181 research outputs found

    Barrel Shifter Physical Unclonable Function Based Encryption

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits designed to extract physical randomness from the underlying circuit. This randomness depends on the manufacturing process. It differs for each device enabling chip-level authentication and key generation applications. We present a protocol utilizing a PUF for secure data transmission. Parties each have a PUF used for encryption and decryption; this is facilitated by constraining the PUF to be commutative. This framework is evaluated with a primitive permutation network - a barrel shifter. Physical randomness is derived from the delay of different shift paths. Barrel shifter (BS) PUF captures the delay of different shift paths. This delay is entangled with message bits before they are sent across an insecure channel. BS-PUF is implemented using transmission gates; their characteristics ensure same-chip reproducibility, a necessary property of PUFs. Post-layout simulations of a common centroid layout 8-level barrel shifter in 0.13 {\mu}m technology assess uniqueness, stability and randomness properties. BS-PUFs pass all selected NIST statistical randomness tests. Stability similar to Ring Oscillator (RO) PUFs under environment variation is shown. Logistic regression of 100,000 plaintext-ciphertext pairs (PCPs) failed to successfully model BS- PUF behavior

    Dependability of Aggregated Objects, a pervasive integrity checking architecture

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    International audienceRFID-enabled security solutions are becoming ubiquitous; for example in access control and tracking applications. Well known solutions typically use one tag per physical object architecture to track or control, and a central database of these objects. This architecture often requires a communication infrastructure between RFID readers and the database information system. Aggregated objects is a different approach presented in this paper, where a group of physical objects use a set of RFID tags to implement a self-contained security solution. This distributed approach offers original advantages, in particular autonomous operation without an infrastructure support, and enhanced security

    A Survey of hardware protection of design data for integrated circuits and intellectual properties

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    International audienceThis paper reviews the current situation regarding design protection in the microelectronics industry. Over the past ten years, the designers of integrated circuits and intellectual properties have faced increasing threats including counterfeiting, reverse-engineering and theft. This is now a critical issue for the microelectronics industry, mainly for fabless designers and intellectual properties designers. Coupled with increasing pressure to decrease the cost and increase the performance of integrated circuits, the design of a secure, efficient, lightweight protection scheme for design data is a serious challenge for the hardware security community. However, several published works propose different ways to protect design data including functional locking, hardware obfuscation, and IC/IP identification. This paper presents a survey of academic research on the protection of design data. It concludes with the need to design an efficient protection scheme based on several properties

    Cryptographic application of physical unclonable functions (PUFs)

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits designed to extract physical randomness from the underlying circuit. This randomness depends on the manufacturing process. It differs for each device enabling chip-level authentication and key generation applications. This thesis has performed research work about PUF based encryption and low power PUFs. First, we present a protocol utilizing a PUF for secure data transmission. Each party has a PUFused for encryption and decryption; this is facilitated by constraining the PUF to be commutative. This framework is evaluated with a primitive permutation network - a barrel shifter. Physical randomness is derived from the delay of different shift paths. Barrel shifter (BS) PUF captures the delay of different shift paths. This delay is entangled with message bits before they are sent across an insecure channel. BS-PUF is implemented using transmission gates; their characteristics ensure same-chip physical commutativity, a necessary property of PUFs designed for encryption. Post-layout simulations of a common centroid layout 8-level barrel shifter in 0.13μm technology assess uniqueness, stability and randomness properties. BS-PUFs pass all selected NIST statistical randomness tests. Stability similar to Ring Oscillator (RO) PUFs under environment variation is shown. Logistic regression of 100,000 plaintext-ciphertext pairs (PCPs) failed to successfully modelBS-PUF behavior. Then we generalize this encryption protocol to work with PUFs other than theBSPUFs. On the other hand, we further explore some low power techniques for building PUFs. Asymmetric layout improved unit path delay variation by as much as 73.2% and uniqueness problem introduced by asymmetric layout is proved to be solvable through Multi-Block entanglement pat-tern. By adopting these 2 techniques, power and area consumption of PUF can be reduced by as much as 44.29% and 39.7%

