features like mobility or the huge and growing number of objects the Internet consists of today. Similarly, many security features of today’s Internet are additional layers built to fill up flaws in the un-derlying design. Fulfilling new technical requirements set by IoT applications requires efficient solutions designed for the IoT use from the ground up. Moreover, the imple-mentation of this new IoT technology requires interoperability and integration with tra-ditional Internet. Due to considerable technical challenges, the security is an often over-looked aspect in the emerging new IoT technology. This thesis surveys general security requirements for the entire field of IoT applica-tions. Out of the large amount of potential applications, this thesis focuses on two major IoT application fields: wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The thesis introduces example scenarios and presents major security challenges related to these areas. The common standards related to the areas are examined in the security perspective. The thesis also examines research work beyond the area of standardization in an attempt to find solutions to unanswered security challenges. The thesis aims to give an introduction to the security challenges in the IoT world and review the state of the security research through these two major IoT areas