    Designing Novel Hardware Security Primitives for Smart Computing Devices

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    Smart computing devices are miniaturized electronics devices that can sense their surroundings, communicate, and share information autonomously with other devices to work cohesively. Smart devices have played a major role in improving quality of the life and boosting the global economy. They are ubiquitously present, smart home, smart city, smart girds, industry, healthcare, controlling the hazardous environment, and military, etc. However, we have witnessed an exponential rise in potential threat vectors and physical attacks in recent years. The conventional software-based security approaches are not suitable in the smart computing device, therefore, hardware-enabled security solutions have emerged as an attractive choice. Developing hardware security primitives, such as True Random Number Generator (TRNG) and Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) from electrical properties of the sensor could be a novel research direction. Secondly, the Lightweight Cryptographic (LWC) ciphers used in smart computing devices are found vulnerable against Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack. The CPA performs statistical analysis of the power consumption of the cryptographic core and reveals the encryption key. The countermeasure against CPA results in an increase in energy consumption, therefore, they are not suitable for battery operated smart computing devices. The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop novel hardware security primitives from existing sensors and energy-efficient LWC circuit implementation with CPA resilience. To achieve these. we focus on developing TRNG and PUF from existing photoresistor and photovoltaic solar cell sensors in smart devices Further, we explored energy recovery computing (also known as adiabatic computing) circuit design technique that reduces the energy consumption compared to baseline CMOS logic design and same time increasing CPA resilience in low-frequency applications, e.g. wearable fitness gadgets, hearing aid and biomedical instruments. The first contribution of this dissertation is to develop a TRNG prototype from the uncertainty present in photoresistor sensors. The existing sensor-based TRNGs suffer a low random bit generation rate, therefore, are not suitable in real-time applications. The proposed prototype has an average random bit generation rate of 8 kbps, 32 times higher than the existing sensor-based TRNG. The proposed lightweight scrambling method results in random bit entropy close to ideal value 1. The proposed TRNG prototype passes all 15 statistical tests of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Statistical Test Suite with quality performance. The second contribution of this dissertation is to develop an integrated TRNG-PUF designed using photovoltaic solar cell sensors. The TRNG and PUF are mutually independent in the way they are designed, therefore, integrating them as one architecture can be beneficial in resource-constrained computing devices. We propose a novel histogram-based technique to segregate photovoltaic solar cell sensor response suitable for TRNG and PUF respectively. The proposed prototype archives approximately 34\% improvement in TRNG output. The proposed prototype achieves an average of 92.13\% reliability and 50.91\% uniformity performance in PUF response. The proposed sensor-based hardware security primitives do not require additional interfacing hardware. Therefore, they can be ported as a software update on existing photoresistor and photovoltaic sensor-based devices. Furthermore, the sensor-based design approach can identify physically tempered and faulty sensor nodes during authentication as their response bit differs. The third contribution is towards the development of a novel 2-phase sinusoidal clocking implementation, 2-SPGAL for existing Symmetric Pass Gate Adiabatic Logic (SPGAL). The proposed 2-SPGAL logic-based LWC cipher PRESENT shows an average of 49.34\% energy saving compared to baseline CMOS logic implementation. Furthermore, the 2-SPGAL prototype has an average of 22.76\% better energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL (2-phase Energy-Efficient-Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic). The proposed 2-SPGAL was tested for energy-efficiency performance for the frequency range of 50 kHz to 250 kHz, used in healthcare gadgets and biomedical instruments. The proposed 2-SPGAL based design saves 16.78\% transistor count compared to 2-EE-SPFAL counterpart. The final contribution is to explore Clocked CMOS Adiabatic Logic (CCAL) to design a cryptographic circuit. Previously proposed 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL uses two complementary pairs of the transistor evaluation network, thus resulting in a higher transistor count compared to the CMOS counterpart. The CCAL structure is very similar to CMOS and unlike 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL, it does not require discharge circuitry to improve security performance. The case-study implementation LWC cipher PRESENT S-Box using CCAL results into 45.74\% and 34.88\% transistor count saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL counterpart. Furthermore, the case-study implementation using CCAL shows more than 95\% energy saving compared to CMOS logic at frequency range 50 kHz to 125 kHz, and approximately 60\% energy saving at frequency 250 kHz. The case study also shows 32.67\% and 11.21\% more energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL respectively at frequency 250 kHz. We also show that 200 fF of tank capacitor in the clock generator circuit results in optimum energy and security performance in CCAL

    Privacy-Aware Architectures for NFC and RFID Sensors in Healthcare Applications

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    World population and life expectancy have increased steadily in recent years, raising issues regarding access to medical treatments and related expenses. Through last-generation medical sensors, NFC (Near Field Communication) and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies can enable healthcare internet of things (H-IoT) systems to improve the quality of care while reducing costs. Moreover, the adoption of point-of-care (PoC) testing, performed whenever care is needed to return prompt feedback to the patient, can generate great synergy with NFC/RFID H-IoT systems. However, medical data are extremely sensitive and require careful management and storage to protect patients from malicious actors, so secure system architectures must be conceived for real scenarios. Existing studies do not analyze the security of raw data from the radiofrequency link to cloud-based sharing. Therefore, two novel cloud-based system architectures for data collected from NFC/RFID medical sensors are proposed in this paper. Privacy during data collection is ensured using a set of classical countermeasures selected based on the scientific literature. Then, data can be shared with the medical team using one of two architectures: in the first one, the medical system manages all data accesses, whereas in the second one, the patient defines the access policies. Comprehensive analysis of the H-IoT system can be useful for fostering research on the security of wearable wireless sensors. Moreover, the proposed architectures can be implemented for deploying and testing NFC/RFID-based healthcare applications, such as, for instance, domestic PoCs
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